When Star Trek Goes Wrong
Captain’s Log After Crashing the Starship
- Captain's log: supplemental: oops.
- I blame number one
- Warf did it, damn dirty Klingon
- Beverly was wearing a distracting outfit, I swear!
- I'm French, I can do what I want
- Father told me to work in the vineyard, but NOOOO, I had to be a rebel! Damn the man!
- you can take the man out of the Borg...but you just can't take the Borg out of the man...
- I blame the droid
- The sun was in my eyes
- I failed parallel parking
- I'm just the captain, I'm not supposed to know how to fly. They didn't teach me that in captain's school. They
just told me how to give orders, and look important
- My lack of hair impaired my judgement.... I need a toup
- Data gets the cat, #1 gets the counselor, Warf gets the dead chick on the space station...and all I get is the allusion at one time having the doctor...THE DOCTOR!!! I'll show them...I'll show them all!!!!
- My X-Men failed me... FAILED ME!!!! Oh wait, I'm having that hallucination again. My crew FAILED
- I am Jean-Luc Picard of the clan Picard...SHIT...not even one I was IN
- FUCK!!!
- Tribbles got in the operating system
- Let's see, blame the Borg. Too obvious. Ferengi? Nah, they were gone after season 3. Vulcan? Too logical.
Romulan? Nowhere NEAR the neutral zone. Rebels in the federation? YES!
- This white whale came out of no where, and then there were these three Christmas spirits and the next thing
I know, BAM
- The gears stuck
- I'm the captain of the most powerful starship in the federation and I can't even drive a stick...
- *prancing around* I'm the captain...starship go down tha hole...
- Captain's Uniform... $50, Academy Training... $20,000, Crashing a Starship that's Worth More than my
Career... Priceless.
Random Insanity
- Captains log, #1 has gone insane. For some reason he's talking about a 3 hour tour, and is calling me
- Jean-Luc, I don't know how to tell you this, but Wes is your son, and I'm suing you for child support. I
want the ship, your vineyard, and your rank as captain. With love, Beverly
- Ever have one of those days where you felt like blowing up the nebula?
- I am the King of the Potato People!! Where's my tin-foil crown?
- Data...what are the odds of the crew finding out I'm completely insane?" "Captain, about the same now as
you realizing you left the intercom on...
- The holodick is malfunctioning... wait, holoDECK... shit, I need to get laid.
- The ninjas are attacking!
- Just as I feared it would be...they're nerds, sir" "Are you sure, Mr Crusher?" "Yes, sir, we know our
- Holy SHIT! They're Trekkies!
If you have some you would like to add, please e-mail dark_ravenette@hotmail.com
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