Title: Savior III: The Aftermath Author: Jonathan Evans (noggins@btinternet.com) More of these stories at the Republic Saga Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/republicsaga Summary: The battle is over, Vader has been born and Sel'ine Dr'alik is forced to cope with the knowledge she has of his true identity... Contains Spoilers for Episode II!!! Author's Note: This takes place shortly after the Republic Saga version of Episode III (unwritten) and the battle on Aeten II told of in the prologue of "Revenge of the Jedi". SAVIOUR III THE AFTERMATH By Jonathan Evans * * * * * * * * WHAT HAS HAPPENED SO FAR: The deaths during the Clone Wars have become too much for Jedi Master Mace Windu. He slowly began to lose his faith in the Order he had known all his life. Looking for help he unwittingly befriended Chancellor Palpatine who slowly began to twist the Jedi's feelings. He hunted down Obi-Wan Kenobi on Aeten II, after being told that the younger man is really a Sith and almost destroyed him, feeling his newfound grip on the Dark Side making him stronger. It was only the intervention of Anakin Skywalker who seemingly sacrificed himself that saved Kenobi who finally managed to send Windu into a molten pit. Palpatine found his pawn and rebuilt him as Darth Vader, the hate the former Jedi had deep inside finally turning him. Thinking that Skywalker was killed, Obi-Wan takes his apprentice's son, Luke, to Tatooine where he is to be brought up by the Lars family. Anakin's wife Padmé, distraught with the loss of her husband has moved to Alderaan with their daughter and is now in a state of sheer dispair. Elsewhere, the Great Jedi Purge is only just beginning... * * * * * * * * They were on the run. Every possible starship left Coruscant as fast as it could, taking the only survivors into the great unknown. Palpatine had sworn himself Emperor of the entire galaxy and the Jedi were outlaws. So many had died in the Clone Wars and now they were being hunted to extinction. Sel'ine Dr'alik huddled alone in their vessel as it rocked with laserfire from the squadren TIE Fighters that had been tailing them ever since the last Imperial outpost. The Radiant II was the first to be destroyed and the hyperdrive of their Blockade Runner was leaking faster than the young Jedi would have cared to imagine. The Twi'lek girl suddenly sensed frustration in the cockpit and ran forward, tripping over a young human Padawan. He didn't even bother to look up to see who did it as she apologised quietly, continuing her journey to the front of the starship. The co-pilot was struggling to maintain control as his superior officer layed dying on the seat next to him. He looked up at Sel'ine. "I can't do anything. I'm sorry. We're going to be boarded." "Boarded? There's only Fighters out th..." Before she get the last word from her mouth she noticed the huge Imperial Star Destroyer looming over them. She turned to the co-pilot with panic in her eyes. He looked downwards. "It just came out of hyperspace. The sensors are so badly damaged I didn't detect it." Sel'ine looked at the huge vehicle of destruction that moved ever closer to them. There was a shudder as they were trapped in a tractor beam. She sensed a dark presence on the bridge of their captors vessel. "He's there," she muttered. "Who?" the human next to her asked. Sel'ine couldn't believe it. She almost expected to be killed by one of Palpatine's troopers not the apprentice of the old man himself. "Vader..." she whispered. A loud explosion signified the Dark Lord's arrival on the Rebel starship and the sound of lightsabers igniting for their final battle echoed through the halls. Sel'ine knew she couldn't do this. Not now. Not him. * * * * * * * * The headache was the first thing to hit the young Jedi as he got to his feet. He tried to stretch his arms out but realised that one was missing. The memories of the battle began to come back to him. Windu... Obi-Wan... fighting. Something wasn't right. He had begun to develop suspicions of the Jedi Master, sensing a darkness that he himself had almost fallen into. If he hadn't been so reckless. He struggled to get to his feet. If this outcrop in the rock hadn't been there he would have fallen straight into the lava below. The Jedi looked down to see the river of molten material flowing below him then turned his attention to above his head. "Now, how am I supposed to get up there?" Anakin Skywalker began to wonder. * * * * * * * * There was havoc throughout the renegade Jedi starship. Screams of death were everywhere as Sel'ine did the only thing she could think of - run to an escape pod. The co-pilot of the blockade runner was in close pursuit, giving up on any hope of escape once the last breath of life left his commanding officer's lips. They ducked into a dark corridor and sneaked quietly along the wall. The pod must be around here somewhere. She turned to her companion. "Will you stop breathing so loudly?" "It isn't me..." "Then who..." A large figure blocked out the only light coming into their passageway. Over seven feet tall it loomed over the young Jedi Padawan as she reached for the lightsaber at her side. Her hands were shaking with fear and it dropped to the floor. "What did I tell you about remaining calm?" the booming voice mocked her. "Let your anger be released. You will understand the Force in ways you could never have imagined." Darth Vader stepped closer to Sel'ine as she backed herself into a corner with no escape. "Come, you could continue to be my apprentice." "I thought there were only meant to be two of your kind," The Twi'lek hissed. "Anyway I don't think black suits me." Her weapon flew into her hand as she sliced at Vader's chest plate, catching him by surprise. "Run!" she called to the pilot who was already at the door to their only escape route. She helped him pull the heavy, air tight blastdoor open as the tall Sith walked towards her, this time without the pride he had only seconds before. His breathing became deeper and more strained but he was on a mission. The red blade of his lightsaber extended as he approached. "Come on!" the human called to Sel'ine and dragged her into the pod, slamming the door shut. He quickly activated the release mechanism with shaking hands and, with a loud CLUNK, the pod left the starship. Sel'ine fell back with dispair in her eyes, looking down at the weapon in her hand. "You know him?" the pilot asked. "Personally, I mean." The Twi'lek Jedi nodded. "He used to be my teacher." * * * * * * * * Billions of miles away on Aeten II, Anakin had managed to pull himself to the top of the rockface. This terrain was all too familiar to the resident of Tatooine. He used to climb the huge rocks back home to scope out the route of his next podrace. Only problem was, this time he was doing with only one arm while the other hand was broken and every movement was agony. Allowing his legs to do most of the work and relying on the Force to give him that extra boost he got to his destination after just two hours of non-stop climbing. One thing was for sure - Obi-Wan had gone a long time ago. The marks his starship left on the ground had been blown over by dust at least three days earlier. No wonder he was so thirsty. He must have been out for so long. Standing tall, the Jedi observed his surroundings. It was hot and there was no sign of life at all. The sweat poured down his forehead and appeared again within seconds if he tried to wipe it off. Anakin sighed. His lightsaber wasn't in sight. Kenobi probably took it. Either that or Windu but he was probably too weak. His weapon had cut his chest open with ease before he fell. The fighter Anakin had taken to come here was missing, in its place was a new flow of lava that had broken through a series of rocks to create a molten tributary to the main, blood red river. There seemed to be no form of escape. The only thing he could think of was to wait for a rescue operation to take place, otherwise he'd be stuck here. Deep inside he knew there was something wrong, something bad happening in the galaxy. * * * * * * * * After over a week of travelling on the lowest power possible in order to save the already low fuel supply, the escape pod managed to get contact with a friendly starship. Sel'ine could hardly believe it. After all that time surviving on rations, most of which were given to her now close friend Raymus Antilles. Using careful Jedi meditation techniques she was able to cope with less food but the craving grew as the days went by. The two compnaions staggered into the cargo bay of the newly built Correllian Corvette, stolen by the Rebels from a ship yard. Sel'ine was quite impressed with the work of the Alliance but they seemed to be fighting a losing war. "Commander Antilles," the gruff captain smiled, shaking the young officer's hand vigorously. "We had heard you were killed during an attempt to smuggle Imperial prisoners off Coruscant." "Is that what the holovids are saying?" Antilles replied. "More like they were trying to kill us just for the sake of it." "But there were Jedi on board?" the captain asked. Sel'ine sensed nervousness in his voice. He was as afraid of the Empire as anyone and perhaps Palpatine's attempts to turn the public against the Jedi were affecting even the Rebels. "No sir," the commander said, glancing back as the Twi'Lek as if to tell her to remain as quiet during this as possible. "Just aliens that the Emperor wanted to send to Kessel to work in the mines." "Slavery is returning already?" the older man stroked his rough brown beard. "After all the Republic did to abolish it. How can anyone think that Palpatine's leadership is a good one. People support him, yet... I really don't know, I really don't." The captain left the bay and his assistant stepped in front of Sel'ine and Antilles. "I've been ordered to take you to your quarters," he began eying the young Jedi up. "You're not a slave are you?" he said quietly. "You are a Jedi." She said nothing as Raymus pushed his way towards the exit forcing the young man to rush to the front and lead them to their assigned rooms. * * * * * * * * Sel'ine had been meditating for several hours when Raymus entered her room. He had a frown on his face. The young Twi'lek looked worried. He couldn't have been much older than her yet the two of them had seem enough death in the previous three years than many older people had in a lifetime. "What's wrong?" she asked cautiously. "Captain Jerjerrod has found out you're a Jedi. He managed to download my mission report from the Alliance Network. It seems the Empire was able to hack into it. God, it shows that we're in the early stages, doesn't it." "But what does that mean for me?" the Jedi asked, getting to her feet gracefully. Her friend shrugged. "He's not sure he wants to take such a risk in transporting you. If you ask me he's a closet Imperial sympathisor and it really would be best if you got off when we stop off at the next system for refuelling." Sel'ine nodded. She knew there was something up with the captain as soon as she set eyes on him. She only hoped his crew wouldn't be in danger if he ever decided to switch sides. "Where are we headed?" "Bespin. Maybe you can hide out there, get a job. It's out of the reach of the Empire. Maybe you could start a new life." "I don't want a new life. I want my old one back." * * * * * * * * The familiar starship landed on a rocky outcrop just in Anakin's range when the young Jedi noticed it. It had been nearly three weeks since the battle and a beard was clearly visible on his face. He had begun to make comments that he was turning into Obi-Wan before realising he was talking to himself. A figure emerged from the vessel as Skywalker got ready to fight. He was still weak but had managed to find an edible fungus that not only satisfied his hunger but was also useful for preventing infection to his wounds. The armoured humanoid walked closer towards the Jedi, taking a blaster from his side causiously. Anakin concentrated, ready to deflect any blasts that came at him. He was doubtful that he had the power to do that right now but had to think of something since he had no weapons. "Everyone thinks you're dead!" the voice called towards him. "And you will be once I've finished with you, but at least I'll get the pleasure of payment when I present your body to the Emperor." "Somehow I doubt it, Fett," Anakin replied. "As good as your father was I doubt you'd have a chance against a Jedi." He called to the blaster that remained in Boba Fett's holster and it flew into his hand. The pain of gripping it with the broken hand was unbearable but he tried to block it out. The bounty hunter took a shot with his rifle which Skywalker moved aside from. "The Jedi are outlawed. You are dying. But once I present you of all people to Palpatine I think I will be paid well." He had to do something to delay this, to get closer to his adversary and overwhelm him. He was only young but as a clone of one of the greatest fighters in the galaxy he stood a good chance of defeating the weakened Jedi. "I don't think his Highness would want me dead. I'm too important to him. He'll want a new apprentice when his lapdog Vader is out of the picture." Okay, being cocky might not have been a good idea. Fett moved his blaster to point directly at Skywalker's head. "Drop the weapon!" Anakin did as commanded and raised his hands above his head, moving slowly towards the bounty hunter. "You don't really want to kill me and you know it. It's madness. You'd get more for me alive anyway." "Your kind killed my father. I can cope with being payed less as long as I know one more Jedi is out of the picture." He noticed Anakin moving towards him and put pressure on the trigger of his blaster. The Jedi stopped, quickly thinking of a new tactic. It wasn't that difficult to think of. "Jedi didn't kill your father. I didn't kill your father. It was Vader. Vader did it." "He was one of you when it happened. He has only seen the light and joined my quest to erradicate you since then." "But he feels no remorse for what he did. He probably mocks you, looks down on you. He may be lapdog to Palpatine but you're even lower than that." This was definately getting somewhere. Fett started to lose concentration, his blaster pointed away from Anakin's head. "You're nothing. Almost a slave." "Don't say that," Fett said, the anger in his voice increasing. "I am respected for being able to get where Vader cannot. That is why I am so successful in killing Jedi." "Successful?" Anakin laughed. "From what I've heard you've been focusing on apprentices, even children. You're no bounty hunter." With one quick pull with the Force, the rifle flew from Boba Fett's hand and into his own. He fired at shot and guided it towards the weakest part of his costume. The blast his Fett through the throat and his body fell to the floor. "Maybe in time you would have been one. But not yet." * * * * * * * * "Master Gallia! Master Gallia!" Evajo Siinit called as he came running around the corner to find his teacher waiting patiently for the news. Thankfully she knew of the hidden Jedi training platform hidden within the clouds of Bespin, away from the highly populated Cloud City. She had trained here many years previously and it was considered safe due to the attack of six month previously where many Jedi initiates were killed. She hoped that the Empire didn't think of returning here. "What is it?" she asked the young human boy as he panted, trying to get his breath back. He finally looked up and began to speak. "A transport just arrived here. One person got off." Adi looked at him in a way that asked the obvious question. "It's Sel'ine!" Evajo exclaimed. "Sel'ine Dr'alik. She survived the attack two weeks ago." "She knows of our location?" Master Gallia asked warily. It was known among the remaining Council Members that Mace Windu was now Darth Vader even if this had been kept from the others. If Sel'ine was his apprentice then perhaps she had fallen with her master. Adi hated to be so suspicious of people but she had to make sure that the remaining Jedi survived. "No," Evajo answered. "I heard from some people on Cloud City that a Twi'lek girl was coming here. It's pretty big news when someone other than a human or an Ugnaught arrives. I got a chance to see her but made sure I wasn't noticed. It's her." "We must be cautious. I cannot be seen. I may be too well known. I am a wanted criminal." Evajo understood what she meant. "Shall I go up. Bring her here?" "Find out if she is not aligned with the Sith. Do not tell her of the presence of other Jedi. The thirty of us here are at anough risk already. I don't want to lose any of you." "Of course. I'm sure Sel'ine's on our side, though." The Padawan ran off down corridor again taking a secret passage up to Cloud City. He seemed the least conspicuous of them all and probably wouldn't be noticed. Adi felt a presence behind her and turned to see Master Plo Koon standing there. "Another survivor?" he asked. "Yes. Evajo knows her well. They were friends back on Coruscant. It's been so long since we were forced to evacuate. Or at least it seems so. I just want to be sure she's on our side." "It really shows the corruption that the galaxy has undergone when we cannot trust our own order," Koon said sadly. "I'm not saying..." "I know, Adi. You do not need to worry. I only hope she brings good news with her." Adi didn't reply. Somehow she doubted it. * * * * * * * * Anakin lifted Slave 1 off the ground and took it towards the atmosphere of Aeten II. The controls were like nothing he'd ever used before but it didn't take the expert pilot long to get used to them. Looking back down he wasn't sure where he was headed but at least he wasn't stuck on the planet any more. Fett had kept supplies of rations in the cargo hold which had restored much of his strength but he needed to rest so badly and standing up to control this starship wasn't helping him any. Skywalker smiled. At least he was still alive to be able to complain about things. He was starting to sound like Obi-Wan too. "Anakin do this... Anakin do that..." he muttered to himself with a lopsided smile before the realisation hit him. Where was Obi-Wan? Had he survived the battle with Vader? And if so where was he? And Padmé... dear god... she must be in agony. Quickly entering the correct hyperspace co-ordinates for Naboo into the navi-computer. The stars turned into blue streaks as the all too familiar scene of lightspeed enveloped the ship. It had been too long. With a flash, Slave 1 seemingly disappeared from the face of the galaxy. * * * * * * * * Sel'ine Dr'alik looked around nervously. Raymus had given her his credit pad, saying it would keep her going for a while but she would need to find some form of employment soon. Peering through the doorway of a dirty-looking cantina she slowly stepped across the barrier. As she walked in there silence filled the entire bar. Some eyed her suspiciously while others had a lustful gleam in their eyes. As she walked closer to the Aqualish barkeeper an old Dug jumped in front of her, blocking his way. "Ah, my pretty," he began to speak in Nal-Huttese. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this." He began to stroke her leg with his hand. Sel'ine looked nervously around as some of the miners laughed. Back where the Dug had come from sat two other blue-skinned Rutian Twi'leks sitting sadly. They were aged beyond their years after probably over a decade in slavery. The old Dug was probably getting bored with them and scouting for new talent. Se decided to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. "Looking for a job," she said meekly. The short alien laughed. "You can join my merry band if you want. Well paid. A job for life." He winked at her and adjusted a pair of old racing goggles that seemed to have found a permenant home on his forehead. "I think I'll pass on that," Sel'ine replied and tried to walk on. The Dug jumped in her path again. "I don't think you quite understand what I'm offering. You get to pleasure me and in turn you'll get a lot of money." Seeing that the young Twi'lek wasn't responding he tried another tactic. "You could just come on for a trial period. You might find you like it..." "I said no." The Dug, obviously drunk wasn't paying any attention. He moved his hand up her inner thigh drunkenly. As soon as she knew he'd gone too far she gave into her frustration and kicked him back. He staggered and fell down, spinning head over heels across the polished floor. He jumped to his feet and ran back at her. "Do you know who I am?" he hissed. "I am Sebulba! Winner of thousands of pod races." "And I don't think you know who I am..." Sel'ine quickly replied, revealing enough of the flight jacket Raymus had given her so that he could see her lightsaber. He quickly staggered back. "Jedi..." he whispered. Sel'ine knelt down in front of him and looked the old Dug in the eye. "Oh, no my little friend. Much worse. I work for Lord Vader himself..." She grinned evily and Sebulba quickly shouted to his slavegirls that they were leaving. The two women looked sadly at Sel'ine, a cry for help that she couldn't respond to without drawing attention to herself. He wouldn't say anything to anyone but who's to say one of the other aliens wouldn't. That little interference sorted out Sel'ine continued to the bar. She ordered a blue milk which surprised the owner a little but at least they served it. After taking a sip she began to talk business. "I'm looking for a job. Something simple." "Well, we're looking for a barmaid. A pretty girl like you could fit in." Before she could reply, the cloaked figure sitting next to her spoke up. "No. I don't think she would. This isn't the sort of establishment she should work in." Sel'ine was about to give the intruder a piece of her mind when he took over his hood. She recognised him straight away. "Evajo!" she cried, flinging her arms around her old friend. "I... I didn't know you were... I mean, I thought you were..." "Dead?" He shook his head. "The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." There was a pause then he took her out of the cantina, talking a little quieter. "I did get a mention on the Imperial newsfeeds. There was a reconstruction of my death, would you believe? The guy they had playing me was at least twenty pounds heavier! I was going to write in and complain." The young Twi'lek Jedi smiled. "What are you doing here?" Evajo shrugged. "A few of us managed to escape. There were a few cargo ships that were willing to give us passage here. It was a rendevous point we'd arranged back on Coruscant. Probably after you left. What happened?" "My ship was attacked. I was the only Jedi to survive." Evajo looked shocked. "I heard but I didn't believe it. There were rumours that Vader himself was there..." The girl nodded. Those were memories she wanted to forget. "He came to find me. I took him by surprise and only just got away with my life. The commander of the ship got me to an escape pod but it was over a week before we were found. The captain who rescued didn't want to take the risk of transporting me and so here I am." Evajo began to get excited. "I can take you to the others. Follow me. This way!" * * * * * * * * Slave 1 came out of hyperspace suddenly. Anakin, who was sleeping in the cramped living quarters further below woke with a start and rushed to the cockpit. Before he got some rest he managed to salvage the arm of a broken droid slumped in a corner of the ship and attached it, with great difficulty and concentration to his shoulder. Quickly analysing the sensors he realised he had come out a long way from his intended destination. Checking the in-built galactic maps he found himself to be just outside the Bespin system. The fuel indicator was flashing rapidly. "Oh no..." he muttered as he changed his course for the nearest planet. The mining colony on the first planet should have a depot where he could fill her up again. Out of nowhere Anakin realised he was getting a communication. Turning it on to audio only he heard the booming voice of what could only be an Imperial officer. He looked at the sensors and saw a Star Destroyer just outside the system. "Please identify yourself." Anakin looked around and saw the armour worn by Boba Fett lying at his feet. He quickly pulled on the helmet and opened a visual channel. "Boba Fett. I'm here on... business." "Bounty hunter, huh?" the smarmy-looking admiral said with utter distaste. "What's so important about that planet?" The young Jedi realised he had to think of something quickly. "There is an escaped slave thought to be located here. I've heard Jabba the Hutt is willing to pay a fortune to get her back." "Really?" There was a long pause as the officer turned back to his crew then faced the on-screen Anakin again. "You are given permission to enter the system. If you try anything we will ensure that this is the last bounty you try to collect." "Then I'll try not to do... 'anything.'" Skywalker replied cooly and turned the screen off. He increased his speed slightly and there seemed to be no sign of the Imperials following him. Good. The gas giant of Bespin could be seen in the distance, the swirling clouds making it a beautiful sight from space. If only it looked like that inside. * * * * * * * * Evajo Siinit dragged Sel'ine towards the secret entrace that he used to get to and from the Jedi hideout. A hidden panel in the wall led to a passage way and ladder further down into the clouds of Bespin. As they got to it Sel'ine looked towards a doorway to an exterior docking platform. "What's wrong?" Evajo asked, realising his friend was looking a little distracted. She walked to the controls and pressed a few buttons. The doorway slid open and she saw the worst. An Imperial Shuttle. "Evajo!" she called. "Get away from here. Now!" The landing ramp of the starship opened and around thirty stormtroopers walked out following by a dark clad humanoid. He was tall and gangly with grey skin and long, pointy hands. "What is it?" Evajo asked quickly. "A Dark Jedi. I... I didn't think they even existed." "Then how...?" "I just know." She glanced at the emerging figure who was being flanked on both sides by the troopers. "Get outta here!" "What about you?" "Nevermind me! Get away!" As the troops came close to seeing him he did the only thing he could think of. He jumped into the passageway and closed the door. Sel'ine stood frozen for several seconds before turning around and tried to rejoin the public walking around Cloud City but it was too late. She was spotted. "You!" one of the troopers called out. She turned slowly around and pointed innocently at herself. "Who? Me?" * * * * * * * * "Do not deviate from your present course," the voice boomed through the intercom at Anakin as he moved towards the landing platform he was authorised to go to. As he flew passed an occupied one below he noticed something distubingly familiar. "Excuse me," he said to the pilot of the ship carefully sticking to his tail. "What is the name of the owner of that starship? It's just... I think I know it." Slave 1 rocked as a blast hit it. "Do not engage in irrelevant conversation. Move directly to the authorised platform." "I can't put up with this!" Skywalker muttered to himself as he directed a commanding moice over the comminicator. "You will leave me alone." "I will leave you alone..." the voice replied and the Cloud Car disappeared back to its station. Anakin smiled and brought the bounty hunter's ship down as close to the Imperial Shuttle as possible. Could Vader himself be here? * * * * * * * * * * Evajo came running around the corner at an unnatural speed for the second time in the same day, dodging several other Jedi as he headed towards his destination. "Master!" he puffed. "Master Gallia!" Hearing the raucus outside, Adi left her temporary quarters to meet the out-of-breath Padawan. "What is it? Did you get in contact with Padawan Dr'alik?" Evajo nodded quickly. "We were about to come here when a shuttle landed... Imperial... she told me to get away... then chose to stay behind." Adi turned around and started shouting. "Battle stations! We may have to prepare for another evacuation!" Various Jedi grabbed their lightsabers from their belts and followed the Councilmember to the exit of the secret hideout. * * * * * * * * Sel'ine slowly retraced her steps back to the Dark Jedi. She looked sheepishly as he regarded her with complete disgust. "I was hoping for someone a little more... human." She looked up again as the tall, evil man paced all around her. "But you will do. The administrator did promise me a guide to his offices." He frowned. "You'll have to do. The matter of exterminating Jedi is of more importance than if an alien only fit to work in spice mines takes me where I want to go." "Um. Yes. Of course." She had to think quickly. The stormtroopers surrounded the dark lord were getting restless and the only thing she could do was to do what they wanted. It was the only way she could escape detection. Plus, it was taking them away from the entrance to the Jedi's secret base of operations. "Follow me." She walked slowly and nervously up the corridor, knowing that there were so many eyes on her. She had to deal with this before she got to the office and she was discovered. "We must deal with this threat as soon as possible," the Dark Jedi informed his troops, trying not to let Sel'ine listen in on his words. "The Emperor could be correct when he suggests there are Jedi returning to this planet." As they moved into the main precinct, many of the public began to look at the Imperial troops with fear. They quickly spread out to let them pass. Only one person didn't move, blocking the dark lord's path. The armoured figure stood defiantly in the path of the Empire's finest. He put his hands on his hips and gave the impression that he wasn't amused. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked. "I beg your pardon? I have been sent here on the orders of Emperor Palpatine himself." "Then I'd like to see some credentials," the bounty hunter said holding out his hand for an ID pad. The evil Jedi began to fume, not sure how to react to this questionning. He turned to his troops who beginning to get agitated and motioned for them to relax. "I am Detori. I do not need... credentials. I work for Palpatine. I was sent here to..." Boba Fett shook his head. "Not on my turf you don't. I was given permission from Lord Vader himself to hunt down the Jedi scum in this system." "I wasn't notified..." Detori stuttered, his hands aching to strike down this interloper where he stood. Could Vader have done this? He was determined to hunt down the last of his kind with or without the Emperor's permission. "Of course you weren't. If His Highness had any respect for you I don't think Vader would have the honourable position of being his apprentice. You're not good enough for that." Anakin smiled secretly under the mask, sensing how annoyed the Dark Jedi was getting. "Now, if you'd leave me be." Detori went for his lightsaber and pulled it out, the red blade extending. He moved the tip to the bounty hunter's throat. "If you do not let me continue my work then I will cut you down where you stand." "That wouldn't be a good idea. Lord Vader wo..." "No more of this!" Detori said with anger in his voice. He prodded the saber at Fett's chest. "I will have no more of these Darth Vader lies. You are trying to make profit out of what is the task of my order!" Anakin felt a voice in his head. The young Twi'lek girl was calling to him. Did she know? Did she sense him? She was a Jedi. A lightsaber... inside her jacket. He reached out with his mind and it flew into his hand. The green blade extended as he pushed Detori's aside. "What... who are you? You do not know how to handle such a weapon!" The Dark Jedi tried to knock 'Fett's' saber from his hand but he held on, returning the blow with twice as much power. "I wouldn't be too sure about this. It's amazing what you learn when you do the rounds." Under the mask, Anakin Skywalker knew the power that he was wielding. He knew he could return the Jedi order to his former glory. This victory would be the first of many. He attacked once more, the people around them running to safer ground as a clash of two powerful warriors was taking place around them. The stormtroopers looked nervous, grasping the blasters in their hands ready to take a shot at the interloper but the sheer speed he was moving at meant they may hit Lord Detori. "Maintain order!" the evil old man called out. "I will deal with this. We do not want anarchy!" Anakin caught him with an attack that he only just blocked as the stormtroopers ran to calm down the population of Cloud City. Sel'ine knew there was only one thing she could do and made a run back towards the Jedi's newfound home. Detori span around and held his arm out to pull her back. Using her Jedi powers she managed to push him forward and onto Skywalker's lightsaber, piercing his shoulder. "Jedi!" he called out. "That alien is a Jedi." The troops turned and opened fire on the weaponless Sel'ine. She swiftly avoided most of them but sensed one coming at her head knowing instantly she wouldn't have time to avoid it. Suddenly it was deflected by a familiar red lightsaber. "Master Gallia! You're alive!" the young Twi'lek exclaimed. Thirty Jedi came running at the Stormtroopers, lightsabers extended for battle. The human looked at the apprentice and smiled. "We could hardly let you die. We may be have to move from this planet but it will mean that our order is preserved." She hacked through a trooper's body and the two pieces fell with a thump to the floor. Meanwhile, Anakin, still disguised as Fett, pulled his weapon from Detori's shoulder and prepared to continue the fight. "Come on. Surely you can defeat a pathetic bounty hunter. I mean, my kind are scum." With one hard, powerful strike, Skywalker knocked the saber from Detori's hand and held the blade along his enemies throat. "You're no bounty hunter," the Dark Jedi spat. "The Force is strong with you. Stronger than I have ever... wait! I know now..." Anakin took off the mask to reveal his true face and smiled. Detori nodded. "I thought so. The Emperor will be most pleased to know of your survival. You would make a most pleasing apprentice." "The Dark Side gripped me once but no more!" Anakin said, moving even closer towards the would-be Sith. "Plus, old Palpatine isn't going to know." With a quick swipe Detori's head fell to the floor followed by the body which seemed to take an eternity to slump to the ground. "Thatnks for the loan!" Anakin called out as he threw Sel'ine's lightsaber back to her and willed the dead Dark Jedi's into his own. "Now, where were we...?" A young Jedi fell to the floor having been shot down by two Stormtroopers. Skywalker quickly jumped in and with a spin of his wrist he decapitated them both. When he got to his feet he noticed how things had been going. Most of the Imperial troops were either dead or on the run but had taken five Jedi with them. Without needed to do much more, the stormtroopers ran back to their shuttle. The Jedi looked at each other. "We shouldn't leave survivors," a voice in the crowd of varying species said. "They could call for help." "It may already be too late for that," Anakin informed them. "The Star Destroyer that the shuttle came from is just outside the system. It'll send a party to investigate whether they come back or not. We must leave now." Adi Gallia stood forward to address Anakin. Plo Koon was next to her. "Padawan Skywalker. I can't believe it. We feared you were dead... or worse." "It seems a lot of people did," the young Jedi smirked. "But here I am." There was a short pause. "What do you mean, 'or worse'?" Plo Koon took over speaking, his deep booming voice altered by his gas mask once made him a figure of fear back in the Temple. The young apprentices used to be terrified of having to speak to him yet now he was more like a sad old man. "There have been many rumours that you were Darth Vader. Only two people escaped Aeten II, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Vader. Only two people could be the Dark Lord you or..." "Master Windu!" Sel'ine exclaimed. "It is him. He confronted me before I escaped my starship. I only just escaped because I caught him by surprise." Adi Gallia shook her head. "Then matters are worse. Far worse." She turned to the surviving Jedi who were looking dismayed. "There has to be something we can do. All those years on the Council and I don't know how to avoid the deaths of all the Jedi." A half-smile covered Anakin's face. "But if a few survive all this and are able to revive the order in the future when the tensions have gone down..." "And how do you suggest we do that?" Evajo Siinit asked inquisitively. He instinctively disliked Anakin's ability to take charge and be listened to by the most influential Jedi. He had nothing personally against him but wished that he, being the same age, could command the same respect. Skywalker looked around the complex. "This place is used for carbon freezing, right?" There was a general murmur of agreement. "If we hit the right settings a living being could survive in carbon freeze for, well, indefinately." "You're not suggested we freeze ourselves? What'll that accomlish?" Siinit scoffed. "It just means we won't be able to move when Vader sends his troops to destroy us." "I'm not too sure about that," Anakin replied. "I can think of a few places where you'll be safe. I could take you there. If the Empire thinks I'm this bounty hunter I should be quite safe." Plo Koon suddenly sensed something. "They're sending a transport towards the planet. We must act quickly. I agree with young Skywalker's suggestion. It's the only thing we can do now. Our numbers are dwindling and we cannot survive another battle with the Empire's troops." Adi Gallia nodded in agreement. She turned to the others who seemed to be willing to go ahead with the idea. Sel'ine was amazed by all of this. She only had one thing on her mind right now. "With all due respect, Master, but I wish to go back, to try to help Master Windu. He needs to be brought back to the Light." Adi put her hand on the young Twi'lek's shoulder. "You must understand that he is beyond salvation. Before I knew that he was Vader I sensed a deep hatred and anger in him. I truly was afraid, as I still am, that he is beyond redemption." "No! He can't be! He's a good man!" Sel'ine argued. "He rescued me from slavery! He taught me to be the Jedi I am today. How can he have fallen so easily?" Anakin stood forward to speak to his fellow apprentice. "It is not an easy fight. The Dark Side is strong, it envelops you. Believe me, I know. I have come so close that I have touched it on too many occasions." He held out his gloved hands and looked at the palms as if there were some invisible yet permenant mark on them. "I know more than most how difficult it is to resist the temptation. I honestly believe that if Master Windu had not fallen I would not have been able to fight any longer. I would have given in." He sighed deeply. "He has more than touched the Dark Side of the Force as I did, Sel'ine, he has embraced it." "No!" the girl exclaimed. "It's not possible! He can't have! He was too strong." She felt another mind probing her own. Skywalker was quietly sensing the doubts she had in her own words. "The wars were too much for him, weren't they?" he said, looking into her eyes. "You always felt there was an outside force in all of this. It was Palpatine. They became close. No one even noticed how shellshocked Master Windu got. The old Sith fed on this... I'm so sorry." Sel'ine turned to Adi Gallia. "I will join you." Plo Koon spoke again, with more urgency in his voice. "We haven't got much time." * * * * * * * * * * The carbon chamber hissed loudly. It was meant to be used for freezing tibanna gas found inside Bespin's core but now it's purpose was to preserve an even more ancient power. The Jedi lined up to be taken into the deep hole in the centre where they would find their very lives coming to a complete stop. The last five were preparing as Anakin manned the controls. Evajo stood on the lift that lowered him down. He closed his eyes tightly but opened them one last time to look at Sel'ine and the tears forming in her eyes. The cold air blew over him and he fell into a state of hibernation. Adi Gallia turned to Sel'ine. "Are you ready?" The Twi'lek girl said nothing and just walked forward as Evajo's frozen form was pulled out. Anakin began to change the settings for the next person. There was no emotion in his actions. He knew he had to do this. It was the only way to save these Jedi yet it seemed almost barbaric. Plo Koon was talking with a younger member of his own race. Anakin couldn't help but listen in to their conversation. "The Force is with you, Kas Grendor," Koon said. "I have decided it is time to do what I know I should have a long time ago." "What do you mean, master?" "There is neither enough time nor power to freeze me. The Empire will soon know there were Jedi here and my only hope is to fight them, make them believe that I was behind this. You are to take my place." "No... I can't. You're are a Master, I am merely a Knight. I cannot do that." "But you must..." The old Councilmember was right. Anakin checked the power readouts. The system wasn't capable of dealing with so many freezings in such a short space of time. It was slowly becoming obvious that more Jedi would have to die so these would survive. He slowly, reluctantly looked at Sel'ine to tell her he was ready. He admired her courage as he saw he lowered into the abyss. * * * * * * * * * * *BLAM!!!* Plo Koon's body fell to the floor with a thud. The other two Jedi who had not been frozen hit the floor soon after, victims of an Imperial death squad, bravely giving up their lives so the others could survive. Lieutenant Tagge looked around. There didn't seem to be anyone here. The public had been cordoned off and no one dared breach Imperial commands to stay away. Except for one man. "Who are you?" Tagge called out to the armoured bounty hunter walking towards him, pushing a stormtrooper aside. He was full of himself, probably thought he was better than anyone else of his trade in the entire galaxy. "I asked you a question!" "The name's Boba Fett," the mysterious figure replied. "Nice to see you doing some work dealing with the Jedi. Three. Wow. I'm almost impressed." Tagge noticed the sarcasm in his voice and frowned. Fett continued. "I bagged twenty already today. They make a helluva sight when you dump the bodies off the side of a building." "Really?" the Imperial was neither amused nor impressed by this act of bravado. Or was it an act? "Now, if you don't mind, could you leave this area or risk being placed under arrest." "I don't think so. Y'see, my ship's on the other side of this little area you've set yourself up." Fett looked at a group of troopers with distain. "If I'm gonna collect the bounty from Lord Vader himself I'm gonna have to get off this sticking planet. Now, if you don't mind..." Fett gave Tagge a hard shove as he walked passed and to the docking platform where Slave 1 was waiting for him. He stepped up the landing ramp and glanced at the frozen statues of the various Jedi. He had to take them to somewhere safe where no one would think of looking, where not even the old spacers who told him of the place would dare to venture. He set a course for the Moons of Iego. There were no angels there. His mind floated back to Padmé. Angels were even rarer than he once thought. END