Title: Revenge of the Jedi Author: Jonathan Evans Author email: noggins@btinternet.com Summary: What would have happened if the battle on Bespin had ended differently? What if Vader's revelation was not what everyone knew? What if Luke's life ended on Cloud City? Disclaimer: George Lucas owns everything and I'm not making any money off of thi nor do I intend to (I'd like to but that's not the point). You can distribute this freely provided that it's complete with this disclaimer. EPILOGUE THE EMPIRE STRIKES Luke moved along the railing and up towards the control room. Vader lunged against him but Luke blocked it with his lightsaber. Sparks flew all around them as Vader forced Luke backwards toward the gantry. The Dark Lord spoke with his mechanical voice. "You are beaten. It is useless to resist. Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did." Luke answered by rolling sideways and thrusting his sword at Vader so viciously that he struck the Sith on the shoulder. The black armour sparked and smoked and despite seeming injured, Vader recovered from this assult. By this time Luke had backed along the narrow edge of the gantry as Vader came closer to him, slashing at the young Jedi with his sword. Luke quickly span around the instrument complex attached to the gantry but soon a slash of Vader's saber caused it to come in two and fall. Luke felt a sudden pain as the saber that had just so easily cut through durasteel now rendered him without his hand. He pushed his stump under his left armpit and moved along the gantry to the extreme end. Vader moved closer until Luke could no longer excape any further. "There is no escape," the Sith stated. "Don't make me destroy you Luke. You do not yet realise your importance. Join me and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy." Luke screamed back at him. "I will never join you!" Vader stood emtionless, lightsaber still in hand. "If only you knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father." Luke tried to block the words from his head but could not. He felt great anger aimed at the Dark Lord. "He told me enough! He told me you killed him!" Vader turned his lightsaber off. He would have smiled if not for the mask covering his mouth tightly. "But he did not tell you *how* I killed him. Surprising since he was there watching at all happen." Luke felt the tears in his eyes. This was too much. He would have rathered it if Vader had revealed that he was his father. But things were not that simple. Vader continued. "I duelled with Kenobi on Aeten II as Skywalker came down on his pathetic ship. I almost had my old master into the molten material. It would have destroyed him. He was so weak. But your pathetic father stopped me. Our lightsabers clashed with great ferocity. I almost admired his anger." Luke noticed the pain in his hand disappearing as his own anger increased with Vader's tale. He looked down the massive, almost bottomless pit and wished he could end it all by dropping down it. The sound of the Dark Lord's voice brought him back to his senses. "The admiration soon disappeared as he began to calm. He used the Force to propell me closer to the edge which I had almost pushed Kenobi down. The dark side, however, is so much stronger. I lifted him in the air and soon he was dangling on the cliff face calling to Obi-Wan for help." Surely Ben would have helped him! Luke's grip weakened on the gantry as if to test himself. Would he intentionaly drop to his ineviatable death? "But Kenobi was afraid. I sensed the fear on him. He could not help your father. He was frozen. It was his weakness. He had not been trained well enough. He could never teach anyone like the Emperor... my Emperor," Vader stopped and ignited his saber as if for effect. "He watched as I crushed your father's throat. He tried to stop but soon his hands were weakening. My weapon quickly cut through one hand..." he swished the weapon in his hand. "Then the other. I saw him fall into the pit and as his skin melted away his skull screamed in pain before it too disappeared into nothing." Luke's eyes opened wide. "No. No. That's not true! That's impossible." Vader held his arm out. "Search your feelings. You know it to be true." Luke lurched out at Vader. Without his weapon he was sure the Force would guide him to victory. As the Sith Lord's lightsaber skewered him he was still sure that this wasn't true. The lights went out and Vader looked down on the pathetic body of the boy. "One Skywalker, or two, I will destroy your lineage." * * * * * * * * * Many parsecs away on Dagobah a concerned Obi-Wan Kenobi turned to Yoda. "He is lost to us," he frowned. "But there is another..." Yoda said without confidence. CHAPTER ONE INFILTRATION The massive durasteel doorway that covered the entrance to the Tatooine palace of Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure was designed to keep unwanted visitors out and those who were working for him locked in where they could not betray him. It had been a long time since anyone had dared break into his almost sacred chamber but, it seemed, today was a good day to try. A blast rendered the robotic eye guarding the entrance off and the door slid open. A figure decked on armour and carrying a long range hunting blaster entered. At its side was a smaller pistol, still smoking from the shot that had just rendered the most advanced security system useless. Before the figure could step any further two Gamorreans quickly blocked its entrance. They snorted loudly and snot dribbled from their green snouts. The creature had no time for the unintelligent banter and tried to walk on. They pointed vibro-blades at its chest and called out even louder. Without a warning the first Gamorrean received a blow to the head from the and of the rifle. The second realised what was happening and tried to call out for help but ended up with its head smashed against the stone wall by a large furry hand. Once both were out cold, the armoured creature and its Wookie companion continued to walk towards the throneroom, the heart of Jabba's Palace. The room was ablaze with action. Exotic alien dancers were moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music that the in-house band was playing while Jabba and his minions watched and ogled their bodies of varying shapes and sizes. No one noticed the two new creatures enter. The one in armour called out and the music stopped. Jabba eyed the two up while the golden protocol droid standing next to him stood nervously. Bib Fortuna, Jabba's Twi'Lek aide took his place next to his disgusting master, and whispered into his ear, pointing at the bounty hunter and the Wookie, now wearing binders. Jabba listened intently, then the bounty hunter bowed before the gangster and finally spoke a greeting in a strange, electronically processed tongue Jabba recognised as Ubese. "Zeebus, Zorbo" it said. Jabba smiled, a smile that appeared as a large crack covering his mucus covered face. At last he had the mighty Chewbacca to add to his collection of insubordinate smugglers. The droid next to him translated all that he said as he offered twenty five thousand credits for this ultimate prize. The events that happened next occured so fast no one barely remembered what was going on. The bounty hunter pulled out a thermal detonator and everyone dived for cover. Finally, after some coaxing, Jabba the Hutt agreed to the much higher bounty that was being offered on the Wookie, the infamous Chewbacca and welcomed the hunter into his midst. Chewbacca growled as he was taken away by a series of Weequay guards. The hunter looked at him as he was dragged away from sight, down a long corridor hidden by grimy curtains that probably hadn't been cleaned in over a hundred years. The raucous crowd of monsters erupted in a symphony of cheers and applause as the party returns to its full noisy pitch. The band started up again and dancing girls took the center of the floor, to the hoots of the loudly appreciative creatures. The bounty hunter leaned against a column with gunfighter cool and surveyed the scene, its gaze stopping only when it connects with a glare from across the room. Boba Fett, the most famous hunter in the galaxy, watched the new arrival carefully, suspisciously. The armoured figure shifted slightly, cradling its weapon closer. Boba Fett shifted with equally ominous arrogance. * * * * * * * * * Soon the party was over. Only several comatose aliens lay around the throne room, snoring loudly from the effects of the alcohol they had taken in during the night and probably most of the day too. They were true drink warlords. A shadowy figure moved stealthily among the columns at the perimeter of the room. It picked its way carefully through the creatures and debris to finally reach its destination - a large slab of frozen carbonite, carefully balanced against the wall. A human face showing extreme pain seemed to pop out of it but it too was trapped in the ice cold block. The bounty hunter activated a series of switches and, after one last, hesitant look at the human inside, slid the decarbonization lever. The case began to emit a sound as the hard shell covering the contours of the human's face began to melt away. The bounty hunter watched as the body was freed of its metallic coat and his forearms and hands, previously raised in reflexive protest, dropped slackly to his side. His face muscles relax from their mask of horror. He fell to the floor but the bounty hunter caught him. He seemed dead but after a close inspection it appeared he was breathing if only lightly. He suddenly fell into a fit of coughing but was comforted by his new found companion. "Just relax," he was told. "You're free of the carbonite." Han Solo, infamous smuggler and all round scoundrel was almost in a newborn state. His face was filled with fear of a world he didn't seem to recognise. "Shhh... You have hibernation sickness. You may not be able to see but your eyesight will return in time." Han touched his face then waved his hands in front of his eyes but to no avail. He frowned. A smell wafted into his nostrils. Damp and stale yet oddly familiar. He recognised this place. "Where am I?" he asked. "Jabba's Palace." Han couldn't believe his luck. When he had been frozen he honestly believed he'd see the galaxy again but here it was, even if it was a big dark blur. Who would have risked coming here to rescue him? "Who are you?" The bounty hunter reached up and lifted the helmet from its head, revealing the beautiful face of Princess Leia Organa. "Someone who loves you," she replied. "Leia!" She helped Han to his feet carefully. "We've gotta get you outta here!" As Leia helped her weakened lover to stand up, the relative quiet was pierced by an obscene Huttese cackle from the other side of the alcove. It was a cackle that Han remembered all too well and wished he didn't. The curtain on the far side of the alcove opened, revealing Jabba the Hutt, surrounded by Bib Fortuna and other aliens. He laughed again, and his gross cronies joined in a cacophony of alien glee. Han tried desperately to make his escuses to the old crime lord but nothing seemed to work. "It's too late for that, Solo." Jabba laughed. "You may have been a good smuggler, but now you're Bantha fodder." He was dragged away by a series of alien guards while Leia was shoved before Jabba. She cringed as he mocked her defiance and soon she too was dragged away. While she was been manhandled away she looked at the bounty hunter who would have been her adopted persona's rival. Boba Fett just stared back but Leia saw something in his eyes that seemed strangely familiar but she couldn't work out how. * * * * * * * * * The two Weequay pushed Leia into a small, filth-ridden cell and forcebly ripped the armour she was wearing from her body, leaving her naked and alone standing in the middle of the room. They threw a skimpy dancers outfit made from cheap metals to the ground. As she scrambled to pick them up one of the aliens zapped her with an electropole. She fell to the floor with the shock and it took her several seconds to recover. The leathery skinned duo laughed as Leia struggled to fit the far to small bikini on, discussing in a strange language what they thought of human females. Once the dressing was complete they walked out and locked the cell door. The beautiful princess fell to her hands and knees and began to week tears of both anger and sorrow. Things would have been so different if Luke had been alive. If he hadn't been so foolish and tried to take on Vader. It was an impossible task. The Sith Lord was pure evil and there was no way a mere Jedi apprentice could have beaten him. She cursed Luke under her breath but quickly retracted her words as she realised he had done all he could to help her. Leia pulled herself to her feet and punched the wall with all her might but it only resulted in several broken knuckles. She rested her head on the cold stone and cringed due to the physical and emotional pain. Suddenly, there was a loud blast followed by another. The princess turned to see the cell door being opened and the helmeted face of Boba Fett standing in the way to freedom. "Come with me..." he said. "Why?" "Because you're needed to save the galaxy." "What...?" "Just follow me!" he continued, this time more agitated. Leia obeyed. This was the only way out and she had to take it. Once they were in the cell hallway, Fett pulled at her arm to get her to come with him towards the throneroom. "Han! We have to rescue Han!" "There's no time for that," Fett replied. "There has to be. Why rescue me and not him?" "His irrelevant to our cause. He's served his purpose." "Not in my life he hasn't" Leia retorted. "He's coming or I'm not." The bounty hunter admitted defeat. He nodded silently and they made their way down to another cell where a pitiful growling was coming from. Leia pointed to the door and Fett blasted it open. Chewbacca emerged, helping Han, still weak from his time in carbonite, to walk. There was a sad, disbelieving expression on his face. "Luke..." he said. "Is it - is it true about Luke?" Leia nodded but realised Han could not see this in his blindness. She realised she'd have to say the words for the first time. "Yes," she replied, her voice croaky from the difficulty to get the words out. "Vader killed him on Bespin." Both Leia and Fett noticed a tear emerging from Han's eye but he wiped it away in the hopes that no one had seen it. "Let's go," he said with a slight sniff. * * * * * * * * * As the group got to the throneroom they noticed not much had changed since the aftermath of the party. Many aliens who had missed the capture of Leia were still asleep on the floor and even Jabba himself was now unable to wake up from his position on his throne. As Fett sneaked past the Hutt's tail carefully, he heard a voice that appeared to come from nowhere. "Oh, excuse me sir," See-Threepio said apologetically as he came from the shadows. "But where are you going? Master Jabba insisted that no one left the palace until the morning." His eyes soon caught Han, L Leia and Chewie and his tone suddenly changed. "Oh! Mistress Leia! I did hope it was you. Although it is not in my right to say this since I am still the property of his Exhaltedness Jabba the Hutt but I do hope you will take me with you..." Leia smiled. "Of course, Threepio. Now quiet." "Oh!" With another member of their entourage, the escapees stepped closer to the exit. Han accidentally staggered over the snoozing body of a drunk Jawa but it didn't seem to notice. The smuggler breathed a sigh of relief and continued, this time with a little more help from Chewbacca. They finally made their way to the doorway out into the entrance passage when a short stubby droid stopped them. "Artoo Detoo," Threepio exclaimed. "You're joining us too thank the Maker!" Artoo gave several quiet chirps. "What do you mean, 'go back into the palace'. Are your logic circuits damaged?" The little droid bleeped again and his counterpart translated. "No, I do not belong to Jabba the Hutt. I am the property of Princess Leia Organa. I don't know what gibberish you are spouting but it is most definately not true." "His memory has been erased," Fett informed the others. For the first time Han recognised the voice of their new 'friend' but said nothing. They seemed to be in enough trouble as it was. And he was right. An arm came from Artoo's inner workings, holding a blaster. "I refuse to believe any of this rubbish. Now just come with us and..." A laser blast suddenly shot out, hitting Threepio in the head, destroying his memory and personality unit. The lifeless droid body fell to the floor with a loud clang as Artoo began to give out a loud alarm-like sound. The group looked around worriedly as a creature covered in armour similar to that of Jabba's guards appeared behind them with a blaster rifle in hand. "I have a bad feeling about this..." Han frowned. CHAPTER TWO ESCAPE Han he turned to face their captor. He went to grab his blaster pistol but found it was missing. His memory was still slowly coming back but he vaguely remembered it being conviscated by Darth Vader back on Bespin when that scum Calrissian betrayed them. He cringed at the thought. Leia looked down at Threepio's body, damaged beyond repair from the blast he received from Artoo Detoo's new arsenal. She slowly turned around to see who was behind them, her hand ready, willing and able to draw the weapon at her side. Before she could Fett aimed his rifle at their captor's head. "You didn't see us." "Y'see, I was kinda hoping I did," was the reply as the visor of the helmet was pulled up to reveal the face of Lando Calrissian. "I was beginnin' to worry that you were gonna leave without me." "Lando!" Leia exclaimed and ran to hug their friend who had spent the last month in the Palace trying to earn the respect of Jabba and his minion's under the guise of a newly recruited guard. Before the princess could grab hold of him a blast came out. She jumped away in shock only to notice it hit Artoo through his chrome top rendering him as lifeless as his counterpart. Chewie growled at Lando. "He was about to fire on Leia..." Lando informed them. "It was the only thing I could do." They all turned to each other and nodded in agreement. So much had happened since Cloud City. They had all changed, affected by the loss of loved ones, some without any hope of bringing back. Drastic times called for drastic measures no matter how traumatic they were. Before anyone could say anything, an alarm called out. Many of the drunken aliens stirred, while Jabba opened his eyes instantly. He noticed the small group located near the entrance. "Guards! Guards!" he called out in Huttese. Before anyone could respond to his pleas, Boba Fett fired his rifle at a large outcropping of rock located above Jabba. At first nothing seemed to happen. The old Hutt saw who had taken the shot and called out to him. "Fett! You betray me!" "I don't betray, Jabba," he smirked. "I respond to my treatment. That's for not paying me..." Just as Jabba was about to reply, a massive rock cracked and fell from the wall, plummeting the short distance before crushing the crime lord under its weight, sending his slimy brown and green innards in all directions. There was silence. Lando turned to Leia. "I think its time we made an exit..." * * * * * * * * * A ferocious sandstorm blocked their view as they made their way to the docking area on the edge of the Dune Sea. Leia, Fett, Han, Lando and Chewie emerged slowly from the veil of sand, pressing on against the wind. "I don't know," frowned Han. "All I can see is a lot of blowing sand!" "That's all any of us can see," Leia replied. "Then I guess I'm getting better." As soon as the group huddled under the bulk of the Falcon, the wind died down to something more describable as a severe weather condition. Chewbacca hit a switch, and the gang-plank lowered with a hum. Before they entered Han turned to Leia. "I can't believe what happened to Luke. I'm out of it for a while and everything seems to go wrong." "I'm sure he's in a better place... No. I know he is. Anywhere can be better than this." "I'm inclined to believe you," Han responded. Han turned to Fett and Lando, looking at them somewhat dubiously, obviously remembering his friend's betrayal and his enemies rivalry but also their subsequent aide. "Guess I owe you some thanks, too, Lando," he said with a slight smile. After a pause. "You too, I guess, Fett. But that don't mean I trust you" "I don't intend you to." Lando grimaced as he noticed another serious storm heading towards them. "Come on, let's get off this miserable dust ball." * * * * * * * * * Many parsecs away a Super Star Destroyer and several ships of the Imperial Fleet rested in space above the half-completed Death Star and its green neighbor, Endor. Four squads of TIE fighters escorted an Imperial shuttle toward the Death Star. Inside the massive structure, thousands of Imperial troops in tight formation filled the mammoth docking bay. Darth Vader and an officer walked to the landing platform, where the shuttle came to rest. The shuttle's ramp lowered and the Emperor's Royal Guards come out and create a lethal perimeter. The assembled troops moved to rigid attention with a momentous snap. Emperor Palpatine, a rather small, shriveled old man emerged from the shuttle. His bent frame slowly made its way down the ramp with the aid of a gnarled cane. His face was shrouded and difficult to see, except for his piercing yellow eyes. Commander Jerjerrod and Darth Vader kneeled before him, the Supreme Ruler of the galaxy. "I am disappointed in you, my apprentice," he spoke through a cracked voice. "Skywalker would have been of much use to us yet you defied my orders and destroyed him." "I am sorry, my master," the Sith Lord pleaded. "You could not be turned. He was..." "He was weak! He had not been trained. You cut him down knowing he could not fight back." Palpatine signalled for Vader to stand and he obeyed. The old man continued. "Again you let your past haunt you. Anakin Skywalker is dead. You saw to that. Surely it would have been the greatest victory of all to corrupt his only son to the ways of the Dark Side." They began towards the metal doors and out of the docking bay. "I am sorry, my master." "Anakin was a threat to us but his son was not." "There is one more hope," Vader interrupted as politely as he could. He knew the emperor was more powerful than him and did not want to incur his wrath. Palpatine turned with a smile on his face. "And what is that, my apprentice?" "The sister. She still does not have the knowledge of her true inhetitence." "Yes, yes. You spoke of her many years ago but I thought it irrelevant since she did not have the power," the elder dark lord grinned. "But now we have a use for her. Your knowledge of the ways of the Jedi has helped you." "I thought I knew all I could but Kenobi made me understand so much more. If only he know that his knowledge would result in so much turmoil..." "Yes..." Palpatine hissed. "How little he knew..." * * * * * * * * * The vast Rebel Fleet stretched as far as the eye could see. Overhead a dozen small Corellian battleships flew in formation while fighters and battlecruisers surrounded the largest of the Rebel Star Cruisers, the Headquarters Frigate where the future of the galaxy was being discussed. Hundreds of Rebel commanders of all races and forms were assembled in the war room. In the center of the room was a holographic model depicting the half-completed Imperial Death Star, the nearby Moon of Endor, and the protecting deflector shield. The projector flickered a few times as it increased in size so all could see it clearly. Mon Mothma, the leader of the Alliance, entered the room followed by the human General Madine and Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar. Lando moved through the crowd until he finds Han and Chewie, standing next to Leia and Boba Fett. Han looked at the insignia on Lando's chest and smirked. "Well, look at you, a general, huh?" "Someone must have told them about my maneaveour at the Battle of Tanaab," he replied. "And from the way things look we're going to need as many leaders as possible..." "...To make up for the loss of one..." Leia finished his sentence. "Yeah," Lando frowned. "That's the reason exactly." Mothma coughed and hush filled the room. "The Emperor has made a critical error and the time for our attack has come," she said in a stern voice. Many of the ihabitants talked among themselves, some refusing to believe what had been said. Ignoring them, the woman turned to the image of the Death Star in the centre of the room. "The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoints the exact location of the Emperor's new battle station," she began. "We also know that the weapon systems of this Death Star are not yet operational. With the Imperial Fleet spread throughout the galaxy in a vain effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected. But most important of all, we've learned that the Emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star." "It doesn't seem like you've considered the most important thing of all," Boba Fett interrupted. This caused a stir in the room as everyone turned their attention to this bounty hunter interloper, some eager to hear what he had to say, others distrustful of his words. He turned to Mothma for approval to continue. She nodded. "Both the Emperor and Vader are powerful users of the Dark Side. Whatever technology you have, they no match compared to such evil powers." Several Sullustans near the front began to shout out at him. He was unsure what they were saying but it was obvious from the expressions on their faces it wasn't in agreement with him. He should have guessed that no one would have any time for what he had to say. "What do bounty hunters know of the Force?" asked a voice near the front of the room. Fett turned to see a pilot looking at him with a complete lack of trust. He seemed one of those hotshots who think that everything is in black and white - good and evil, as if there was no mid-point. Fett turned to him with a voice full of calm. "I know what I have experienced. I have faced both the light and the dark. I have faced Vader and barely survived the experience. Believe me, I know of the Force and all of its facets. Something you will never do..." The pilot seemed to be squirming in his seat. Fett smiled under his mask, something he hadn't done in a long time. He turned back to the commanders of the operation. "Continue... if you will." Admiral Ackbar stood forward holding a stick to point at the hologram. "You can see here the Death Star orbiting the forest Moon of Endor. Although the weapon systems on this Death Star are not yet operational, the Death Star does have a strong defense mechanism. It is protected by an energy shield, which is generated from the nearby forest Moon of Endor. The shield must be deactivated if any attack is to be attempted. Once the shield is down, our cruisers will create a perimeter, while the fighters fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the main reactor." A concerned murmur began around the room. Leia gave Fett an intruiged glance. She was slowly beginning warm towards him even after years of being enemies. There was something new about him that had been lying dormant for as long as she'd known, perhaps as long as she'd been around. When she turned her attention back to the Mon Calamari admiral she realised that he had sent Lando on the suicide run against the Death Star. General Madine took Ackbar's place by the projector. "We only have one chance to take it down. We have a stolen Imperial Shuttle however our spies were killed before we could get access to any security codes so I guess it may all be a matter of luck." An enraged shouting began. Han quickly calmed them down. "Hey! Hey!" he called out. "It's not like you have to go on this. Personally I haven't got anything against a last-ditch attempt at bringing the Empire down, even if it means I die in the process. The Maker only knows that we're losing this war and maybe if there's a New Republic we won't have any Jedi to protect it but right now I don't care about that. We've lost too much to give up without a fight.All I care about is freedom from this oppression, freedom from the Emperor and most of all freedom from that nerf herding son of a Deveronian Vader!" The room erupted in shouts once again but this time all that could be heard was, "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" echoing out into the darkness of space in the hopes that somewhere the evil would hear and quake with fear. * * * * * * * * * The Millennium Falcon rested beyond the stolen Imperial Shuttle, which looked anomalous among all the Rebel ships in the vast docking bay. Chewie barked a final farewell to Lando and lead Boba Fett and Leia to the shuttle, crowded now with the Rebel strike team loading weapons and supplies. Lando turned to face Han. "Well, I guess this is it, huh?" he said. "I guess so," Han replied, knowing there was very little else to say. He had a feeling he would never see his friend again after such a short space of time together again after all these years. He glanced over to the Falcon. "I'll take good care of her you know," Lando reassured him. "You better or I'll be back with a vengeance," Han responded trying to make a joke where he knew there couldn't be one. "I'll see you around, you old pirate." "You bet you will." The two shared salutes and Han entered the Shuttle. The door closed behind him. Once he got to the cockpit he noticed Chewie was growling uncomfortably. "No. I don't think they had Wookies in mind when they build her." He looked out to see Lando preparing to enter the Falcon. "I've got a funny feeling I'll never see him again." Leia smiled sadly, noticing how all that had happened had changed Han's priorities so much. The stolen Imperial shuttle left the main docking bay of the Headquarters Frigate, lowered its wings into flight position, and zoomed off into space. * * * * * * * * * Far away in another part of the galaxy, Vader entered the Emperor's throneroom. He bowed before his master with humility, knowing full well his place in the grand scheme of things but accepting it completely. "What is thy bidding, my master?" Palpatine looked up from his silent meditation. "Send the fleet to the far side of Endor. There it will stay until called for." Vader seemed unsure with this. "What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust?" he asked carefully. "It is of no concern," his master hissed. "Soon the Rebellion will be crushed and the daughter of Skywalker will be one of us! Your work here is finished, my friend. Go" The Dark Lord of the Sith, seemingly all powerful, bowed once again before the frail old man and turned away. His fear was clear. Even his robotic hands shook irrationally. * * * * * * * * * The stolen shuttle emerged from hyperspace near the Imperial fleet. Inside, Han and Leia looked at each other carefully as they entered sensor range. "We'll never get passed," the smuggler muttered. "They're far too security conscious after Luke finished off their last 'indestructable' war machine." "Luke would want us to do this for him," Leia said. "We WILL do this." Suddenly the communications panel shone with hundreds of colours and the voice of an Imperial lieutenant was heard. "We have you on our screen now. Please identify." Han gulped. "Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield." "Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage." "I knew it!" Han growled. "We're dead." "Just try something random," Fett offered. "Blind luck may help." "I don't believe in luck, Fett," Han retorted. "There's nothing you can say that'll make me change that." "It's better than nothing," Leia offered. "No way. We're making a run for it. Chewie, lock on front deflectors and charge up the engines." Chewie snarled aggressivly at the Super Star Destroyer in front of them as he did as Han ordered. The Imperial Leiutenant's voice was heard again. "Repeat, transmit the clearance code for shield passage. Do you copy Shuttle Tydirium?" "Yeah, we copy," Han shouted. "Do it!" Chewie pressed some keys at the front of the shuttle and it burst forward towards the forest moon of Endor. Inside the Star Destroyer the lieutenant noticed Vader watching him intently. "Lord Vader, the shuttle is trying to break through the deflector shield..." "Drop it," The Sith ordered. "But..." "Drop it," he repeated. "But don't make it seem too easy. Fire a few shots. Ensure they miss." "Yuh - yes sir!" Three shots blasted out of the Super Star Destroyer which the shuttle easily avoided. Suddenly without any warning, the others followed the lead of the command ship without receiving any orders. The engine of the shuttle burst into flames and one of the air locks opened, sucking some of the commando team out into the suffocating region of space. In the cockpit the crew was desperately trying to maintain control. "Active force fields at the back!" Leia called. "They're dying in there!" "I'm trying!" Han shouted back. "Chewie, can you get us to the moon?" Chewie growled a negative response. "Well try!" Han hissed. The old Wookie messed with the controls as much as he could. He spoke to his companion in his own gutteral language. Han repeated it to Leia and Fett who didn't understand. "He's got us on auto-pilot. Expect a bumpy landing but as long as we're not hit again we're home free." Just as he spoke his last word an explosion exngulfed the control panel in front of Chewiw. After several seconds which seemed to happen in slow motion, the Wookie's head fell limp onto the computer. Han quickly checked his pulse. He hit the arm of his seat in anger. He was too late. As he looked up again he saw they were on a collision course for a massive forest with trees big enough to pierce the window in front of them. He covered his face but it seemed too late once more. "Get down!!!!!" He shouted out before everything blacked out. CHAPTER THREE REVELATION Darth Vader entered the Emperor's throne room on the Death Star. He bowed in reverence before waiting for his master to finally speak. "What have you to say, Lord Vader?" "A small Rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor," informed the armoured Sith. "Skywalker's daughter is with them." "Are you sure?" "Yes my master." Palpatine grinned evily and rubbed his hands together in delight. Things were going according to his plan. Soon everything would be in his control. Suddenly he sensed something in Vader. His smile became a grimace. "I sense fear in you." "There is no fear, my master. Just some grave news," he paused. If he had been less than the most feared Sith in the galaxy he would have gulped. "Several Star Destroyers fired upon the stolen Shuttle as it tried to break through to the moon. I am... unsure if there are any survivors." The Emperor nodded silently, contemplating what his apprentice had just told him. He looked up with a more neutral expression covering his features. "The Rebels are more intelligent than many believe. They survived." "Yes my lord." "You may go..." Vader nodded and turned to leave, the red armoured Royal Guards moving away as he stormed past them. * * * * * * * * * Han groaned quietly as he began to stir. He didn't open his eyes at first. "Chewie? What the hell is wrong with you? It was a simple landing." Then it dawned on him. He turned to see the blood soaked body of Chewbacca next to him. His fur matted with the viscous fluid that came from the wound caused after death when a tree smashed through the viewscreen, piercing him. Han shook the body but it was beyond obvious that it was too late. "Leia!" He turned around but saw that the back half of the shuttle had been ripped off, the metal hull, torn to shreds by the descent through the atmosphere and the collision with the forest. Han stood up but everything began to shake. He looked down through the broken floor to see that his section was well and truly lodged in the trees while down below he could see the aft part of the shuttle. Pulling a set of macrobinoculars from the compartment at the front panel he viewed the wreckage more carefully. Some of the commandos had not survived the fall and laid crushed to death under the mass of metal. Solo put the binoculars on his belt and took one last look at his old friend before making his way down through the braches, quietly cursing himself for his actions. At the bottom he noticed that some must have escaped the crash. Several blasters and explosive charges had been taken. He looked at the ground and noticed around ten sets of footprints heading what appeared to be north, but Han knew he was never any good at directions. As he reached an opening he heard some voices. Carefully peering through the bushes he saw something he wished he hadn't. A group of Imperial Stormtroopers in specialist biking armour were crowded around the body of what appeared to be a small animal. One of them prodded it with a stick. Whatever it was, it was well and truly dead. He pulled out his blaster and let of a shot at one of the trooper, hitting him in the chest. The other two turned, not sure where it came from. The first got a blast to the head while the other got one in the ground. It bent over in agony as Han rushed out with a large stone. The thud must have echoed for miles around. "That's for Chewie, you scum!" Once the trooper fell to the floor, Han looked at the creature. It wore a leather tunic and at its side lay a primitive looking spear. It dawned on the smuggler that there were more than just dumb animals on this moon. These creatures, almost miniture Wookies, were intelligent even if they were primitive. There was a hope that Leia and the others may have found a village where they would be safe from the harsh forest. Who knows what could have been lurking here at night? Han touched the animal and suddenly the trees around him erupted in a sea of chattering. Around thirty creatures, similar to the dead one burst out of the bushes, weapons held high. They pointed them at Han who looked amazed. Their faces showed anger. They must have thought Han had been the one who killed they little friend. "This don't look too good," Han muttered to himself as three of them dived onto him, knocking him on his back. * * * * * * * * * When Han came to he discovered he was upside down, attached to a massive log which some of the creatures were carrying him on. Others carried firey torches which he didn't think were for light but something much more sinister. The procession moved along a shaky, narrow, wooden walkway, high in the giant trees. It stopped at the end of the walkway, which dropped off into nothingness. On the other side of the abyss stood a village of mud huts and rickety walkways, attached to the giant trees. The lead Ewok took hold of a long vine and swang across to the village square while the other Ewoks followed suit. Suddenly all activity stops as Logray, the tribal Medicine Man, came out of the big hut. He examined the captive carefully, sniffing him and prodding him with a staff. A larger, gray-haired Ewok, Chief Chirpa, joined him in his investigations before the two had a conversation about what they had caught. Han was placed on a spit above what looked like a barbecue pit. The drums started beating, and all the furry heads turned to the large hut. Leia emerged, wearing an animal-skin dress. Boba Fett followed with a crown made of leaves. They saw what was happening at the same moment as Han noticed them. "Leia!" he called out. "What's going on?" "It looks like you're about to be cooked," Fett interjected. Leia shot him an angry glance and he fell silent. "Let me off this thing, will ya? It's hardly gonna be good for my reputation if I'm eaten by a bunch of... things that barely come up to my knee!" "They're called Ewoks," Fett pointed out, almost enjoying what was happening. Leia realised that despite joining their group for reasons as yet unknown to her, the bounty hunter still held some rivalry against Han for their less than enjoyable past. "I don't give a damn what they're called!" Han called out, getting angrier as he became more agitated. "Just get me off this thing." Leia looked the cheif Ewok in the eyes. He seemed to be intriuged by her reaction to what they were doing. He spoke to Logray in a sympathetic tone but the medicine man just shook his head and uttered something incomprehensible. He was inisistent on continuing the ritual. Leia looked at Han and shrugged. "I guess they refuse to listen." "Make them listen! I wish I could get to my blaster... then I'd show 'em." "They're quite harmless really," Fett informed Solo. "You may have offended them slightly." "And since when do you know what they're saying?" "It's similar to the language of the Uwotti of Werron. I had a job once capturing a group that had infiltrated an Imperial research facility. While I did it I learnt the language. It makes it easier to understand your prey." "Oh, wonderful. Now how about using that skill of your to get me off this thing?" Two of the Ewoks began to light the wooden blocks under Han. He tried to blow out the torch but to no avail. He looked at Fett who just stood by watching. Suddenly something changed in the bounty hunter's attitude and he spoke aloud in the language the Ewoks understood. After what seemed like an eternity they all nodded and doused the fire with water, untying the old smuggler upon completing the first task. Han gave Fett a lopsided smile. "I guess I owe some thanks for your help even if it took a while arriving. What did ya tell them?" "Just that you would not make much of a meal, too much gristle," Fett replied almost joyously. "Thanks a lot..." After a slight pause, Han slapped Fett on the back, the first physical sign that there was a hope that the bounter hunter could be forgiven even if it would take a long time. As he did, Han noticed the Wookie scalps hanging from Fett's shoulder. He pulled away quickly, rubbing his hand on his trousers as if to clean off dirt. He made his excuses and went into a hut where the other survivors of the crash were planning the plans for the following day. * * * * * * * * * Night came over the forest and the Ewoks had made their ways to their huts having finally bonded with the Rebel Forces, if still not willing to trust them. The walkway was deserted now, the windows of the little huts glowed and flickered from the fires inside. The sounds of the forest filled the soft night air. Leia had wandered away from the Chief's hut and stood staring up at the Death Star. Boba Fett walked up to her. After several minutes silence, he spoke. "What's troubling you?" "For a start I don't know what we'll be facing tomorrow, what the whole galaxy will be facing for that matter," the princess began. "We've been fighting this war for so long, we've lost so much, I don't know if its worth carrying on." "You're not the only one who has lost a lot your highness." Leia glanced at her companion momentarily. "What have YOU lost?" she asked with more anger than she should have. "If anything you've profited from the it all." "It may seem like that," he replied. "But that's far from the truth. I'm no longer the person I once was. I was youthful, I looked to the future and it seemed so good. That was before the corruption started. While many people fought back I hardened, I became more harsh." Fett stopped and sighed. He looked out over the forest before continuing. "I moved into the shadows and soon I forgot which side I was on. If, of course, I was ever really on any side." "I never thought of it like that. I'm far from the person my father tried to make me..." Fett looked at Leia. She believed that if his helmet was not covering his face there would have been compassion in his eyes, something she never expected from the ruthless killer Boba Fett was meant to be. "That was the second thing, wasn't it?" he said with intuition. Leia nodded. "Yes. My life has been so confusing. When my mother died I was brought up by my father, but no matter how much he cared for me or how much I loved him, something was missing. The bond a father and daughter should have just wasn't there. I wanted it to be, I really did, but it just didn't feel right." She expected the bounty hunter to say something but he didn't. He knew she had so much more to say, to get out into the open. She breathed out and a cloud of mist emerged from her mouth. "Isn't it beautiful here?" he said, moving slightly off the topic. "I think this is what we should be fighting to preserve if we only had the chance. Paradise is hard to find but even harder to hold onto. I realised that when Alderaan was destroyed and I don't want any other planet to suffer the same fate." "That's understandable." "Luke saved us the first time, if only he were here to do it again." "You miss him?" "More than anything. More than I'd ever imagined. He was like a friend to me... maybe it was the Force... but he seemed more in tune with me than Han ever was. It was like we had the bond that I lost when my mother died. Like he was a part of me..." "Your mother must have been an amazing person." "I barely knew her but from what I saw in her before she died I knew she had once been strong, beautiful, powerful..." "She was..." Fett said as if in a trance. Leia turned to him. "What?" "Leia..." The princess realised Fett was talking off his helmet. With it off it was as if a metamorphasis had taken place. He had a kind face, perhaps aged beyond its years. He smiled lovingly. "...I am your father..." CHAPTER FOUR EXPLANATION "I really think you should see this, admiral," Lando said as he lead the Mon Calamari Ackbar through the cargo hold of the Rebel frigate. "I honestly don't know what to make of it myself." "Is this really necessary, General?" Ackbar replied. "We may be late for the battle." "This is probably the most important thing you'll ever see..." The set of automatic doors in front of them opened and they entered the hold. "Lights!" Lando called and suddenly the room was awash with a brightness so that everything could be seen. Stacked up against all of the walls were almost twenty blocks of carbonite, each containing what appeared to be living beings. Ackbar tuned to Lando. "Are they alive?" "As far as I can tell," he replied. "But I thought Han was the first human to be frozen in Carbonite. Looks like these have been in this state for almost twenty years." "But what are they doing here?" Lando looked at a datapad resting on a metal crate. He activated it and read the information carefully. He looked up. "It's from Fett. He says they were rescued by him before... Oh my..." "What is it?" "...before the Jedi Purge." The two Rebel officers looked at each other. Ackbar looked nervous while a lopsided smile covered Calrissian's face. He tapped the datapad with his index finger as he thought over his plan for the second time. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" * * * * * * * * * Leia turned to Fett with a look of surprise on her face. She blinked a few times and repeated her question. "You're my what?" "Your father." "How's that possible?" "It began a long time ago," he began his eyes glazing over as memories of the past slowly began to flood back. "I was discovered on Tatooine, a slave to a Toydarian junk dealer. The Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn thought I was something called the Chosen One, a Jedi who would bring Balance to the Force. It took me many years before I discovered this..." Leia looked out to the forest. She sighed. The lights of the Ewok village signalled to others far in the distance. Her arms rested quietly on the wooden barrier. "You didn't do a very good job," she said sadly. "I know, but I'm going too far ahead," Fett continued. "I met Obi-Wan Kenobi and, after Qui-Gon's death I was taught by him. Time went by and I grew in power yet there was fear among the other Jedi who felt I would be corrupted by the Dark Side. I had known your mother many years and we fell in love but things started to change. The Sith were returning." "When Palpatine created a genetic virus to target Jedi we had no defence. It attached to the midichlorians in our blood and destroyed them slowly. Many Jedi were killed as they became weaker. I was hit hard, my abilities weakened. Thankfully Obi-Wan was nowhere near Coruscant when it struck. As I'm sure you've noticed, my abilities have not fully returned. They may not for a long time." He looked at Leia and touched her cheek, stroking a stray hair from her face. "I never knew your mother was pregnant when I discovered Obi-Wan had travelled to a volcanic planet in the outer rim. I followed but discovered he was fighting Darth Vader, the most powerful Sith who had yet to discover the true evil of his power but the Dark Side had begun affecting him." Leia nodded, finding this easier to take in than she thought it would be. The Death Star was visible in the sky, she glanced at it before turning back to her 'father'. He took a deep breath himself before continuing. "Kenobi was almost dead when I came down in my fighter I'd been forced to steal from Alderaan. I fought Vader but the Dark Side was too strong, it overwhelmed me, his ferosity caught me off guard, his lightsaber sliced through my wrists with ease as I was pushed down to the molten pit. I hit a rock at the bottom but knew I was too weak to fight again. I used the Force to create an illusion in Vader's mind. He thought he saw me die." "Then why didn't you return when you were stronger?" "My ship was destroyed. It took me weeks to get off the planet, surviving only on my wits. As I said, I became hard, harsh, rugged. When a young, inexperience bounty hunter known as Boba Fett came to prove himself by trying to find me I killed him and took the armour that was once worn by his father. By the time I got off the planet it was too late. The Empire had taken control and I could not find your mother. I eventually heard she had married Bail Organa and they had daughter. I never realised your were mine until Bespin when I sensed the strength in you." Leia turned to him for the first time, with love in her eyes. She took his hands in hers and held tight. "Then tell me one thing?" He nodded. "Anything." "What's your name?" "Anakin. Anakin Skywalker." At that point the princess had to hold herself up. This was not what she expected but it explained everying. She looked into Anakin's eyes and saw something she had seen before in Luke. "That means that... Luke..." "...is your brother. I can only guess this but to protect you both from the Emperor, you were hidden from him when you were born. The Emperor knew if I was to have any children, they would be as much of a threat to him as I was." Leia began to wonder whether her whole life was a lie. How could everyone have treated her like this? Didn't they know that she would have wanted a life with her brother. They could have grown up together. Things could have been so perfect. A tear began to appear in her eye but she wiped it away defiantly. "Why didn't anyone say? Why didn't I know before he died." "No doubt one of you would have found out. At least you had time with him, my daughter. The Force was strong with him, I only noticed as he went to face Vader on Bespin." "That's why you missed him when you fired?" Anakin nodded. "When Vader told me he was after a person named Skywalker my heart started racing. I had worked my way into his lower circles by tracking down various enemies of the Empire for him, he had what could be considered a trust for me, little knowing my true identity. I saw Luke for the first time and I felt so proud, knowing he was going to do as I did. I didn't think he would fail. He had been trained well but not well enough, it seems. I lost him before I even knew him but I know he is with the Force" A Rebel commando came running up to the two warriors with a look of fear on his face. Anakin quickly put his helmet back on. "Princess! General Solo has run off with several charges and a detonator. I don't know what he's planning to do!" Leia pushed herself away from the bridge and became the Leia that all of the Rebels looked up to, issuing orders seemingly without any feeling for herself. "I do. He's gone to find the shield generator." "On his own? What was he thinking?" "I don't know princess..." the soldier shrugged. "We have to find him. Mobilise the troops and prepare for a sweeping search of the forest. Avoid any Imperial entanglements and meet back here in three hours." "Yes ma'am!" The soldier saluted and ran off. Anakin caught up with Leia and put his hand on her shoulder. "You haven't been trained in the ways of the Jedi the way Luke, but the Force is strong with you, as it is with all of your family. There is no avoiding the battle. You must come with me and face Vader." "I can't. I have to do this." "You're the last hope for the Rebellion." "No I'm not. I'm a senator, a military commander at the most, I'm no Jedi. You're the most powerful Jedi I know. You can do it alone." Anakin shook his head. "No. I'm weak. If I had been stronger things would be differet. The Force should come natural to you, my daughter. You will understand in time." "No. You don't understand. I hardly know you. You may be my father but I love Han. I must find him before he does something stupid!" * * * * * * * * On the Super Star Destroyer, everything was going according to the Emperor's plan. He summoned Vader into his throne room. He looked the Dark Lord up and down with a grimace. "You may be weak in your old age, Vader but you serve your purpose. Go to down Endor where you will capture the princess. Bring her to me and we will begin her training in the ways of the Dark Side. She has so much anger and frustration in her, the task will be so easy. Easier than it would have been for her brother." "But you would have succeeded given the chance, my master." "Of course. Your training was hard but I did it, did I not?" "Indeed, my master." Palpatine smiled. The fear Darth Vader gave out was false. Those who knew his true identity would have know the fear within him. He motioned his hand to tell Vader to exit. "You may leave." The Sith nodded and walked out of the chamber. "You have nearly surved your purpose, my apprentice," he laughed to himself. "It won't be long and you will have a replacement. The one who should have been at my side all this time..." He burst into laughter while seemed to echo out of the Death Star into the reaches of space. Far below on Endor a chill went down Leia's spine as she searched the forests for the missing Han Solo. Everything the Emperor had planned was working perfectly... CHAPTER FIVE ENLIGHTENMENT Han walked through the dense forest, his eyes filled with sheer anger, trying desperately ro think over all that had happened. Perhaps if he hadn't been frozen in carbonite he may have been able to help Luke and he'd still be alive. If he's listened to Fett about trying random numbers he may have got the clearance code to get to Endor and Chewie would be with him now. Fett! That bounty hunter had been one of the biggest threats to his life and now Leia was getting kinda friendly with him. The weight of the pack full of charges he had on his back slowed him down but he wanted to find the shield generator before sunrise and more importantly before he could be found. This was his battle now. His absence had caused all this so now it was his job to finish it off. "Nub nub!" Han turned around to see one of the Ewoks standing behind him. It appeared to want to come with him. He kneeled down in an attempt to look it in the eyes but he was still too tall. "You wanna come too, do ya?" he smiled. "Yub yub." "I'll take that as a 'yes', but I can't see that you'd be any help against what I'm about to fight." The little Ewok seemed insistent and held its staff out as if to show how fierce it could be. It growled aggressively yet it appeared to be a humorous sight. Han grinned. "Sure, why not. Come on before the others catch up with us." The Ewok nodded and ran ahead, obviousl leading Han to his destination. He adjusted the backpack with a grunt and continued through the forest with the aid of his new companion. He glanced back over his shoulder. He sensed someone was coming behind him. He sighed heavily and picked up his pace before some of the Rebel commandos caught up with them. "Hey! Slow down will ya?" he shouted after his new-found friend when a blast came shooting passed his ear. A humming sound behind him became louder and louder until it was almost deafening. He dived to the floor as an Imperial Speeder Bike flew overhead. If he'd been a milli-second later his head would have been moving around 400 mph further away from his body. He looked up to see the bike turning and coming back for him. He whipped out his blaster and fired it at the pursuer causing the speeder to explode in a bright flash. Han brushed himself down before picking up his pack and catching up with the Ewok who was pointing irratically at something just ahead of them, beyond a set of bushes. * * * * * * * * "Welcome to the future my good friends," the sauve gambler greeted the newly awokened Jedi as he entered the medi-bay. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is General Lando Calrissian, of the Rebel Alliance." The first Jedi spoke. Her dark features and mysterious eyes intrigued Lando as he stepped forward and kissed the back of her hand. She smiled. "I thank you, general. I am Adi Gallia of the Jedi High Council. Or at least, what was once the Council. No doubt much has changed in our absence." "Indeed. I will take you to Admiral Ackbar and he will explain the current situation." Lando beckoned for the rag-tag group of Jedi to follow him down a corridor to the admiral's private quarters. They passed members of various alien races. Gallia seemed more than happy with this. "I am glad the Empire didn't affect these like they did my people. Before I agreed to be frozen I had heard my race was close to extinction. The Neimodians and the Gungans were already gone before the New Order was even put in place." "I have heard of them. It is a pity," Lando frowned. "Indeed," the Jedi replied, looking at Calrissian carefully. They continued along the corridor until they walked passed a window out into space. One of the Jedi, a male human, stopped to look out at the fleet preparinf for battle. He placed his hand on the glass with a thoughtful expression on his face. "There is much fear in these people," he said, speaking aloud for the first time. Lando stopped walking and turned around. "It's understandable. We are about to fight the Empire for what could be the last time. If our troops don't take the shield generator of they battle station down we're doomed." "Some believe they will die," the worryingly young Jedi exclaimed. "They fear they won't live to see freedom." Lando shook his head. The Force worried him and he wasn't afraid to admit it. Unlike those who refused to believe in it, Lando knew what it could do in the wrong hands. He only needed to quote Vader and his Emperor as example. "They signed up to the Rebellion knowing they may have to sacrifice themselves for the cause of freedom. They all knew it could happen..." "But few of them wanted it. Maybe we have come out of 'hiding' at the right time." Lando grimaced. This young upstart had already mocked his ability to rally the troops and now claimed there would be a rebellion within the Rebellion. "Maybe you did," he replied. * * * * * * * * "Han!" Leia called out into the distance. "Han!" She ran a little further ahead and shouted again. "Get back here you scruffy looking nerf herder before I have to go get you myself!" She continued along the forest trail until she was panting heavily then running again until it hurt to breath and her heart felt as if it would almost beat through her chest. "HAN!" she yelled again but to no avail. She had met someone today who meant so much to her but lost another who she knew and love. Not lost! Not yet. And she would find him even if it killed her. She stopped running for a moment and looked back to see that there was no one in sight. She had lost conact with the commandos over thirty minutes earlier and the trees were blocking any signals to the communication device she was carrying. Keeping her hand near her blaster, she slowed her pace slightly and looked around. There were footsteps coming from nearby, perhaps to her left. That was the problm with Endor, you couldn't be sure where things were coming from. Leia turned around warily as a tall, thin creature with almost yellow coloured fur jumped out of the wilderness at her. She fell back trapping herself in some fallen vines. Her blaster dropped to the ground as the creature extended its claws to investigate her closely. It cut into her cheek and sniffed the blood that trickled from the fresh wound. It smiled as it openedits mouth to reveal the fangs that were about to bite open the princess' neck. Suddenly it fell forward as a laser blast ripped through its flesh and came out the other side leaving a clear hole in its chest. Leia looked up to see Boba Fett, her father, holding a smoking rifle in the air. "Looks like you needed my help after all..." "What - what was that?" "A Dulok," Anakin replied. "Distant relatives of the Ewoks and much less sociable. I'd be wary of them." "I guess so..." the princess nodded as she untangled herself and reholstered her pistol. "Now do you give up your foolish quest and join me in my journey to the Death Star?" "But I have to find Han..." Leia pleaded. "He can take care of himself. I'm sure you know that by now. You don't need to protect him," her father said trying to convince her to come with him. "I don't know what he could do." Anakin placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "He will do what is necessary" he told her. "I'm sure he will..." a voice behind them said and an electronic buzz was heard. Anakin saw a light in the corner of his eye and span around to see the black image of Darth Vader standing with his lightsaber ignited and ready for battle. He saw the old Jedi Knight but only recognised him as his adopted persona. "Boba Fett, what are you doing here? The last time we met you were headed towards Tatooine for the bounty on the man you are now trying to rescue." 'Boba Fett' remained still. "What do you want?" "I want what you want. The princess on the Death Star. Only my plan didn't involve you there as well." Vader dived at the bounty hunter but he anticipated the attack and jumped out of the way in time. He pulled out his blaster and let off two shots that were easily deflected by the Dark Lord's hand. He pulled the weapon into his grasp and threw it aside. "We have fought before Fett," Vader hissed. "You only escaped with your life because of your sheer cunning. I will not let you get the better of me this time." The red lightsaber streaked towards Fett's head but he ducked, allowing the blade to slice through a tree trunk. Taking this opportunity, Leia jumped at the severed tree and kicked it down creating a barrier between the two warriors as it fell to the ground, taking another along with it. "We finish it NOW!" she called out, picking up her father's blaster rifle and throwing it back to him. He looked at Vader seeing his reflection in the Sith's dark mask. "Yes. Right now." * * * * * * * * "This is it, huh?" Han said as he looked at the bunker that contained the shield generator. The Ewok beside him nodded and held its spear high, pushing the bushes aside to charge into battle. Han quickly held him back. "Not yet little fella, we need to check out their security precautions." The Ewok looked confused, obviously not understanding what Solo meant. "Okay... uh... we need..." he pointed at himself and the Ewok to show who he was talking about. "... to check out...", Han put his hand above his eyes and looked over to the bunker. "... their...", he pointed at two Stormtroopers guarding the durasteel door then took out his blaster and pointed at a target. "...security precautions." The Ewok looked even more confused. Han sighed in frustration. "Just go! I'm gonna do this myself." Han began to crawl carefully down the banking, trying to ensure he was not seen. Just as he reached the bottom he realised exactly what was towering above him. He looked up to see an Imperial AT-ST. "I have a very bad feeling about this..." he muttered as he ran back up into the trees, clambering up to where his Ewok friend was still waiting. He brushed his hair back with his hand but it fell back into place. "Okay, as you can see... that's why your plan wasn't going to work..." The smuggler sat back as the sun came up over Endor within minutes and the guards changed places with four more who came from the bunker ready with blaster pistols in their hands. Han hit the ground in frustration. He let himself get annoyed much too easily. Fett's Wookie scalps reminded him too much of Chewie and the death he suffered because of Han's own stupidity. For the first time he realised how alone his reckless behavior left him. Chewie was the only one who kept him sane, gave him the friendship he needed. He'd put his relationship with Leia on the line with this stunt but now he could gave put the future of the entire Rebellion at stake. "What have I done?" he muttered to himself. If Chewie'd been here he'd have given him a real ear bashing. If Luke had been with him he'd feel more confident. Suddenly, Han felt a presence all around him. He closed his eyes. "What am I supposed to do now, huh kid?" he whispered. "I'm not sure general but I know what we're gonna do!" Solo turned to see seven Rebel soldiers ready and waiting for orders. A smile covered his face. "About time you guys turned up." * * * * * * * * Admiral Ackbar looked over the group of Jedi. He rested his hand on his chin and, after several moments silence, laughed out loud. "Things are looking up for the Rebel Alliance this day," he said. "General Solo stated that we would win this war without the Jedi but now I believe we could do more than win." Adi Gallia, having been nominated leader of the Jedi group, nodded carefully. "The battle is to begin soon?" Ackbar looked towards the Calamari officer who was preparing for the order to take the fleet into hyperspace. "Yes." "We are still weak from the freezing process. I for one am sure that the Force is not as strong with me as it once was." "Of course. But could you explain how you came to be frozen in the first place..." Gallia thought back to the events that led her to this place. The words flowed easily as she recounted the moment that the Empire emerged from the ashes of the Republic and Vader and the Emperor started hunting down and murdering the Jedi along with the help of many mercenaries and hired killers. One, however, offered them hope using the carbonite from the mines in the Empress Teta System to preserve the Jedi for the future. "I was the only member of the Council chosen to take part," she continued. "Master Yoda felt the others should be prepared for battle. I can only guess they are all dead now. Vader knew the Jedi well." Suddenly Lando realised something. "Because he was one of them!" The Jedi master nodded. "Yes. And I know who Darth Vader is." * * * * * * * * Leia looked carefully at the Dark Lord of the Sith standing before her. Her eyes were filled with rage. "You destroyed my planet, you killed the man I called my father, you forced the man I love into carbonite but then you did the one thing that hurt me most." "And what was that, princess?" Vader said through his mask. "You killed my brother before I even knew him as that." "Your brother? He was a weak fool." "Luke Skywalker," Leia growled as she pulled out a blaster, "was the most commpassionate and strong willed person I ever knew. The Force was a part of him as it was our father." She fired, hitting the Dark Lord in the shoulder. "How..." he stuttered. "Guided by the Force," Boba Fett answered, knowing that his daughter was finally learning how to use her natural abilities as she was meant to from birth if the Jedi had still been around. "How is this possible?" Vader continued, trying to work out the power she was able to wield without training. Neithe her brother nor her father were able to do this, but her father was powerful and no doubt it was passed down." "She's a Skywalker," Fett said. "She has powers you could never understand, never comprehend..." "What do you know, bounty hunter?" the Sith hissed. "I know more than you think.... Mace Windu..." CHAPTER SIX SACRIFICES The shuttle docked with the Death Star and the landing ramp slowly opened. Darth Vader was the first to walk off, followed by Leia Organa then Boba Fett. Vader stormed straight passed the troops that had been ordered to stand to attention in preporation for the Dark Lord's arrival. Using the Force he opened the door and walked straight out. Two Stormtroopers mobilised, forcing binders onto the captives. Fett turned to his daughter. "I'm proud of you Leia. You showed me that you really can be a Jedi given the training." "Something it doesn't look like I'm going to get," the young princess muttered under her breath. "We can defeat the Emperor. It is the way of the Force," Fett said, still full of confidence in her ability. "I hope so... I really do..." * * * * * * * * "Prepare for the jump to lightspeed," Ackbar ordered the navigation officer on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser and within moments the co- ordinates were set. Outside in space the entire Rebel fleet disappeared into the starscape with a flash of light. Adi Gallia walked onto the bridge along with Evajo Siinit, a young Jedi knight ready to aid the Republic and now the Rebel Alliance. Gallia went straight to Ackbar, seated high above the rest of the crew in his movable war seat. With a press of a button he moved it down to their level. "Jedi friends, are you prepared for your mission?" "Of course," she replied. After a slight pause she got to the reason she was here. "But I wish to know more about General Calrissian." "Oh. He is currently on board the Millennium Falcon but I'd be only happy to tell you anything I know. From what General Solo told me he was a gambler and card player like none other and even once owned the starship he is currently commanding..." "He's a clone," Gallia interrupted The words hit Ackbar like a blast to the chest. "What???" "He was created during the Clone Wars by Palpatine's Empire. His type were prototypes of what would later become Stormtroopers. Most were destroyed after the original tests showed they were unstable mentally and even killed some of their creators. Many were destroyed and, as far as I know, he's the only one left." Ackbar began to ponder this carefully. Had he put his trust in an artificial life form created by the Empire to, in some cases, eliminate his race? The Mon Calamari admiral pressed a button on his arm rest and the seat moved up so he could see everything going on around him. It seemed as if no one cared about the news they were just given and neither did he. "I trust the General. The people who know him trust him. He will lead us to victory, provided Solo and his team are able to take down the Death Star's shield generator." * * * * * * * * Han looked through the binoculars that Captain Blabe had handed him. "Four Imperial scouts," Han pondered. "Their speeder bikes are parked nearby. That could mean trouble if we don't do this quickly." "Yes sir." "We'd have to distract them. If we do that just right we may be able to get in no trouble." The Ewok watched eagerly next to them suddenly jumped up and scampered into the underbrush. Blabe noticed and turned to his commanding officer "I'm afraid your furry companion has gone and done something rash, sir," he frowned. "Oh no..." Han said as his jaw opened. The Ewok had slipped out of the undergrowth near where the Imperial scouts were lounging. He silently swang his furry ball of a body onto one of the scout's speeder bikes and began flipping switches at random. Suddenly, the bike's engine fired up with a tremendous roar. The little creature grinned and continued flipping switches. The scouts leaped up in surprise. "There goes our surprise attack," Blabe sighed. "I'm not too sure about that," Han smiled having gained trust in the little Ewok since he had encountered him. He laughed at himself. Leia would be proud of his new attitude. Meanwhile the Imperial scouts raced toward the Ewok just as his speeder zoomed into motion. He hung on by his paws and shot away into the forest. "Look! Over there! Stop him!" one of the troops shouted out loudly. His three companions jumped on their rocket bikes and sped away in pursuit. The fourth watched them go from his post at the door. From the undergrowth Han grinned. "See? Now there's only one left." "Not bad for a little furball," the Captain replied. The group ran down to where the Scout trooper was stationed, looking worried about the fact he'd just lost any back up. Han held his blaster to the trooper. "Open the door!" He turned to the troops, "take the Scout Walker before they can mobilise it!" "Yes sir!" Three commandos ran to the feet of the walker and used rope to climb to the command module. A pilot lifted the top hatch to look out at the events taking place but was soon falling to the ground at a high velocity. Captain Blabe saluted to Solo who just smiled back. "This is going well," he muttered. "Too well." "We haven't got time to worry about that sir" the trooper next to him replied. "The fleet should be arriving in this system soon." "Okay." Han turned to the Stormtrooper. "So, you gonna open that door before I blow your head off?" "I - I don't have the codes," he stuttered. "It has to be authorised from inside..." Solo pushed the armoured warrior against the communications port aggressively. "Then you know what to tell the,." he told him, pushing the blaster into his neck. "Don't you?" "Yuh - yeah..." the Trooper activated the communications channel. "We have Rebels here sir! Send the troops out!" Han pulled the trigger and the Stormtrooper fell to the floor, a hole in his neck smoking slowly. The door slid open and twenty other Imperial Soliders emerged. Han turned to see three AT-STs coming up behind him and his small group. He turned to Lieutenant Hollma, a battle-hardened Rebl solider. "Any ideas?" "None whatsoever, sir..." Suddenly a blast came from the captured Scout Walker blowing the head from one of the enemy ones. It exploded in an array of lights, sending firey shrapnel in all directions, hitting a Stormtrooper in the chest. Han looked all around to see the Imperials running away from the fallout. He shouted to the soldiers under his command, "Let's go! Get into the trees! It'll be more difficult for them to get to us there!" As he ran, Han took out three Stormtroopers with his blaster pistol. The Rebel AT-ST shot another of its Imperial counterparts while everyone dived for cover. "What a rush!" one of the Rebels shouted out. "You got a thermal detonator?" Han called out. "Coming right up, general" was the reply. A silver ball was thrown to the smuggler who activated and threw it towards the Imperial troops trying to pinpoint the position of the enemy. It exploded taking five Stormtroopers with it. Solo looked up to the sky to just see the Death Star through the many layers of trees. "We haven't got much time." * * * * * * * * The Rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace in a flash. Lando activated the communcations array on the Millennium Falcon. "All wings report in," he ordered the fighter squadren leaders. "Red Leader standing by," Wedge Antilles said. "Gray Leader standing by." "Green Leader standing by." "Lock S-foils in attack positions," Wedge told the pilots of the X- wings and B-wings. From the bridge of the Rebel Headquarters Frigate, Admiral Ackbar watched the fighters massing outside his viewscreen. "May the Force be with us," he said quietly. Lando looked worriedly at his alien copilot, Nien Nunb, who pointed to the control panel and spoke to Lando in his own language. "We've got to be able to get some kind of a reading on that shield, up or down," Calrissian pondered. "Well, how could they be jamming us if they don't know if we're coming." Lando shot a concerned look out at the approaching Death Star as the implications of what he's had said sank in. He hit a switch on his comlink. "Break off the attack! The shield is still up." "I get no reading," Wedge replied. "Are you sure?" "Pull up! All craft pull up!" The Falcon turned hard to the left. Out the window he could see the stars and the Death Star move off right as the Falcon and the fighters of Red Squad veered off desperately to avoid the unseen wall. On the Rebel Star Cruiser Alarms were screaming and lights flashing as the huge ship changed course abruptly. Other ships in the fleet shot by outside as the armada tried to halt its forward momentum. "Take evasive action! Green Group, stick close to holding sector MV- 7!" Ackbar called out. A Mon Calamari controller turned away from his screen and called out to Ackbar, quite excited. The Admiral rushed over to the controller. "Admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47." Ackbar moved to the comlink. "It's a trap!" he creid "Fighters coming in..." Lando replied, his voice cracking over the speakers. The Millennium Falcon and several squads of Rebel fighters headed into an armada of TIE fighters. The sky exploded as a fierce dogfight ensued in and around the giant Rebel cruisers. "There's too many of them!" a pilot exclaimed. Lando quickly began issuing orders to the group. "Accelerate to attack speed! Draw their fire away from the cruisers." "Copy, Gold Leader," Wedge replied. The battle continued around the giant cruisers. Ackbar looked to the special ops officer, another Mon Calamari. "I hope the shield is down soon or the Imps will miss out on the surprise gift we have for them." "They'll get it down," the officer said, with his fingers firmly crossed. * * * * * * * * Vader, Leia and Boba Fett entered the Emperor's throneroom. Palpatine saw them and ordered his Royal Guards to leave him with them. He looked with disgust at his Sith apprentice. "Why did you bring... this here?" He motioned to Fett with his thin, scrawny hand. "I only wanted Skywalker's daughter." "My Lord," Vader apologised. "He knows who I once was. That knowledge could be used against us." "You're an old fool. It is as if you still cling onto the past." The Emperor turned to the bounty hunter. "How do you know this? I have eliminated all with the knowledge of who Vader once was." Boba Fett took off his helmet to reveal the face of Anakin Skywalker. "Not quite all, 'my Emperor'". Palpatine looked shocked. This is not what he had expected. Anakin stood between the two Sith and Leia. "Skywalker... how did you survive the purge? I ensured that your pathetic kind were extinct." "Not quite. That was the problem with trusting 'Boba Fett' to hunt down some of the Jedi for you. Right now there are a group with the Rebel Fleet who are about to attack this worthless space station..." "It is of no consequence. The Death Star is fully armed and operational. The Rebellion will be crushed the moment it comes out of hyperspace." He motioned with his hand and Anakin flew across the room. The evil old man got down from his throne and walked up very close to Leia. The Emperor looked into her eyes and, for the first time, she could perceive the evil visage within the hood that her father had warned her about. "I'm looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me Master... and perhaps more..." a smile cracked across his face as he touched Leia's cheek she pulled away from him. "You think I'm going to turn to you when my father is there to help me through this?" "You are mistaken. Anakin Skywalker is a weak fool. The years of hiding his Force abilities has no doubt weakened him. He will not be able to aid you." Palpatine opened a compartment on the side of his chair. A lightsaber emerged. Anakin got up from the floor to recognise it as his own, given to Luke by Obi-Wan but obviously lost when he fought Vader. "A Jedi's weapon. It was once your father's and your brother's," the galactic ruler said as he stroked the chrome plating with his hand. "It could not save either of them from the different fates they suffered. Perhaps you will change that..." He threw it to Leia who caught it clumsily. She pressed a button and the blade extended. She pressed it again and it went back into the hilt. Through the round window behind the Emperor's throne could be seen the distant flashes of the space battle in progress. "Come, my dear. See for yourself." The Emperor motioned for Leia to stand beside him at the window. Vader stood near the throne, watching Anakin carefully who seemed to be intrigued by the events going on but not doing anything. Leia moved to look through a small section of the window. "From here you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance, and the end of your insignificant Rebellion." Palpatine looked over to Skywalker. "Your return is insignificant. My plan will go ahead." Leia was in torment. She glanced at the lightsaber in her hand. She didn't know how to use it but she wanted to cut the Emperor to pieces with it. Palaptine watched her and smiled. "Use the weapon. You need nothing more than pure anger to be able to. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment, you make yourself more my servant." Leia turned the saber on. The blue blade came from it as he hit down on the old man. Vader moved his own weapon to intercept the blow and pushed her away. Leia stumbled back and fell down a set of steps. She landed on his back and watched in horror as the armour-clad Sith jumped down and help his weapon to her throat. "You are nothing princess. I will destroy you now to save you the embarrasment..." A metal crate mying nearby flew through the air, hitting Vader in the back of the head. The lightsaber flew from Leia's hands into those of Anakin Skywalker. He ignited it and somersaulted over to Vader where he hit his saber blade creating a series of sparks. Anakin and Vader engaged in a man-to-man duel of lightsabers even more vicious then the battle on Aeten II. But the old Jedi had suddenly grown stronger, and now the advantage shifted to him. Vader was forced back, losing his balance, and was knocked down some more stairs. Anakin stood at the top, ready to attack. The Sith attacked first, forcing Skywalker on the defensive. The Jedi leaped in an amazing reverse flip up to the safety of the catwalk overhead. Vader stood below him. "You have regained your strength Anakin Skywalker," the black clad Dark Jedi praised him. "You would have made a perfect Dark Side adept. But you chose the option that rendered you in your current situation..." "And what is that, Windu?" Anakin asked. "Doomed to die while your daughter is trained by my master. Once you are dead she will not be able to resist her anger. She will be one of us..." Vader threw his laser sword and it cut through the supports holding the catwalk, it then returned to Vader's hand. Anakin tumbled to the ground in a shower of sparks and rolled out of sight under the Emperor's platform. Vader moved to find him. "Now, my old friend, you will die..." "No!" Leia shouted. She ran at Vader, and held out her hand. Her father's weapon flew into her hand as he stabbed forward. The blade went into Vader's back and came out through his chest. He turned to the princess and pushed her away with the Force before moving closer towards her. * * * * * * * * The Falcon and other Rebel fighters were engaged in a ferocious combat with Imperial TIE fighters, the battle raging around the cruisers of the Rebel armada. Lando was in radio communication with the pilots of the other Rebel squads and he quickly issued orders to them. "Watch yourself, Wedge! Three from above!" "Red Three, Red Two, pull in!" "Got it!" "Three of them coming in, twenty degrees!" "Cut to the left! I'll take the leader! They're heading for the medical frigate." Lando steered the Falcon through a complete flip, as his crew fired at the TIEs from the belly guns. The giant Imperial Star Destroyer waited silently some distance from the battle. The Emperor's huge Super Star Destroyer rested in the middle of the fleet. The giant laser dish on the completed half of the Death Star began to glow; Then a powerful beams shot out toward the aerial battle. An enormous Rebel cruiser was hit by the Death Star beam and was blown to dust. The Millennium Falcon was buffeted by the tremendous explosion of the Rebel cruiser. Lando and his copilot were stunned by the sight of the Death Star firepower. "That blast came from the Death Star!" Lando exclaimed. "That thing's operational!" The Rebel fleet continued to be picked off, from one side by the Death Star's deadly beam, from the other by the rampaging Imperial Star Destroyers. Lando steered the Falcon wildly through an obstacle course of floating giants. "Han'd better get that shield down or we're dead!" * * * * * * * * Down on Endor, Han noticed the Imperials were still reeling from the thermal detonator blast. He called to the troops. "Come on! We're going in!" He pulled out his communicator and called to Captain Blabe. "I want that bunker door open and I want it done now!" "Yes sir!" Blabe replied. Seconds later the AT-ST's guns turned to the reinforced durasteel door and let rip. The laser fire blasted through the various layers as if they were paper. Han and the four other commandos ran through the mess and debris shooting down the Stormtroopers as they went. One Rebel got hit in the back and fell to the floor. Han turned back but the soldier motioned for him to continue before his head went limp and all the life drained out of him. Han ran into the bunker, his blaster ready. An Imperial officer looked stunned at this forced entry and pulled out his own weapon. "You cannot win, you Rebel scum." "I'm not to sure about that," Han smiled as he passed the charges to his troops. "I want a good clear spread, guys. Then get outta here!" The officer smirked. "They won't get far. You cannot escape with your life. The Death Star is operational and your fleet will be crushed." Han grinned as he lifted up his hand with the detonator in it. "Maybe so, but at least we'll go out with a bang." He pointed to the door and the Rebel commandos ran. "Move as fast as you can!" he shouted out. "I'll deal with this." Seconds later the commandos were out. Han pointed his blaster at the Imperials in the room. "How fast do you think it'll take before we can get char-grilled Imp?" he smiled. "Maybe you wanna test that theory." He closed his eyes and whispered to himself. "This is for you Leia. I'll always love you..." He opened them again and smiled. "Bang..." CHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSIONS Ackbar sat in his seat on the bridge of the Calamari Star Cruiser. Outside the Rebel fighters were fighting a losing a battle against the TIEs and Star Destroyers. An A-wing plummeted through the cockpit of a Super Star Destroyer, forcing it down into the Death Star. A reading came to the computers. The bridge officer turned to Ackbar and gave a positive nod. The Admiral smiled and activated the com-l link. "The shield is down! Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor," he ordered. "We're on our way," Lando replied. "Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters follow me." Ackbar turned to another Mon Calamari nearby. "Send them the gift..." "Yes sir!" As the Falcon, followed by several smaller Rebel fighters, headed toward the unfinished superstructure of the Death Star, ten escape pods flew from the lead Cruiser, straight towards a docking bay of the massive space station. As they fell in place the doors opened and two Jedi emerged from each one, their lightsabers ignited. The Stormtroopers guarding the bay were quickly hacked down, their bodies falling to the ground in several pieces. "Get to the throneroom!" Adi Gallia called. "It's time we destroyed the Empire at its core!" One of the younger Jedi hacked through the reinforced door into the heart of the Death Star. The group came to a junction. "Which way?" one asked. "The Force will guide us," Gallia replied and closed her eyes. A legion of Stormtroopers came running up the corridor towards them, their blasters blazing towards the Jedi Knights. An array of lightsabers moved into place, deflecting the lasers back at their owners. Seven Imperial soldiers fell to the ground while others continued their pursuit. A blue skinned female Twi-Lek jumped forward and with a quick stroke decapitated two of the troops. "Master Gallia!" she called. "Where are we being guided?" "This way!" the dark skinned Jedi jumped up and cut through the ceiling with her red bladed laser sword. She quickly arrived at the next level, followed by her companions. * * * * * * * * "You are weak, princess. You are not a Jedi. You never will be," Vader mocked Leia. He edged closer, his saber outstretched. Leia extended her arm to reach for the weapon she had just dropped in her fall. The red blade came down on her but she managed to roll away, activating her own lightsaber and striking down on Vader, an attack he easily blocked. Anakin crawled from under the rubble of the collapsed bridge to see his daughter struggling desperatly to defend herself against the Dark Lord. He pulled himself out only to discover a numbness in his leg. As he touched it he discovered that it was filled with sheer pain. It was broken, but he had to do something to help Leia. He staggered closer towards the two battling. "Do not forget me, Skywalker," a voice behind him hissed. Anakin turned to see Palpatine standing there, his arms outstretched. The old Jedi jumped out of the way of the first barrage of Force lightening but his injury left his reflexes slow as the second hit him, the blue streaks covering his whole body. Leia looked towards her father to see him suffering. She tried to ran to his aid but Vader's non-stop attacks prevented her. The screams of Anakin built up the anger in the princess and she struck again, rushing at Vader with an angered frenzy she never knew she had. Sparks flew as she and the Sith fought in the cramped area. Leia's hatred forced Vader to retreat out of the low area and across a bridge overlooking a vast elevator shaft. Each stroke of Leia's saber drove her enemy further toward defeat. Anakin looked at the way his daughter was fighting. "No!" He called. "That is not the way!" Palpatine increased the power of the blasts leaving Skywalker unable to speak other than in a scream. "It is how she was meant to fight you pathetic fool." The Dark Lord was knocked to his knees, and as he raised his sword to block another onslaught, Leia slashed Vader's right hand off at the wrist, causing metal and electronic parts to fly from the mechanical stump. Vader's sword clattered uselessly away, towards the edge of the platform and into the bottomless shaft below. Leia moved over Vader and held the blade of her own sword to the Dark Lord's throat. The Emperor watched with uncontrollable, pleased agitation. He looked down on Anakin. "See? She understands what you do not. Anger is the way forward. It grants you more control over your abilities..." "No..." the old Jedi moaned. "It controls you... but makes you believe you are the one with the... power..." Palpatine stopped the onslaught of electricity and Anakin fell to the ground, the shock waves still moving through his body, rendering him almost paralysed. The Sith Master walked towards Leia who was still looking in shock at Vader who was on the ground. She turned to face the Emperor with defiance in her eye. "You try to show me that the Dark Side is better yet you torture my father forcing me away from your teachings. I can't become evil like you... no one can and I don't understand enough about the Force to appreciate how the Dark can benifate me. You can't win." "But I can," the old man replied. "You do not need to understand the Force. All you need is anger and a thirst for vengeance. You have both of those... and the ability to learn. My princess, your planet is destroyed, your brother dead. You want to kill me and my apprentice. I want it too. Strike me down and you will know all you need to...." * * * * * * * * Rebel fighters followed the Falcon across the surface of the Death Star to the unfinished portion, where they dived into the super- structure of the giant battle station, followed by many TIE fighters. "I'm going in," sighed Wedge Antilles out loud. "Here goes nothing," Lando replied. "Lock onto the strongest power source. It should be the power generator." Three X-wings led the chase through the ever-narrowing shaft, followed by the Falcon and four other fighters, plus TIE fighters who continually fired at the Rebels. The fighters and the Falcon raced through the tunnel, still pursued by the TIE fighters. One of the X- wings was hit from behind and exploded. Lando tried tp think the situation over. The more of them in here, the more enemy fighters would be following them but if there were less Rebels in here the chances of succeeding would be greatly diminished. He looked over to Nien Nunb who was obviously thinking the same thing. The alien nodded, more than enough confirmation for Calrissian to go along with his plan. "Split up and head back to the surface. See if you can get a few of those TIE fighters to follow you." The pilots forwarded their agreements and Rebel ships peeled off pursued by three of the TIE's, while Lando and Wedge continued through the main tunnel. It narrowed, and the Falcon was forced to scrape the side dangerously. Two other TIE fighters blasted away at them, hitting the back of Wedge's fighter. "You okay, Wedge?" Lando asked. "Just a little fried. I've taken worse," the seasoned pilot replied. "Anyway, we've got more to worry about than my tail... Our fleet's dying back there." "I know. The whole thing rests on us now..." The battle between the Rebel and Imperial fleet raged on. Several cruisers fire at the giant Super Star Destroyer while X-wings fought desperately with the incoming Imperial TIEs. One was hit from two of the slightly weaker fighters and exploded in a massive flash. A Y- wing launched a carefully locked proton torpedo towards a Star Destroyer's shield generators causing it to blow up, sending the massive cruiser on a collision course with one just below it. The first's front end piled through the main structure of the second and soon they were just floating space debris. * * * * * * * * Leia looked into Palpatine's eyes and saw only evil. Perhaps in his younger days he had been a good man but had been corrupted by greed, envy and power. She didn't feel angry any more, just pity. He honestly believed that his way was the true way. He was deluded yet didn't realise. "I can only feel sorry for you, your Highness," she said and put the lightsaber she was holding away. Anakin looked up but it seemed to be too late as Darth Vader had got to his feet and was about to hack down on his daughter. Suddenly Leia felt the air blowing passed her ear and realised she had a sensitivity that she never realised. With an extrordinary leap, she flew through the air and landed behind Vader, but standing dangerously near the edge of the bridge leading down to the core of the Death Star. He re-ignited her lightsaber and deflected more of the Dark Lord's attacks but was forced closer and closer to the edge. "The Emperor had so much hope for you," he said. "You failed him, you failed me..." "I know nothing of you, Darth Vader," she replied. "You are a Jedi too weak to resist the easy way out of a problem. That's something that could never have happened to my father or my brother and will never happen to me. You thought you destroyed everything that belonged to me but you did the opposite of what you expected. You gave me hope. Without realising it, Vader, you gave me a future I never thought I could have..." Leia's defiance angered the Sith. He slashed at Leia but was stopped when a crashing ringed through his entire body. He turned around to see twenty Jedi knights, all armed with lightsabers, flooding into the throneroom. He recognised the leader and walked to her, ignoring Leia who ran to her father. Adi Gallia looked at Vader and frowned. "I thought more of you, Mace. You betrayed the Jedi and now look at you. I believe this is punishment enough for you. But you are not the reason I am here... he is." She looked at Palpatine who who was reeling from the shock of there being so many Jedi still alive after all that he had done to prevent it. Gallia stalked towards him. "Emperor Palpatine," she began. "Your reign of terror is over. The Republic will be restored." "I will not die, Jedi. I will go on forever as long as your kind exist to be tempted to the Dark Side... Strike me down. Kill me with your lack of emotion. You will never understand what it is like to be truly free." Gallia extended her saber and sliced through the Emperor. His body fell into two pieces. Vader watched in terror as everything he had known was falling apart around him but without warning he felt stronger, more powerful. His master had left him one last gift - his pure essence. "Come, my old friend," he hissed at the member of what had once been the Jedi Council. "We will finish this now..." * * * * * * * * The Millennium Falcon led a swerving bomb run through the immense superstructure of the half-built Death Star while the Rebel Star Cruisers outside continually bombarded the huge station. And each direct hit was answered by resonating, chain-reaction explosions within the station itself. Lando's crew fired away at the pursuing TIE fighters as the dashing Baron of Bespin and his alien copilot homed in on the main reactor shaft. "There it is!" Wedge called out over the com-link as he gazed in awe at what was the power source to not only the entire battle station but also to the heart of the Empire itself. "All right, Wedge," Lando replied. "Go for the power regulator on the north tower." Wedge nodded to himself. "Copy, Gold Leader. I'm already on my way out." The X-wing headed for the top of the huge reactor and fired several proton torpedoes at the power regulator, causing a series of small explosions. The Falcon took a run towards the main reactor, and when it was dangerously close, Lando fired the missiles, which shot out of the Falcon with a powerful roar, and hit directly at the center of the main reactor. "We did it!" a Rebel situated at the back of the cockpit exclaimed. Nien Nunb cheered happily but Lando stayed calm. "We're not out of it yet!" He maneuvered the Falcon out of the winding superstructure just ahead of the continuing chain of explosions. * * * * * * * * The two red lightsabers clashed fiercly as Vader and Adi Gallia fought. The aggression of Dark Lord was matched by the Jedi's calm, trance-like state as she hit back against his attacks. Palpatine's power was keeping him going but it was fading slowly. The initial burst of enery was lowered by the light energies flowing around the room. Two of the Jedi ran to help Anakin and Leia to their feet. "I think its time to go now," Skywalker said. "We have fought well but now it is time to think things over." "Indeed, Master Skywalker," Evajo Siinit replied. Anakin looked at the young boy. "Master?" "It was decided before you left us. You and Master Kenobi were to be offered places on the Council... you are a Jedi Master." Skywalker smiled. But this wasn't the time or the place. He staggered towards the door and looked back at Adi Gallia who fought well against the weakening Sith Lord. "Darth Vader..." she frowned. "You were one us once but you could not resist the Dark Side. It was your fear and jealousy that forced you over the edge and I am so sorry I was there to witness it. Good bye Mace Windu..." She sliced skillfully down, cutting the Dark Lord in half, his armour providing no defence against the lightsaber. As he died his life flew passed his eyes. He remembered growing up on Nar Shaddar, life was hard but he managed to be discovered by a Jedi who took him in, taught him the ways of the Force and eventually led to him being placed on the Council. It was when the boy came along that things began to change. Eventually even Yoda began to trust him but he himself had remained suspicious. Anakin Skywalker was liked by everyone but Mace Windu was still edging further away. Only the Chancellor understood his argument. The two developed a close relationship as he told the galactic leader all that was happening within the Council. He realised what a mistake he'd made as an attack in the Clone Wars caused the deaths of over a hundred Jedi. He realised only one person could have planned it that well. Upon meeting with Palaptine he realised that he was a Sith and told him that he should not hold back his anger and guilt, to let his emotions flow. It seemed like such a good philosophy. Soon Mace forgot all that he had stood for, all that his master had taught him, all that he learnt from his own experience. The Sith were new to him and he needed to know more. That was his mistake... The two parts of Vader's body fell to the floor with a thump. Gallia looked at the remains and shed a tear for her old friend. His way was wrong and he became someone he wasn't but to her he was always Mace Windu, a man she looked up to all her life. Adi picked up the fallen lightsaber and attached it to her belt before joining the other Jedi. The ground below her shook as the chain reactions through the Death Star were taking place. * * * * * * * * * The Falcon flew at top speed, with a single X-wing as escort, over the endless surface of the Death Star. A series of explosions within the superstructure followed, then swiftly overtake the small craft as it raced for an exit. "Come on baby!" he shouted to the Falcon. "You know you can do it!" The heat in the cockpit began to rise. He turned to Nien Nunb and shook his head. He spoke into the radio. "Wedge, I don't think we're going to make it." "You'll make it," Wedge reassured him. "Just follow me Gold Leader." "I promised to return his ship without a scratch..." he sighed. "I sure hope that old pirate forgives me." * * * * * * * * * An Imperial shuttle, with Leia and Anakin in the cockpit, rocketed out of the main docking bay as that entire section of the Death Star was blown away. Anakin looked back at the group of Jedi, looking relaxed and serene despite all that was happening and realised how much he had changed. The panic was rising in him. If Obi-Wan was here he would have given him a real earfull about controlling his emotions. Leia's thoughts were elsewhere as she looked towards Endor just below them. She hoped Han was down there, she felt as if he should be, but something inside her was telling her otherwise. She controlled the shuttle carefully through tear-filled eyes. * * * * * * * * * The X-wing, piloted by Wedge Antilles, raced out of the exploding superstructure and whizzed toward the Sanctuary Moon. But the Millennium Falcon was not fast enough as it exploded with the Death Star in a supernova of glory... EPILOGUE A NEW BEGINNING The victory celebrations commenced on the lead Rebel Cruiser. Within seconds of the Death Star's explosion all of the surviving Imperial Star Destroyers had entered hyperspace. It was decided that they could be captured later. For now it was time to wallow in the fact that the Alliance had come out on top. The escape pods from the Millennium Falcon were brought into the docking bay. Lando and Nien Nunb staggered out looking worse for wear but happy that they had survived the experience. "I'm not looking forward to facing Han," Calrissian smiled a little. "When he finds out what I've done to his ship he'll never speak to me again." Mon Mothma and the rest of the greetings party did not respond. Suddenly it struck Lando. He realised what had happened. "How... how did he die?" "He destroyed the shield generator from the inside," Mothma replied. "He sacrificed himself for the Rebellion." "But WHY???" Lando shouted out. "Why did he have to be the one to go? It should have been me! I owed him so much yet I was the one to survive!" "The ways of the Force can never be understood..." Calrissian looked around to see Adi Gallia. She walked closer to him and he smiled a little. "At least your battle went well," he said. "We have to talk, General," the Jedi Master told him. "Not yet. I have to see Leia..." "It is important that you come with me," Adi continued in an annoyingly persistant manner. "I have something important to tell you - about your past." "My past?" Lando asked, his face filled with confusion. * * * * * * * * Leia stood alone in her quarters. The lights were turned down to match her sad, solemn state of mind. Tears ran freely down her cheeks for the first time and she fell to her knees. "What am I supposed to do now?" she pleaded to no one in particular. "Where is my life supposed to go?" Her eyes were lifted by a blue glow that filled the entire room. Standing before her were General Kenobi, a short green alien with wise, caring eyes and Luke. Her brother smiled at her and held out his hand. Leia went to touch it but it moved through him. "The Force will guide you, my sister," he said. "I will always be there for you whenever you need me. I am to be your guide in the ways of the Force as Ben and Master Yoda were for me." Kenobi and the alien nodded. Luke continued. "The journey will be hard but you will take us in a time of peace and prosperity. You have the future in your hands and it is a good future. May the Force be with you, my dearest Leia..." The ghosts faded away. Leia felt empty and filled with power at the same time. She got to her feet and looked at the spot where Luke had stood. She knew she had not seen the last of him. A pair of hands rested on her shoulders. She turned to see her father standing behind her. "Did you see...?" she said smiling through the tears. He nodded. The princess hugged her father tightly. Tomorrow would be another day but right now she wanted to be as close to her only living family member as she could... * * * * * * * * Many Parsecs away on the Imperial planet of Coruscant, Mara Jade opened her eyes after the pain had left her. The loss filled her entire body. She got slowly to her feet, not remembering how she ended up on the floor in the first place. Her master's words echoed in her mind. "You will kill Leia Organa..." "Yes, my Emperor," she hissed quietly. THE END???????