Welcome aboard the Mekong!

Welcome! *salutes* You have beamed onto my ship! Well, it's not REALLY my ship, I just work here... just don't tell my captain, okay? That'd be Kynek Talen, and he's a tad... overstrict. Doesn't like visitors... But I'll look after you. *winks*

Now you're here, there is no going back! Don't be scared! I don't bite! (Much.) I might be forced to use my pulse rifle if you upset me, though...

Well, here it is... my first website. Thank you for coming!

I am still building at the moment, but there is some stuff up, so feel free to look around and email me if you feel the need.

Come back soon! I'm always updating (and I mean ALWAYS!), so there's bound to be something new. It looks a little messy right now, but as soon as I get everything sorted, I'm going to tidy it up. As it is, there's links all over the place!

T'eyla Minh.

Quote of the day.: Click to View List Entries.

If you can tell me where my quote comes from, you'll get a prize! Simply email me the quote and your answer. (I'm not promising a good prize... or even a REAL prize... just a lot of praise! And the answer.)

Welcome aboard! Follow me...

If you can't stay long, be sure to hop onto a shuttle and explore the area... You might also like to visit Version 2.0 of this site. But for now, here's some of my favourite places:

The Team Rocket Palace - become better acquainted with my favourite villians here.

The truth, as they say far too often, is out there... uncover the mysteries of Mulder and Scully's world...

Take a strange and wonderful journey to the Uncharted Territories, but don't worry about getting lost. The Obnoxiously Cheerful Tour Guides will help you get out again :)

Now boarding for Cosmo's Factory, Transexual, Translyvania.

If you should happen to go through the wormhole, you might come across one of the prophets...

Also, this is a very interesting place to visit...

Visit the Library on Bajor ;) and while you're there...

you can visit my house. I live outside the capital, it's a large red house by a lake... just knock and say Minh sent you. I will allow everybody access to my diary. I warn you in advance. It's not pretty...

My mini-me lives here. Go visit her, too :)

And my maxi-me lives here. Brand new site, all shiny and polished and clean! Please wipe your feet!

Email: Electra@cats-fan.com

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