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The Prophecy


David Maciver

The plot: This is the story of the Prophecy of the One which was mentioned in episode 1 and obviously referred to Anakin Skywalker. It’s written in reverse chronological order, if that makes any sense.....

Disclaimer: Pretty much everyone in this story belongs to George the flannel man, though some belongs to other writers and some I made up. The bulk of the story is mine and shouldn’t be reproduced without my permission, as do some of the characters. Everyone is free to use it if they wish, but ask first okay?

“You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force. You believe it’s this boy?” - Mace Windu, 30 years before Yavin


200 years previous:

The great Jedi Master Yoda sat in his study on the grand ship Chu'unthor. A mobile base, over 2 kilometers long and one wide, it housed some of the Jedi's greatest and some of their newest. The Chu'unthor was a great experiment. For thousands of years the Jedi had roamed around the galaxy individually to find it's students. Now, when a child was found who was rumored to be a potential protector of the galaxy, the ship would take them to the child. One of the few instances where it was easier to move the mountain than the being...

Yoda was preparing a speech. More of a lesson really. For 600 years he had been studying the prophecies and great teachings of the Jedi. Few could study them to the great depth that he had but Yoda, from a long lived and now almost dead species had the time and the patience for this great dead.

The doors at the end of his study swung silently open and with a small sigh Yoda looked up from the book he was studying.

"Told you I did, disturb me not," said Yoda, only half annoyed at the Padawan who had entered through his door. The young Codru-Ji, only recently metamorphosed from his whyrwulf stage bowed his head in shame. He was one of the few of his race who had been allowed to train. The Codru-Ji were rarely strong enough in the force and their particular life cycle made it difficult to train them. It's not easy to train a semi-intelligent Wolf-like creature how to control their emotions.

"I know Master, but this is important. You are needed on the bridge. We fear a problem is..."

"Know I do, coming I am." Yoda stood from the desk, carefully closing the book. The desk was the same one that his own master, Allnan, had back in the temple on Coruscant. Yoda jumped over the desk and moved towards the door and the waiting Padawan. He stopped briefly, raised his eyebrows and started to run. "Urgent this is, hurry we must!" He exclaimed, before dashing out of the door and into the turbolift.

About a minute later they emerged on the bridge to see a small commotion going on. The Jedi Knight in charge of piloting the ship turned and gave a hasty bow in Yoda's direction. "Master, I think there may have been an error in our course. A few of our Navigators believe they see a mass shadow approaching"

Any other ship would have been doomed before they knew it. The very fact that the Chu’unthor was populated by Jedi may have saved it. Yoda closed his eyes and reached out to the force. Moments later they sprang open and the diminutive Master shouted "EMERGE NOW, WE MUST!"

With superior reflexes the Padawan at the navigation console flipped a number of switches and the ship abruptly emerged from hyperspace. The view on screen changed from the blue swirls of hyperspace to streaks of light and then was filled with the gaping mass of a planet.

"Too late it is, prepare we must" said Yoda, strangely calm, before gesturing with his hand. Alarms blared around the ship, warning all to prepare for a crash or to get to the escape pods if they could. Jedi everywhere scrambled from their bunks, meditation, lightsaber training or whatever they happened to be doing at the time.

The hull of the great ship started to glow red and large sections started to shake loose. A few lucky Jedi made it to the escape pods, but it was too late. As soon as they ejected from the ship the pods became burning fireballs. A few lucky ones survived the initial pressures and plunged to the planet before. The task of those in command became even harder as the mind screams of the dying filled them with grief. Like a burning comet the Chu’unthor plunged through the atmosphere and had a relatively soft landing in a swampy area of the unknown planet.


Yoda and the surviving bridge crew dug themselves from the wreckage of what was once the bridge. The Padawan who had come to fetch Yoda lifted pieces of wreckage with his four arms and the force, but it was too late for many on the bridge. Yoda bowed his head and silently took a moment for the hundreds who had died in the initial crash. When he was finished he sprang over to one of the few remaining consoles and tried to pry some information from it.

"On Dathomir we are. Little information in the database there was. Explore we must. I have sent an emergency signal. Help will come soon."

"Dathomir? I've never heard of it Master. The atmosphere must be okay" said the Padawan, gesturing towards the gaping hole in the front of the bridge. "Master, we should evacuate the ship. I think we are sinking."

The Padawan was correct. Already, what remained of the lowest of the ships eight levels had sunk below the swamp line and it showed no signs of stopping there. The few remaining Jedi from the bridge spread out to gather the survivors and anything they could save from the sinking ship.


A few hours later most of what remained of the once great Chu'unthor was submerged in the ship. Yoda made his way towards his study and opened the door. Some swamp water splashed onto his clawed feet and a book thumped against them. Yoda picked up the book and recognized the engraving on the cover. It was one of the oldest and possibly the most important of the books, the Prophecy of the One. Yoda prized the cover open and looked at the smudge that used to be text. Gone, all gone. Clutching the book to his chest, Yoda let out an anguished cry.

The cry wasn't for a simple book. It was a cry at his own stupidity and not teaching the prophecy in detail to all Jedi after the incident on his planet. It was a cry at his stupidity in not making a copy of the book and keeping it safe on Coruscant. And it was a cry for his fallen Masters dream for the future. Yoda resolved that he would never forget a word of the prophecy, that he would find "The One" and help him to bring balance to the force. In his moment of grief, at the lost of so much knowledge and so many of his real people and his adopted people here today, Yoda forgot the main message of the prophecy, a warning. A warning of what may come.

An even louder cry overshadowed Yoda‘s. He stretched out and felt something that chilled him to the marrow. The Dark Side. Something or some things were using the Dark Side right outside of the ship and the remaining Jedi were all in danger. Dropping the book, he drew his lightsaber and ran with all the speed his legs and powers would give them. A battle was beginning...


800 years previous:

Yoda ran through the temple. He was shorter than most of the other Padawans. For most people this would be a problem. Not for Yoda. Time keeping, however, was. He had a meeting with a few of the Masters. Philosophy was one of his favorite subjects and he was finally getting to discuss it with Master Allnan. But he was running late.

The short green Padawan burst into the room and tripped on his robe, skidding across the floor with a yelp. He jumped to his feet and looked straight up to the Masters eyes.

“Sorry, I am. Did not mean to be late.”

“That’s okay Yoda. When I was your age I wasn’t very good with clocks either. Have a seat,” the Rodian Master pulled a seat out from his desk and picked the Young Padawan of the floor. He moved around the table, sat down and pulled a large book over. “Do you recognize this?”

Yoda peered at the book, narrowing his eyes at it before looking back up at his Masters face. “Recognize it, I do not. Rarely see books do I. Holocrons, but not books”

“It’s very old Yoda, very old indeed. Older than even Master Yebroa. No one knows exactly how old it is, but rumor has it that it is at least as old as the Republic. 25,000 years old.”

Yoda let out a startled gasp but soon controlled it. He watched intently as Master Allnan opened the book about halfway through and turned it towards him. “Can you read this?”

Yoda squinted at the page. The script was written in a language he had never seen before. It looked similar to some of the wall carvings from Chandrilla, but he couldn’t read those either. “Read it, I cannot. The language, I do not know. Sorry, I am,” said the young Jedi, his voice becoming barely a whisper as he bowed his head in shame. Yoda prided himself on being very knowledgeable. As the Code itself says “There is no Ignorance; There is Knowledge”. Yoda took the Code VERY seriously.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t think you could. There are only three people alive, that I know of, who can read this. But, it is the most important prophecy that we Jedi have. It is the prophecy of The One!” Yoda looked puzzled at this. He didn’t know who, or what, the One was. Master Allnan looked at him expectantly. Yoda raised his ears and shrugged.

“This is the Prophecy of the One who will bring balance to the force. A truly powerful Jedi….”


“Now Yoda, I know that power isn’t important to a Jedi. But this, this is different. With the coming of the One, the Jedi will unite in bring peace to the galaxy,” Yoda had never seen his Master this excited about anything before. This “One” person, at least he thought it was a person, must be very important indeed. “The ancient darkness will finally be defeated.”

“The Sith?!” said Yoda, nearly falling off the chair in shock. “Gone, are they. 3000 years ago, the war was.”

“Gone, but not completely. The Prophecy tells of the return of the Sith. Thousands of them will return and the Jedi, behind the One, will defeat them. The darkness will finally be gone from the galaxy. There aren’t many details on the One I am afraid, but I am simplifying this a bit. Come, I will teach you how to read this language. The One will not come in my lifetime, but your species is very long lived….”

“Never know, do you. Uncertain is the Ones future?”

“Yes Yoda, very uncertain.” The Rodian Masters snout twitched at this, a nervous tick he had never been able to control. Yoda knew that this meant his Master wasn’t telling him the whole truth. Looking wide eyed at his Master he was met with an equally intent stare. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Master Allnan gestured to Yoda to come beside him. The two opened the book at the first page and began to read...


1000 years prior to Windu’s words

“The Prophecy of the One doesn’t seem to be coming to pass.” Nomi Skywalker looked around the Jedi Council chamber, high above the capitol of Coruscant, the center of the Republic. The Jedi sat, as they often did, in quiet discussion about the most important aspects of the Force. Rarely, if ever, did anyone mention the Prophecy of the One.

“Whatever do you mean Nomi?” Asked Master Cive Rashon, a Sulustan. “The darkness has yet to return and the Jedi still have not found anyone with a Midiclorian count over 15000.”

“And they never will.” Said the young human in exasperation. Her family was known for two things, their strength in the force and the fact that they were more stubborn than a Nerf at feeding time. “I mean, it’s all Bantha droppings. Look at this “A moon will roam the galaxy, destroying planets in its wake and will be destroyed by the son of the One”. A moon destroying planets?! RIDICULOUS!”

Jedi Master Jofla the Hutt undulated his way into the room. One of the few of his species who were strong enough in the Force to become a Jedi, he was also the first Huttese Master. Unlike most Hutt‘s of his age he was still in relatively good health, perfectly capable of supporting his own weight. He was, however, big enough to be grateful that the temple had wide doorways. “HOHOHO, this old argument again? Bantha Poodoo indeed? Nomi,” he said in a half-disappointed tone of voice “you and I both know that the Prophecy of the One will come to pass. Others have had visions that point the way. What about the darkness that is still occasionally glimpsed? What about the Padawan who went insane and shouted “Exar Kunn Lives!” before impaling himself on his lightsaber when he went on an expedition to the Yavin system?”

“But Master, respectfully, it’s like some kind of cheap holovid story!” Many of the Council fidgeted in their chairs, feeling Skywalker’s temperature start to rise. It wasn’t unknown for things to fly around the room a little when she got this way... “Could we not try and…well…. Improve it?”

The Hutt frowned at her. “Improve? You mean, a re-write?” This brought some murmurs from the rest of the council.

“Exactly. Most of the philosophies and prophecies that Jedi subscribe to now are simplified versions of the originals. You know this. The Jedi Code used to run to three volumes, now it’s 4 lines. As long as we keep one copy that a few Jedi know about we will be prepared.”

“What do you suggest then? I know you Nomi; you’ll have something prepared yes?” Rumbled the Hutt, his tone becoming more playful. The tension in the room dissipated as the young woman's mood mellowed.

“Well now you say it…” Nomi Skywalker smiled and pulled a flimsy from her sleeve. Daintily she cleared her throat and began to read:

“When the darkness returns the One will come from the shadows. With the coming of the One, the Jedi will unite in bring peace to the galaxy. The ancient darkness will finally be defeated. The One will lead the Republic to a brighter future and none shall ever have to fear again.”

A hush fell around the room, accompanied by a lot of frowns. Master Jofla was the first to speak again. “It’s a bit, em, OVER simplified isn’t it?”

“I’ll admit it is a little rough,” admitted Nomi reluctantly, “but it’s only a first draft. We could embellish a little, cover pieces that the original doesn’t, but it’s a start.”

“True, true. We have the problem of keeping this under wraps though. We need to train a few Jedi to continue the true prophecy. The simplest way would be to train long-lived species.”

“Help you I can.” A short, green, pointy-eared Jedi came into the room, as if on cue, from behind his Huttese brother. “Long do we live and strong in the force are my people. Since the Jedi started, always at least one have there been. The task we can perform...”


3000 years before the Battle of Yavin

Drainli Fral'lis was having nightmares again. He had only recently become a Jedi Knight and was still young at 19, the youngest so far to pass the trials. Sweat poured from every pour and he mumbled and yelled in his sleep. His good friend Brencoo burst into the room and seeing her friend in such pain, started to shake him awake, physically and through the Force, mentally.

“Drai! DRAI! Wake up!” Drainli Fral’lis burst awake, sobbing and fell into his friends arms “It’s okay, it’s okay. Another bad one huh?”

Drainli Fral‘lis peeled himself from his friend’s nightshirt and looked up at her with bleary eyes. “Yes, yes.” He mumbled, “Terrible, it was. I mean, it was terrible.”

Brencoo frowned. “Why did you just talk like that?”

“It’s the way that Master Yoda speaks. And, Master Aleese at the moment of course,” he added, as if only now managing to separate reality from vision/

“Yoda, I don’t know a Yoda. What does he teach?”

“He isn’t a Jedi yet. Heck, he might not even be alive yet!” He moaned, thumping his fists against the bed in exasperation. “But he will be, he will be. Dammit, I’m doing it again!” Drai slammed a fist into the bed. He looked down at his hand and his eyes went wide. Grabbing Brencoo by the arm, he dragged her off of the bed and over to the desk. “Do you have a recording device?

“Yup, sure do,” she said, grabbing a flimsy and a stylus in her hand. She gave him a smile that would melt the coldest of hearts and gently said “Go ahead”

Drai closed his eyes and concentrated on the vision he had just experienced. He didn‘t want to but he knew how important it could be. With a sigh he began “A young boy will come from the world of dust. A great pilot and wise beyond his years he will be there when the darkness returns. The Jedi will take him to a brilliant planet of light and he will be taken in front of Yoda, who will turn him away. He will leave the glittering planet and go to the green planet.”

“On the green planet the darkness will lead a large army of metal men. They will come against the mighty hero’s who will turn them back. The One will destroy the master in the sky and the metal men will die. The One will be taken back to the Jedi and Yoda will agree to train him. The darkness will disguise itself as light and the Jedi will not know.”

“Years will pass and the One will become a great Jedi. He will show great courage when the darkness sends its warrior of a million faces, all the same, to fight against them. The dark man and his Grey master shall come to rule the galaxy and many people will be sad. Those who are not human will be persecuted.”

“The Jedi will suffer great loss at the hands of the dark man and his minions. Thousands will die and the One will be crippled. On a planet of fire he will hide as another when the dark man bests him in a fight.”

“The One’s love shall give birth to two children, who will be sent to opposite sides of the galaxy. One girl to be a princess, the boy to be a pauper. The few who remain will watch from afar, Yoda on a ball of mud and another on the dust planet.”

“Years will pass and the darkness will gain even more power. The Jedi will reveal itself to the boy and take him to his sister. But his sister will no longer be there. The moon will destroy her planet and move to destroy those who stand against the darkness. The boy will join the light and will destroy the moon with some pins of fire. Don’t ask, it’s weird to me too” he said, opening one eye to look at his friend.

“I wasn’t going to. Is that it?” Brencoo was white, but she continued to write her friend’s words with shaking hands.

“Unfortunately no. The light will move to a snowball where the darkness will unleash its beasts of metal to defeat them. Many will die, but the boy, the girl and their friends will escape. The boy will go to train with Yoda and learn the ways of the Jedi. The dark man will pursue the girl to a city in the clouds. The One, not knowing that she is his daughter, will capture the one she loves and take him to the dust ball. The girl must join her friends in the light beyond the veil before rescuing him. The boy will face the dark man in the city and be destroyed, becoming one with the force.”

“The girl will rescue her love from the slimy one, who will make her a captive. The One will rescue her and they will leave together to face the darkness. One of the beasts faces who does not know what he is or why, will find the frozen Jedi and set them free. Together they will all destroy the darkness and take control of the planet of light, that was once lost to them.” And with a deep breath he puffed his cheeks, raised his eyebrows at his friend and let the air out.

“Well, that’s a weird one.” She said, trying desperately to lighten the mood.

“Yup, sure is. I don’t even know what the hell I was on about. I’m sure I didn’t get it all right and there are big gaps. But, it always comes to me over time. I think I might know the ones name! No, wait…that makes no sense.”


“Well, I think his name is “Walks on skis” or “skies” or something….”