Sel'Ine Dra'lik is rescued by Mace Windu when her parents try to sell her to a slave trader. Title: Savior Author: Jonathan Evans Author email: Republic Saga Homepage: Summary: A slave finds a future in the ways of the Jedi. SAVIOUR By Jonathan Evans "I'm not going!" the Twi'Lek girl shouted as she was pushed into the back of the speeder. "You can't do this to me" Her voice became quiet as her sobs increased in volume. "You can't do this..." The two older Twi'Lek's watched as she was taken away into the distance. The girl shouted out, "Mother! Father! You can't!" As the two figures disappeared into the distance, Sel'ine Dr'alik sat in the corner and wept. A spanner flew towards her and only her quick reflexes prevented her from being hit. "Shut up, will ya?" a hoarse voice shouted back at her. The girl picked the spanner up and held it in her hand tightly. Her grief disappeared as anger took over. The metal object began to bend in her fist as all of her emotions focused on it before it shattered sending shards everywhere. Wiping the blood from her head-tails, she looked in shock at what she had done. Shaking all over the Twi'Lek ran to the front of the van. "Ii have to go back. Please..." "I paid good money for you. You're gonna learn to be quiet if it's the last thing you do," the scarred Trandoshan hissed. "We're near my ship. Get back and do what I say." "I won't... I won't. My parents want me back. This is a mistake," she whispered quietly. Her captor grinned. "You keep believin' that and you won't get anywhere. Now zip it." He controlled the speeder towards a man dressed in water proof clothing. He held out his hand for the driver's ID card. "Hi there, officer," he smiled. "How can I help you?" "You know exactly what I want," the man whose features were covered muttered. He didn't seem to want to be there one little bit as the rain poured down on him. The slaver handed over a card which the human at the customs station scanned it. Sel'ine watched in awe as her future seemed to be draining away. The man looked up. He was human, dark skinned, kind but tired eyes. He gave a smile at the young slave before speaking to her master. "Is she with you?" he questionned the green-skinned lizard who was becoming increasingly nervous. He nodded. The human continued. "You'll have to pay extra for her. You know the rules - fifty Republic dactaris per person." "Of course, of course. How forgetful of me." The alien pulled out another card and gave it away before getting both of them back. The human waved the Trandoshan passed. "Enjoy your journey." "Why thank you, officer. I'll try my best." He drove away and breathed a sigh of relief. Sel'ine watched as the human became smaller and smaller until he disappeared. Her attention came back to her current owner with a shout. "You cost me more than I'd hoped. I may have to raise your price when I get back." "I'm really worth that much to you," his captive said drolly. "Your kind are worth a fortune!" was the insensitive reply. "Those Dugs love some around them at all times." A pause. "I take it you can give massages?" "No." "Oh, you'll learn." He turned back to the front. My ship is just up here." The speeder entered a covered docking bay where a large transport was waiting them. The slaver jumped out and pulled Sel'ine roughly from the back. He pushed her towards his vessel until a figure appeared behind him. "Excuse me, you forgot some papers." The alien turned around quickly to see the customs officer standing where seconds later there was nothing. "How... how did you...?" he stuttered before he found himself unable to finish the sentence he began. "Is there anything wrong?" "You are aware that slavery is illegal within the Republic?" "Heh, heh. Slavery? Where are the slaves?" The human motioned towards Sel'ine. "What? Her? She's no slave. Are you, my dear?" The young Twi'lek bowed her head solemnly. "See? We're just good friends." "You're a bad liar." "And you're bad actor!" The alien pulled out his blaster and took a shot at the man who questioned him. Within a split second the rain coat fell to the floor and a blue light emerged from the device at his side. The lasers flew in all directions. "Jedi!" "Nice to see we're popular around here." The Trandoshan ran towards his ship. The Jedi didn't follow as the doors closed behind him. Sel'ine looked shocked. "Aren't you going after him?" "Why should I? I disconnected the thrusters and hyperdrive before you got here. He's not going anywhere until the authorities arrive." Wthout knowing what she was doing, Sel'ine wrapped her arms around her savior and held on tightly. "Thank you! Thank you!" "No need. I came here to find you." "Find me?" she asked, puzzled. "Why?" "I sensed your abilities in the Force. You could be a Jedi. You're a few years older than most but I think I'm in the position to help you." "Really. Oh wow!" Her rescuer looked at her with his kind dark eyes. "Do you want to learn the ways of the Force? It is a hard life but I feel you are capable." "Of course. My parents don't want me. I can't stay here. Let me come with you." She realised that he probably didn't even know her name. She smiled sweetly. "By the way, I'm Sel'ine Dr'alik." "Pleased to meet you, Sel'ine. I'm Mace Windu." ----------- END --------------