My Original Work

This is a short collection of stories that I have on my computer... there are plenty more somewhere else on paper, which may eventually be up.

Some background information now to save clogging it all up later. The first link you see is, as it suggests, my pride and joy. This was supposed to be a piece of English coursework before the course was changed, but nevertheless I am DAMN PROUD of it. I'm not going to say anything about it here, I'll just let you read it for yourself... all I will say is that the original instructions for the piece was to write a story where the reader is left guessing as to the actual point of it. Not sure whether I achieved that, in all honesty, I think the teacher just liked it. *got an A, beams with pride* Anyway... read it!

It is followed by a slightly linked story, which SHOULD be in the fanfic section, as it is, technically, a fic. Well, actually, it's a phanphic, but nobody's checking. It's... an alternative ending that sounded really good in my brain and got completely out of control as I wrote it. I thought I'd never finish the frelling thing, to be honest. A good week's work!

The next, "Thunder", I wrote in a thunderstorm, the first in my area of 1998, to be precise, and I was staring out of the window watching it til about 3 am, which is when I wrote this... or it wrote itself, whatever. Enjoy!

After writing "Thunder", I thought it would be fun to write another one based on a natural phenomenon, so I did "Total Eclipse". It's not as good, but it goes with the other one, so here it is.

Then came "Sunrise, Sunset", which is a very much shorter affair that came to me in the middle of the night. This one's either depressing or uplifting, depending on how you read it.

"Snow" is one I started on the train to Derby. No idea why, it just spoke to me. I now have a mini-series of these things, which I am going to call "Today's Forcast..." Hopefully there may be more in the near future.

I know, they're all depressing. It wasn't intentional. My first unfinished novel came to me in a dream.... and it was called "The Thorn Bird" (and strangely enough I'd never heard of the film of a similar name...) This was going to be so good when I thought it up... but this is far as I got before I realised it was turning into another version of "Edward Scissorhands" so I quit while I was ahead. Still, all failures start out as something good...

My newest unfinished novel also came in a dream, which this time I wrote down. The dream never finished and it annoyed me so much I decided to finish it myself. But it was so confusing that it's taking me ages, and yes, I am still writing this. I've just got a severe case of writers block at the moment. (Any POTO overtones are coincidental, I have no control over my subconscious)

Feel free (feel VERY free) to e-mail me feedback on I thrive on feedback to this stuff. I find it helps me make it better.

My pride and joy :)
Self-writing story... odd :)
"Thunder" - first in the 'Today's Forcast' series
"Total Eclipse" - the second one
"Sunrise, Sunset" - a very short one (and nothing to do with the song in "Fiddler on the Roof", either...)
"Snow" - the latest one
Unfinished novel number one!
Unfinished novel number two... but slightly better.