My "Farscape" fanfics

These are the only two I've typed up, and it may stay that way... I'm not good at FS fanfic and I don't claim to be. This is what cliffhangers do to you.

Luckily, the first travesty of a fic is only one scene long. It makes me cringe (yep, that story again!), but sometimes, you know, you just can't resist... It doesn't even have a title, but anyway, enjoy.

The second one, "Humanity", my latest, I'm slightly more proud of. A dreamfic, I guess... sort of. Slightly surreal, and the imagery is completely screwed up... Oh well. Enjoy.

The third, "Moya", is certainly interesting. My attempt to challenge myself and write from a completely different point of view. Read and find out what I mean...

All *shudder* feedback may go to OK, I'll allow you to open it now.

My first

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