"Farscape" quotes

Farscape has a wonderful array of interesting quote, practically every episode. Here is a testimony to some of my favourites in possibly one of the best written shows in the Uncharted Territories...

"You fart helium?"

--Crichton in the Pilot.

The line that would shape the show and the single most… interesting relationship in television:
"You can be [so much] more…"

--Crichton [or Velorek] to Aeryn in the Pilot [or in "The Way We Weren't"]

"Look, I'm new to all this escaped prisoner crap, all right?"

--Aeryn in an early episode. I gotta learn me some ep titles…

"If I were warmer, I would have an appropriately venomous reply… be warned. I owe you one."

--Rygel in "Thank God It's Friday… Again"

"You are the most bizarre creature I have ever met."

--Aeryn in that one with the Delvian priestesses, "Rhapsody in Blue", I think.

"I am NOT as bad as that… I just can't seem to figure out how these controls work…"

--Aeryn in "Rhapsody in Blue" (?) I've DEFINITELY got to learn some titles.

"Slicker 'n' snot."
"My translator microbes HAD to have translated that one wrongly."
"Southern metaphors, darlin'."

--Crichton and Aeryn, "The Flax"

[Loud squealing noise]
"So sorry, I appear to have hit the wrong comm."
"Did you want something?"

--Zhaan [a Zhann quote??? WOW!] and Pilot in "The Flax"

"Let me get this straight - you ARE the female of your species, right?"

--Crichton, "The Flax"

"Rain? Is that what you call this? I like it"

--Aeryn in "A Human Reaction" - apparently this wasn't in the script and it wasn't even supposed to be raining. Claudia Black is a genius!

"How many times have you and I been close?"
"Just the once."
"Not that kind of close."
"OH, oh, FRIEND close!"

--Crichton and Aeryn in "Mind The Baby"

"I've got GREAT eyes - they're better than 20/20 AND they're BLUE!"

--Crichton in "Crackers Don't Matter"
"We are going to die."

--Aeryn realising the inevitable when 'deficient' Crichton has to save them all, "CDM"

"NO! No! No! I will not be a slave to your hormones!"

--Aeryn in "Look At The Princess Part I"

"You want some advice?"
"Not particularly."
"Makes me wanna give it to you even more."

--Chiana and Crichton in "Look At The Princess" part 1

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. As entertaining as this is at the moment, it's not helping…"

--D'Argo in the same episode. Jerry Springer in training.

"When I get back, everyone I know, my dad, DK, my dog, Cameron Diaz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be dead!"

--Crichton, same episode. Or something like that, this is close enough.

"… it's not you, it's me... I don't like you."

--Aeryn AGAIN! "Look at the Princess" part 2. Maybe I should start paying attention to the other characters.

"And you say… you think you love this man?"

--And thus did the painful endings begin… someone throw the "Farscape" team an Emmy each right now! Crichton in "The Way We Weren't"

"I'm a guy, A GUY! Guys dream about this sorta thing!"

--Crichton in Aeryn… we won't mention what he was doing… To quote TGUT, Claudia Black is ill… but we love her for it… "Out Of Their Minds"

"By the Hynerian gods... I'm not me."

--Rygel upon discovering he's ended up in Aeryn's and Crichton's bodies , "OOTM"

"It's okay. It's okay, y'know… you were in my shoes… I was in your pants…"

--Aeryn in "Out Of Their Minds" - what must be the funniest in the series… And, at least we know HOW she knows the next thing...

"You're not John, he has more hair… amongst other things. You going to blame that on being cold?"

--Aeryn in "My 3 Crichtons"

That entire speech to dead-Aeryn in "The Locket". Aww. If I try hard enough I'm sure I'd remember it… but I'm not going to risk it… although… "There's this lake in Maine. Had more mosquitos than a dawg had fleas…" Okay, so maybe not… but that one, anyway.

"You lead us wrong, and I'll shoot you. You understand shoot? Katow, katow, katow, little bolts of light… Ouuuuch…"

--Crichton in the episode with the parasite thing, "Beware of Dog", I think. Plus, and I hadn‘t noticed, cute little link to “E.T“ with the “Ouuuuuch“ line!

"Aeryn… I meant what I said… didn't say…"
"I know."

--Oh pain! Pain and hurt! Tension at breaking point [yup, this left me screaming] at the end of "Liars, Guns and Money" Part I. Need I say which characters this was?

"I'm... uh... gonna go back to Scorpius..."
"Frell you are."

--Aeryn making a Scorius/Harvey-influenced Crichton see sense... the fun way :)

"Thtark, I can't feel my tongue."
"Well, who's fault is that?"
"Fwell you."

--D'Argo and Stark, "Die Me Dichotomy"

"I am no higher than I have ever been - my position is fixed."

--Pilot, high on the drug being used on Moya, in "DMD"

THAT scene in the neural cluster in "Die Me Dichotomy" - I won't repeat it, even though I'll never forget it… it's too much to go through that torture again…

One that will be forever embossed on my memory…
"Baby, you are not gonna die like this, you're NOT gonna die like this."

--Crichton in "Die, Me Dichotomy", just as she's falling to earth. For irony value only, and because it made me scream long and loud.

"You are more worthy of this…"

--Rygel in "Die Me Dichotomy" - this made me cry… Frelling little conniving toad… now I can't kill him because he was poignant.

I won't put the line - Crichton's last words to the aptly renamed Snow Aeryn at her funeral. I have cried too many tears over this frelling show, seriously.

"Ooooh, don't need a translator microbe for that one, do we?"

--How is it Scorpius can STILL make me laugh even when he's being evil!? The end of "DMD"

"Zhaan brought me back. She did a Unity thing."

--Nice explanation, Aeryn! "Season of Death". I can't believe I waited 9 months for Season 3. That's staying power!

"Finished making your rounds?"
"I shouldn't be here."
"This is exactly where you should be. I love you."
"I love you too."

--FINALLY! Again, I waited 9 months for that… the BBC have a lot to answer for, seriously. "Season of Death" again, John and Aeryn, obviously.

"I didn't even know he could do that!"
"I didn't know anyone could do that!"

--D'Argo and Stark after Pilot throws up all over them, "Self Inflicted Wounds: Could'a Would'a Shoula"

“Welcome to the Federation Starship USS Buttcrack!”

--Crichton, “SIW: Wait For The Wheel”

"If you try anything, whatever you have in place of mivonks, and wherever they are, they will be gone when I get back."

--Aeryn, "Eat Me"

"Cross my heart, strike me dead, stick a lobster on my head."

--Crichton, the latest one... whatever it was called.

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