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How The Other Half Lives

How The Other Half Lives
  1. What was one of the things that Grant couldn't explain and had no memory of to Duff and Valenti after they pulled him over?
    a gun in his car
    a map to Tucson
    scratches on his neck
    a dead body in his car

  2. What did Larek say the host had to have that fewer than 50 million humans have to become infected by the gandarium?
    an alien side
    a real knowledge of the aliens
    a genetic defect
    unexplainable powers

  3. What did Michael and Maria find out about the Dupree estate at the library?
    that the estate was built over a UFO crash site that occurred in 1955
    that the estate was in Lauries name left to her by her grandfather
    that the estate was abandoned after Charles Dupree died
    that no one would go near the estate due to strange sightings

  4. How did Alex and Kyle get trapped underground?
    The gandarium crystals closed up the opening.
    Grant came and nailed a board over the opening.
    A car drove by and stopped right over the opening.
    A tree fell down right over the opening.

  5. Why did Grant kick Isabel out of his car on his way to Tucson?
    He realized he didn't trust her enough.
    He was afraid he might kill her.
    He was afraid that with her being around him that she might become possessed to.
    He wanted her to go get help before he did something really bad when he got to Tucson.

  6. Who killed Grant?

  7. How did the queen die after coming out of Grant's dead body?
    Michael used his powers to suck all the oxygen out of the room the queen was trapped in.
    Duff shot it.
    They burned the basement down.
    It died

  8. How did Isabel get to the Dupree estate?
    Grant came back to get her.
    Valenti and Duff picked her up on her way.
    She called Michael and Maria to come pick her up.
    She hitch hiked.

  9. What did agent Duff decide to do after all she witnessed?
    to write up everything she saw happened
    to lie about everything that happened which would be a felony
    to quit her job
    to pretened that nothing happened

  10. Where did Laurie end up living in the end?
    with Michael
    with some friends in Brownfield, Texas
    with her other grandparents in Roswell
    at the Dupree estate

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