Title: Bounty: Premonitions II Author: Jonathan Evans Author email: noggins@btinternet.com Republic Saga Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/republicsaga Author's note: The first parts of this story can be found at http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/republicsaga/premon1.txt and http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/republicsaga/premon2.txt Summary: Possibly the first ever Jango Fett fanfic! Obi-Wan and Anakin return to Novemia while a mysterious killer tracks them down... BOUNTY By Jonathan Evans The familiar skyline of Novemia came into view as the Republic Cruiser landed once more on the planet where bad memories were beginning to resurface. Obi-Wan glanced at his apprentice warily but Anakin seemed not to notice. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern in his voice. Skywalker nodded silently as he watched buildings move passed his vision. After the long silence that had filled the entire journey he opened his mouth. "We're here," he muttered. The cruiser landed on the docking platform and the two left through the huge door that appeared as a landing ramp came down from the hull of the starship. Obi-Wan looked out for their host but no one was there. He glanced over at Anakin who's voice had been lost again. "Having any bad feelings?" his master asked. "What?" His thoughts interrupted, Skywalker began to pay attention to the surroundings. "I don't think so. Everything seems oddly calm." "Odd? How so?" Kenobi questioned him. "After all that happened last time I expected some remnants of what I felt last time. It was dark. Too dark." Their conversation ended as an alien hobbled towards them. He was of a species neither of the Jedi recognised but seemed oddly familiar. "Ah, Jedi. I heard you were sent here by Chancellor Palpatine himself." He smiled falsely and showed them the way to the building's entrance. "It's nice to see you're here under different circumstances." Obi-Wan nodded and took the lead. Anakin followed as he looked all around. The last time they were here they discovered illegal cloning was taking place and now their presence was to see if the facilities were still in working order for Republic use. Things had changed in the years of Palpatine's reign. He stopped at a doorway where two Weequay guards stood with blaster rifles protecting whatever was on the other side. They eyed him supisciously until he walked on, catching up with his teacher who was talking with the alien about the resources on Novemia. "And you believe this would be adequete if the vote takes place?" "I'm sure you saw during your last, somewhat untimely visit, that we have the correct equipment," Adave Dis'Frasado spoke. "Most of it was taken away by the authorities but as long as the Senate votes to allow a clone army I'm sure we will be able to restore ourselves to our former glory." The Jedi Master frowned as he looked around. "I'm sure you will." He turned around to see Anakin running up behind him. "Are you alright?" "Yes, master. I was just observing the room back there." Dis'Frasado span around quickly. He looked nervous. "And which room would that be, might I ask?" Anakin pointed back to the Weequay's who were still watching him with their rifles cocked. "Back there. What's behind the doors?" The alien signalled for the guards to stop their spying before answering the question. "That would be where our current experiments are taking place. So far there's nothing that goes against current laws so you don't have to worry yourselves." ------------------------ After a conversation in which their guide continued insisting no laws were being broken and that when the act was passed things would be better for the Republic, the two Jedi returned to the sleeping quarters that they had last seen three years before. Anakin relaxed on the bed. "He's almost as bad as Klassrik Qwant!" he said recalling the director of the project during the previous visit. "But slimier. He's a good liar." Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. "I didn't sense that he was lying." "Exactly," the apprentice replied. "But I know he was. He has to be. I could tell the guards were hiding something. Weequay are weak minded enough to be resistent to the Force." The elder Jedi stood up. "Then it looks like we're working again. I hope you remember the layour of this place." "I think I do," Skywalker smiled in reply. "Hidden passage and all!" ------------------------ Adave Dis'Frasado sat behind the desk, one of the few things that was left behind in the office after Klassrik's confidential files and property had been taken away. His fingers cracked as he stretched them out and smiled at his visitor. "I think you know how to get rid of them, don't you?" he asked. The armoured warrior standing before him nodded. "I've dealt with Jedi in my time. As long as you're more than a few metres away their lightsabers won't help them." "Glad to hear it. The Count does not want this interferring any more with his plans." "That's understandable." A light on his console began to flicker. Dis'Frasado activated a monitor where the images of the two Jedi were seen leaving their room. "As expected. They've started snooping. I will ensure they are separated, you destroy them." "As you wish." The director smiled as Jango Fett left the room, his armour clunking as he moved, a powerful blaster rifle in his hand. There was no way the plans of his master would be interfered with now. ------------------------ Obi-Wan moved ahead where he saw the two guards continuing their duty, looking straight ahead with their weapons ready. They were regimented in a way their race could never possibly be. Weequay were wild, violent creatures but whatever they were hiding must have been important. He walked passed them and they began to shout in their native tongue. "You haven't seen anything," he said calmly and their growling came to an end. "You will let us passed." The first of the guards walked to a sensor device which recorded his eye signature. The second did the same and the huge metal door slid open. Obi-Wan offered Anakin the chance to enter first. "Age before beauty," the apprentice quipped. "I'm not *that* old yet, Skywalker," Kenobi grinned back. "I think it's your turn." Anakin nodded and took the lead as he walked in. Suddenly the door slammed shut before Obi-Wan could enter. He turned to the Weequay and focused the Force on them. "You will let me in." They went into the positions and the scans took place but to no avail. "Okay, now I do have a bad feeling." A blast flew passed his ear. He jumped to the floor and rolled away to avoid further shots and began to run down the corridor, pulling his lightsaber from his belt. The blade appeared in time to deflect a blast heading towards him. He span on his heels to face his enemy but in the darkness there was nothing. He closed his eyes to feel out with the Force but the first thing he sensed was a blade coming towards his chest. He flew into the air as it went under his feet and stuck in a nearby wall. As he got to his feet, Kenobi flew ahead to find nothing. The guards were dead, shot through the skulls at what had to be close range. He looked at the door controls to see that they too had been destroyed before someone entered. Feeling the metal Obi-Wan could tell that it had been opened since Anakin had gone in. He tried to stab his lightsaber into it but it suddenly deactivated. "Cortosis," he frowned out loud. He knew that he was getting in that way. ------------------------ Anakin jumped as the door slammed shut. Obi-Wan wasn't there with him. Something was wrong. Looking at the controls he could see it could only be opened from the outside. He stretched out with his feelings, trying to force it open. Something budged as a dark presence filled the room. He ran to the end of the room and jumped to the ceiling, grabbing onto power cables that were still hanging free. He quickly shielded himself from the deadly energy that could have ripped through his body as a figure walked in an looked around. The Jedi Padawan cringed as the pain ripped through him as he tried to maintain his concentration. His eyes started to go fuzzy as the intruder walked in and looked around. His breathing became tense as he forced himself to stay conscious. Below, Jango eyed the room up and down. The computers were like he'd only seen once before back on Geonosis, only here the Republic would know about the "processes". Right now, he was sure he saw the younger Jedi enter this room. How could he be hiding. He pulled out a blaster and took aim above him. A shot hit one of the cables and Anakin swang to the floor. Before Jango could find him the lights went out engulfing the room in darkness. This was it. Skywalker had the Force and the upper hand. He pushed his pursuer into a computer console and ran for the exit as fast as he could. The only light that filled the room was his lightsaber as he tried to Force the door open. In his mind he entered the locking system, visualising the catches moving out of place. There was a hiss as the blast door opened up and Anakin jumped out, slamming it behind him. Obi-Wan was waiting for him. "What did you find?" "Holding power cables is bad." Kenobi smiled. "Anything else?" "This place is being shut down!" "I was getting the same impression. Where's Dis'Frasado?" "Only one way to find out." ------------------------ The two Jedi burst into the director's office to find it empty. All of the equipment had disappeared, seemingly without a trace. Obi-Wan looked carefully at the floor and noticed a footstep made by someone who had been walking in mud recently. "What is it?" his apprentice asked. "I recognise this. Only one military organisation wear this kind of armour. The Mandalore." "Could they be involved in all of this?" The Jedi Master shook his head. "Doubtful. They try to stay out of Republic affairs as much as possible, but their armour sells on the black market for a fair price. Most of the buyers are bounty hunters." "You think that's who was trying to gun us down?" Kenobi nodded as he got to his feet. "No doubt our friend inside has escaped. We'll have to inform the Chancellor but I doubt this project is going to go forward. After this sham, trying to kill Republic ambassadors, the director running without a trace... There'll be no cloning on Novemia." ------------------------ Adave Dis'Frasado walked to the back of his starship where a communication was waiting for him. The flickering image of the darkly clad, wizened old man in a beard struck fear in his heart. "Count Dooku, your honour, sir... I have some bad news." "I've heard," Dooku frowned. "I shouldn't worry. Novemia was only a decoy. Work is going as planned on Geonosis. I am awaiting your arrival." "Yes, m'lord." The holograph disappeared and the alien walked back to the bridge cursing himself. The door slammed shut behind him. ------------------------ A loud explosion ripped through the corridor in the research facility and Jango Fett emerged from the smoke. He looked around to see the Jedi gone. The two faced director would have escaped long before. He frowned under his helmet and walked towards Slave 1, his awaiting starship. He had a job meeting on Coruscant with a very important client. ---------------- END --------------