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Max in the City

Max in the City
  1. What was on a sandwich that Rath got so mad about?
    tobasco sauce
    pickle relish

  2. Who did Rath and Lonnie meet with to talk about Max and Tess?

  3. Where do Rath and Lonnie live?
    a mansion
    an apartment
    a sewer
    under a bridge

  4. Whose house did Ava stay at in Roswell?
    the Valenti's

  5. Why couldn't the leaders of the other planets come to Earth for the summit and had to have humans be posessed by them?
    Their planets are too far away from Earth and it would be extremely hard to get there.
    They wouldn't be able to survive the Earth's atmosphere.
    There are no places to land a spaceship and not have a human find out about it.
    They are already too busy with the war.

  6. What did Rath and Lonnie say was a good bargain to give the leaders at the summit to get them back to their home planet?
    the orbs
    the alien book
    a human body
    the granilith

  7. At the summit, who was one of the humans that was possesed?

  8. What did Ava say was the reason why Liz now has powers?
    Max brought her back to life when she got shot.
    She kissed Max.
    She was truely in love with Max.
    She met future Max.

  9. What did Tess say that Rath and Lonnie tried to do to her?
    kill her
    get inside her head
    make her believe that Max was the enemy
    beat her up

  10. What did Liz do when Max asked her if she really slept with Kyle?
    shook her head
    started crying
    walked away

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