Title: The Last Adventure Author: Jonathan Evans Author email: noggins@btinternet.com Category: Between the Trilogies Summary: One year after Episode III, Obi-Wan Kenobi is now a resident of Tatooine. As he begins to settle down alone a new threat, or rather the remains of an old, emerges to prevent it. Disclaimer: George Lucas owns everything and I'm not making any money off of thi nor do I intend to (I'd like to but that's not the point). You can distribute this freely provided that it's complete with this disclaimer. THE LAST ADVENTURE By Jonathan Evans Owen's words had stung him like a Nesseran Razor Bee. Luke was to know nothing about his heritage, know nothing about the Jedi until a time that his "uncle" decided. If Owen Lars had his way that would be never. Ben understood this. It wasn't as if he wanted Luke to be harmed either but it was his duty to become the first of the new line of Jedi knights. He didn't want the new Skywalker to die like his father - at the hands of a being more machine than man. Twisted and evil. When he first looked into Luke's eyes he saw so much of Anakin. The strength, the connection to the Force. No one else but a Jedi, upon looking at a newborn child could see how corrupted it could become. He didn't want to believe that would happen to Luke but his future was so clouded. He needed the instruction of a Jedi Master if he was to avoid the temptation of the Dark Side and become like Vader. Ben walked through the jundland wastes with a staff in his hand. His leg was still recovering after the battle with the Sith Lord that saw Anakin, his former pupil and Luke's father, die because he could not do anything to stop it. It would not be long before he was completely healed but the muscle still required some work. He had not spent enough time in the bacta tank before the great evacuation. He knew through the Force that a massive purge of the remaining Jedi was taking place. Not that there were many. The Clone Wars saw to that. He cringed as a sharp pain shot up his leg to the joint. He quickly kicked the stone that had caused it and continued walking. Owen's farm was not far away and they had a lot to discuss. * * * * * * * * * * Upon reaching the homestead, Ben Kenobi almost regretted the journey. Nevertheless, he continued walking and got to the door. He was greeted by Beru Lars who was holding young Luke Skywalker. At only one year old he had the spark of intelligence that many children his age lacked. He smiled upon seeing the old man, perhaps out of instinct or even memory. He doubted it was the latter. Owen had ensured that Ben never got a chance to see the boy. "I've come to see..." Ben began. Beru nodded. "He's out back trying to repair one of the droids." "The treadwell?" Ben asked, half smiling. Beru nodded. "He's never got that thing working properly. I doubt it'll last another season." Kenobi shrugged. "You can never be sure. Maybe soon you'll have an expert mechanic in the family." He touched Luke's cheek and he gurgled happily. "Well, Owen would appreciate it." After these formal pleasantaries, Ben relaxed. "How are you, Beru?" he asked in a most concerned way. "I'm coping. Tatooine wasn't really my idea of a place to settle down but I'm coping. At least we have the facilities to keep us going." "You're luckier than me," the Jedi smiled. "The door on my hut isn't working and I'm sure my vaporator's got a mind of its own." Beru laughed and she was joined by Luke who, although not understanding the joke, liked to have a part in the conversation too. Ben looked carefully at the boy. "He's grown since I last saw him." "That's 'cause you haven't been here for a long time," a gruff voice came from inside the homestead. Owen Lars emerged. His once smooth face was now replaced with hard stubble. "You've forgotten to shave, brother," Ben noted. "Don't get much of a chance around here. I have to start work at suns rise until Tatoo II goes down." "It's a hard life here, brother, but you're coping admirably," the Jedi said with a tone of envy. Things had not been going well for him. He knew life in the Jedi Temple was not easy but it was far more comfortable than the harsh climate of Tatooine. A uneasy silence came across the three now. Owen seemed to have that sort of effect on conversation. Luke began to cry so Beru took him back inside to change him. Ben looked at his brother. "Have you decided yet?" he asked. "I don't want to lose Luke, Ben. Beru doesn't want to lose him. I understand your aim but..." "But what?" "But couldn't you train his sister. Surely Bail would be a little more understanding. He's known many Jedi in his time." Ben shook his head. "Luke is the most powerful of the two. He is the one who will bring the Jedi back to their golden age." "That's a lot of responsibility for one child," Owen grumbled. "I hope you realise that?" Ben nodded. "I understand, but he is the son of Anakin Skywalker, the most powerful Jedi we've ever known. Only his own son could defeat Darth Vader and the Emperor." "And what would that do for the boy? You want to send him to avenge the death of a father he never knew!" Kenobi looked away from his brother. They never looked into each others eyes in case they saw the similarities between them. Suddenly, Kenobi heard a sound that had been unknown to his ears for a long time. He dreaded it but knew it all to well. He turned to be blinded by the light of the first sun of Tatooine. All he could see was a long streak of light about a metre long. A figure was holding this and it dived down at the Jedi who moved to avoid it. Then he saw it for the first time. Dark robed, red eyes and a lightsaber. A Dark Jedi. Palpatine's second favourite weapon used for destroying Jedi. If he couldn't get his apprentice to do it, these were his next choice. "Obi-Wan Kenobi," it said. "You will meet your death now by order of Emperor Palpatine and Lord Darth Vader." "I do not believe Vader knows of this little strike or else he would be here himself." "Your insight serve you well, Jedi." The Dark Jedi lunged at Kenobi again but he moved aside to avoid the strike. He had left his own saber back in his hut. He didn't expect any of the Sith's little pawns to come here to Tatooine. He used his staff to hit his attacker in the stomach before somersaulted out of reach. "Owen!" he called. "Get Beru and the boy away from here." "No way, Ben," was the reply. "This is my home and I'm defending it." He pulled out a small blaster and fired at the Dark Jedi. It's weapon quickly deflected the shot so Owen fired back. This time the deflection came back at him and hit him in the chest. "Owen!" Ben cried before flying at the evil creature, leg up right. The kick sent the Dark Jedi into the wall of the homestead which was dug into the ground. His staff impacted on its head but was soon hacked in two pieces by the more powerful lightsaber. Ben moved away looked at Owen. He checked if his brother was still breathing then went back on the attack. A quick jump avoided a lower attack from the saber and gave him the chance to hit down on the Dark Jedi's neck. Obviously stunned, it staggered back and moved its lightsaber down. Ben punched again and soon had the upper hand despite the lack of weapon. This status did not last long as a quick wrench with the Force propelled the weapon into his own grasp. "Now, my friend, we see if you can fight without this..." The Dark Jedi ran passed Ben into the main part of the homestead. "Beru! Get Luke away from there!" he called as he ran in. He looked around and closed his eyes. The Force lead him to the location of the mysterious attacker and found it looking down on Beru who was cowering with young Luke Skywalker in her arms. The Dark Jedi turned to Ben. "Well, well, Kenobi. It seems the Force is strong with this one." Ben closed his eyes and let the Force guide him as he leapt forward and cut off the Dark Jedi's head with one swift swoop. It's body fell to the ground in a heap and quickly decomposed into nothing. Ben looked at Beru who was still getting over the initial shock. "It's okay. It's dead..." "What - what was it?" "One of Palpatine's little warriors on a mission of his own. Do not worry. I can be sure that the Emperor knows nothing of this. Luke is quite safe." "That's as may be," Owen said as he walked in, grasping his wound, "but I don't want him to even come close to hurting him again." "What does that mean, brother?" Ben asked. He never could work out what Owen was ever thinking. "You're no longer my brother, Kenobi. If it wasn't for your foolishness he would not have even found Luke. I never want to see him being touched by this Force of yours!" "The Force is a part of him. You know that. It is part of his destiny." "Well, if I have my way, his destiny's changing from this moment on." Ben wanted to protest but knew he couldn't. He would have to try again another time. If that ever came about. "Then what does this mean for us?" "It means," Owen snarled. "That I don't want to see you in my home again. Get outta here!" Ben nodded in acknowledgement and turned sadly away. Once he was out of listening range, Beru looked to her husband. "You can't keep them apart forever, Owen," she said. "Ben's right. Luke must learn about his past and his future..." "I'll have no more of this talk! It's scaring the boy," Owen said as he too left the homestead to continue work on his droid. Beru looked at Luke who had remained calm throughout the entire experience. He sucked his thumb quietly and had a look of peace in his eyes. THE END