Race | Human |
Sex | Male |
Age | 46 years |
Birthplace | Hong Kong, Earth |
Height | 5 ft. 6 in. |
Weight | 158 lbs. |
Hair | Black |
Eyes | Brown |
Rank | Chief Petty Officer |
Position | Security |
Eric was born in 2339 the third son of a Hong Kong fisherman. As a young child, Eric worked alongside his father on the fishing trawler. The only break from this was his schooling and martial arts lessons his grandfather taught him. Eric's schooling wasn't outstanding -- at best it was average; not because he lacked the smarts, just because his father kept his son busy with working on the fishing boat. Tired of this, in 2356 Eric ran away from home.
He found himself in a Star Fleet recruiting office and signed a 4-year enlistment tour. Because of average school grades and the fact that he never did well in science or mathematics, Eric was assigned to the Marine Corps part of Star Fleet. In Basic training, Eric Lee came into his own. His martial arts training had prepared him for the grueling 46-week basic training. To the young 17 year old Eric, it was nothing. He graduated 1st and as Honor graduate as a PFC.
Upon completing Infantry school and finishing first again, Eric was assigned to the Federation Embassy on the Klingon Homeworld. There he became familiar with the Klingon ways. In 2359, at the request of Star Fleet Marine Corps, Eric Lee, now a Corporal, was the lead hand-to-hand combat instructor at the Marine Corps Basic training base on Mars. In 2360, Eric left the Marines after being passed over for promotion do to the peacetime advances in the Federation.
Eric then enlisted in Star Fleet as a Security NCO Petty Officer 3rd class. His first posting was aboard the USS Intrepid where he served well for three years. Eric floated around ship to ship for about seven years until he was posted on the USS Hood. The year was 2370 and Maquis threat was very serious about undermining the fragile peace agreement between the Cardassians and the Federation. During this time Lee served on two dangerous away missions, one where he was forced to fire upon Federation citizens. This left a very bad feeling in his stomach. The second away mission was a distress call used to lure the Cardassians to a supposedly defenseless colony. However, the Hood responded, sending then Petty Officer First Class Eric Lee and Chief of the ship's Security Lieutenant Hank Taylor, along with the ship's executive Officer Utlick. The Maquis lay in wait for an ambush. Once the Federation away team responded, the Maquis opened fire. The away team suffered heavy losses. Lee took a squad of five and fought his way to a building and found a group of Cardassian soldiers that had been executed by the Maquis. The fire fight lasted fifteen hours. In the end, Lee and nine other crewmen went unhurt. The XO and chief of Security were both killed. For this action Eric was promoted to Chief Petty Officer, and was transferred to Star Base 375.
Eric stayed on Star Base 375 for most of the Dominion Conflict, but as the war raged on Eric was transferred to the elite Star Fleet Ranger Battalion, where he served honorably for eight months. During this time the Rangers freed allied POWs, raided weapon development plants, ketracel white plants and cloning plants. After the war, Eric settled back to the peacetime fleet, serving on Earth at Star Fleet Command and several other star bases.
In 2385 he was transferred to Star Base 901 in the security department. Chief Lee is by no means planning on retirement, he plans to serve until he is forced into retirement.
Eric enjoys talking and spending time with his friends, but also likes to be left alone with others. He enjoys working long hours and is a very proficient security officer, never slacks on duties. Despite his battle experinces and Marine training, he is by no means a violent person, uses extreme force when called for and as a last resort.
Reading philosphy, meditation, practicing martial arts.
6th degree black belt in Kung Fu, 3rd degree black belt in Aikido, brown belt in Kempo.
Jarrett Horswill