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Author: David Maciver

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Summary: It’s six months since the Rebels, aided by the Jedi, took Coruscant. The Fledgling Republic is having teething troubles and the Jedi aren’t being allowed to help...

Disclaimer: I didn’t get paid for this, which is lucky because I don’t own it. George Lucas made the Universe and created most of the characters so he does. The story is based on an outline by Jonathan Evans and I filled in the gaps...


There was a loud hissing sound as the lightsabers clashed for the umpteenth time that afternoon. The sun shone down on New Naboo and the Jedi sat in a circle, watching as two of their number practiced.

“Your leaving your left side open,” instructed Adi Gallia, slashing at her pupils side as if to make a point. He yelped and wheeled away as the training saber left a small burn below his ribs.

“HEY!” howled Evajo Siinit, “that hurt!” He slumped on the ground, extinguishing the lower power saber and trying to catch his breath. Sweat trickled from his brow.

“It was meant to,” said the Jedi Master, also extinguishing her saber with a wry smile. “You’ll protect your left side next time?”

“Yes Master”

“Good, then my work is done for now. Okay everyone,” she said, turning from her own apprentice to address the group as a whole, “break into pairs and spar for a while. When you have had enough head for the meditation chamber. I’ll see you all there.” There was a chorus of “Yes Master Gallia” from all the Jedi before they stood up and left. The Jedi Master moved to help her apprentice up.

“Well, that was fun!” said the Master.

“I suppose. I wish you wouldn’t make me look a fool in front of the young ones. Especially the Padawans...” Evajo Siinit turned to his Master.

“It is good for them to know that none of us, not even Jedi Knights like yourself, are invulnerable. You never know, next time I might even let you win!”

This drew a smile from the Knight. “Let?! We’ll see about that old timer!” The two laughed.

There was an awkward silence and Adi Gallia seemed to stare off into the distance. “What’s wrong, Master?” asked the younger Jedi.

“Hmmm? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about Anakin and Leia. Wondering if we’ll ever get to do what we’re supposed to....”


“Mon Mothma, with all due respect, the Jedi should be running around not sitting about cooling their heels!” Anakin Skywalker was nearing the end of a considerably long tether. It was the same argument as always. The Republic wouldn’t allow the Jedi to protect it’s planets and nothing seemed to change that fact. Everyday Anakin and his daughter Leia would try and change the Republic’s leadership to let the Jedi help, and everyday she refused.

“Anakin, you know I can’t,” said Mothma. She sounded very tired to Leia, who was sitting at the rear of the office. “If I let the Jedi help one planet the others would want Jedi too. There just aren’t enough of you. And Ackbar...”

“Ackbar is a warrior. The Jedi aren’t warriors, we’re...” He struggled for the right words.

“Peacekeepers” chimed in Leia.

“That’s right,” said Master Skywalker, giving his daughter a quick smile. “We’re peacekeepers. Let Ackbar deal with the Empire and let us help the planets of the Republic get back on their feet.” He leaned on her desk, a smile on his lips.

Mothma looked up into the Jedi’s eyes. “I’m sorry. Now is not the right time. Maybe in a few months but....” she let the sentence trail off. Anakin went to continue the argument as the com unit on Mon Mothma’s desk chimed.

“Supreme Chancellor,” came the disembodied voice, “it’s time for Narril Calrissian’s ceremony.”

“I.....we’ll be there in a minute.” she said, reaching to turn off the unit. She stood and moved for the door, her two Jedi aides moving to her side.


Various dignitaries sat in rows facing the open-air stage high in Imperial Centre. There were very few signs of the battle that had taken place only sixth months before, but those with keen eyesight could see the huge constructions droids on the horizon, rebuilding Coruscant piece by piece.

On the stage sat Lando Calrissian, Narril Calrissian and Admiral Ackbar. There were three empty seats. The two Calrissian “brothers” sat chatting happily to each other, Narril visibly nervous, while Ackbar sat tapping his foot. His whiskers twitched in agitation.

“If they don’t hurry up I’m going to dry to a crishp” he grumbled to himself. He lifted the damp sponge to his head, moistening the skin further to combat the sun which didn’t seem to be bothering anyone else. As he lowered the sponge he saw three figures moving towards the stage. “Finally” he said, before standing up and giving the Mon Calamari equivalent of a smile to Mon Mothma. His right hand twitched and the Republic Anthem started to play.

Mothma and the Skywalkers returned the smile, the Jedi taking their seats and the Supreme Chancellor taking the podium. Ackbar sat back down again, not even glancing at the Jedi.

Mon Mothma politely stood as the rest of the tune played. The clapping died down and she began to speak. “It’s amazing how far we have come. Less than a year ago I was standing in front of some of you in the briefing room on Home One, Admiral Ackbar’s ship. I was leading a briefing on what could easily have been the end of the Rebellion. It wasn’t. The assault on the Emperor’s Second Death Star was successful. After that battle we all felt as if nothing could stop us. Our next target was this world, the jewel of the Galaxy, Coruscant. It wasn’t easy and many good people died that day. The work of those on the ground was instrumental to what those in the sky could do. And one of those men on the ground will be honoured today. Admiral Ackbar please.”

The Mon Calamari stood and took the podium from the Supreme Chancellor. He gave her another smile and had to wait as the crowd died down again. “Narril Calrishian went above and beyond the call of duty during the battle of Corushcant *shlurp*. For his honourable deedsh we of the New Republic military have decided that he shall be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Narril Calrishian, *slurp* pleashe shtep forward.”

The human stood up and stepped in front of Admiral Ackbar, his “brother” Lando beaming in the background. The Mon Calamari stepped up and attached an additional insignia on his lapel, before taking his hand. The crowd cheered...


Silence. It had never been so quiet before. Mara Jade struggled futilely against her bonds. The chains around her wrists chaffed against her already red skin. She tried once again to reach to the force, even a little. Just enough to dim some of the pain. It was futile. She stopped struggling and heard a sound from the shadows in the corner of the room.

“Who is it?! Who’s there?!” she yelled. She’d been hearing and seeing things for hours now, unsure whether there was anything actually there.

“Calm yourself Jade,” came a familiar voice. A black booted foot emerged from the shadows and the Chiss leader of the Empire stepped into the light. His blue skin shined as he entered the pool of light. “It’s only me.”

“Thrawn,” she said, her voice filled with loathing. She spat at the alien and the saliva ran down his gleaming boot. He ignored it. “Release me now. I don’t know what you’ve done to me but I want it undone.”

“Ever defiant aren’t you Mara?” he said, smiling. “you’re not exactly in a position to make demands. I assume you are referring to your current inability to reach to the Force opposed to the actual bonds that hold you? It’s not permanent you know. I may be inclined to assist you, if you were a little more co-operative.”

“you’re a fool Thrawn. You shouldn’t be holding me like this. I’m as loyal to the Emperor as you....”

“The Emperor?” he cut in. “Not the EMPIRE Jade? I can see you are still of no use to me...” the Chiss turned to leave.

“Wait! I can help you!”

Thrawn stopped. “How?” he said.

“Your troops will not have an easy time against the Jedi. I am a match for them. I could defeat them for you. I owe them after all, they killed my Master.”

“I have Maul.” said Thrawn, turning to face his captive once more.

“Darth Maul is passed his best. All that’s keeping him together is some wires. I am in my prime. You should let me go NOW, while the Jedi are still weak.”

“It is true,” pondered Thrawn, half to himself, “that the Jedi are still separated from the Rebellions leaders. And that you and Maul would be better than Maul alone. But I don‘t believe I can trust you....”

“I never betrayed the Emperor. And his last order to me was to kill Leia Skywalker. This hasn‘t been completed yet. What are a few more Jedi on the way to my goal? If we attack the Jedi now she will come running“ Mara‘s voice took on a pleading tone.

Thrawn considered Mara’s points. After what seemed like an eternity of consideration to Mara he looked up with a smile on his face. “So be it, Jade.” He pulled a comlink from his belt. “Commander, prepare the troops for an assault. We shall leave for the Outer Rim as soon as possible.”

“Yes sir,” came the voice from the other end. Maul reached to release Mara’s bonds.

“How do you know they are in the Outer Rim?” she asked.

“I have my ways.”



Anakin Skywalker sat in his office, staring into space. The ceremony for Narril had finished a few hours ago and Mon Mothma had dismissed her protectors, claiming to have some council business to attend to. Anakin could guess what kind of business it was if she didn’t want him and Leia there. So he sat in his office, wondering what they could do next.

Ambassador Keylar stood at the door patiently. He had been there for 3 minutes, and his Jedi friend didn’t seem to have noticed. His patience finally gave out.

“Ahem” he coughed. Anakin looked over in his direction, completely startled. “Well, it’s lucky I’m not a Sith....” said Keylar, smiling.

“Sorry Ambassador, I was in a world of my own. How can I help you?” said Anakin, gesturing to the seat opposite him, which the Mandalorian took.

“Well, there are a few thousand planets I would like you to help actually. The New Republic I believe it’s called....” Anakin frowned at Keylar. “She still won’t budge huh?”

“Nope,” said the Jedi. “Though I think it’s more Ackbar’s doing than her own. I don’t know why he feels threatened by us. It’s not like we want to take command of the fleet or fight wars. But there ARE Sith out there, and I can’t see how he expects to take care of that problem....”

“Well, he won’t have as many ground troops OR ships, that’s for sure....” half-mumbled the Ambassador.

“What do you mean?” asked Anakin, the frown becoming more pronounced.

Keylar sighed. “If Mon Mothma and the rest of the senate do not agree to allow the Jedi to perform their old role as peacekeepers, the Mandalorians will withdraw from the New Republic. We and the Jedi have had our differences, but that’s the past. You’re needed.”

“WHOA, hold on!” Anakin rose from his seat. “You don’t want to do that. It won’t help matters any if we lose one of our supporters in the senate.”

“It’ll generate sympathy for the Jedi” argued the Mandalorian. “You’ll gain more than you’ll lose from it. And as soon as they come around, the Mandalore will rejoin....”

“No, it’s not the time. Promise me you will NOT leave the Republic. We already have enough troubles. Many will suffer if you do and.....ohh.....”he was cut short by some unknown pain, slumping back into his seat and clutching his temples.

“What’s wrong?!” Keylar rushed around the table and held his friend up.

“I....I don’t know. The Jedi.....they...” Anakin was once again interrupted as the com unit on his desk sounded. “Master Skywalker, your wanted in Mon Mothma’s chambers. Immediately.”



The Jedi sat, eating their afternoon meal. Hal Zapalo placed his spoon on the table next to his bowl and stared straight up at the ceiling.

“What is it?” Yarled asked, his snout twitching before his eyes widened in understanding. “Sithspawn! EVERYONE, UNDER THE TABLE!”

There was a flurry of robes and a scraping of chairs as the Jedi dived under the limited protection of the table as the first bomb hit. The ancient temple that was now home to them rocked as the Imperial bombardment began. TIE Bombers screeched over head, before slowly moving off into the distance to turn for another pass.

“Okay everyone, lets move! To the freighter!” instructed Master Gallia. The Jedi clambered from underneath the table, those with lightsabers taking them to hand. The Masters and Knights gathering their apprentices as they moved for the door.


The Jedi burst into the sunlight as legions of Storm troopers started to pour from the Sentinel-class landing shuttles, blasters at the ready. Drop ships carrying AT-AT and AT-ST walkers could be seen landing in the distance.

“We have to get to the ships before those Walkers reach us” said Kas Grendor, igniting his lightsaber.

Adi Gallia nodded, before speaking to the Jedi as a whole. “Okay everyone, split into groups. We’ll take different routes to the transport.” She pressed a button on her belt, starting the pre flight cycle on the Jedi’s YV-class bulk freighter. “Try and avoid taking the Imperials head on, they outnumber us. As soon as everyone is aboard we get out of here. MOVE!” There was another chorus of “Yes Master” and the Jedi headed out in groups of three and four. “Lets go,” she said, running off with Evajo Siinit and Gem in tow.


Darth Maul stood on the bridge of the Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Ruthless. The landing was going well and he could feel fear from the planet below. A grin split his lips, showing the rotting teeth behind them. Another source of fear hovered behind his left shoulder, and his grin vanished as he turned to face the ships Captain. “Report, Captain Witter.”

“Aye Sir,” said the human, barely controlling the tremble in his voice. “The Walkers have successfully landed and they are moving towards the Jedi base. I have recalled the Bombers, the Jedi ran after the first pass as you said they would. Alpha and Gamma squadrons are on stand by in case they manage to leave the atmosphere, Beta squadron are already out.”

“Very good. I doubt we will need Alpha and Gamma, they aren’t going anywhere,” Maul turned back to the main screen, dismissing the officer with a twitch of his hand.

“Aye Sir.”


Blaster fire singed the trees above Zsan Triel and he, Yarled and Garron attempted to sneak past a dozen shock troops. “Dammit,” cursed Garron as Yarled threw a loose tree branch at the troopers, knocking them cold.

“Not much smarter than the droids they replaced,” said the Rodian, attempting a smile, before moving on through the bushes. They came to the edge of their cover, pausing to plan the next step.

The freighter was in sight, her engines glowing blue. “Okay, Zsan, lets do it.” The two Jedi clasped hands and closed their eyes before grabbing the Padawan and running across the landing area. The stormtroopers stared straight passed as if there was nothing there. “Well, at least you can fool a trooper’s mind. That wouldn’t have worked on droids,” said Yarled as they made their way up the landing ramp.

The other Jedi took their cue from the first group, using the same trick and were soon all aboard the ship. Master Gallia entered the cockpit and tapped Yarled on the shoulder. “Okay, we’re all here. Close the hatch and get us to Coruscant.”

“Well, don’t ask too much.......” mumbled the Rodian to himself and pressing a number of switches. The shields came up as the hatch closed and the repulsors kicked in. An AT-AT from across the clearing came to life and slowly turned towards the departing ship. “Oh Sith, better hang on to something!” shouted Yarled, before pulling back the thruster controls. The ship rocketed forwards and red blaster volts passed through the air it had occupied minutes before.


“You asked to see me, Madame President?” said Anakin, as he and Leia entered the defense councils chambers. Ackbar was staring at his desk, trying not to look at the Jedi.

“Master Skywalker, Padawan Skywalker, I have some bad news. An hour ago the Empire launched an attack on New Naboo. Before the satellite in the area was destroyed, a freighter was seen leaving orbit.”

“Show me” said Anakin.

Some grainy footage appeared on the screen behind the President. The Jedi’s YV freighter could be seen flying straight past and Star Destroyer with TIE fighters and Interceptors screaming in pursuit. The Turbolasers on the Destroyer were having trouble hitting the freighter which was ducking and weaving just within its limits. The picture abruptly halted as a TIE was accidentally hit with friendly fire, spinning out of control into the satellite.

“That was 20 minutes ago. Unfortunately we don’t have any ships in the vicinity, but the Cruiser Indomitable is moving at best possible speed. They won’t arrive in system for another two hours....” Mon Mothma looked up from the pad she was reading from and frowned. “Master Skywalker, are you listening?”

Anakin appeared to be in a trance. He blinked his eyes before turning and leaving the room, with only a “Thank you Madame President” for explanation. Leia smiled sheepishly briefly, shrugged apologetically before following her father.


Anakin walked into the docking bay and grabbed a flight suit and helmet, which he started to pull on. “Artoo, start up the X-wing” he called across the docking bay. An affirmative sounding beep came in reply. Leia walked into the bay and up to her father.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Going to help,” said Anakin, zipping up the front of his suit and picking the helmet from the bench. “Watch over Mon Mothma.”

“Just like that, your taking off,” said Leia, hands firmly on her hips.

“Just like that,” said Anakin, moving to his x-wing and climbing the ladder.

“Father, you won’t get there in time to do any good. Rushing off right now will not do us any favours” she argued , staring up at her father exasperatedly as he adjusted the seat straps.

“Leia, reach out with your feelings. If I don’t go they won’t make it. The Indomitable will get caught up with that Star Destroyer and the TIE’s will destroyer the freighter. Even with my modifications it’s no match for them all.”

Leia took three steps back as her father climbed in to the cockpit. Reaching for the Force, she saw images flashing before her. A crippled Rebel cruiser, limping to assist as TIE Interceptors blew the freighter to pieces, and the Jedi with it. “You’re right,” she said, a look of wonder in her eyes.

“Well done, my Padawan,” he said, a proud smile on his face. “Looking in to the future isn’t easy. Meditate on what you have just done.”

“Yes father,” said Leia.

“Erm........not there Leia.” Anakin said, motioning that she should move back.

“Oh!” Leia walked away from the X-wing and waved as her father fired up the repulsors and left the bay. Over the Tanoy system she could hear Coruscant control yelling over the comm at her father, telling him to land immediately and await clearance. Realizing it was hopeless, they gave up and warned ships to get out of his way.......


The freighter shot through space, her engines as fast as they could go for any length of time. Anakin had done a good job and they were just about keeping ahead of the TIE Interceptors. Yarled looked at the scanners and saw the Indomitable exit hyperspace to engage the Ruthless. His snout twitched as he pulled on the leavers that would take them in to hyperspace. The stars outside started to length when the ship gave an odd groan. There was a muffled bang from the aft compartment. An indicator showed that they had accelerated to three times maximum sub light, but hadn’t gotten any further.

“Uh oh,” said the Rodian.

“Uh oh?” asked Gem. “Why uh oh?”

“Well, we aren’t going to hyperspace any time soon. The motivators blown. At least I think it’s blown.... And in........” he paused for a moment to do some calculations “roughly 30 hours, those TIE’s will be on us like morrts on a Gamorrean. Luckily we got some momentum before the drive went....”

“Uh oh indeed.....” said Gem. “I’ll go warn the others.”



The X-wing reverted to real space and her s-foils opened immediately. “Okay Artoo, bring me up a tactical display” ordered Anakin. The droid tootled an affirmative and the displays started to light up. Only 4 of the Interceptors remained, the others giving up or running out of fuel before now. “The pilots must have transferred fuel from some of their ships to keep these ones going. Any sign of the Star Destroyer?” Artoo blatted a negative at that. {The Indomitable is limping out of the system just now. Estimated time before hyperdrive is repaired : 26 hours} said the translator screen. “Must have been one heck of a scrap....” said the Jedi Master.

The TIEs finally spotted him and two of them peeled off from their attack on the freighter. Anakin started a game of chicken with them, closing to 1.6 klicks before turning up and left out of their gun sights. He stamped hard on the left rudder and laced laser fire back towards the enemy fighters. His blasts seared across the top of one of the TIEs, punching a hole in each of it’s wings. In atmosphere that would have been a kill, the TIE out of control and spinning for the surface. In space it had little effect. Green blaster bolts came back at him in response and his aft shields lit up as the TIEs screeched past.

Decreasing the throttle he yanked hard to the right to go for another pass. The two fighters had split up in an attempt to box him in. But Anakin’s turn was tighter than theirs and his sights glowed red as he got a lock on one of the Interceptors. He pulled the trigger hard and blaster fire tore the ball cockpit apart, sending wings flying off in opposite directions. Two blast went by just above the X-wing, reminding him that it wasn’t over yet.

Anakin went in to a tight dive turn, the Interceptor following behind. Green fire started to plow towards him and the aft shields lit up again. The indicator on the board went from green, to a pale yellow and started to flash red. Anakin reversed his dive and started into a climb as the shield started to fail. The green fire stopped and he came up on the Interceptor. It was dead in space, finally out of fuel. He flipped a few switches until both shields showed yellow.

“Artoo, what’s the status of the freighter?” he asked, turning his fighter to close the distance and engage the other two TIEs.

{Bad. Her shields will fail in 2 minutes} replied the droid via the astromech translator.

Anakin flipped over to missiles and aimed at one of the two remaining TIEs. The computer started to beep, increasing in speed and pitch until it became a solid tone, signalling a lock. He pulled the trigger and launched one of his two missiles. It screamed towards the TIE while he set up for an attack on the other.

The second TIE was caught completely unaware and 4 blaster blots burned through both wings and the cockpit. Anakin glanced at his radar as the blip representing the missile closed on the red TIE blip.

“3,2,1...........1,2..........crap” he said, as the missile blip went straight passed the TIE blip. Anakin started to turn for the other Interceptor when his aft shield started to light up again. The shield indicator went from yellow to red to black as Anakin turned his fighter, the TIE using it’s advantage of distance to great effect. Finally, he stepped on the right rudder and pin wheeled the X-wing for a head on attack. Blaster fire started to light the front shield and Anakin returned fire. The bolts went to either side of the ball cockpit and Anakin moved to adjust. An orange glow suddenly appeared from the left of the fighter and connected, turning them both into a fireball. “Smart missiles,” said Anakin, “ gotta love ’em.”

“Master Skywalker, how nice of you to join us” said Adi Gallia over the comm unit.

Anakin chuckled. “Room for one more Master Gallia?” he asked.

“Opening the bay doors now, Anakin. Welcome aboard. We have much to discuss.” The rear of the freighter started to open and Skywalker moved to enter.


“Well your hyperdrive is fixed,” said Master Skywalker as he entered the galley, wiping the remaining hydraulic fluid from his hands. “ Now, about the attack...”

“Yes, we have an explanation for that,” Kas Grendor said, gesturing for Anakin to sit down. “A message came for “Boba Fett” a few days ago. The bounty on Jedi has appeared again. And it’s 50 000 credits more than before. The Empire are hunting us again...”

“What?!” Anakin’s face darkened. “Not again. I won’t let it happen again.” His fist slammed on the galley table and he glared at the Council members. “We have to attack first, stop them. Destroy Maul once and for all...”

“And become him?” Hela Zapalo asked. “We can’t take that action Anakin and you know it. Your tempting the dark side if you take that course of action.”

“A pre-emptive strike against the Empire wouldn’t be an act of the Dark side. We attacked Palpatine and none of us became dark....”

“Master Skywalker, of all of us, you have to be the most careful. We cannot attack Thrawn.” Master Gallia crossed her arms, and for a moment Anakin saw Yoda’s features on he face. “The council is decided in this.”

Anakin glowered at each of the council members, one at a time. There were various things he wanted to say to them all, most of them non-flattering. Instead, he turned and stormed out of the door. “I want to be alone for a while” he said.


“.......and every ship in system received a warning to avoid the fighter. If this is what the Jedi call peace keeping, we are better off without them!” said Borsk Fey’lya, senator for Bothawui. All around the senate chambers laughter and agreement in a hundred tongues rang out.

Mon Mothma rose and banged her gavel. “Order! Order!” she shouted. The chamber slowly died down to a semblance of being civilized. “Your point is sound Senator Fey’lya, which is why the Jedi are NOT peace keepers at this time. If their “Chosen One” behaves like a no good pirate what hope is there for lesser Jedi?”

Ambassador Keylar stood up, Leia at his side. Mon Mothma had dismissed her before the mornings senate session and she was immediately taken on by the Mandalorian office. “Madam President, if Chandrila was under attack, or Bothawui, or Mon Calamari” he said, looking at Borsk and Admiral Ackbar in turn “were under attack, would you not do everything under your power to help your people?” he spread his hands imploringly. “Would you not send all the ships at your disposal to help? Did Master Skywalker not act as most of us would have to help their people?”

“Even under the circumshtancesh hish actionsh are inexcushable ” said Admiral Ackbar, rising to his feet. “The Jedi cannot be allowed to act as if they aren’t ruled by the shame laws ash the resht of ush!”

“For the foreseeable future the Jedi will not be taking their old role as the galaxies protectors. A temporary residence will be assigned to them for the time being until they find a new home” said Mon Mothma. “Is there any other business before we recess?”

“It won’t be necessary for you to give the Jedi quarters. They are welcome on Mandalore for as long as they like,” said Ambassador Keylar.

“That is very generous of you Ambassador” said Mon Mothma, a surprised look on her face. “Very well then, we will break for two hours before returning to discuss the....”

“I wasn’t finished Madame President” Keylar turned to face the senate members behind him and raised his arms. “Due to the recent actions of the senate and ruling council of the New Republic towards the Jedi, it’s lack of gratitude for everything they have done and would continue to do for you, the Mandalorian Empire withdraw their membership of the Republic, effective immediately.” Murmurs spread across the chamber, shocked faces stared back as the Mandalorian continued. “When you have found your heads and realize what a stupid mistake you are making we will return. But not before then. Come, Padawan Skywalker....” The Ambassador left the senate chambers, Jedi in tow, as it burst into uproar....


Maul reached over and disengaged the feed from the spy eye located in the senate chambers. He turned to his Master who had a very large smile on his face.

“This works out very well for us,” said the Thrawn. “Come Maul, we have much planning to do........”




Loud Jizz music spilled onto the street as former Ambassador Keylar stared up at the faltering neon sign. *The Wounded Bantha* he thought, *must be a nice place...* Drawing his cloak around himself he stepped passed a Wookiee who was relieving himself of the meal he had had a few hours earlier.

The Wounded Bantha was much like any number of bars across the galaxy. T’abacc and other less legal fumes filled the air, and criminals and bums from varied species mingled and fought in it’s darkened corner. An old juke box droid spilled bad music from it’s dented speakers. Another dilapidated droid served at the bar, and Keylar headed towards one of it’s more quiet customers.

“Anakin,” he said, tapping the man on the shoulder, “what do you think your doing?”

“What's it look like, old friend,” said the inebriated Jedi, lifting an overflowing mug of Lum, “I’m celebrating the return of the Empire! Sure, I’m a little early, but I wanted a head start for once.”

The stench of alcohol wafted into the Mandalorians wrinkled nose. “Okay Anakin, come on. Time to get you sobered up” he said, taking the Jedi by the arm and pulling him towards the door. Anakin slumped off his stool before shrugging the older man off.

“It’s okay, I can walk by myself you know. A little alcohol won’t affect a Jedi, and I’m the chosen one...” the final word was a little garbled as the “chosen one” landed with a thud on the deck. “Maybe a little help...” said the human, looking up with a sheepish grin.


A little further along the road, in lighter surroundings, the two sat at the counter in Dexter’s Diner. “You know, I remember when old Dex ran the place. I have no idea who this guy is, “said Anakin, gesturing towards the Bothan who was walking towards them.

“Good evening gentles, they call me Dorlin. What can I get you?” the Bothan had a wide grin and had a cigar sticking out of his mouth. There was a patch on his shoulder where the fur didn’t quite grow properly.

“Two mugs of your finest Cafe please Dorlin. And make my friends strong and black would you,” replied Keylar with a grin. The Bothan reminded him of someone, but he wasn’t sure who...

“Coming right up,” said Dorlin before moving off to make the drinks.

Once the drinks had arrived, Anakin took a long draught and turned to his friend. “This is pretty good,” he said “but you didn’t come down just to buy me a Cafe. Why are we here Keylar?”

“Anakin, do you realise what you have done?” sighed the Mandalorian.

“What? Oh come on, all I did was get a little drunk. It’s hardly the end of the Universe! Don’t you think your over reacting?”

“No Anakin, I’m not talking about tonight. If you hadn’t spent the entire time since the Jedi arrived on Coruscant in some bar or other you’d already have heard. The Mandalore have withdrawn their membership from the Republic.”

Anakin sobered up pretty quickly after this news. “Why?!” he asked.

“We did it for the Jedi. Until Mon Mothma and the advisory council allows the Jedi to take their old place, the Mandalore will not be members. It seemed the only way...” Keylar stared into his Cafe.

“It’s not.” said Anakin, staring into his own Cafe.

Keylar looked up. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I have a plan. The council won’t go along with it, and it might be the dumbest idea I’ve ever had, but it feels so right!” he took another sip from his mug before continuing. “The only way we can stop the Empire is to strike, and strike soon. We need to attack them. The Jedi might have been able to do it on their own, but without the support of the council I can’t count on the rest of them to help. So....... I’ve set up a meeting with another group.”

Keylar frowned. “Who?”

“Smugglers. The Empire were pretty harsh on them. Most of them only smuggled because they had to. In the Old Republic the goods they carried weren’t contraband. The Empire changed that. They have the same kind of spirit as the Rebellion did. But I don’t know if it’s enough...”

“I’ll come with you,” said the Mandalorian. “I’ll hear what they have to say and if I like it I may be able to get some assistance from my government. When is the meeting?”

Anakin looked up at the wall clock, his eyes going wide. “Ah, we had better go. It’s in 10 minutes.” They threw some credits onto the counter and rushed out.

“Tell your friends!” shouted Dorlin at the retreating backs. “They never tell their friends....” he said to himself...


After climbing up a few levels into a slightly less seedy area of Coruscant the two men came to a door. “This is the place,” said Anakin as he touched the door control. The door grated into hits housing and the smell of scorched flesh wafted from within. Anakin reached for his saber and turned it on. A second *snap, hiss* could be heard from inside and a blade of red light could be seen through the smoke. The smoke cleared and a familiar face revealed itself.

“I’d better handle this,” said Anakin, putting a hand on the Mandalorians chest. He held his saber up and took two steps inside. Maul raised his hand and the door shut behind Anakin, leaving Keylar outside.

“Prepare to die, Chosen One” spat the Sith.

“There is no death, there is the Force”, replied Anakin, before raising his blade and attacking.

The sabres clashed as Anakin pressed his attack. The two deftly parried and counter attacked each other, stepping over the body parts strewn about the room as if joined in a choreographed ballet. First Anakin had the advantage, then Maul. The Human started to sweat as the Zabrak wore him down with blow after blow. Maul was stronger this time, and Anakin could see the light of the sabres gleaming off some new enhancements.

Maul slashed at Anakin, pressing him further and further back until he was trapped in a corner. Using the force, the Sith threw severed arm at the Jedi, who deflected it with his saber. This left the gap that Maul needed and he struck, severing Anakin’s cybernetic arm between shoulder and elbow. The shock caused Anakin to drop his saber and he raised his free hand towards the sparking stump.

Maul stared down at his fallen adversary who looked up into the Zabraks broken toothed grin. He could hear Keylar thumping at the door, vainly trying to open it.

“Give up Jedi,” said Maul, spitting in Anakin’s face, “your coming with me to face Thrawn, one way or another. It would be a shame if you had to loose your other arm...”

Anakin raised himself from the ground and nodded to the Sith. “I’ll come,” he said. *It’s not the way I wanted to get to Thrawn, but it will do* he added to himself.


Maul opened the door and Keylar stumbled a few steps forward before coming to a dead halt. “MAUL!” he shouted, raising his blaster.

“I don’t have time for this, “said the Sith, throwing Keylar across the ally and into a wall with the force. The Mandalorian slumped to the ground, dazed. Maul turned to Anakin. “I can’t have you trying to escape either,” said the Sith. He elbowed the back of Anakin’s neck, knocking him unconscious, before throwing him over his shoulder and marching towards the port where his ship was berthed. The few stragglers on the street quickly moved out of the way of the Sith and his charge.


Keylar slowly stood up, groaning and clutching the back of his head. He looked at his hand and saw a few specks of blood. He must have cut his head on the wall. He looked around to get an idea of his surroundings when it came flooding back to him. “ANAKIN!” he cried, before running along the ally in the direction he assumed they had taken.

He came to the mouth of the ally and looked both ways. There was no sign of the Sith or the Jedi. He grabbed a Kabuz that was slumped over at the mouth of the ally and shook him.

“Hey,” said the Kabuz, his is species strange language of high pitched tones, “put me down”

“I have no idea what you just said. Just point. Which way did the Sith go?” The Kabuz stared back at Keylar and shrugged. The Mandalorian sighed. “Big guy, red and black tattoos. Mean looking... eh...” The Kabuz nodded furiously before pointing to his left and squeaking some more.

Keylar released him and took two steps in the direction that the Kabuz had indicated before stopping. A black ship rocketed over head on it’s way towards space. Keylar recognised it immediately, as it was one of a kind. Maul’s Infiltrator. He changed direction and ran to see a different Skywalker.


The view was incredible, and Leia had never tired of it in all her years on Coruscant. It was a little different now, some of the buildings weren’t there, or were partly there. Some had been replaced by new ones. A few construction droids ploughed there way along like giant, intelligent Icebergs, but it was no less spectacular than normal.

She turned from the view to look at the woman sat behind her. Mon Mothma was swamped in paper work, the fuel of any bureaucracy. Leia both admired and pitied her. She was a strong woman, and a great leader. But she was misguided. Leia was sure that she would come around and grant the Jedi’s request. Although how she found time to do anything BUT paper work would always be a mystery.

Leia’s musings were interrupted as a man burst into the room, followed by a few aides. Mon Mothma looked up from her desk to see who it was.

“I’m sorry, Madame President, I tried to stop him but...”

Mothma smiled at the aide and waved her hand in dismissal. “It’s okay Crystal, your dismissed. What can we do for you Ambassador?”

Keylar went straight past Mothma and grabbed Leia by the arms. “What is it? What’s wrong?” asked the young woman, confused. Her eyes grew wide as she realised what the panting man before her was struggling to say. She grabbed Keylar’s hand and the two rushed for the door.

Mothma stood. “Leia, where are you going? What is it?”. The Jedi stopped and turned. “It’s my father, he’s in trouble.”

“What kind of trouble? Where are you going? LEIA!” Mothma yelled at her aide as she moved to leave.

“Madame President, I don’t have time for this...”

“Make time. You can’t just storm off whenever you want. I’m starting to see why Ackbar thinks the way he does about the Jedi! If you leave now, you won’t be welcome back! You won’t be my aide anymore!”

Leia scowled at the Chandrillan. “FINE!” she yelled, before storming out of the room, slamming the doors behind her using the force.

Mon Mothma slummed into her chair, he head falling to the desk as she stared to cry. Diplomatic papers fell to the ground and the president wondered where it had all gone wrong....