285 South
285 South
Where did Michael break in to get information off the computer about the dome he's been having visions about?
The U.F.O. Center
The sheriff's station
th school
the Evan's house
Who was not paired up together in the assignment in class in which they had to interview each other to get to know each other better?
Michael and Maria
Max and Liz
Max and Kyle
Liz and Isabel
Where in Texas did Michael say the dome was in and that he wanted to go?
El Paso
How did Michael abduct Maria?
He got in her car while she was at a red light.
He drove off when she was delivering a package.
He went to her house and forced her to let him drive her car.
He asked her for a ride to his house, then he took the wheel.
Where was Liz when Maria called her about Michael kidnapping her?
her house
the Crashdown
in her car
What excuse did Maria make up when the cop pulled them over for speeding?
They were late for a wedding.
They were late for a funeral.
Her mother was dying of cancer and she needed to see her before she died.
They were trying to get to a gas station so she could use the restroom.
Why did Michael and Maria have to stay at a motel overnight?
Her car broke down
they realized it would take alot longer to get to the dome than expected.
There was a wreck up ahead which would take alot longer to get through.
They were lost.
What did Michael tell Maria his favorite tv show was? (Not sarcastically)
The View
Win Ben Stein's Money
The Drew Carey Show
Who found them at the motel after Max, Liz, and Isabel did?
sheriff Valenti
Ms. Topolsky
a couple of F.B.I. agents
Who hit Valenti over the head in the dome and knocked him unconcious?
an F.B.I. agent
Ms. Topolsky
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