  1. What was the committie called that Isabel told the woman in the office at school so she could get Tess' files?
    The All Smiles Committie
    The Welcoming Committie
    The Sunshine Committie
    The Friendship Committie

  2. Who found the hidden video camera at the Harding's house?
    the movers

  3. What dreams have Michael and Isabel been having?
    dreams that they were together
    dreams that Max was dying
    dreams of their home planet
    dreams of Tess killing people

  4. What was it that Tess made an alien symbol with at the Evans' house?
    sugar cubes

  5. What did the gang think Tess was?
    an F.B.I. agent
    an alien just like Max, Micheal, and Isabel
    just a normal teenage girl

  6. Why did Tess go out with Kyle?
    to make Liz jealous
    to get over Max
    so Max and Liz would follow them
    because she really liked him

  7. What did Max see Tess get out of the wall at the library?
    a wierd book
    a ring
    a key
    an orb

  8. What did Isabel think she had?
    that she had cancer
    that she was pregnant with Michael's baby
    that shewas going blind
    that she was dying

  9. When Max had a flashback of he and the other aliens getting out of the pods, why didn't they leav with Tess?
    She was still in the pod.
    She ran away from them.
    They couldn't find her.
    Nacedo took her.

  10. What did Max say to Michael and Isabel when they found him with Tess?
    She's an alien too.
    Don't hurt her.
    She isn't evil.
    She's one of us.

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