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Tango Fleet - Security Corps.

Welcome to the Security/Tactical Center for the Tangofleet Security Corps.

The purpose of this page is to provide supplemental Security and Tactical information for Tangofleet Security and Tactical personnel. It is our hope that this information will provide you with everything you need to enhance your enjoyment of the game. We can't do this without your input though. If you have any comments, suggestions, or articles please e-mail Captain Coonradt. For Tactical questions or submissions please e-mail LT. Commander Jaxx. Thanks to those who have helped with the creation of this page.

NEW! Are you interested in joining an e-group dedicated to security? Many of the Security staff are currently involved at an e-group at If you are interested then go HERE to sign up. You need not be a member of the security corps to sign up. I only ask that you limit your topics to security matters.

Security Missions

Tangofleet Security Mission Statement.
General Security Missions. Under Construction.
Links to various Security and Tactical pages in Tangofleet.


Uniform Code of Starfleet Justice. (On loan from LT. Michael Brandel.)
Roles of Security when there is a Marine Presence on ship.
Procedures for reporting a crime, interviewing techniques.


Armoury. As found in the Daystrom Institute Technical Library.

Advanced Security Training

Descriptions of Security Positions. Links to Tangofleet page.
Descriptions of Tactical Positions. Links to Tangofleet page.
Advanced Individual Training for Security and Tactical Officers.


Security Corps Staff
Name Position Assigned Ship Rank
Thomas Coonradt Director, Security Corps USS Lancelot
Kay'xius Jaxx Deputy Director USS Arizona
Paul Toddman Co-Deputy Director USS Lancelot

The Security Corps would like to be able to fulfill any of your needs. If you have any questions, requests, concerns, or otherwise please contact Captain Coonradt. He will do whatever he can to be of assistance. Remember however, that Captain Coonradt and Lt. Commander Jaxx are not part of your regular ships chain of command. According to Tangofleet Regulations, any concerns you have with security or tactical procedures on your ship are to be handled by your CO.

We are currently seeking Security and Tactical Officers for Tangofleet! If you think you have what it takes to succeed in this field,
join Tango fleet, or e-mail Captain Coonradt for details on joining this great fleet.

Page maintained by the Security Corps Director, Tangofleet. Images all created by Tangofleet staff and used with their permission. Please go to for more information. Origionally created by Thomas R. Coonradt(Derik T. Turner)

- Copyright Information -

This page dedicated to April Colleen Coonradt, a former member of Tangofleet.

ParamountStar Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and Star Trek: Voyager are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and their respective owners; no copyright violation is intended.

Visit "Tech Today" for info on Startrek Devices courtesy of our Corps of Engineers.


This Tango Fleet Webring
site is maintained by
Tango Fleet Security Corps.

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