Title: Republic Saga - Alliances Author: Jonathan Evans Author email: noggins@ic24.net Summary: A year has passed since peace with the Mandalore began but the time has come for the attack on Coruscant but before anything can happen a team must infiltrate the planet - where Thrawn's new ally is waiting.... Disclaimer: George Lucas owns everything and I'm not making any money off of this nor do I intend to (I'd like to but that's not the point). You can distribute this freely provided that it's complete with this disclaimer. CHAPTER ONE The time had flown by so fast but now, a year after the battle with the Empire at Yarori, the Republic was close to finishing the talks with the Mandalore. Soon they would be full members with all the privileges members worlds have. Mon Mothma's office was filled once more with military officers. She addressed them just as she had before the Battle of Endor - this could mean the end of the galaxy as they knew it whether they succeeded in their missions or not. "Coruscant is, as it has always been, our primary target," she began. "We have liberated dozens of planets since Ambassador Keylar convinced his people to join us but now the time has come for the big push." She turned to the Mon Calamari to her side. "Admiral Ackbar..." Ackbar stood forward and spoke. "We have sent a spy to infiltrate the planet under the guise of an Imperial officer. There he discovered the locations of the primary planet defences." "Surely they're located at every possible position possible on that heap of metal. There's no way we can take out every single one," Wedge Antilles blurted out. Ackbar strode over to him and pointed his baton at the veteran Rogue pilot. "Recent cutbacks after the loss as Endor and Yarori have meant that they need to reserve power and so only one generator, two at the most, needs to be taken down in order to create a large enough gap in the shielding thus making a serious attack possible." The doors slid open and Leia arrived, the first Jedi on the scene. She sat next to Lando and they both shared a worried glance. Ackbar smirked at her. "So glad of you to turn up, Jedi Skywalker." He had changed so much since the arrival of the Jedi, his power was demeaned and now, after so long, he was in command again - something he wasn't going to let the Jedi forget. "I was at a meeting with the Jedi Council, Admiral. To discuss our involvement in the battle." "Of course. That is the most important part of all." He turned to the rest of the group. "Meeting adjurned. You may leave now. Except you General Calrissian." Everyone departed except for Leia and Lando. Mon Mothma directed them to come to her. "As you know, we have recently discovered that the Empire is back under the control of an Emperor since the death of Palpatine. The Interim Council voted the alien Mitth'raw'nuruodo in as the leader." Leia nodded. It was she who had reported of Thrawn's existence after encountering him with Mara Jade on the Mandalorian shuttle a year before. Mothma continued. "He has the Imperial alligned planets under control and unless he is taken out we will not be able to maintain control of the galaxy once we have Coruscant in our possession." "Surely you're not suggesting assassinating Thrawn?" Lando blurted out. "How could we even get close enough to him?" "That's exactly what I'm planning, General. And I plan to get close enough to him by sending Jedi to do the job." Leia was disgusted. "The Jedi are not assassins who work at the whim of the Republic. We are the keepers of peace and justice not mindless killers!" "How do you expect there to be peace without the death of the new Emperor?" "I understand that, but you are using our abilities in a way I do not agree with, that is against the Jedi Code." "You were chosen for this mission because of your success at Yarori. We know you are capable of coping in this kind of situation. I don't want you to let us down." "But I can't..." Leia stopped as the doors swished open to allow Anakin and Keylar to enter. The young Jedi shot a glance at her father who shrugged. "The Council decided it would be for the best. We're going to Coruscant!" "They can't be serious!" "They are." Keylar moved towards Lando. "General Calrissian, I will be joining you and your brother on the attack on the shields." "Really?" Lando asked. His face was full of concern. "Does that mean Leia and Anakin have to attack Thrawn alone?" Mon Mothma nodded. "Anyone without Force abilities could threaten the security assassination attempt." Lando shook his head angrily and left the room. Leia watched him go and quickly followed out into the corridor. "Lando, it'll be alright. I'm not exactly keen on this either but we have to do as we're ordered." "Do we?" Calrissian asked. "What if the orders are ridiculous?" "Then we prove that we can do this better than they think we can." "I guess you have a point there, Leia," he replied with a smile. * * * * * * * * * The lower regions of Coruscant were homes to the most unwholesome beings the galaxy ever had the misfortune to have within it. Everything from almost extinct races, wiped out to the Empire and biding their time until its fall. Mara Jade walked passed the body of a dead Ithorian. She douted it was caused by anything other than its own poverty. This was pure hell. She had spent the last year wandering through the hole and hovels befriending those who forced themselves on her but ensuring she didn't get too close. She entered a small building that on any other world would have been considered a cantina. The bar man, a down on his luck Duros, smiled as she entered. "Ah, my dear!" He exclaimed. "It is has been too long!" "That it has Grayt," she replied. "Any news recently?" "I'm sure you noticed poor Saddon outside. They say he overdosed on Gree Spice. No one seems to care about moving his body." "I guess they're just too used to death," Mara sighed. "It's not like I haven't seen enough of it in my time." She ordered a drink and sat alone at a nearby table. She was unable to take even a sip before another of the creatures she had latched onto her took the place next to her. "Hello friend," the old, even ancient human grinned. "Have you heard that the Republic is planning to attack this planet?" This piqued Mara's interest. She looked up. "Where did you find this out?" "My special trick. You'd never understand it." "Try me." The old man moved his cloak aside to reveal an old, dirty lightsaber. "You're a Jedi?" Mara said almost too loudly. She lowered her voice slightly. "How can that be?" She hadn't sensed any Force abilities from him. "I was trained many years ago," he replied. "I was once powerful." A Givvin walked passed and bumped the old man's chair. He turned angrily around. "How dare you do that to me?" The alien looked confused. "I'm sorry. It was just an accident. I didn't hurt you did I?" The man took the lightsaber from his belt. He made a whirring noise and swished the handle around his head. "I am a Jedi. You cannot hurt me!" Mad as a Tatooine moisture farmer with heatstroke, Mara thought. She should have realised that earlier. She quickly left before she could be associated with him. She walked around a corner and, just in the distance, there was a black cape moving away from her. She ran as fast as she could to the wearer. "My master!" she exclaimed. The creature turned around to show that it was far from being the old Emperor. "I'm so sorry," Mara stammered. "I thought you were someone else!" She continued along the side streets, her heart beating faster than ever. She began to sweat uncontrolably. Voices in her head began to scream as loud as they could, deafening her from within. "You will kill Leia Skywalker. You WILL kill Leia Skywalker." Mara fell to her knees in pain, clutching her head as hard as she could. "You will kill Leia Skywalker or you will incur my wrath!" She opened her eyes but could only see one face. Palpatine. He screamed at her. "You will die unless you take the Jedi woman instead!" The former Emperor's Hand passed out on the dirt filled street with only one thing on her mind as she collapsed. She had to obey the command she was given... * * * * * * * * * Weapons and charges in metal crates were thrown into the cargo hold of the Imperial Shuttle that had been taken after Leia and Anakin escaped the secon Death Star. Anakin watched carefully to ensure nothing went wrong. Ambassador Keylar was at the other side of the room discussing tactics with Lando and Narril. Leia walked into the cockpit and sat down at the controls. Her head fell into her hands. "Why can't they see this is a mistake?" she groaned quietly to herself. "Perhaps they don't want to," was the reply. Leia turned around to see Luke's shimmering image behind her. "It is amazing how people can be blind to the truth even when it is in plain sight." Leia sighed. "I'm really worried about this mission, Luke. It seems like Mon Mothma is intent on having control of Coruscant, perhaps before it is time." "It's a sign of control. Whoever has the capital has the galaxy." "You make the Chancellor out to be a dictator." "People can be blind to the truth even when it is in plain sight," Luke repeated. "As you go into battle I warn you to avoid any confrontation with Thrawn or Mara Jade, especially the latter. She is dangerous, my sister, the Dark Side is strong within her but she is confused." "I don't think I'll be able help encountering her." "She wants you dead and will stop at nothing to make sure she is not stopped. I love you, Leia. I don't want you to make the same mistake that I did." Leia nodded sadly as Luke disappeared. Anakin entered the cockpit, not noticing the spirit of his son. "My daughter, we are ready to leave. Prepare to release the docking clamps." "O-Of course," the young Jedi stuttered, slowly coming back to her senses. She began pressing buttons on the cosole and the engine began to whirr loudly. Her father took his place next to her as Lando and Narril sat in the seats behind them. "So, we're off?" Narril asked. "Yeah," Anakin replied. "But we should be wary. I sense a disturbance in the Force." "I don't feel anything," Leia said. "It is faint as yet but the time will come when all will feel it..." The shuttle took off from the docking pad on New Naboo and entered the upper atmosphere before disappearing in a flash. * * * * * * * * * "The Republic will strike soon, my master," the old Sith Lord said in a quiet hiss. "We must prepare for any eventualities." Thrawn crossed his hands. "You have a point, Lord Maul. Increase the amount of security probes orbiting the planet." Maul looked annoyed at this suggestion. He closed his hands into fists to control himself. "We will require more than that. The only way to defeat the Jedi will be using the Dark Side of the Force." The Emperor shook his head. "Not yet. The time is not right." "You don't understand the power it can give you get. You have not made use of the gift that has been bestowed upon you." "Oh, but I intend to. I intend to. You may leave." The Sith Lord stormed out of the throneroom. This was the first time he had been able to use his powers since his defeat on Naboo and now this self-proclaimed ruler was telling him to remain inactive. It had been too long. Vader had prevented him from taking his old position back. The two Sith commandment had gone too far but now he was back. A solider came running up behind him. With expert precision, Maul turned around and grabbed him by the throat, forcing him up against a wall. "What is it?" "Em-Emperor Th-Thrawn... wants you.. *gak*... to go on a... m-mission..." Maul let go and the solider fell to the floor, grabbing his throat and trying to get the air back into his lungs. "You may continue," the Sith ordered. "His majesty wants you to retrieve Mara Jade. His spies have located her and..." "Tell him it will be done," Maul growled and continued down the corridor. * * * * * * * * * Just outside the Coruscant system the Republic shuttle exited hyperspace. Anakin took over the controls from the autopilot and turned to his daughter who sat next to him, looking more and more worried as they got closer to the planet. "Be calm, Leia. The Force will guide us." The communcations activated and the voice of an Imperial officer came on. "Coruscant Outpost 327 to unidentified shuttle, what is your cargo?" "We are carrying local governers for a meeting with the Emperor concerning their territories." "I don't seem to remember hearing about that." "You do remember," Anakin said, with a slight movement of the wrist. There was a short pause before the Imperial spoke again. "Actually, yes I do. You can go ahead. Have a nice day." The shuttle continued on its way. Anakin grinned at Leia. "One day you too will be able to do that. It's helped me out of a lot of scrapes in my time." Lando suddenly noticed something on one of the radars. "Uh, we have a problem! Look!" Leia scanned to to see twenty small vehicles coming towards them. "Imperial probe ships! They're headed this way. Something tells me that trick of yours won't work on them..." CHAPTER TWO The probes moved closer towards the stolen shuttle. Narril clenched his fists, worrying that they would be captured only minutes into their mission. He noticed Leia and Anakin speaking at the front and turned to his brother. "What are they doing?" he asked. "I'm not all that sure," Lando replied. "But I know it'll get us out of this. I trust them." Anakin and Leia closed their eyes as Keylar brought the shuttle down towards a landing bay. The probes seemed to follow but at a distance that if the group weren't looking for them they would have been missed. "Concentrate, my daughter," Anakin said calmly. "Of course," Leia responded. "Just imagine them going in another direction. Push them with the Force..." Suddenly, the probes shot off away from the shuttle. Everyone sighed. "We could have just blown them away," Keylar informed them. "But that would have alerted the Empire to our presence and that is not something we want." He turned to his daughter. "Our contacts will be meeting us on docking platform twenty one in sector 327. It shouldn't be too difficult for now." "Yes, father." The Jedi princess controlled the shuttle around several massive buildings until she finally reached their destination. Just below were a group of people in dark coloured cloaks. She brought their vehicle down near them and opened the side doors. Anakin and Keylar left followed by Lando and Narril as Leia activated docking clamps and followed the rest of the team. "Welcome friends," the leader, a white haired Thispian who's flowing locks covered his entire body. Anakin recognised him as the same race as that of former Jedi Council member Oppo Rancisis. "Come inside before we are seen and we can discuss our plans further. I'm sure Chancellor Mothma gave you the basics of what we are going to do." "The basics?" Lando asked. "You mean it gets more complicated?" * * * * * * * * * A sweet aroma wafted into Mara Jade's nostrils and she began to come to. She opened her eyes to see a kindly alien female looking down on her with a smoking frish stick letting off the smell that brought her to her senses. "Hello little one," she smiled at the confused human. "You have been asleep for a long time." "How long?" Mara asked quickly, sitting upright and checking out her surroundings. A tiny hovel, grime on the floor, a cooking stove in one corner and only one bed - the one she was taking up right now. "You're in my little house. Not much, I think but it's adequete. It's been a nearly a day since I found you." "You-you found me?" "Collapsed outside. I decide to help you. Many people looking. Think I not help. That I witch." The woman shuffled over to her stove and brought back a bowl of steaming stew. Mara ate it readily, realising how tasty it was. Being on the run from the Empire meant she didn't get these kind of luxuries most of the time. "I can't thank you enough," the Imperial assassin said with a smile. "I doubt I'd have survived if I'd been left out there." "I agree muchly. People come here and die. Only thing others care about is if they're property worth much when sold." Mara checked her belt. It was missing. "My... things have been taken! I guess you didn't find me in time." The alien shook her head. Her wrinkled features reminded Mara of... someone. She just couldn't think clearly. The woman took the belt from a cupboard. "I took it off. You'd be uncomfortable sleeping with it on." She handed it over and Mara quickly re-attached it. There was a silence that was only broken when the ancient creature spoke again. "You're a Jedi?" Jade was taken by surprise. "What?" "I heard they were back but I feared that I would never see another Jedi knight in my life." "How did you...?" "You're lightsaber gave you away. I apologise. But... you are a Jedi, are you not?" The former killer had been trained in the Sith arts, not the Jedi but she felt she didn't want to hurt the feelings of the person who helped her when she was down. "Yes. I am a Jedi. I'm on a mission to destroy the Emperor." "The Force should never be used for attack. That I know." "How?" The woman ruffled the many layers of robes and revealed her own lasor-sword at her side. "I Jedi too. Hiding in darkness made me difficult to find. I lose my Force powers quickly. It happens when you block them not to be found." This hit Mara hard. She was trained by Palpatine. She must continue his work of destroying the Jedi. She unhooked her lightsaber and her finger hovered above the activator switch. "You hid from Palpatine all these years?" "Yes, yes. He not know of Zsan Treil. I hid well, don't you think?" "I have to agree," Mara said with a smile. "But isn't it possible that a Sith could break in here and destroy you?" "I would welcome death in battle. Sith are evil. I sense the good in you, you will be one of those who will bring that evil dynasty to its knees. I knew as soon as I saw you." Mara re-hooked her saber. "Really?" "The light fills you. You have done things in your time that you regret but there is hope for all who do not fully embrace the Dark as Vader did." There was a crashing sound and the door. The two Force users turned around to see the partly cybernetic and fully evil form of Darth Maul standing before them. A twisted smile covered his face. "Hello Mara Jade. Our master has need of you. You do not need this feeble Jedi anymore." He ignited one side of his lightsaber and charged forward. * * * * * * * * * The Republic team sat around the table with the Coruscant rebels. Their leader Droll Friniss stood up to address them all. "The two Skywalkers, along with Ambassador Keylar will infiltrate Thrawn's temple to assassinate the Emperor himself..." "Wait!" Keylar interrupted. "I thought I wasn't to be part of that team. Mon Mothma gave the orders stating..." "The plan has changed," Friniss continued. "Mothma seems to doubt you abilities while I do not. Now, while you are doing this I and my team, along with General and Ensign Calrissian will locate the nearest shield generator to take it down before the attack begins." The rebels all seemed to agree. Leia looked at her father with a worried expression beginning to cover her face. Facing Thrawn was now inevitable but Luke's warning was foremost on her mind. She couldn't fight him and she knew it. He was too powerful even for a Jedi yet now this was what she had to do. "What's wrong, Leia?" Anakin asked. She shook her head quickly. "Nothing. Everything's fine." "Are you sure? You don't seem..." "I'm fine." * * * * * * * * * Mara ignited her saber and dived at Maul. He pushed her away with the Force and she crashed into a wall. The Sith Lord turned his attention to the old Jedi. "This is a surprise. I haven't killed a Jedi in over thirty years. It's time to change that." "Over my dead body!" Mara got to her feet and projected Maul into the opposite wall to the one she had impacted on. He somersaulted back up and ignited the other side of his saber. With expert skills Mara blocked attacks from both sides and kicked Maul away. He was back on her again though, grabbing her by the throat and holding her up high. "I would kill you now if the Emperor didn't need you." "You know as well as I do that that stunted slime isn't the true Emperor! Palpatine was the only..." Mara fell to the floor with a bump as Maul noticed Zsan making a run at him. Her lightsaber hit his but the blade deactivated on touch because of age and the amount of grime that had found its way into the focusing chamber. Maul laughed as he ran his blood red lightsaber into her and pulling it up through her head, splitting it in two. He looked around at the Emperor's Hand who watched in fear as the woman who had given her sactuary was now lying dead on the floor. She deactivated her lightsaber and ran for the door. The young woman jumped up onto the roofs and ran across them with the red and black skinned Sith in close pursuit. She turned around and with a flick of the wrist sent him off the top of the hovels. Within a second he had leapt up again in front of her. "You just don't give up do you?" Mara quipped. "Neither do you. I admire you for that." "Well admire THIS!" Mara swung her lightsaber and cut through one of the wires that attached Maul's leg to his torso. He collapsed under his own weight as Mara jumped back down to the ground and continued to move and and out of various alleyways until something hit her. A feeling. Leia Skywalker was here, on Coruscant. Her assassin training came into action as she jumped up to an air taxi hovering ten metres above her. She pulled the pilot out and threw him down to the ground. She took over the controls and began the long journey upwards to Imperial Center itself. As she moved up she felt a weight pulling at the back of the vehicle. She turned around to see Maul pulling himself up with a frown on his face. She pushed the taxi to its full speed, knocking it into the skyscrapers as climbed upwards. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Maul was gone. She sat back with a sigh until a hand grabbed at her from the side. She looked down to see the Sith with a deranged look on his face. "When Thrawn wants to see you he doesn't send someone who's easy to kill, does he?" "Nope!" Maul jumped up next to Mara with a smile. "You know where to take us. And don't think of doing anything like that again or someone else close to you dies." "I wasn't close to that woman. She just helped me out." "You felt something for her. You saw your grandmother in her." "My WHAT?" "You may not realise it, Emperor's Hand, but deep in your subconscious there are memories you never knew you had. They can be used against you if you do not do as commanded." Mara switched the thrusters on and the taxi moved further upwards. Maul reclined as his companion remained uneasy. * * * * * * * * * Leia walked through the corridor of the Rebel base on Coruscant, her mind not on the plan that was about to go ahead. She heard something behind her. A faint voice. She turned around but say nothing. She sook her head and continued. "Leia...." A voice! "Leia." Luke's voice! "Luke?" Leia asked quietly in case she drew attention to herself. She moved into a corner where no one was. "Is it you Luke? "It is," was the reply. "The Dark Side is strong here, my ability to focus is weak. I cannot project myself clearly. It won't be long until I can no longer appear to you on this planet." "Why? How?" "The ultimate Dark has returned. Palpatine is back." "He can't be," Leia said. "I saw Master Gallia kill him with my own eyes!" "He is back, my sister. And he wants you. Be wary, Leia. I can no longer protect you..." Luke's voice faded slowly away until Leia could no longer sense his presence. She quickly made her way towards the meeting place where Anakin would be waiting. * * * * * * * * * Mara fell to the floor at Thrawn's feet. She looked up at the smile on his face. "I knew you would be unable to leave me for long, my dear." "Oh, I was making a darn good job of it until your you're pal here came along." "And I thought it was because you couldn't resist me." "You can keep your delusions to yourself, Thrawn!" The Emperor moved forward and pulled Mara forcibly closer to him until their noses almost touched. "You betrayed me, Mara Jade. You are supposed to be the Emperor's Hand! You are supposed to obey me!" "You are not Palpatine!" "I am the Emperor!" Mara looked into his blood-red eyes and saw something she recognised but hoped she would never have to see again. Fear filled her body and she fell to her knees. "What is thy bidding, my master?" she asked solemnly. Thrawn smiled. "The Jedi are on Coruscant. You know that already. You were the first to find out." "I probed her mind, master," Maul informed Thrawn. "I know, I know." Maul seemed hit back by Thrawn's dismissal of his actions but said nothing. The emperor continued. "You will find and destroy Anakin Skywalker. His powers have not fully returned from the years of blocking them to the Empire. He must be killed before they do. He is the Chosen One and could doom us all when he regains his connection to the Force." "What of his daughter?" Mara asked. "I must kill her. It is my sworn duty to..." "Her father is Leia Skywalker's weak point. With his death she will be brought closer to the Dark Side of the Force." Mara stood up. "But I must kill her. If the elder Skywalker is the Chosen One surely he would be of more use to the Dark Side." "No! Leia Skywalker will be one of us. She will pay for what she did to me!" Maul looked at his master. To him? He'd never met her before but Jade seemed to understand. Was there something he couldn't see? That he wasn't meant to see. The Sith Lord continued to observe the exchange of words. "I will die if I don't destroy her!" Mara complained. "Do you not think turning her would be a death? The death of her Jedi heritage?" "I suppose..." "You must obey." Mara Jade bowed and walked out of the room. Maul stepped up to Thrawn. "Do you trust her?" "She knows who I am. With that knowledge I can trust her more than I could ever trust you. Leave me, now!" Maul growled under his breath and walked out of the throneroom. Thrawn rested his arms on his lap. "The time is coming. The battle will begin..." CHAPTER THREE Leia entered the room where Keylar and Anakin were checking their weapons. Skywalker ensured that his lightsaber was ready while the ambassador powered up his blaster rifle. Anakin saw his daughter enter and smiled. "Ah, my daughter. I see you are ready." "I guess so," Leia replied. "Where exactly are we going to get in the Temple?" Keylar showed the princess Jedi a map of the Emperor's capital on a datapad. She observed it carefully as he pointed out and entrance near the bottom. "This supplies entrance has been derelict for nearly fifty standard years since the Empire began. It has no guards due to the fact its no longer needed." "I wouldn't be surprised if the Empire didn't know it even existed," Anakin added. "We should be able to slip in here unseen and make our attack slightly easier." Leia nodded but a worried expression remained on her face. She pulled her lightsaber from her belt and looked at it carefully. "Then there's nothing we can do except prepare for battle," she said quietly. "If things go as I plan there should be no need for a battle," Anakin informed her. "Come on, we have a shuttle craft waiting for us." The man who was thought to be the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, moved away towards two large docking bay doors. He glanced back at his daughter. "You are anxious, Leia," he said. "Tell me, what's wrong?" "It's nothing... it's just... I have a really bad feeling about this. There is somethinng behind this. A darkness like we've never encountered before." "Everything will be fine," he reassured her. "You'll see. It'll all be over my tomorrow." "You're reckless, father, you realise that?" "No. I'm just better at hiding my fears." Keylar had opened the doors and was climbing into the controls of the shuttle. Anakin put his arm around Leia. "Come on, or Lando will have done his part of this before we've even left!" Leia gave a weak smile as she jumped in. Luke's spirit had left her. He could no longer give her advice. Her father didn't realise how close her relationship with her dead brother had become and how his warnings has struck a chord somewhere deep inside her. * * * * * * * * * "Hey! Careful with that!" Lando called at one of the rebels as they threw charges into the back of their strike vessel. He placed the one he was carrying into storage and grabbed a blaster rifle which he threw over his shoulder. "We've got enough fire power to take out a space slug. This shoud be okay for now. We don't want to end up getting blown to bits if we're caught. One stray shot and..." "We get the point, Calrissian," a human dressed in ragged clothing and covered from head to toe in grime from his work on the engines of their transport. "I'm just tryin' to save your ass here," Lando replied. "If we get caught I don't wanna get put away by the Empire before we can get this done." Narril was already in the pilot's seat, pressing several switches to turn on the engines. They began as a quiet hum but soon built up to a deafening roar. "I think we're ready," he called out to his brother. "You better get in." "Got it!" Lando slipped a small blaster into a holster on the side of his black leather boot and checked the one at his side. "Ya'll ready here?" he asked the rebels. They all gave a quiet nod. Lando had a feeling they didn't like him that much. What else did he expect? Here he was, a Republic general coming into their fold and telling them what to do. This was a tight-knit community of soldier, used to doing whatever the hell they wanted to achieve their aim but in this case their methods weren't enough. Lando was about to take one of the two front seats in the cockpit when he felt a hand come down on his shoulder. "I'll be sittin' here, if you don't mind." Calrissian turned to see the leader of the rebel unit. His mouth was surrounded not by what most would call a beard but it was coming. He wore a bandana around his head and had a large, customised blaster at his side. Lando, not really wanting to cause trouble offered him the seat. "Be my guest. I'll stay up back to keep check on the weapons." "Good idea." He jumped in as Lando moved around to the back. He stepped in just as the doors behind him closed. The rebels looked carefully at him. He gave them a smile and sat back, his arm resting on a crate of explosives. * * * * * * * * * Mon Mothma's office was filled with a group eager for a debate as it usually was these days. This time her policies concerning the military control over the galaxy had brought three member of the Jedi Council before her. She sat back in her large, luxurious seat and folding her arms. "My reasons, Councilmember Yarled," she said replying to a statement that was just made, "are that the Jedi's numbers are still far to low to make an effective peacekeeping force. Until you have trained enough new recruits it is logical that we maintain military control over strategically important planets." The Rodian Jedi Master was not happy. "The Force is far more powerful than you would imagine, chancellor," he continued. "It is something that makes an entire army seem small in comparison." "But would that be enough to maintain control? We don't want the Empire to retake planets with entire fleets when only two Jedi are guarding it. Surely your Force will not protect you from over twenty star destroyers and a legion of stormtroopers." "We would try," Yarled said. "Trying isn't enough," spoke Mothma in a voice that was showing the anger and stress building up inside her. "We need control!" The Naboo human, Hela Zapalo stood forward. She, like Yarled, had not spent the time of the Empire frozen in carbonite and had witnessed all of the changes in the galaxy as they happened. She saw her own planet wiped out by the cloned troops on the orders of the then Chancellor Palpatine. "Control comes in many forms," she began. "What you are suggesting is exactly what Palpatine used. The methods you yourself once opposed. I understand that now you are in control it is difficult to think of other ways to maintain order, but you should look back further than the old emperor's regime." "I agree that there are other methods, but right now the Jedi are not one of them," Mothma sighed, the strain on her showing. Admiral Ackbar who had, until now, remained silent stood forward. His distrust of the Jedi had grown over the previous year, even more than he would have liked to admit. His newfound strength granted to him by Mon Mothma's new methods had made him able to speak his feelings out more. "The chancellor is tired of your continual pleas. If you want to be listened to you must change your plans. The Jedi could have a place in the galaxy but right now what you're suggesting is impossible." "Only impossible to your thick skull," Hela whispered under her breath. Thankfully no one but Adi Gallia had heard her. 'Be careful what you say friend Hela,' she said telepathically. 'Of course master Gallia,' she replied. 'I let my emotions get the better of me. I apologise.' Adi Gallia stood up from the seat she was in. "I believe you have made a valid point, admiral. We will leave now and discuss the situation with the rest of the Council. Thank you for your time." Ackbar nodded as the three Jedi left the office. He turned to the chancellor. "I don't like them, Mon," he said softly. "They need to be brought down from the high level they think they inhabit." "You should try to calm yourself. We will work things out and the Jedi will be involved just as they were prior to the Empire but right now they must understand that it isn't possible." "It can never be like it was before," the Calamari protested but his words fell on deaf ears. * * * * * * * * * Evajo Siinit met his teacher outside the office. "How did it go master Gallia?" he asked. "Were you able to convince them?" "Sadly no, my apprentice," Adi replied sadly. "Chancellor Mothma is willing to accept our plan but not until the number of Jedi is much higher. Admiral Ackbar, however, is against anything we have to offer." "He could easily be convinced," Siinit said. "He is suseptible to Force persausion." "That is not our way and you know it, Evajo. We must bide our time until the situation arises. It may, however, take longer than we once expected." Yarled shook his head in dismay. "But will we be able to ensure that the Admiral doesn't take us too close to being another Empire before that time comes. By that point it may be too late for the Jedi to maintain peace and justice." * * * * * * * * * The lower entrance to the Imperial Temple was locked shut. Anakin closed his eyes and touched the metal that blocked his way. He could feel everything he wanted to know from it - right down to the people to constructed it. He was happy to know his lightsaber would cut through it with little or no effort. He pulled it from his side and ignited the blade. Within seconds there was a hole where the door once was. He stepped carefully in and was followed by Keylar then Leia who continued to look warily around. The hallway was darkened, the power having been off for a long time, almost half a century. "Are you sure there aren't any security measures in here?" "I told you before - the Empire probably doesn't even know it exists any more." "Somhow I doubt that, since this does happen to be Thrawn's own personal temple. There's got to be something..." Leia heard a sound behind her and with a split-second reaction she activated her lightsaber and hacked whatever it was into two clean pieces. Keylar picked up half of it with his gloved hand. "Scurrier," he informed the two Jedi. "The place is probably infested with them." "Yippee," Anakin whispered sarcastically under his breath. He had never like those vermin ever since he woke up as a child with one on his face. The Mos Espa slave quarters were never guaranteed rodent safe as he found out that fateful day. Ever since then he had a fear of them. He stood forward and heard a squelching sound. "I think you just stood on one, father," Leia smiled. A shudder moved through Anakin's body as he jumped back a mile. Once he had regained his balance and stopped shaking he tried to take command again. "The great bounty hunter Boba Fett is afraid of scurriers," Keylar almost laughed. "I bet that'd ruin your reputation in the galaxy if it ever came out." "Never mind Boba Fett," Leia added. "I thought he was supposed to be the Chosen One!" Anakin started moving ahead without his two companions, his lightsaber activated to act as a torch to guide him safely through the dark passageway. His daughter and the Mandalore ambassador caught up with him. "Sorry, Skywalker," Keylar said. "We're only joking." Anakin said nothing. His face remained deadly serious. He stopped walking and stood in silence. "I said I was sorry. Speak to me will you?" "There's something else in here," the Jedi whispered. "Something slightly bigger than a rodent." "I'm not sure. I've seen some pretty big rodents in my time." "No. It's..." "Halt!" Five skeletal-like beings began to come out of the shadows, blaster rifles in hand, trained carefully on the intruders. "Identify yourself." Anakin instantly recognised them - Trade Federation Battle Droids. But the question remained as to what they were doing here on Coruscant so long after they were banned by Palpatine. "I said identify yourself!" Anakin hacked its head off with his lightsaber. It fell back into the other droids behind it as tumbled to the floor in a lifeless state. Leia activated her saber and with one swipe beheaded another two while Anakin thrust his weapon through the chests of two who stood in a row. All five were deactivated in seconds. Leia turned to her father. "What exactly are those things?" "Battle Droids. They were used by the Trade Federation when I was still a child. They attacked your mother's home planet but with the Force managed to destroy their control ship rendering them useless. After that droids of this kind were outlawed by the Republic." "Then what, may I ask, are they doing here?" Keylar asked. "Surely they can't be guarding the temple." "Maybe they are," Anakin pondered. "But our emperor doesn't realise." Blasts started to streak towards them. The trio of warriors dived into a corner where the lasers wouldn't hit them. "There's more?" "This isn't going to be as easy as I thought." "You don't say?" * * * * * * * * * Narril piloted the transport as close to the shield generator as he could without being noticed. "We're here. Looks like we've got quite a few guards here though. It may be more difficult than we first thought." "What are you? A coward? This will be a victory long remembered!" "...for the Empire if we're not careful," the clone added. "We can't just rush in. We need a distraction of some kind." "What do you suggest?" "An old Sabacc trick - we bluff." "What do you mean," the ragged human asked. "Quite simply we use some of the charges on a weakly guarded building. The troops will be drawn there and then we attack!" "Good idea!" Lando said as he stepped into the cockpit. The space was cramped but he wanted to be here to make sure the rebel leader wouldn't do something as stupid as both he and his brother felt he would. "I thought I told you to stay up back." "I overheard the conversation. I say we go with Narril's plan." He pointed at a building nearby. "That's the Imperial museum. It's been shut down for the last year but it may bring troops over if there's a big enough bang!" "Well, as long as we don't waste the explosives." Narril moved the vehicle away from the large shield generator that towered above many of the skyscrapers covering the surface of Coruscant. The pyramid shape at the top was used, along with others of its kind, to generate to planet-wide deflector grid that protected the atmosphere of the world from attacks. They had been set up centuries before when the Republic was under attack from various enemy forces but had been upgraded more recently by the Empire before cutbacks meant that the power had to be reduced leaving it open to a localised assault. The transport came down on a landing platform halfway up the museum's outer walls. Lando and two rebels came out, each with a charge in hand. "We plant them several metres apart. That should give a wide enough spread to draw their attention." "You got it, general!" The explosives attached automatically to the surface. "Set them to blow in thirty seconds." "Are you sure that'll be enough time?" "I'll make sure it is!" The timers were set with just a few movements of the fingers on the buttons. "Start the engines!" a Aqualish rebel called out as he jumped into the back with Lando. The last of their group, a young human was too late. The transport had moved away from the platform. "Jump!" Lando shouted at him. "I..." "Jump damn it!" The warrior, still a boy and in no way ready for a battle such as this, leapt into the air and just missed Calrissian's outstretched arm. "Move us down!" he yelled at his brother. "We haven't got enough time," the man sitting next to him replied. "Yes we do," Narril hissed as he pushed the engines to their limit and the transport came down at great speed until they caught up with the falling boy. Lando grabbed his hand as hard as he could and began to pull him up. "Go!" The transport zipped away from the museum as the charges exploded. Calrissian yanked the rebel he had just rescued up into the back where he was. "Thank you!" "It's okay, just don't make a habit of that." "I won't. I promise." Lando walked back to the cockpit to see Narril smiling back at him. "Are those guards moving?" "Yup, responding to the attack on their oh-so-honorable heritage." "Then our plan worked. Better than a suicide move, don't you think." The rebel who that comment was made at decided to keep his mouth shut and sit back. Narril moved closer towards the power source of the shield generator. "Well I guess it's do or die from this point on..." CHAPTER FOUR "They don't look very extinct," Leia said as a laser blast flew passed her ear. "In fact they seem pretty much alive from where I'm standing." "Obviously they weren't outlawed everywhere and this is kinda out of reach from the public." Anakin ignited his lightsaber. "Now, are we going to deal with this or just stay here arguing?" "Dealing with it sounds like a plan!" his daughter replied and took her weapon from her belt, the glowing red blade extending for almost a metre out of the hilt. She moved from her hiding place and deflected a blast back at the droid that fired it. She ran forward, hacking her enemies down as she went. Anakin followed suite and was soon beheading them with his own weapon. Keylar grabbed his Mandalore blaster and fired yellow energy at the battle droids. One's head flew from its neck with the force of the blast. It fell to the floor and the other tripped over it in their relentless pursuit of the group. "Are these things really as stupid as they seem?" Keylar asked. "Look like it," Leia replied as she swiped a droid in two pieces, one a mirror image of the other. "They make stormtroopers seem positively sensible!" Anakin threw his lightsaber forwards, cutting a pathway which was quickly filled with more droids which were taken out as he brought his weapon back to his hand with the Force. "They may be mindless drones but in these kind of numbers they're deadly!" "Don't I know it! It's as if this place is infested with them!" "We have to find out where they're controlled from," Anakin said as he hacked forward, brushing the droids aside with the Force until he got through thier blockade. "It's the only way we can stop them!" Leia somersaulted over the battle droids, taking the heads off several as she went. By the time she landed, Keylar had blasted his way through them. "I have a feeling there's more. We have to do this quickly." "Then where do we go?" "Follow me." A set of blast doors to their left seemed to be creating a massive power surge. The droids that were once on the floor and unable to get up were now standing and heading towards them with renewed vigour. "I guess this is what they're trying to protect." Anakin quickly hot wired the controls and the doors opened. They jumped inside and closed them before the droids could catch up. "They should be blast sealed. It'll take more than a group of dumb droids with rifles to get through here." "I hope so or this mission is finished." Leia looked at the Mandalore ambassador who was staring at a body leaning over a console. It must have been there for decades, the skin almost completely decomposed and a hole in its back now a home for a family of turb-maggots. "I think we may have found the control room!" * * * * * * * * * Sel'ine Dr'alik walked through the halls of the Republic base on New Naboo, her head tails moving with each step she made. It had been a long, hard time for her since her teacher, Mace Windu became Darth Vader. If it hadn't been for Adi Gallia she would be dead now, killed at the Sith Lord's hands. Being frozen in carbonite allowed her to miss the Imperial regime and for that she could only be thankful. She looked ahead and saw Evajo Siinit, another Jedi apprentice, his teacher being Master Gallia, the woman who had saved Sel'ine. He too had grown weary of the wars and looked much older than he really was. At this precise moment in time the expression on his face was not a good one. "What's wrong?" Sel'ine asked. The young Jedi looked up to face his Twi'Lek friend in the eye. He was trying his best to hold back his anger. "It's Mon Mothma!" he replied. "She is still refusing to allow the Jedi to enforce order in the galaxy. She just doesn't understand hwo important we are." "I'm sure Master Gallia is doing her best to..." "That's the problem - she isn't doing enough. We could easily persaude a few senators to side with the Jedi..." "But that is using the Force for reasons that could lead to the Dark Side." "No it wouldn't. We'd be doing it for the right reasons." Evajo seemed insistent. Were these the same thoughts that had gone through Mace Windu's head before he became a Sith? The thought of this happening to her friend send a shiver down Sel'ine's spine. She had to convince him to change his mind "And at what point do the right reasons become corrupted by what you desire?" "I... You're right. I shouldn't have been so stupid." "I'm sure that isn't what you were doing. You know what is right but sometimes the Force isn't the only way to make sure that everything works out." They walked down the corridor together. "No doubt Chancellor Mothma is too occupied with what's happening on Coruscant to think about what place the Jedi have. If it doesn't go well there'll be no Republic for us to protect anyway." Evajo nodded. "True. I wonder how Leia is coping right now." Sel'ine smiled. "Oh, do you?" she asked playfully. Siinit looked at her. "What?" he asked. "What are are smiling about now?" "You really like Leia don't you?" "I care for her as a fellow Jedi..." "Yeah. Right." "I'm serious!" "I sensed something when you first saw her on the Death Star two years ago." "You couldn't have. I was too occupied with beating Palpatine." "You had time to admire her though." Sel'ine grinned even more watching Evajo squirm. "And you're old enough to be her father!" "What?" the young Jedi snapped back. "Do I look forty?" "Carbonite can take years off you, and you know it!" She continued as her friend stood looking dumbfound. "I resent that!" he called to her. "Even if I wasn't frozen I'd still be young at heart." "Hmmm." "Seriously!" * * * * * * * * * The rebel transport came down near the bottom of the shield generator that portruded from the top of a building small by Coruscant standards but still towering miles above the surface. Three stormtroopers walked up to it and tapped on one of the doors. It slid open to reveal Narril Calrissian. "Hi, what can I do for you?" he asked with a charming smile on his face. One stormtrooper popped his head inside to look at the back and was pulled inside by a set of arms. The other two didn't seem to notice and remained occupied with questioning Narril. "Do you realise this is Imperial property and no civilians are allowed here?" the first asked. "If would kindly leave and find a public docking platform we would be most pleased," added the second. Narril put his arms behind his head and leant back with no intention of moving. "Oh, but I'm soooo tired. I couldn't possibly drive any further. My bones are just aching." "Well, I'm sorry sir, but..." Before the trooper could finish his sentence, the former slave had pulled out a blaster and blew a hole through his chest. The other scrambled for his own rifle but was too late and received another shot through his head. "Well, that was easier than I thought," he said to the rebel leader sitting next to him. Lando and ten other rebels climbed out of the back with explosives ready to be used. "Okay,!" Lando ordered. "Get them planeted all around. I don't want this thing to be standing when we're finished here!" The leader seemed annoyed by Calrissian taking command of the situation but let him do it nonetheless. The first three charges were planted. "How long should we set them for?" someone asked. "Make it a minute. That should be enough." Lando attached one to the side. It clung on magnetically. He began to press the timer set buttons when he heard a voice behind him. "Hey! Stop there! Turn around - slowly!" Lando looked back and saw something like thirty stormtroopers coming from a doorway that led from the inside of the shield generator. He'd underestimated their numbers when they planet the decoy explosives at the museum. He didn't think they'd be as well armed as this. He put his hands behind his head and turned around fully. The rebels were in the same situation and were having their weapons conviscated. An Imperial officer came from the doorway followed by the black-clad figure of Darth Maul. "You did well, Captain Dasson," the Sith said to the human who was much shorter than him. "Thank you Lord Maul. The Emperor will be pleased with this victory." "It was much easier than I had originally expected," Maul nodded. "But anything could happen before we have executed them all." "Yeah," Narril shouted as he yanked his blaster back off a stormtrooper and blasted several of the Imperial soldiers. "Something like this!" Another ten rebels poared out of the back of the transport and began firing like madmen at their enemies. Dasson looked at Maul with fear in his eyes. "This was not expected," he stuttered. "Yes it was. You underestimate the Republic. You should never to do that." He ignited both sides of his lightsaber and headed towards Lando who had his back turned, firing away at the white armoured warriors. He suddenly sensed something coming up behing him with the Force powers that Adi Gallia had always told him that he had. He span around and took a shot at Maul's stomach. The Sith Lord was knocked back by this surprise attack. The laser ripped through him, hitting an important motor circuit that controlled his robotic torso. His left leg stopped functioning and he stumbled forward. Lando grabbed his robes and threw him over the top of the barrier around the platform and dropped him down to the depths of Coruscant. He picked his blaster up again and turned to see the rebels outnumbered and outgunned. They could never win here. They had to escape. "Retreat! Retreat!" he shouted at them. A rebel soldier got hit in the chest and flew over the fencing. Lando ran to grab him but was too late. It was the boy he had saved only ten minutes earlier. He had saved him once only to see him die again. He had died before the fall, the blast penetrating his chest and creating a hole that left his heart a scorched wreck. Things were going to get worse if they didn't evacuate. "Retreat!" he called out again but no one seemed to listen. Lando shot a stormtrooper through the head as he ran back to the transport. It was taking off just as he got to it yet most of the rebels were still on the platform. Through the window he could see their supposed leader running away from battle and leaving his comrades behind. "You son of a womp rat!" Lando shouted before a red streak flew through his shoulder and his vision went black. * * * * * * * * * Keylar looked at the body that lay slumped over a console. He touched it and the piece of flesh that was just hanging by a thread fell to the ground revealing yet more of the bones. "Looks like he's been here for quite a while." "Yeah. Probably since those droids back there were built," Anakin added as he observed the blast hole in him. "Maybe even killed by his creations..." "But surely this isn't the man who designed battle droids?" "Baktoid Combat Automata had many people working for them. This could easily be one of them, forced out of work by the banning of the droids and having to come here." Leia was looking at one of the computers after brushing away the web of a local arachnid. The screen must have been on for the last fifty years but with the vast supplies of power of Coruscant no one would have noticed this slight drain on resources. "Father, ambassador, I think you should both look at this," she said with signs of worry in her voice. "What is it?" Anakin came by her side and looked the read-out. "Oh. This isn't good." Keylar read the information soon after and all three looked at each other carefully. It was several moments before they spoke and for the first time they heard the sounds of blasts on the door that was keeping them safe from the battle droids. "So they've become sentient? They can think for themselves?" "Looks like it. A power surge must have gone through the entire system years ago and destroyed the control module. Our dead friend here must have tried to work on the droids to make them act as better troops than they were during the Battle of Naboo." Leia sighed. "And he succeeded. Or so he thought." "Oh, he succeeded, all right. To the extent that his babies no longer needed him." "But they're still as stupid as Imperial stormtroopers," Keylar added. "He can't have done that well." "You have to remember that stormtroopers are sentient, despite being clones. If Palpatine had known about this maybe it would have saved him a lot of money and saved the galaxy the clone wars." "But then we may have had the droid wars..." The blasts at the door stopped. The two Jedi and their companion turned around slowly. "They've stopped," Leia whispered. "Maybe they've given up." "I doubt it. That'd be too convenient for us. Maybe they're trying something else." "There's only one way to find out. We have to get to the top of the Temple sooner or later and I'd rather it be sooner." "Let's go." Anakin activated the door controls and the metal barrier slid slowly open. He pulled out his lightsaber and jumped into the corridor. Nothing. The droids had gone. He motioned for Keylar and Leia to follow. "It's okay. They've gone for now." "Like you said, Skywalker. Too convenient." "Indeed," the Jedi replied. "Unless they're using their brains like they're meant to." "Uh, it doesn't look like it!" Leia said, pointing ahead of them. Four wheels were moving towards them at a faster and faster velocity. They didn't seem like they were going to stop. "What are they?" "Droidekas!" Anakin whispered. Just before they reached the Republic trio, they stopped and transformed into their battle configuration, multiple arm- mouted blasters pointing at Anakin, Leia and Keylar. Their shield generators switched on and they began to fire. CHAPTER FIVE Lando slowly began to come to and opened his eyes. Two people were looking down at him. As his blurred vision cleared he saw it was Narril and one of the rebels - a young Quarran. He started to stand up but his brother stopped him. "Don't get up just yet. We're trying to clean your wound." Lando looked at his shoulder where a bloody hole was being patched up with a piece of cloth. It wasn't hurting anymore - just worryingly numb. "What happened?" he asked as the custom made bandage was completed. "Commander Jaszz got cold feet and left us to deal with the Imps," the rebel said. "We managed to get out on a taxi that was hovering below us. I don't know what would've happened if it hadn't been there. They're still looking for us but I think we may have only just escaped with our lives." Lando moved his arm around. Despite the lack of feeling he could still use it. He grabbed his blaster from the holster, span in on his finger and put it back in again. "Everything seems fine," he commented before checking out his surroundings. They were in some kind of docking bay. A droid was inspecting a taxi - obviously the one they'd escaped on. It kept shaking its head and commenting on how civilians abuse public transport. "Looks like our only means of travel is out of action." "It took quite a few shots," Narril pointed out. "We're lucky it's still in one piece. More or less." One of the human rebels came towards them with an R2 astromech droid closely following it. It activated a holographic image of Coruscant with red dots in various areas indicating shield generators. The human began to talk. "As you can see, these are the generators covering the planet. We've had a chance to get some more research done and we now know which are the least protected." Lando sat upright and looked at the projection. The nearest seemed to be on the other side of the planet. "They should have got reinforcments there by now," he said. "Or if they haven't they will have by the time we get there." "Actually no," was the reply. "Our bombs on the museum had an effect we'd never have imagined. It knocked out a communication post which may give us more time." "Then I suggest we make the most of that." * * * * * * * * * With their lightsabers ignited, Leia and Anakin deflected the blasts coming from the destroyer droids. Keylar blasted at them but the shots were blocked by the in-built deflectors that they were projecting. Leia pushed two of the droids back into each other with the Force. They stumbled giving her time to rush forward and slice through the shields, cutting their heads off. "I suggest we make the most of this! Come on!" She headed down the corridor first and was followed by her father and the Mandalore ambassador who hacked and blasted their way through the confused droids. The distraction didn't last long and soon the droidekas were bounding after them. "We don't have time for this," Keylar exclaimed as he fired back, hitting a metal girder. It collapsed onto one of the droids, crushing it beyond recogniton. "I know that," Anakin replied. He came to a halt when a door just ahead opened and more of the metal beasts came piling out, both droidekas and battle droids. "How many of these things are there?" he asked, half to himself and half to his companions. Leia jumped upwards and grasped onto a hook coming down from the ceiling. She swung over the incoming arm and landed behind them. With her lightsaber ready she cut through the door that had only recently been open. "Oh no." "What is it?" Keylar asked as he blasted two battle droids down. "It's like they're recycling these things!" She entered the room and examined a massive construction droid that was piling spare parts into one of its cavities. At the other side fully constructed battle ready war machines were coming out. It was only warming up - recovering after decades out of use but now their attack had caused it to reactivate and begin production again. Their time in the control room had given it more than enough to create a veritable army. "I really don't like the look of this," she continued as a battle droid activated and began walking towards her. She sliced it down before it could reach for its blaster. "We have to do something quickly!" Anakin and Keylar got through the remains of the door. "How are we supposed to close this thing?" Keylar asked with worry in his voice. "They can easily get through this hole!" "Watch," the elder Skywalker smiled. He moved his hand and a large scrap of metal flew from the floor and covered the entrance. The Jedi closed his eyes and concentrated more. Slowly the two separate pieces melded together as if they were one. He smiled. "Looks like my powers really are returning. I never expected it to take over twenty years, but..." His attenrion turned to Leia and Keylar who were battling the droids. "Take out the machine!" "It has a shield generator. Not even my lightsaber can penetrate it." Anakin thought back to all that Yoda had taught him. The saber would always aid a Jedi in his duties but he had to rely on the Force above everything else. Anakin walked forward slowly somehow managing to avoid all of the blasts, deflecting them before they hit him. The generator morphed and seemed to develop a pathway through which Anakin walked. His daughter and the Mandalore watched in amazement as he struck out and forced his weapon through the control panel. The huge machine slowly stuttered before it finally deactivated. The remaining droid was able to make one last stand before a blast from Keylar's rifle took its head off. The body slumped to the floor with a crash. Anakin studied the remains. "Well, that was easier than I'd expected." Leia stood aghast. "You call that easy?" "For a Jedi, yes." "So what now?" "Now... we make our way to Thrawn's chamber. This way!" Anakin flung the door that he had only just repaired aside with a flick of the wrist and the trio re-entered the dark corridor. They stopped at the opening of a ventilation shaft. Leia grasped the edges tightly and ripped it off. "The only way seems to be up. And it'll be harder to detect us if we go this way." "Ventilation shaft, huh?" Anakin smiled. "Obi-Wan once told me he'd tried something like this on a Trade Federation vessel." "Nice to know we're following a Jedi tradition," Leia replied as she sniffed the air inside the shaft which was even staler than that where they were currently standing. "Who's first?" * * * * * * * * Mara followed Darth Maul out of the throneroom and once they were far enough out of the range of Thrawn the Sith Lord stopped and turned around. "I don't know what you're playing, Emperor's Hand," he hissed. "But I do not think you are fully prepared to do as you have been commanded." "You don't seem to trust me," the woman said. "Or is it you're afraid I'll replace you as his closest confidante?" "Don't mock me. You are just a child who knows little of the Dark Side of the Force. I am a Dark Lord of the Sith!" "Strange... I didn't know Sith Lords spent forty years hiding away..." Mara's smile was wiped from her face as Maul grasped her throat and pushed her up against a wall. "I could kill you right now. I can easily do what you are supposed to. I can kill all of the Skywalkers!" "But..." Mara gasped. "That's not... what Thrawn... wants." Maul dropped her. "Yes. He wants the elder of the two. The one who was a boy when I saw him last. I doubt he has changed much." "You really don't know much," was the reply Mara gave as she massaged her throat. "He's the Chosen One." "The one who brings balance to the Force? While there are Sith in existance that will never be!" "If you keep getting thrown over buildings for me to save your skin there probably won't be any left!" Maul checked the newly repaired servos that were whirring inside his robotic torso. Yes, he was lucky that Jade had been there watching as he and the Imperial troops attempted to protect the shield generator but her current demeaning tone was not acceptable. "I was lucky... but I have survived worse without you." "Hence those wires holding your body together, I see." The Zabrak Sith growled quietly and began to walk further up the corridor. "You will not fulfil your promise to the Emperor and when that happens I will kill you..." "He's not the Emperor and you know that as well as I do. He's just some military commander who Palpatine seemed to prefer over you." Maul turned around. "That bugs you doesn't it? The fact that he ensured that Thrawn would take over from him even though you would have been a far better choice." The crimson skin on the Sith's face seemed to grow even redder with rage. Mara continued. "Someone who doesn't understand the Force like you - Palpatine's first apprentice - is given a position that means he can control you..." Maul's hands began to to twitch. "What are you trying to tell me?" "You hate Thrawn just as much as I do. If not more. No matter how much we hate each other we are still loyal to Palpatine. We must do something before he takes too much advantage of us." "You expect me to work with you to... kill Thrawn?" he said probing her mind carefully. That's exactly what she wanted. "Those are brave words but from what I saw of you with him you could not do it. His presence has control over you. It is you who are weak." "There is... something... stopping me but you don't have that. The reason you don't kill him is because you're afraid." "I am not afraid! I will strike the death blow. But only when my true master's last wishes are obeyed." * * * * * * * * The Jedi Council on New Naboo sat in their seats and discussed their current situation. Things has grown tense in the last two days and despite their many attempts they could not get audience with Mon Mothma. Hela Zapalo tapped the arm of her chair. "Ackbar is the cause for all of this," she said. "We must deal with him before we can get to Mothma." "Hela," Adi Gallia replied. "You are starting to sound like my apprentice. This headstrong attitude should not be found in a member of the Council." "I apologise, Master Gallia but recent times have put a great strain on many people. You must remember that I witnessed the death of my planet knowing that I could not do anything while Palpatine's troops overran it. That will happen if Mothma takes the same path that he did." "I understand your fear," Kas Grendor continued. "But it is not possible to take the Chancellor from power. There is no one strong enough to replace her." There was silence. Everyone turned turned to Yarled as if they had sensed something. "Do you think she could?" Adi asked. "It would mean her giving up training and I cannot allow that." "Leia Skywalker has a history in politics. Her adopted father *was* the man who began the Alliance. She was the youngest member of the Imperial Senate before it was dissolved." "She is also the daughter of the most powerful Jedi in existence! She can bring the Jedi back together. A person can have many choices but only one destiny." Yarled nodded. "Yes. Indeed. But will she choose her destiny?" * * * * * * * * Lando looked over the map for what must have been the hundredth time. He pointed at the area they were currently in and then at the final destination but not saying a word. He turned to his brother. "Think we can do it?" "With you in charge? Hell, we could do anything." "You're forgetting - you're me too!" "True..." "So," Lando pondered. "What would you do?" "Well, since we fried the last air taxi we're going to need another transport. I'd go for another of the same. There's so many of them we'd remain inconspicuous." "Good idea. We haven't much time so we'd better get to it fast." He turned to the Coruscant rebels with a smile on his face. "Hope one of you know the comm-channel for the nearest taxi rank 'cause we haven't got time to find the number at a cantina." * * * * * * * * Anakin grasped the hand hold and pulled himself further upwards into the main levels of Emperor Thrawn's headquarters. He looked down to see Leia coming up behind him followed by Keylar who's heavy Mandalore armour was slowing him down. He turned his attention to what was ahead of him. There was going to be at least another twelve hours of climbing ahead of them. Thankfully the Force was with them, taking the fatigue away. "I'm getting to old for this," he muttered before remebering that Qui-Gon was a full fifteen years older than he was now when he fought a fully trained Sith and, he considered, fighting a Sith was a lot more difficult than climbing a ladder. "You're slowing down, father," Leia commented. "Is there something wrong?" Anakin shook his head. "No, no. I was just thinking back to when things were more complicated than they are now." "Ha!" Keylar exclaimed sarcastically. * * * * * * * * Mara looked out over the Coruscsant skyline and sighed. She was slowly starting to get through to Maul but she knew that it was a mistake, just like the whole of her life had been. Palpatine had offered her hope as a child. Hope to live and let her powers flourish rather than be killed by Vader but that came with a price. She was his. She would have to obey his every command. Mara punched a wall as hard as she possibly could but felt nothing. The blood trickled from her knuckles and dripped onto the floor but there was no pain. The felt something behind her and whipped around, her hand resting on her lightsaber. "My, my. That's no way to treat a friend," Darth Maul smiled. "What are you doing here?" "Just making sure you're not wasting time that could be used tracking down Skywalker." "Then you've caught me out. This is pure unadultlerated time- wasting." "Then you'd better get to it before Thrawn realises what you're doing. You don't want to die before I can prove you wrong and finish you myself." Mara opened her mouth to reply but a pain shot through her head. She grasped her temples and staggered forward towards the end of the balcony. Her foot was first to go over the edge followed by the whole weight of her body. Maul moved forward and grabbed her hand, pulling her back up. "What is it?" "I know where Leia Skywalker is." "That is not of importance right now." "Her father is with her. That is what you want isn't it?" "Yes. And now you will go to kill him." "You're being trusting..." "Oh, I'm going with you to ensure you do as obeyed." Maul pushed her forcefully towards the entrance of the building. "You know where they are. I'll follow, but don't try anything..." CHAPTER SIX "Sir, would you mind stepping out of the vehicle?" The pilot of the air taxi turned his head to see a blaster pointing directly at his head and on the end of it, Lando Calrissian. He began to look nervous as his shaking hand reached under the glove compartment for his own weapon. "I really wouldn't recommend that. It'd only be disrupting New Republic business." The alien stopped his hand and stood up. He exited his taxi and finally opened his mouth. "New Republic? What New Republic?" "You don't know the Galactic Republic was restored two years ago?" The pilot shook his head. "Thrawn has been doing a good job. Now, if you don't mind, we're kinda rushed. We do have an Empire to bring down..." "Sure, go ahead. You may need a pilot though. I'm sure I could do it just as well as any of you plus I know the planet pretty well..." Lando glanced back at Narril and the Quarren rebel leader. They both nodded. "He seems good." Lando turned to their new companion and smiled. "Welcome to the family." The rebels piled in with their blaster and charges ready. Lando took the front seat as they took off from the landing platform and into the authorised skylanes. "Where are we going?" Lando took out the datapad he'd been carrying and showed the pilot the map of the shield generators. He pointed one out. "I need to get there as quickly as you can do it." "I reckon I can do it faster," he replied and flicked a few switches. The taxi zoomed forward, swooping in and out of the other traffic. * * * * * * * * Sel'ine Dr'alik ran through the corridors of the Republic base on New Naboo heading towards the Jedi Council Chamber. Her breathing became heavier as she picked her speed up, the head tails swirling around behind her like a cape. She rushed around a corner and collided with Evajo Siinit. "Hey, slow down!" he said once he got his bearings back. "Where you going so fast?" "I have to tell the Council - Admiral Ackbar is about to lead the fleet to Coruscant!" "What?! We haven't heard word from the teams there yet!" Sel'ine shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe he just heard and hasn't made the statement yet, but..." the was a pause. Evajo looked her in the eyes with an unworded question. "... I sense that isn't the case as do you, no doubt." Her friend nodded. "Yeah. I don't trust that Calamari as far as I could throw him." "We have to remain objective, Evajo. It is for the Council to make these decisions." "But we know they never will unless Mon Mothma makes a move against them. That's what happened with Palpatine and that's what'll happen now if we don't do something." He felt the blue hand touch his cheek kindly. His frustration subsided as he listened to what Sel'ine had to say. "Don't do anything you may regret, my friend." He nodded and let her continue her journey to the Council before turning his attention to the direction she had come from - Mon Mothma's office. * * * * * * * * Anakin, Leia and Keylar sat on an outcropping half way up the huge shaft leading to the top of Thrawn's throne-building. Leia looked down at the seemingly bottomless pit which, if they hadn't climbed it themselves could easily have been. "The Force has brought us far." "There's still a long way to go..." he father replied. Suddenly a bleeping sound came from his utility belt. His hand moved down to take out a communicator seconds before the sound began. "Skywalker here." Lando's voice was heard on the other side. "This is Calrissian. We've have had a few problems but we're headed towards another shield generator. I'll explain when this whole thing's over with!" "Glad to hear it. But what's wrong?" "Nothing... yet." "Strange. I sense something... I don't know..." A blast appeared from nowhere and blew the communicator from Anakin's hand. He looked up and saw a shadow disappear through a doorway six levels up. The bridge across had been taken away. He could reach this if he could just focus his powers... Leia's hand rested on her father's. "I know what to do. I did it with Luke when he rescued me from the Death Star. Have you got a rope?" Anakin nodded and took the wire from his belt. Leia swung it upwards and, with some Force guidance it hooked onto the controls. "You want to go first, father?" she asked with a smile. "If you insist." The elder Skywalker grasped the wire and swung across the distance before hitting the wall and launched himself upwards with all the strength his legs had. He reached the doorway their attacker had entered before dropping the wire down and entering. His eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness as the blast door behind him slammed shut. He whipped around. Something went through the door just after he entered. Something... familiar. "I wouldn't bother with that," a female voice ahead of him said. "They're behind dealt with." A lightsaber activated and its beam shone on the face of Mara Jade. Anakin reached for his own weapon and ignited the blade. "But right now its you I want?" She lurched forward with an attack that Anakin easily deflected. She struck again but his blade blocked the path to his head and pushed her back. "You've changed your tune. Last time we met you were trying to find my daughter." "My target has changed." "Yet you seemed so determined." Mara lauched into another frenzied attacked, raining blows from both above and below all of which Skywalker detected and blocked. She became more and more erratic as her speed increase. The harsh clashing sound filled the dark room so that nothing else could be heard. Anakin jumped back and held his hand out. The red blade of Mar'a weapon went back into the hilt. She looked carefully and tried to reactivate it but to no avail. Her eyes turned to the Jedi. "What have you done?" "I've turned it off. You could have someone's eye out with that." "I must kill you!" She jumped at him, trying to claw at his face but he pushed her aside with the Force. She landed on her feet and turned around. "How... how can you do this?" "The Force is strong with me but you're anger and frustration weaken you also. You do not want to do this. My death mean nothing to you. You have a task which you must fulfil." "You don't know anything about me!" "I know that, but your emotions reveal so much, Mara Jade," Anakin said calmly. "You're heart is in conflict with your mind. Fell, don't think. Use you're instincts." Mara began to breath heavily, her anger starting to build. "What if my instincts tell me to kill your child?" "Then I will stop you. But that is not what they are telling you. You must learn to close your mind and let the Force speak to you. Then, only then, will you learn about your destiny." "I have no destiny!" Mara said, using Anakin's distraction as an opportunity to get control of her lightsaber. The blade emerged once more and she ran at Anakin. He reached for his own but it dropped to the floor forcing him to raise his arm in the path of the blade. * * * * * * * * Leia side stepped out of the way as the huge Sith Lord came bounding down at her. He ignited one end of his lightsaber and grinned, showing his rotting teeth. The Jedi princess noticed the wires and cybernetic parts that were holding him together. She was brought back to the present when the blade came towards her face. She moved away in time. "Prepare to die Jedi!" he hissed as he lauched an attack on Leia who ignited her weapon and blocked him in time. He was fast and strong and could easily beat her but she had one advantage - he was closest to the edge of the shaft. She tried to push him down with the Force but he blocked every attempt. "Your thoughts betray you. I knew what you were planning. You are weak, Skywalker but in time the hate will make you strong." "What hate?" "The hate you will feel upon the death of your father which is taking place right now." Maul motioned towards the closed doors. Leia looked up and felt pain coming from them. Something was happening in there. Something bad. She hacked at Maul's head but he intercepted and put his saber up in time. He kicked at her and she stepped back, stumbling at the edge of the metallic canyon. Using the Force she managed to regain balance but the Sith moved his hand slightly giving Leia the feeling of being prodded back until she lost all control and slipped down, grabbing the top rung of the ladder in time. "It's such a shame I'm not meant to kill you," Maul smirked. "It would be such fun." "I know what'd be fun too!" a voice behind him called. The Dark Lord turned around to receive a blast in the shoulder, the force of which sent him staggering back. "Mandalore!" he frowned as he rushed at Keylar with his lightsaber ready. Leia flipped back up to the platform and landed in front of him, knocking his blade away. "It's not a good idea to underestimate a Jedi but looking at the little war wound down there I think you already know that." Maul remembered the feel of the Jedi apprentice's weapon going through his flesh as if it were paper and his anger grew. This foolish girl would not hurt him as easily as she thought. He brought his saber down onto hers and they engaged in a deadly dance once more, this time with Leia in command of the situation. "Your anger has made you weak. You obviously lied to me about its power," she mocked him as she increased the pace of her attack. "The Dark Side is like a shadow to a real being. It is flat and disappears while the tangible exists forever." "The Sith will always be there and when we re-emerge from the ashes of the old we will lay the Jedi to waste." Maul stepped back and disappeared down the shaft with a laugh. Leia turned to the ambassador. "Something tells me we'll be seeing him again soon," she muttered. "No doubt," was the reply. "But I think we should see to your father." "I agree." Leia launched herself upwards and grabbed onto the door controls. She dangled above the huge hole and began to press the buttons to extend the bridge which slowly moved from one side to the other. She climbed onto it and threw the rope down to Keylar. All the while she heard the clashes of lightsabers inside then... silence. * * * * * * * * The air taxi came to a stop on the unguarded shield generator. The rebels jumped out with their explosive charges ready and attached them around the power lines. Lando watched the progress while talking to the taxi driver. The alien had been force into this occupation when the Empire took over his lucrative trading business upon the collapse of the Commerce Guild years previously. Narril came to his brother with the good news. "The charges are in place. They'll be detonated on your request." Lando observed them all and smiled. "All of you get in here and we'll get out of the range of the explosion!" They all obeyed amd jumped back into the taxi. Lando spoke to the driver again. "Take us to the top of that building over there," he pointed. They took off once more and just as they were safely away Lando pressed the detonator. The explosions ripped around the generator in a perfect circle at the charges had been placed and the generator was soon weakened, its huge structure beginning to fall down onto the Imperial barracks next to it. The taxi gave a victory spin as the rebels held onto their seats and eventually came to a standstill on a public docking platform. "Not a bad bit of work," the Quarren rebel observed and the two Calrissians nodded. * * * * * * * * "Take us out of hyperspace!" Admiral Ackbar ordered and the Republic fleet began to slow down within distance of Coruscant. A nearby cruiser noticed them and sent a legion of TIE-Fighters to intercept. "Launch Rogue Squadren," the Calamari told Wedge Antilles over the intercom. "You heard the man!" the hotshot pilot told his crew in the docking bay of Home One. "Let 'em rip!" Twenty X-wings flew out and a TIE was ripped to pieces by laser fire within seconds, its cockpit erupting in flame and sending the pilot into the reaches of space where he was killed by the wing that flew off its hinges. "Woagh! That got him!" Rogue Seven shouted. "Keep your concentration," Wedge ordered. We have to give the fleet time to get closer to the planet!" "Yessir, boss man!" Red Seven took on two TIEs, chasing them with all four guns blazing. The first was hit and it rolled through space into the second and soon they both collided with explosive results. His companion in Red Two took out another with little or no trouble as the huge, imposing structure of Home One flew passed towards Coruscant. Admiral Ackbar checked the computer. "The security shield is still up. We haven't much time. If we're detected before the attack begins a fleet of Star Destroyers will be brought in soon." "Wait, sir!" a Zabrak lieutenant called out. "I'm detecting fluctuations in the field matrix. There's something happening..." "Is it coming down?" "There's an overload on a generator in sector XX-321. The shield is deactivating!" "Lauch the attack!" * * * * * * * * With amazing manipulation of the Force Anakin stopped the blade with his arm but soon the heat was spreading. Mara pushed down harder and he knew he would not keep this up. Blisters started to appear on his forearm which burst soon after formation and reappeared again within seconds. He called his lightsaber to his hand and, with one huge force, pushed Mara Jade back and ignited it. "How... how did you do that?" she asked. "The mysteries of the Force are not to be questioned, only thanked. Now... kill me. Prove that you will do as Thrawn has commanded you. Give in to him and make yourself forever his slave." He turned his weapon off and tossed it back on the floor where he had only just retrieved it. "Strike me down and prove that all you are destined for is the Dark Side." The Emperor's Hand held the blade to Anakin's throat and was ready to plunge it through him. He closed his eyes and waited for her reaction. For her to give in or to accept salvation. If only he could see the future as he once did and would soon be able to again. The sound of the doors opening could be heard and light spread through the room once more. Leia and Keylar arrived in time to save Skywalker but it seemed none was needed. Mara turned off her weapon and put it back at her side. "You have been spared now and I may suffer Thrawn's vengeance for this but only because you are not my target." She stepped back into the darkness and seemed to disappear. Leia ran to her father. "Are you alright." "I'm more than alright, my daughter. I have aided a misguided soul in its first steps on a long hard journey back to the ways of the Force." "What do you mean?" "In time you will know. Now come. We have to deal with our would-be Emperor before it's too late." * * * * * * * * Lando surveyed the damage with macrobinoculars. The Imperial base had been ripped in half by the falling shield generator and its once proud frame was now rubble. He smiled. "Have they begun their attack yet?" Narril asked. Lando turned his attention to the skies and changed the frequency of the binoculars that they could penetrate the harsh atmoshpere. The fuzzy image soon turned into several specks that were coming closer to the planet. Bolts seemed to flash in between some indicating a battle going on above them. He put the viewers back at his side, just below his blaster and nodded. "They've arrived. I recommend we get moving before they open fire on the planet. A shuttle should be sent down at sector GC-768 and I don't particularly want to miss it." "What about the Jedi?" the Quarren asked. "They are remaining behind to deal with Thrawn. I know Jedi well and they'll do fine." "Glad to hear it. Come on!" As they were about to re-enter the taxi a doorway leading onto the roof they were situated on burst open. The sea of crimson emerged and were quickly identified as the Emperor's Royal Guard. They pressed a button on their staffs and a two foot long razor sharp blade came from the end. The rebels looked at them then at each other and frowned. * * * * * * * * A TIE Fighter headed towards the bridge of Home One on an intentional collision course when an X-wing swooped down in time to destroy it with a well placed proton torpedo. "You're all clear Home One!" Wedge called. "Thank you Rogue Leader," Ackbar noted as he turned to a human manning the docking controls. "Lauch the rescue shuttle immediately!" "Yes admiral!" was the reply as several buttons were pressed opening the air lock on the bottom of the Calamari cruiser. A shuttle exited with its pilots heading towards Coruscant. The X-wings gave it time to get through by destroying all of the enemy craft heading towards it. * * * * * * * * On board the shuttle the two pilots watched the events unfolding outside and were obviously nervous. A stray shot hit them and the whole vessel shuddered. They glanced at each other worriedly but once the shaking stopped they began to calm. "That was a close one." "Damn right. We're nearing the shield perimeter. All scopes indicate its down. Looks like we're clear." * * * * * * * * Ackbar looked at the command screen on the side of his chair. His eyes bulged with horror as he noticed energy fluctuations around the planet. He turned to the communication officer. "Tell the shuttle to increase speed!" "Sir?" "Tell them to..." There was a huge explosion as the shuttle was ripped in two, the front half heading towards Coruscant while the engines remained outside the atmosphere, cut clean in half by the new force-field which surrounded the planet. The admiral turned to one of the other bridge crew with a look of disbelief. He couldn't say anything but it was obvious what question was on his mind. "They had a secondary procedure that we didn't know about. It was activated just as the shuttle entered the perimeter. It's like the Imps knew we were coming..." "Can you get a communication to General Calrissian?" The officer shook his head. "If they don't know what's happening they can't get to the source of the problem." "And if they don't do that we're stuck here!" Ackbar pressed a button and his seat moved higher above the crew members as he bellowed further orders. "Retreat! All ships retreat!" It was too late. With a flash twenty Star Destroyers emerged from hyperspace and launched their fighters on the unwitting Republic. "It's a trap!" CHAPTER SEVEN "We have to retreat, Wedge!" Rogue Two called out just as a blast flew passed his wing. He turned the nose up and avoided any further attacks before joining the leader of the squadren. "That's not exactly possible, Janson," Wedge called out and looked out of the cockpit window to see his fellow pilot wipe a bead of sweat from his brow. "We can hold out as long as Lando realises that we need another generator down." "Somehow I can't see that happening, boss," Rogue Four informed him. "The shield has interfered with all surface communications. I've been trying to get through..." "Then we keep fighting to the death!" Wedge replied as he pulled his fighter up into a collsion course with a TIE Fighter just above him. He pushed his finger down on the trigger and blaster fire blew the TIE into a million pieces. Wedge came out at the other side of the explosion with a shout "Yee ha! That's how you do it!" He straightened himself out and activated the thrusters to stablise himself before looking ahead of him. "Oh no." The huge Star Destroyer loomed just metres in front of him as Wedge noticed almost all of its blaster cannons aiming in his direction. * * * * * * * * Lando stepped back in shock as the Crimson Guards came out of the building onto the roof they now found themselves. One pulled out a blaster and shot at the engine of the taxi they were about to retreat in. Smoke came from the bonnet and the driver jumped out, taking his own pistol and firing at them. One got knocked back but his armour protected him. Within a second the alien pilot found a blade through his chest. Blood dripped from his mouth as he died with a huge metal spike sticking through him. Narril grabbed a rifle and took a shot himself, blowing the arm off one of the guards. "See how you like that!" he called out. "Don't risk it," Lando instructed him. "They'll fight to the death no matter how many limbs they have!" He stepped back out of they way of a rebel body falling to the floor in two pieces. He ran in the other direction, blasting randomly and avoiding slashes coming towards him. He ducked down as a clump of hair disappeared from his head. "Fall out! Get away!" He made his way to the taxi and put his hand into the back to pull out the one thing that could save him - a rocket pack. Another hand came in to take the one sitting somewhat comfortably next to it. He looked up to see Narril. "What about the others?" The two brothers looked back to see the last rebel fall to the floor, cut down by a red cloaked guard. All of them turned their attention to the Calrissians. "It's now or never. I just hope the shuttle comes down to pick us up soon!" Lando jumped off the building and activated the pack. The rockets fired and two flames came from them. He found himself falling less and floating more. He noticed Narril was in the same situation and nodded. "Head for the rendevous point. Ackbar *should* be sending a team down soon!" Narril looked up to the sky. "Y'know, I'm beginning to doubt that..." One of the guards pulled out a blaster and took aim. The younger of the two brothers saw it out of the corner of his eye. "Move!" The blast flew passed his ear as he pushed Lando away. The red streak hit his pack and a small explosion ricketed through it. The first of the boosters sputtered to a stop and the other was seconds later. His arm outstretched to grab Lando's hand but was too late as he began to fall, their fingers touching for less than a second before the wind whizzed passed his ears. "Help..." he said, his voice trailing off his he moved further down Coruscant. * * * * * * * * In the throne building on Coruscant several Stormtroopers stood discussing the latest blaster modifications with more vigour than usual. Two officers walked passed and their conversation came to a sudden close but began again when the two "green-suits" were out of range. "I personally don't know why Blastech are doing it," one said. "It's not like this 'upgrade' makes any real difference." "It's more economical on power." "Yeah, but what good is it doing to do? Just between you and me, but most of the other troops coudn't hit the broad side of a Death Star. You've seen Steve, haven't you? Totally flunked the target course back at the academy but look where he is now..." "Yup. First infantry brigade on Dantooine." The other nodded and a smile would have been seen covering his face if the white helmet hadn't blocked it out. A small crash was heard behind him. He turned around but saw only a metal wall. "Man, I must be getting jumpy." "You really should lay off those peptabs of yours. They're doing you no good whatsoever." "Stop taking them? With the shifts that Thrawn gives us? You've gotta be kidding." Their words were cut short when a blue blade came through the wall. They both jumped out of the way as it turned into a semi-circle then a clean hole. The plate was knocked off and a figure came out. The troopers pulled out their weapons and began to fire. All things considered, they had the best aim in the Imperial forces. They could hit a Jawa from two miles away given the right focusing equipment. It was a shame, however, that they had never trained to deal with Jedi Knights. The first red streak hit the lightsaber blade and ricocheded into the opposite wall while the other went back on its firer. Before the only surving Stormtrooper could fire again his rifle had been hacked into two pieces. Anakin Skywalker turned off his sword and put it back at his belt. Leia and the Mandalore Keylar came out of the hole in the wall soon after. The Stormtrooper began to slowly back away until he realised some invisible force was preventing him from running away. Skywalker's hands were twitching as if he had some sort of control over this strange sensation. He spoke for the first time. "Where's Thrawn?" "Uhm... in his throneroom - th-that way." He pointed in the right direction, his arms being the only body part that was working in the way that they should be. The Jedi nodded. "Thank you very much. You will now leave." "I will now leave." "You're going to take the next transport off Coruscant." "I'll take the first transport..." "You will join the Rebellion and they will put your abilities to good use." "Join the Rebellion." "You're now free." The former Stormtrooper took off his helmet and threw it to the ground. His features were that of a Correllian. Roguish good looks, dark hair, presence of stubble on his chin. He smiled, took up a blaster and made his way in the opposite way down the corridor. "I didn't know you could do that." Keylar was stunned. "Change people's political leniation, that is." "He never wanted to be in the Empire," Anakin replied. "I could sense that. He joined the Academy and was drafted into service. He wasted much of his life but now he can finally live as he was meant to." There was a pause. "Now, to Thrawn." * * * * * * * * There was havoc outside the Imperial Temple. Within minutes of the shield generator exploding many of the pathetic aliens had been spurred into action, fighting against the years of oppression they had suffered. It was all futile. They barely made up their minds before the troops came in to deal with them. Still, you had to admire their efforts. Several buildings had been fire bombed in those few spare seconds. Emperor Thrawn smiled. This was what he wanted to see. The Empire making a show of what it would do to those who tried to rebel. He had only just left a meeting with a group of officers as to when the first executions would take place. Things couldn't have been better. Above them the fleet of the self proclaimed Republic was cornered with little or no hope of salvation. First the Republic and then the Jedi. Maul was missing but he was irrelevant. The door behind him opened. He didn't bother to turn around to see who it was. He knew his current visitors all to well, by reputation if not in meeting. "Welcome Anakin Skywalker," he smiled to himself. "Welcome too, young Leia Organa and Keylar Gravvele. You are most welcome here." Anakin looked around in dismay. This that was once the meeting place of the Jedi High Council was made into the dark, opposing residence of the Emperor. He moved further towards the centre where, as a child, he had been told that he was not to be trained. How little they knew back in those days. He looked at the back of the Chiss' head. "You are to come with us back to the Republic and face trial for your crimes or..." "Or I will what, Jedi?" Thrawn said as he finally turned to face his visitors. "I will die? Somewhere I highly doubt it. I have died before but now I am back. You cannot destroy me." "You arogant son of a..." Keylar lifted up his rifle and took aim at Thrawn. Before he could pull the trigger he found himself being hurled across the room and landing in the corner of the room. "As I said," the red eyed alien continued. "You can't destroy me." Leia looked at him and back to her father. "He has control over the Force," she murmured. "How can that be possible?" Anakin shook his head. "I wish I knew." * * * * * * * * Wedge felt the first blast hit him from the side. He quickly turned himself around while switching deflectors to full back. The barrage sent him further forward then he anticipted as the shields couldn't take the strain. "I need help back here!" he called over the intercom. "Straight aw..." The explosion ripped around him as the newly installed ejector seat send him out into space. He struggled to pull the air mask over his face and look a long breath. "Home One this is Rogue Leader. I need immediate pick up!" A Y-wing started to head towards him ready for him to settle into the gunner's seat. He activated the minimal boosters but was too late. Two long, metallic arms wrapped around his body. Wedge looked back to see himself being pulled in by an Imperial shuttle. "Uh, Home One," he said as he began to panic. "This is Rogue Leader. Some assistance would be helpful right now." The crackling sound of Admiral Ackbar's voice could be heard. The communications unit in the ejector seat wasn't as powerful as that of the X-wing but the closer he got to the Shuttle the weaker the connection became. "This is Home One. We... *tzzzzzzzt*n't get any*tzzt*ne to your loc*tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt*n't want to injure our best pi*tzzzzzzzzt*cue operation will beg..." and with that it completely broke down as he entered the docking hatch. A set of blast doors closed as Wedge was finally put down. Three Stormtroopers armed with blaster rifles came marching towards him as he pulled the air mask off. They motioned for him to get up which he did somewhat reluctantly. "The admiral will want to speak to you," the one that seemed to be in charge said. "Antilles, Wedge. Rank: commander. Serial number: Beta-two-three- seven-nine-zero-two." "I'm sure he'll get more out of you than that." "Somehow I doubt it," Antilles replied harshly. * * * * * * * * Thrawn walked slowly towards Anakin, his grin becoming bigger and bigger as the confidence of his control grew. "The Republic is defeated. You will not survive this battle. Mothma made a mistake in attacking Coruscant of all places." "Unless you haven't realised, your entire shield network will be collapsing any time soon," Keylar replied as he got to his feet. "We'll attack and the planet will be free of Imperial control." "Oh, you're much mistaken, Mandalore. I'm sure your Jedi friends have realised by now that things are much more in my favour." He turned to Anakin knowing that his warning was very much true. Skywalker nodded. "They have a dual shield system. Activated just after we got here. We weren't to know. I sense an incredible amount of fear above the planet." Thrawn was pleased. "Very clever, Skywalker. I detected your presence almost as soon as you entered the system. I am right in surmising you know how hard to see the Dark Side is. Hiding myself from even you, the Chosen One, was easy." Leia moved forward so she was next to her father. She stood as defiant as she had in the control room of the Death Star when she faced Palpatine and there was no way she would back down. "What I don't understand is how you have such mastery of the Dark Arts. Your race is known for its inability to communicate with the Force." Thrawn smiled as he walked up to the princess. He stroked her cheek before she pushed his hand away with the Force. He gave a small laugh. "Haven't you realised yet? Don't you recognise me? Thrawn is just a body now, it is I who has control, as I always did." For the first time Leia knew who she was facing. "Palaptine." "Clever girl. The ability to transfer my essence to another being was something I learnt before you were even born. I never thought I would need it but your abilities when we last met proved me wrong. I will never underestimate you again, Jedi." "You won't have time to," she said ferociously as her lightsaber flew into her hand and was ignited with a touch. It's red blade hummed quietly as she ran at the person she once thought was Thrawn. He raised a hand and she found herself unable to move forward. Her weapon turned itself off and she threw it to the ground. Palpatine smiled as he made her walk closer to him. "You would make a perfect apprentice, my dear," he cooed. "But you could also help bring forward the new era of the Sith. You are young, fertile... I could make use of you." "Never!" Anakin shouted, his hand moving up and pulling Leia away from the blue skinned alien. She came back to her senses immediately and stepped back to where she stood before. Rather than annoyed the emperor seemed impressed. "Anakin Skywalker., you amaze me. It seems your powers are returning. You may make a most excellent adversary yet." "But not now..." the old Jedi replied quietly. "You're going to get away and we'll let you. The battle for this planet will mean nothing even if we do break through the shields..." "...which you won't." "You'll find we're full of surprises." "Is one of them the ability to avoid the blasts of almost half a squadren of TIE fighters?" Anakin looked out of the window to see the last of the Imperial fighters took position. Ten of them were aimed at him alone and had nothing against firing on a lone man. Palpatine had turned his attention to the door where six of his Royal Guards came to take him to his private shuttle. He looked at Leia. "In time you will be mine. Mara Jade will see to that." Then to Anakin. "You are clever, Chosen One, and no doubt you will survive this but you will not save all of the innocents in this building. When we next meet your anger will make you strong and we will fight. I will have constructed a lightsaber especially for it." "It will be the last one you ever hold." "We shall see." The Emperor was escorted out by the red robed guardians and the door closed behind him. Keylar frowned. "You could have killed him. He is not as strong as he boasts, surely." "He is, and possibly stronger." Leia glanced at the imposing sight right in front of them. "So, father... What do we do now?" * * * * * * * * Lando put his rocket pack into reverse or, at least, what would be considered reverse given that this situation was taking place horizontally rather than vertically as it currently seemed to be. Narril's velocity was increasing but not in a favourable direction, his now useless pack dragging him down even faster. "Take that thing off!" Lando called out as loud as he could. "It'll lower your speed. I should be able to catch up with you!" His brother tried to do as was suggested and tried to pull the straps off his shoulders. The longer this was taking the more gratful he became that the average building on Coruscant was several miles above the surface and it would be quite a while before his body found itself being the same consistency as Gundark droppings after a high fibre diet. Nonetheless he wanted to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. The first sign that he was getting somewhere struck Lando when the now separated pack almost knocked his head off as it flew passed his face. At least it meant Narril was falling at a slightly slower speed now. He reached his hand down to grab that of his brother's which was slowly coming into range. "I've nearly got you. Just a little further..." Finally! Lando grasped Narril's hand and activated the boosters. As their desent ever so slowly came to a stand still they noticed something quite worrying right in front of them. "Uh, Lando," Narril asked quietly. "Are those TIE Fighters in front of us?" "I think they are." "Good. I thought I was seeing things. And is that Anakin I see them aiming at?" "I think it is." "Do you get the impression that we're in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Lando chose not to respond. * * * * * * * * All things considered, things weren't going well for the Republic and for the team Anakin found himself leading things were looking like getting even worse. The two Calrissians were outside the window, between them and the Imperial fighter squadren - a place where the average person, human or otherwise, would not like to find themselves. One of the TIEs looked like it was charging its weapons. The blaster cannons on it would have put a good dent into the deflector of an X-wing so the effects it would have on the humanoid body weren't the sort of things you would want to experiment with in this kind of problem. Deciding to do the only natural thing, Anakin closed his mind and held his arms up above his head before whipping them down as if throwing a heavy object. Outside, three of the fighters found themselves spiraling insanely towards the first structure that was in their path. * * * * * * * * The workers on the shield generator were caught by surprise as a TIE fighter exploded through the armour plated wall, interrupting the break from duty they were currently enjoying. The other two hit the main reactor. Tiny lights deactivated on a computer panel some miles away as the Imperial technicians began to realise exactly what was happening. The entire deflector netork was collapsing. The Emperor hadn't predicted this. He said anyone trying to destroy one generator wouldn't live to destroy another before it was too late. Things weren't looking good for the Imperial presence on Coruscant. "Does anyone else here have a bad feeling like this?" one asked. * * * * * * * * Anakin allowed Lando and Narril to enter the now shattered window over looking the anarchy that was beginning to take place outside. He smiled at his handywork before taking on an air of calm for the others to see. "I sense panic ensuing all over the planet. The shield is down. The Republic and Mandalore will begin their attack." "At least one part of this mission was successfully completed," Leia said sadly. "We let Palpatine... Thrawn... whoever he is get away. Sometimes I really wonder if following the will of the Force is the way to get things done!" Her father was slightly more positive as he place his hand on her shoulder. "Surely you understand that we could not have defeated him but this overall victory will cause his power over the galaxy to decrease. With that in mind he will begin to weaken. The anger of the Dark Side only gives strength for so long. When we next strike the Light will be victorious." Keylar, who had watched the whole fiasco with some interest, slowly realised that whole fleets of Republic fighters were finding their way through the planet's atmosphere and were taking on the Imperial's who were beginning to realise what was happening to them. "I think we'd better move. They'll be sending a shuttle down for us soon and I'm starting to wonder whether or not this'll be the first place that's in the line of fire when the attack really starts." "You have a point. Let's go!" Anakin ignited his lightsaber, as did Leia while the others pulled out blasters and started to work their way through the corridors of the Temple, much easier than they way they had found to get to the top. They worked their way through the troops who tried desperately to maintain control in their attempts to prove there was still power and not chaos. * * * * * * * * Up above Coruscant, on the bridge of the command ship under the control of Admiral Ackbar there was a sense of definate victory. The Mon Calamari leader raised his hand to order silence. "We have been able to begin this but victory is not yet assured. We are to maintain control over the orbit while bombers deal with the Empire on the surface." An eager young ensign told everyone the latest new. "B-wings have been launched sir. They are headed for the Imperial Temple and all known control centres. They won't be able to call for help." "Destroy or capture any Imperial vessels trying to evauate the planet. With Emperor Thrawn hopefully out of the way they will begin to scatter." "Yes sir!" Ackbar looked out of the viewscreen and smiled. Despite the current situation with the Star Destroyers once a presence on Coruscant was sealed the Republic would have what was once theirs. CHAPTER EIGHT For the second time Mara found herself at the lowest she could possibly go. Wandering through the old, seedy district of Coruscant she found herself at the home of Zsan Treil, the Jedi woman who had protected her but found herself on the wrong side of Maul's lightsaber. The door was left ajar and she pushed it open slightly to look inside. In the corner of the room was a figure rummaging through the ancient human's artifacts, throwing unwanted items across the room, often smashing the more fragile ones on the wall. Finding something that was wanted the strangely familiar being pocketed it. Mara put her hand around the hilt of her lightsaber and slowly moved in. She hadn't been seen yet noted by the broken datapad flying aimlessly through the air but finding itself on a collision course with her head. Using the Force she made it stop in its motion. After several seconds the figure turned around, noticing that the pad hadn't made a crashing sound on the floor. His eyes were filled with fear as he saw the item he had just hurled floating as if held by an invisible force. Mara realised who it was. The mad old man from the cantina who claimed to be a Jedi when being accidentally bumped. He obviously remembered who she was and tried to make an escape. As he ran he found the datapad fly in front of his face and shatter on the wall. "If you want that to be your head," Mara informed him. "I'd not move." "The woman is dead," the 'Jedi' stammered. "She couldn't use any of this. I could." "For what? To sell it on the black market? Making money out of other's poverty?" "Jedi don't do that. I am a Jedi. As are you, it seems." The Emperor's Hand walked in front of the old man and pushed him gently against the wall with her finger. She wasn't showing any violence but it was more than enough for her companion to realise she wouldn't hesitate in doing so if she had to. "Actually, my dear, unknowing friend, I am a Sith." He started to panic, trying to shimmy away from her put soon noticed an arm was blocking his path. He threw the bag of loot to the floor before finding himself there too. He looked as if he was about to beg for mercy. "I'm so sorry. Don't kill me. I'm not really a Jedi." "I knew that." "You did? Then you'll let me go?" Her booted foot came down on his hand that over confidently let itself rest on the floor. The old man let out a howl. "You may not be a Jedi but I'm still a Sith. The woman who lived here taught me the Black Arts and I will not have anyone trying to bury her memory into the ground before she is even dead two days." The man finally caved in. Tears started coming from his eyes as he fell limp and weak in fear for his life. Mara lifted him up by his collar. "You will put everything back in its place. I will be back to ensure that nothing is moved. If it is you will be the first person I destroy." "Wh... What if someone else does it?" "You're going to make sure that they don't." "Oh-okay. I'm sorry. Thank you... thank you for sparing me." "So you should be." Mara went to the man's belt and took the lightsaber hanging from his side. Just as she'd noted during their last encounter it was broken and possibly beyond repair, the durasteel shell rusting in places. She put it on her belt and dragged the thief out of the house and shut the door behind her. With one move she threw him through the air until he landed on the floor with a thud. For the first time Mara smiled as she watched him run away as fast as his legs could carry him. No one would harm Zsan's possesions now. Then it happened. Shrapnel began to fall from the sky like rain. Mara glanced upwards to see battles taking place between Republic and Imperial fighter, laser blasts flying in all direction and... bombs. B-wings were focusing on the control centres but some of their missiles were not quite hitting the targets they were meant to as some found themselves heading into the slum districts. One exploded in the cantina next to her. Two Wookies outside were caught in the blast which sent Mara flying through the air. She managed to land on her feet but realised others were not so lucky. "Screw this," she muttered to herself as she ran towards the docking bay she had left her private starship after she last came to the planet. It had been a long time and she could only hope that it hadn't been stolen. At first the high pitched sound behind her meant nothing but as it became louder she realised there was more to this than she thought. Whipping around with her lightsaber activated, Mara Jade found herself face to face with a concussion missile headed straight for her. * * * * * * * * Leia led her father and the rest of the group to the designated landing point for the rescue shuttle but it soon became evident that they were going nowhere. The air battles rained around them and there was still no sight of their salvation. Anakin pondered the situation. "We're going to have to find some other escape route out of here. Any idea where they keep starships on this planet?" He knew the answer before he finished his question. On a skyscraper just opposite them sat a rather shiny looking Nubian vessel that reminded of the Naboo Royal Starship that... she had. Why couldn't he get to terms with her death? It had been so long ago and now he had a daughter he never thought he had. Why was the memory of the goddess-like queen so hard to accept? He brought himself to, shaking his head back into motion. The ship was aged and had quite a few modification, a series of blaster cannons salvaged from something more Correllian but he wasn't going to complain. He took out his laser sword. "Cover me!" With a huge leap he made the gap between the buildings as Keylar, Lando and Narril fired at any fighters that would have interfered with his attempt. On the other side, Skywalker forced the sliding door open and entered. It was dirt and obviously hadn't been used in quite some time. The license must have run out years previously and the owner wasn't able to afford to register it again. Right now, whether or not it was legal to fly by Imperial standards wasn't his problem as he raced to the cockpit to start up the engines. Upon pressing several buttons it did just that but with more of a stutter than a roar but that wasn't exactly important since, as long as they got them off the ground, they would be fine. * * * * * * * * Keylar watched as the impressive vehicle lifted off and headed towards them, the door open enough for them to jump onto the landing ramp and to safety. Keylar prepared for the leap, his legs bending slowly. Just then a piece of the nearby building broke loose and headed for the hull of the starship. With a loud crack, the shields blocked it in time and, in slightly more fragments, it fell down to the parts of the city below. The Mandalore jumped up and scrambled into the cargo hold. Lando and Narril were soon after followed by Leia whose Jedi dexterity allowed her to make it much easier than the others. "I'm going to catch up with my father. We should get us off this dump." She disappeared through a set of sliding double doors as the brothers and the Mandalore staring out over the battlefield until the landing ramp blocked their view. "Strange, isn't it," Lando commented. "We're leaving the planet so we can take it over. I'll never work out Ackbar's mentality." * * * * * * * * Admiral Dasson looked at the viewscreen where Thrawn's face was barking orders to him. "I will be taking my private shuttle and meeting with you. Ensure that the fleet does not evacuate to hyperspace until I am safely aboard." "Yes, my Lord," the nervous officer replied. Was this the time to tell the Emperor that they had captured a Republic pilot? Realising it would put him in a slightly better mood than the one he was currently in, Dasson voted yes. "And another thing..." "Yes?" "An enemy pilot was captured and is currently in the holding cells. We haven't got anything but his name, rank and number but that's enough to tell us he could be useful to us." "Excellent. I look forward to meeting him." "Yes sir." The face disappeared only to be replaced with the view of the stars and the battle going on outside. The Empire seemed to have the upper hand against the Republic fleet but with the capital of the galaxy below soon to be under the control of the enemy they were definately going to be the losers in this battle. It was only best to cut their losses and get out while they could. This, despite what impression he gad to give to the people under his command, was what Captain Dasson had wanted from the start. He didn't believe in Thrawn. Hell, he didn't really agree with Palpatine and his obsession with sorcery. All Petri Dasson wanted was to maintain order. He was brought up to believe in order and it was his god given right to ensure that everyone else did to. If it meant killing the occasional anarchist then so be it. Dasson walked to the front of the bridge where his first officer was looking out into space where TIE fighters of all kinds - standard, Interceptor, bomber - were going head-to-head with their Republic counterparts. "You heard our orders?" Dasson asked. "Yes sir," Commander Rellith replied. "Evacuation is our only bet. It will give us time to regain our forces and come back even stronger." Dasson was forced to agree. "Indeed. Our problem is the very battlefield. It's our property, at the moment that is, and therefore we immediately find ourselves on the defensive. When we're here next the tables will be turned." * * * * * * * * Mara swifty sliced forward and somersaulted backwards as the explosion ripped through the street but to a lesser extent than it would have if not for her. Before she could accept the thanks of those she had saved she started running towards the only safe place. Her starship was definately not far from here. She jumped over the rubble of a collapsed building, ignoring the helpless aliens trapped underneath and picked up her pace more to avoid further rubble falling from the sky. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a spark and looked up to see a sleek, shiny starship taking off from a landing platform some miles above. She knew the Skywalkers were there but had to remain focused. There it was! In a hidden garage just ahead. Mara made it to the entrance and entered her authorisation code and... nothing. She'd been blocked out. She'd paid for two years rental. The passwords should still be active unless someone had changed them. With that the door opened. Despite the darkness Mara could see there was someone in here, someone she didn't want to see at this precise moment in time. Darth Maul sneered. "Why do you bother, my dear Emperor's Hand. Every time you try to escape I will always be there to capture you again. It is your duty to Thrawn that prevents me from destroying you here. Strange, isn't it?" The young woman frowned bitterly. "I wouldn't know." "But don't think you'll be going on any more jobs for him this time. The only reason he wants you is to..." a smile covered the Sith Lord's lips. "...punish you." "I'd like to see him try." "He'll do more than try." Maul whipped out his lightsaber but before Mara could react the handle collided with her skull. She heard a loud crack from within and just before she passed out noticed blood trickling down the side of her face. * * * * * * * * Anakin sat alone in the cockpit to the starship they had just borrowed. All sorts of thoughts went through his mind as he controlled the vessel further towards the atmosphere and out of the range of any attacking fighters. Why did he let Thrawn go? He could have fought - to the death if necessary. Why did he get so afraid? And... and just the thought of Her made him shut down. How could it be possible that he couldn't accept the death of his wife that occured over twenty years ago? "Father, we're safely aboard." Anakin turned around quickly as if he wasn't expecting Leia to walk in on him. The Force should have alerted him to her presence. He was getting stronger with each day that passed. Of course. He was too distracted. He calmed down before spoke again. "I'm glad to hear that. Shall we rejoin the fleet?" "Couldn't think of anything I'd like more," his daughter smiled as she took a place next to him. "Let's get going!" * * * * * * * * Mara hit the ground with a thud and finally came to, although still a little groggy. The first thing she saw as her eyes began to focus again were two leather-booted feet. She looked up and squinted to see Thrawn looking down on her. A frown covered his face. "You betrayed me Mara Jade," he hissed in a voice completely different to the one Mara had last heard him speak with. It was more... familiar. "Master?" she asked. Thrawn held out his hand and Mara felt herself being lifted to her feet by the Force until she was at eye level with the emperor. "I trained you to serve me. You were meant to follow my orders without question." "I - I didn't know it was you. I thought..." "You thought it was Thrawn. That would be acceptible if you were anyone but the Emperor's Hand. You should know me from the other side of the galaxy." He dropped Mara to the floor again. When she tried to get up she was pushed down by another foot - that of Maul. He was getting some perverse pleasure out of his treatment of her and the more Mara noticed the more her anger got out of control with no way to work it off. "I tried to follow your last orders..." "I changed my orders to you. Leia Skywalker is to be mine. She is to be my apprentice... my new Hand." Maul, with one strong push, took Mara to the ground completely. He held her down with his foot as he spoke to his master. "And what is to become of... this?" "She will be punished. I am a forgiving person, Mara, but you have gone beyond even my generosity." He smiled but realised that it made the age show even more on his face. He gave a quick glance to the Dark Lord. "Bring her into my shuttle." The Sith picked Mara from the floor and dragged her up the landing ramp of Thrawn's personal shuttle all the while wondering what he would be refered to in the future. Thrawn or Palaptine. But more importantly, where would he stand if Skywalker's daughter became his replacement. * * * * * * * * "I'm getting a communication from Admiral Ackbar," Leia informed her father as a indicator on her console began to flash uncontrolably. "Shall I respond?" Anakin frowned. "I'd rather we waited until we got back to base before we tell him anything. He's already got enough against the Jedi as it is. He may start firing on us if we tell him we failed." Leia nodded with a smile. She rejected the call and took over the sensors again. Within seconds another emergency stopped her from relaxing. "Father, there's an Imperial shuttle coming up behind us. It's weapons are active." "Palpatine!" Anakin hissed as looked at a nearby viewscreen. He began to charge up their weapons. "Last time I flew one of these babies it didn't have much in the way of blasters. Looks like we're about to see the tables turned." "You're suggesting we attack? After you stopped us from taking him on back at the Temple? Are you sure that's such a good idea?" The starship shook as a blast hit it. The determination in the old Jedi's eyes increased fourfold. "You bet it's a good idea." * * * * * * * * The Nubian designed ship span around on its axis until it was facing the Imperial shuttle. Three shots rang out as the laser blasts hit the quickly approaching vessel. Inside Maul staggered across the cargo hold and collided with the wall. Mara jumped to her feet and flew at him, her foot causing a loud crack in his ribs. As if he didn't feel any pain, the Sith grabbed her leg and threw her to the floor. "You shouldn't have tried that, Jade. I could very easily kill you right her." "Go ahead." Maul ignited one end of his lightsaber and stabbed down at Mara's face, only stopping just before the skin. He laughed. "You'd like that wouldn't you? For me to kill you before our master can torture you. I didn't credit your intelligence enough." "You need some yourself to be able to do that." A growl came from deep down Maul's throat as he tried to resist using his anger and killing her where she lay. Another shot hit them. * * * * * * * * Leia began to panic. "Father! Their shields are much stronger than ours. We can't take any more shots! You said yourself, we'll have a better chance when we meet them next!" Anakin seemed determined. He switched the weapons to proton torpedoes and held his thumb above the trigger. He said nothing in reply to his daughter. "You can't use them at such close range! We'll be destroyed too and what good would..." "There is no death, there is the Force!" Leia shouted out her next words without even thinking about them. "Mara's on board that ship!" Anakin turned around. "What?" The Shuttle flew passed them and into space. With a flash it entered hyperspace and disappeared. The elder Skywalker looked annoyed. "They got away." His daughter said nothing but he could sense the relief she felt. * * * * * * * * "Today a great victory has been won," Mon Mothma said in broadcadt that could been seen all over the galaxy. She stood in the centre of the Galactic Senate as hundreds of camera droids from every holo-network circled her. "The Republic once again has control over Coruscant. From this strong vantage point we will be able to maintain control over the galaxy and ensure that peace is finally restored after the regime of the Empire. It will be hard and will take a very long time but all I request is that the former Republic worlds meet once more in the Senate in order to sign the New Republic Treaty. It has been a long, hard journey and it is not over yet. Thank you." The holograph disappeared and Hela Zapalo looked over at Adi Gallia. "Yet some worlds will never be able to return." "Naboo lives on in the hearts of its survivors, Hela. It is your job to ensure it never dies out as Palpatine wanted." Kas Grendor spoke up for the first time since Mothma began her speech. "There was no mention of the Jedi," he informed the rest of the Council. "I feel she is afraid to talk of us. There are too many people like Ackbar in the Republic." "As the Chancellor said herself, the journey is not over yet," Master Yarled stated. Gallia nodded. "Nonetheless I still fear that we will not be properly represented in the Senate." * * * * * * * * Leia had settled into her quarters on Coruscant in an area that had not been seriously damaged in the attack. Her father had recommended a nearby nightclub that he claimed to have frequented when he was still an apprentice but she didn't feel like joining the celebrations that were starting there. The lights in her room were off so she quickly noticed the blue glow which signified her brother's presence. She turned to look at Luke's shimmering spirits and noticed the smile on his face. "Palpatine is gone and the light has returned. I have missed you, sister." Leia smiled jokingly. "You'll never guess what my day was like." "Actually I was with you at all times. It was painful not being able to show myself but the darkness was too much. I couldn't project myself." "Well I'm glad you can now. Father is having problems in dealing with letting Palpatine go yet at the same time he was the one who suggested we do so." Luke nodded. "He has a lot to deal with. You must remeber he lost much of his life trying to be Boba Fett, the loss of his powers didn't help. They are returning yet he can no longer control them. Give him time." "I guess so," Leia replied. "He did question my reasons for letting Palpatine go. He thinks my feelings for Mara Jade are blinding me to my mission." "And what are your feelings towards her?" "I... I don't know," the Jedi princess whispered loud enough for her brother to hear. "She wants to kill me yet she can't bring herself to. I want to help her but father doesn't understand that." "So you understand that the time will come when you must face her. If she has got over her initial apprenhension and is willing to destroy you, will you be prepared to do the same?" "I am ready to face her, Luke." "That wasn't what I asked." "I know." THE END.... FOR NOW To be continued in Republic Saga - Betrayal beginning very soon!