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Playstation 2 Time Splitters Review

"Sony's answer to Nintendo's ever so famous Golden Eye and/or Perfect Dark series"

Time Splitters

Time Splitters is Sony's answer to Nintendo's ever so famous Golden Eye and/or Perfect Dark series. At first glance, you will find yourself looking onto a screen filled with high resolution yet blocky characters all bent on one purpose... Assasinating you. Sure this seems fun at first, but once you come to realize that there is no one sitting beside you to play with, you would want to move on. Already plagued by a lacking multiplayer mode (without the multitap adapter), noticible slow down, and repetitious animations, this game takes a deep plunge into the rental only category. While the missions in the single player mode all are fairly constructed, for some reason, the next level always seems to be a duplicated version of the first with a new item too locate and a bumped up difficulty. For example: On the first level you must locate the Cultist Ankh and return it to a desired location. That's all fine and dandy, but then you reach stage two. With your determination and eager attitude, you are ready for combat, only to find yourself playing a re-designed version of level one where you must recover some papers that really have nothing to do with your life. Come on, all we are asking for is a new challenge.

Graphics: 8.0 (Character models are nice and shinny, but nice and blocky too.)
Sounds: 9.0
Game play: 8.5
Overall: 8.5 (Not the worst game, but could use some improvements in the replay department)

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