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The Ultimate Roswell Quiz Page

Wednesday, January 7, 2004-It has been over two years since I updated this site. Alot has happened since then. went down. That practically destroyed my website since now you can no longer get the quiz results, found that I was using some of their pictures and so they took them down-which destroys the picture quizzes, and the most heartbreaking of them all-ROSWELL GOT CANCELLED! NOOOOO!!! I didn't have time to update at all. I also didn't think it was any use to update since it was cancelled. But now I have gone back and for the first time in a looong time read my guestbook. There are still people out who haven't forgotton. Not only that but Sci-fi has brought back the reruns.

Here's what I'm going to do:
1. I am going to find a new quiz site that I can tranfer the quizzes to. That way You can get the results.
2. I am going to finish up season 3 episode quizzes.
3. I will get new screencaps for the picture quizzes
Number 1 and 3 will be done first. It would take a while to do the rest of the season 3 quizzes. I no longer have my Roswell tapes so I will have to wait for those episodes to re-air on Sci-Fi.

This could take weeks to do I am very busy and my classes start soon. But my goal is to have this done soon.

Characters Episodes (Season 1) Episodes (Season 2) Episodes (Season 3) Couples Quizzes
In Which Episode Did...?(4) In Which Episodes Do These Conversations Take Place?(8) Who Said This? (6) Picture Quizzes(5) Who Did This? (3)
When Did...? (2) Where Did...? (3) Singled Out(3) True or False(5) Regular Roswell Quizzes(5)

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