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The End Of The World

The End of the World

The End of the World

1. How many years did future Max go back in time to the present?
10 yrs
14 yrs
20 yrs
25 yrs

2. What town did Maria, Liz, and Alex go see a fortune teller?
Santa Fe

3. How much time did the fortune teller tell Maria that her relationship with Michael was going to last till then?
24 hrs
48 hrs
52 hrs
65 hrs

4. Why couldn't future Max go to present day Max to tell him about how he and Liz's relationship would destroy their lives?
He didn't want him to be more hurt than he already was.
He could only go to one person and he wanted Liz to know that there was a reason why he had to not love her anymore.
It made more since to him to have a human break an alien's heart than vice versa.
It would kill both present day and future Max if they came face to face with each other.

5. What did Courtney call Michael as a nickname?
Mikey G.
Mickey G.

6. What did Michael find in a cabinet in Courtney's room?
bottles of skin care lotion
bottles of tabasco sauce
pictures of him
layers of skin

7. Who did Max say died 25 minutes before he traveled back into the present?
his mother

8. Who found out Courtney was a skin?

9. What was liz's last attempt to make Max fall out of love with her?
make him think that she told everyone in town that he was an alien
humiliate him in front of the whole school
make him see her kissing Michael
make Max find her in bed with Kyle

10. What did Liz and future Max do before he left?
dance the way they did on their wedding
talk about all the memories they had together


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