Title: Savior II: The Way Of The Force Author: Jonathan Evans Author email: noggins@btinternet.com More of these stories at the Republic Saga Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/republicsaga Summary: Sel'ine Dr'alik joins Mace Windu into battle while the Republic slowly crumbles. SAVIOUR II THE WAY OF THE FORCE By Jonathan Evans The Jedi Temple was full of rumours about the events that were happening all around the galaxy. The Great Clone War had been fought for nearly a year and there seemed to be no sign of a conclusion. The Clone Armies of the Republic were winning victories against the forces that threatened them but their grip of control over the systems they won back seemed so tight they would never let go. Without anyone realising, the planets of the Galactic Republic were becoming police states. Sel'ine Dr'alik had spent much time away from her teacher during this time. With him leading the troops into battle he had no time to train her. It was a hard time for the Jedi Knights as their numbers slowly dwindled in the war and without training apprentices there could be no future generations. Sel'ine was beginning to realise that no one else thought of things through her perspective but there was nothing she could do. It had been three years since Mace Windu took her under his wing. No one had chosen her to be their next Padawan Learner and Master Windu, remembering her from back on Ryloth when he rescued her from a slaver. Now, three years on, the Clone Wars had begun and the Jedi were sent thousands of parsecs out into deep space to try to rescue any hopes of maintaining peace and justice in the galaxy. "Hey! Sel'ine!" a voice behind her called. She turned around to see Evajo Siinit, the Padawan of Adi Gallia who had also barely survived the early battles. The young Twi'lek was glad to see a friend among the hundreds of bodies in the Jedi conference room. Evajo fought his way to her and smiled. "Have you heard? General Kenobi and Skywalker have just won another victory on Malastare!" His voice was full of excitement, missing from most Jedi these days. Sel'ine admired that in him and saw him as a beacon of light in the dark recesses the Jedi were slowly becoming. "They think the war could be over soon," he continued, trying to get a response out of his friend. She just smiled. "I suppose you know that though," Evajo continued to get information out of her. "You being Master Windu's apprentice." How could she not admire him for his confidence. Maybe overconfidence was the path to the Dark Sside of the Force as the Council used to say, but at least it made him feel better. "You know I don't see him all that much these days," she frowned. "He's too busy planning out strategies for battle. Who'd have thought the Jedi would come to that?" Silence filled the room as two completly different figures walked onto the stage. One, Master Windu, was tall, proud, wearing his Jedi robes like military uniform while at his side stood Yoda, dressed in the simple outfit of a philosopher. That, Sel'ine thought, was what a Jedi should appear like. She admired Yoda more than any of the other Jedi Masters she had met in her time, not taking into account the slight crush she used to have on Master Kenobi. Windu was the first to speak. "As I'm sure you've already heard, our armies have secured Malastare. That is the third victory in recent weeks." He looked sternly at everyone who was watching him intently. "That does not mean we should get over confident. Nearly four thousand Jedi have lost their lives already this year and there is a chance more could happen. We do not want the mistakes of Geonosis to be made again but it seems they already have been." Yoda took centre stage. Suddenly even the quiet murmurings came to a stop. You could have heard a pin drop as all the Jedi, from all corners of the galaxy, waited with bated breath to hear what the wizened little creature would say. He opened his mouth slowly. "Commended Skywalker and Kenobi will be. But forget you must not that our ways are those of peace, not war. Learn we must that wars not make one great." His stick tapped on the stage and seemed echo though the entire Temple. "All I have to say is that." He turned to Windu. "Aything else?" The dark skinned human shook his head. "I don't think so. You are dismissed." The Jedi of all shapes, sizes, races, colours and ages moved out. Yoda turned quietly to his old friend. "Fear I do that the people's opinions of our order are falling. Seen to be leading the clones are we and in battles many innocent casualties there are." Mace Windu was obviously concerned with the same matters. "I agree that the planets that are taken back are controlled harshly by the Chancellor but it does appear to be we who are doing this," he mused. "But there is nothing we can do." "Close to the Chancellor you are. Speak with him you must." "I'm not sure what I could say to him. The longer this war goes on the more reclusive he is becoming. Nontheless I will try." Yoda nodded to Windu who walked down from the stage where Sel'ine was waiting for him. At first he was shocked by her presence. "Master, is it true?" she asked, obviously having taken in all that the two Jedi Masters had been talking about. "Are the people turning against us?" Her mentor he nodded regretfully. "It is, Sel'ine. There have been several anti-Jedi revolts on Cerea, Toydaria and even Naboo." He looked around to see that Yoda had gone without them noticing. "It truly is a dark time for our order. We can only hope that it comes to an end soon or even I cannot predict what will become of the galaxy." * * * * * * * * When Sel'ine saw her teacher next he was leaving Chancellor Palpatine's quarters looking dismayed. She hadn't seen him like this before but she knew it was something serious. She walked carefully towards him, expecting some kind of telling off for being too inquisitive. "Master?" she asked to get his attention. He turned to her and gave a strained smile. "What's happened?" "The Chancellor has ordered an attack on an enemy cloning facility on the moon of Piteki IV. We are making the first move." He looked around before speaking in a quieter voice. "I have been ordered to lead the battle secretly. I must mobilise a Jedi and clone army at once." "Aren't you going to tell Master Yoda?" The Twi'lek girl was becoming increasingly unnerved by her master's words. But there was something else, something inside him that he seemed to be hiding. There was something he was afraid to tell her. "I'm coming with you, aren't I?" she questionned him slowly. It was something to do with her that was worrying him. She needed to find out what exactly it was. He looked at her with caring eyes and shook his head. "You have no real experience in battle. I do not want to lose you." "But surely we'll win. The facility probably isn't that well guarded plus we'll catch them by surprise. And what other was am I to gain this 'experience'?" He was still hiding something. What had Palpatine asked of him? There was no way she could dig any deeper without arousing his suspicions. Then he spoke. "I have a feeling, a premonition, my student. This will not be a victory. I know deep down, the Force has told me, that we cannont win this. We're not meant to win it. Yet I must fight, I must lead Jedi to their deaths. You do not understand it, but one day you will when the Force truly begins to speak to you." He turned away and began to walk off. "I can't say any more." And with those words he was gone, leaving Sel'ine more worried about his well being than she ever had before. * * * * * * * * Evajo Siinit sat alone in his quarters meditating. Just in front of him, his lightsaber was hovering in mid air, spinning slowly. He sensed a presence nearby and put it down onto the ground. "Sel'ine," he smiled until he saw the serious expression on her face. "What's wrong?" "It's Master Windu," she said as she sat down in front of her friend. "I don't think I should even know this and I definately shouldn't be telling you but he's been ordered to lead an army to Piteki IV. He's sure we're going to lose but has to do it anyway." Siinit noticed how concerned Sel'ine was for her master. It was understandible. He had saved her from a life of slavery to become a Jedi Knight. Without him who knows where she would have been now. The young man nodded. "If it's the way of the Force then he must do it." Sel'ine shook her head. "No. He's worried. When I offered to come with him he said no but there was something inside him which told me he knew more than he was letting on." She sighed out loud and started to play nervously with her head tails. "Something's wrong, Evajo. Something dark is happening and Master Windu knows. He's trying to protect me from it, I'm sure, but he knows." "You should be glad he wants to save you from it," Evajo shrugged but Sel'ine glared at him. "He's been like a father to me. Back on Ryloth we were told not to trust humans but he's proved to me that you've got to look deeper than the surface." "And are you?" the human Padawan asked cautiously. * * * * * * * * Adi Gallia sat in Palpatine's office watching as the Chancellor paced up and down, occasionally glancing out of the window. He finally turned to her and spoke. "Surely you don't believe what your apprentice has told you?" he said. "My policies go against any attacks on systems without approval of the Jedi Council." "It isn't what he said, Chancellor," Gallia continued. "It's more of what I felt him thinking. He is concerned, as I and other members of the Council are, that this war is becoming more of a political struggle than it is a fight for freedom." Palpatine visibly frowned. It was rare that he showed any emotion but this really hit him hard. "Freedom is something that cannot be spoken of so flippantly. To have freedom we must first make sure it can't be so easily lost again." "So holding planets by force won't last?" the Jedi woman asked, using all of her diplomatice skills. "The public are beginning to worry." "They shouldn't," the Chancellor said carefully. "Without control there would be no freedom there would be anarchy." * * * * * * * * It came as a shock to Sel'ine when Mace Windu arrived at her quarters and told her to come to the landing bay where a starship would be waiting. She followed, worrying that something more serious than she imagined would happen. Reaching their destination, Windu showed her a small black vessel where fifteen Jedi and around thirty armoured clones were waiting. She turned to him. "What's going on?" "You're coming with us," he informed her. "I agree with everything you told me yesterday, but please, don't do anything stupid. I don't want to lose you, Sel'ine." "Yes, master..." she began. "But..." "We haven't got much time. The Council will realise we're gone soon. Hurry. Get on board." Sel'ine jumped onto the landing ramp and was quickly followed by the troops and the Jedi. She looked back to see Mace glancing nervously towards a set of doors leading into the main part of the Jedi Temple. He quickly shook his head and jumped on board as the ramp slowly moved up. * * * * * * * * "Someone on that vessel knows of our plans," the hooded figure of Darth Sidious said to the man standing next to him. "Whoever it is could destroy our chances of obtaining this most pleasing vistory." His companion nodded but obviously didn't agree. Lord Tyrranus, Count Dooku as most knew him, had other thoughts on how this would aid the Sith cause. "No," he stated. "If things go as planned no one will survive this except for our leak." Sidious nodded thoughfully as the black starship disappeared into the night's sky. "True. I underestimate him at times but he does exactly what we want him to." The two dark clad figures disappeared into the apartment and could no longer be seen. * * * * * * * * Sitting next to Sel'ine was a Rodian Jedi. She turned and gave a weak smile. "Hi," she said. "You're hear for the long haul too, huh?" The Rodian shrugged and turned away. He was nervous, scared even. In these times even the Jedi Code was starting to mean nothing. Only four Council Members had survived the massacre on Geonosis. Her teacher, Master Yoda, Plo Koon and Adi Gallia. Maybe Master Ki-Adi-Mundi would be around now if he hadn't been forced by Master Gallia to go to the planet while she took on the seemingly more dangerous task of dealing with the Droid Control Ship above the planet. There was a shudder as the ship entered hyperspace. She had made the effort of looking at star charts before she left Coruscant, before she even knew Master Windu would change his mind about taking her. Piteki IV wasn't far from the centre of the Republic and it would take them less than twelve standard hours to get there. Still, it was going to be a long jounrney. * * * * * * * * Seven hours into the voyage and the Jedi were becoming increasingly worried. Sel'ine had looked into the cargo hold where the Clonetroopers were sitting eerily calm in preparation for the battle. They hardly moved. They didn't seem human yet they were if you looked at it from a certain point of view. She walked towards Master Windu's private chambers. There was a blue light coming from the darkness. Looking closer she saw her teacher talking to a hologram. Whoever it was didn't look familiar yet she sensed... something. Although she couldn't hear what was being said the conversation seemed to stop. Mace turned around but Sel'ine had disappeared from sight. * * * * * * * * The Jedi starship came down just outside the cloning facility, a specially designed cloaking device rendering it invisible to any sensors that were present in the huge complex before them. The landing ramp opened with a hiss and Sel'ine noticed the Rodian shudder. He shyed away from the exit as the Clones left first followed by the Jedi. She put her hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright," she said half to reassure him and half for herself. They were the last to leave and a loud battle had begun before they'd even got off the ramp. Hundreds of Destroyer Droids and Super Battle Droids had ambushed them. Sel'ine held out her hand and the lightsaber at her side flew into it. The green blade extended almost too slowly as a blast flew towards her head. It was deflected with only nanoseconds to spare. On instinct, Sel'ine launched herself forward, hacking the head off the droid that fired at her. It fell lifelessly to the floor. She looked around to see Clonetroopers being shot down while Jedi struggled to maintain control of the situation. Mace Windu seemed to be heading towards the entrace of the metal building. Two Jedi and several Clonetroopers followed and were blasted to pieces by turbo lasers mounted around the top, powerful enough to take out a starfighter. Pushing her way towards her tutor, she sliced and hacked at the droids that were firing at her. A green hand touched her and she twisted around. The Rodian Jedi! He was still alive and had clung onto her as being his only hope to get out alive. She couldn't hear him above the noise of battle and wasn't very good at lip-reading most of the less humanoid species. "I'm trying to find my Master!" she shouted as loudly as she could. He seemed to understand and followed her towards the entrance. The turbo laser fire rained down on them but, expecting the onslaught, Sel'ine's lightsaber deflected most of the attacks that rained down on them. Her companion did the same and they got to the hole in the durasteel blastdoor that Mace Windu had sliced through. There was an explosion above her as a thermal detonator thrown by a Clonetrooper took out one of the laser mountings. She dragged the Rodian inside to avoid the flying shrapnel. * * * * * * * * The cloning facility itself was pretty basic. The metal walls that seemed to go on forever were dull and grey and there seemed to be no sign of life. The two Jedi ran through the corridors before the Republic troops could trample them in their relentless attempts to follow orders. "I sense something..." the Rodian said quietly. "In here." He motioned towards a door and the two stopped running. Sel'ine touched the metal and realised that there was a life form in there. Only one though. She ignited her lightsaber and cut it open. The lights were out as they stepped in. A cloaked figure was in front of them, leaning on a damaged computer console. The light coming from her weapon caused the mysterious stranger to turn around. Sel'ine suddenly realised who it was. "Master Windu!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing?" Mace turned around. "It was a trap. This facility has been closed down for months. The information we were given was incorrect. So many lives have been lost. It's all my fault." "No, Master. It isn't. It's not your fault..." The worryingly quiet Rodian finally spoke up again. "If I am correct, Master, it was the Chancellor who ordered the attack." If his words were meant to comfort Mace they didn't work. His eyes began to fire up. "Of course! There had a be a leak. Someone who would try to damage Palpatine's reputation. I would never have thought it would be a Jedi..." Before Sel'ine could react, Mace's lightsaber sliced through the Rodian. The two pieces hit the floor with a thud. The young Twi'lek looked up from the steaming remains to her teacher's eyes. She saw something in them that scared her. "Master!" "He must have been working for the enemy, trying to lead us into a battle that we would lose. My fears were correct." His turned off his weapon and put it back at his side. His apprentice look more and more nervous. Mace tried to explain. "I had a message on the journey that there was someone on our starship who was leading us into this trap. I couldn't do anything but continue. When I saw the deaths..." "Are you even sure it was him?" Sel'ine said, becoming more and more erratic. "You struck out so fast. I... I even sensed anger." Windu didn't look at her. He bowed his head. It was a humbling experience to have your mistakes pointed out by a Padawan. All the deaths, the losses, they'd all got to him. He needed release and this was the only way he could get it. Memories of the day just over ten years previously came to him as he refused the training of Anakin Skywalker because he sensed anger in him and yet here he was, a senior Jedi Master, resorting to it. What a hypocrite he'd become. He turned around and left the room. This had to end. He had to call a retreat. Sel'ine stood alone sensing the feelings that went through her teacher's mind. Something was going to happen soon. Something dark. * * * * * * * * The starship journey back to Coruscant was a somber one. Only two other Jedi had survived, the Clonetroopers were slighly better off with twenty alive but over half of them seriously wounded. Sel'ine sat quietly. Master Windu was alone in his quarters and she didn't want to disturb him. The remaining members of the Council would not be happy with this but she hoped the presence of Mace would have calmed Yoda down slightly. Somehow she doubted it. A serious mistake had been made but still she refused to believe the Rodian had been the cause of it. She eyed the two Jedi sitting in separate corners of the room. The first was human, nervous, scared. He was suffering from severe shell shock, his arm shot off at the elbow. Noticing Sel'ine watching him, he turned away. The other survivor was a female Zabrak. Two of her horns had been lost and the wounds were bleeding. She didn't seem to care about stopping the flow as it came down her face. Sel'ine recognised her as Detori, a Knight who passed the Tests around the time she herself had become a Padawan. Neither of them seemed the type to betray them. Would someone be willing to risk their own lives for that? She slowly began to realise she was the least injured. A blaster wound on her side that she barely noticed appear was all that she had to show she was even there. The other Jedi probably thought she was the one. Her eyes glanced towards the door to Master Windu's quarters. Around the edges was the familiar eery blue light of a hologram. Sel'ine began to fear the worst... END!