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DISCLAIMER:  Earth:  Final Conflict and all of Earth:   Final Conflict characters in this story are property of Tribune Entertainment.   No infringement of
rights is intended.  Agent Dani Long is a creation of my own.  Please do not use her without asking my permission first.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This story takes place after "Highjacked" and before "Crossfire."  What would happen if Agent Sandoval found out that a certain Resistance
fighter was his son?  It also contains my thoughts on what Agent Sandoval might do now that he has his free will back.  Words in italics are thoughts or, in the
first scene, a dream.  Words in brackets [ ] are psychic communication.
SPECIAL THANKS to Scott Williams who helped me edit this story.

           By AgentSandy

        Images flashed through his mind.  As each one did, he became more upset because he couldn't place them or their significance and that wasn't something
that was suppose to happen to an implant.   The CVI was supposed to allow him to remember everything.  Everything but this it seemed.  So, as he'd done
countless times before, he let his mind drift, hoping that the answer would come to him sometime before he woke up.
        He looked around at the building that he was standing in.  It was a church.  The name escaped his mind, but he recognized it just the same-almost as if it had
been described to him, but never actually seen before.   He decided to explore further, but a movement at the front of the church caught his attention.  His eyes
narrowed.  A moment before the church had been empty.   Now two figures stood in front of the altar talking.  He cautiously moved toward them, ready at any
moment to defend himself if he needed to.  As he approached the figures, he realized that he recognized them.  One was Siobhan Beckett; the other
was…himself.  He found himself reaching toward his double, but stopped as his double started to turn towards him.  For a moment, he looked himself in the eye
and then his double began to change.  In a few seconds he was no longer looking at himself, but a being made of pure energy.  Suddenly, he wanted to run, but he
couldn't.  He was frozen in place.  The being then started to reach for him…
        "You seem distracted today Agent Sandoval.   Is there something that I need to know about?"  Zo'or's voice broke into Agent Sandoval's thoughts, and
Sandoval cursed his momentary lack of focus.
He slightly lowered his head, trying to look humbled, "No Zo'or.  I was just thinking about what the implications of this discovery could be."
        "I would think that they are obvious," Zo'or replied.
        "We have a traitor in our midst," Agent Sandoval stated.
        "I want you to find this person and deal with them.  No one is to know about it besides you and I," Zo'or ordered.
        "I will do my best," Agent Sandoval bowed slightly and turned to leave.
        "One more thing Agent Sandoval," Zo'or's voice stopped him in his tracks.
When Agent Sandoval had turned back to him, Zo'or continued," Your best had better be enough, Agent.  I would hate to have the traitor turn out to be you."
        For a moment after Zo'or finished speaking, Agent Sandoval maintained eye contact with the Taelon, then he lowered his eyes and left the room.
        As he left, he passed Major Liam Kincaid, but didn't acknowledge his fellow Companion Agent's presence because he was so deep in thought.  Major Kincaid
raised his eyebrows at the cold reception.  He'd thought he'd managed to at least get Sandoval to acknowledge him as good pilot, if not as a person, but maybe he
was wrong.  Or maybe it was the discussion that the attaché had just had with Zo'or that had caused his usually "chipper" temper to take a nosedive.  The sour
look on Zo'or's face that vanished as soon as Liam entered the room made the latter seem to be correct.
        "Major Kincaid, I am pleased that you were able to come so quickly," Liam redirected his full attention to Zo'or as the Taelon began speaking to him.  "I
have a very important matter to discuss with you."
        "Something's wrong," Captain Lili Marquette stated.  "I think Sandoval and Zo'or are up to something."
        "I don't think, I know," Major Kincaid looked back at his fellow resistance fighter as they entered Liberation Headquarters.
        "Great, maybe you could explain why the Mothership changed all of her passwords off schedule while you are at it," Augur walked over to them with a sour
look on his face.  "I go in to do some regular monitoring only to be locked out."
        "Something spooked Zo'or?" Lili asked.
        "What?  He found out that he wasn't invincible?"  Augur answered sarcastically referring to the Resistance raid earlier that month that had almost killed the
        "No."  The change in Liam's voice warned Augur that this wasn't a time to joke, "I was briefed this morning.   The passwords were change off schedule
because of a possible breach in security."
        "Meaning Zo'or thinks he's found a traitor?"  Lili asked.  "Do you think he's on to one of us?"
        "I don't know, but I'm going to find out.   I'm sure Zo'or talked to Sandoval about it this morning," Liam answered.
        "That would explain why he seemed so distracted when I flew him to the embassy this afternoon," Lili stated.    "We're going to have to do our bests to find
out who he suspects without making him suspicious about why we care."
Liam shook his head, "Leave that to me.  I have a reason to suspect that something is going on.  You aren't even suppose to know."
        "Well, what am I suppose to do then?"   Lili asked a little upset at being told she couldn't do anything.
        "Just keep your ears open.  Maybe Sandoval will let something slip," Liam said.
        "Yeah, and maybe Zo'or will suddenly decide that he likes humanity," Augur muttered.  "You realize that this could be a trap.  Why would Zo'or tell you
about the passwords and not tell you what was going on?  He may suspect you, and this may be some kind of test to see if you are the traitor."
        "I'll have to take the risk."   Liam replied.  "We need to know what's going on."
Augur nodded,  "What do you want me to do about the passwords?"
        "Why don't you ask Zo'or for them?" Liam said seriously enough that Augur almost believed he meant it.
        "Zo'or?"  Augur asked tensely.
Liam laughed,  "Relax Augur.  I'll get them for you.  Just give me some time."
        "Not funny, Kincaid.  Very not funny," Augur replied.

        Agent Sandoval parked his car and then walked across the street.  His eyes quickly scanned the area and he found it as deserted as the warehouse he was
about to enter.  That was good.  Even though he could always use his position with Zo'or to cover what he was doing there, he preferred not to have any
outsiders see him until absolutely necessary.  In war, all kinds of things could go wrong and at this stage of the game, he realized that one thing going wrong could
easily mean his death.
        He entered the building and walked across the empty room until he came to a back wall.  Once there, Agent Sandoval ran his hand over the wall until he
came to a notch in the paneling.  He pushed on it and the panel slid forward to reveal a DNA scanner.  He allowed the machine to scan his hand.   Once it had
finished, a light flashed yellow and a hidden door opened.  Agent Sandoval quickly entered the tunnel behind the door and followed it down into the bustling
well-lit complex that was hidden below.  As he entered, several people paused from their work to momentarily acknowledge his presence.  They then went back
to their respective computer and monitoring work.  For a minute, Agent Sandoval stood in the middle of the complex and just watched everything that was going
on, allowing himself a rare moment of relaxation.  He snapped back to attention as a one of his closest assistants approached him.
        "We were starting to think that you weren't going to make it," the dark-haired twenty-four year old said.
        "Zo'or felt the need to explain to me for the twentieth time what would happen if I didn't find his 'traitor,'" Agent Sandoval replied, trying (and failing) to
keep the bitterness out of his voice.
The woman smiled.  Everyone inside knew how Sandoval felt about the Taelon even if it didn't appear that way to those outside the project.
        "Is everything ready?"  Sandoval asked.
        "Yes, teams four and five are in position and about ready to go in," the woman answered as they walked toward a monitor screen set near the middle of the
        "Excellent, Agent Long," Sandoval took the earpiece she handed him and put it on.  "Team leaders, this is Agent Sandoval.  Report on your status."
        "We're ready to go in on your word, Sir" the leader of team four stated.
        "Same here, Boss," team leader five replied.
        "Good.  Do some damage," Sandoval ordered.
        "It'll be our pleasure Boss."
        "You heard the man, move out."
As they attacked, Ronald Sandoval sat back in his chair with a rare smile on his face.   Zo'or would never know what hit him.

        "This is completely unacceptable!"  Zo'or shouted loudly enough that Agent Sandoval winced.   "This is the third attack on Taelon complexes in the last
two weeks and all you can tell me is that you are working on it?"
        "This group is one that is unknown to us," Agent Sandoval replied calmly.  "They seem…"
        "I don't want to hear excuses," Zo'or snapped.  "I want results.  Major Kincaid will be assisting you from now on.  Make some progress, Agent.  I am
becoming very annoyed."
Agent Sandoval bowed his head, "As you wish Zo'or."
        "Yes, as I wish.  Remember that Agent Sandoval," for a moment the Taelon held Agent Sandoval's eyes.  When the Companion Agent looked down Zo'or
added.  "You are dismissed."
With a nod, Agent Sandoval quickly left Zo'or's Audience Chamber.  He left so quickly that he almost ran into Major Kincaid.
        "Hey, watch it Sandoval.  I really don't want to get that close to you," Liam stated sarcastically.
Agent Sandoval looked at Liam and took a minute to curb his anger at Zo'or before speaking, "Zo'or has assigned you to help me locate the cause of the security
        "You can't do it yourself?"  The young Major asked.
Anger briefly flashed into Sandoval's eyes, but he managed again, to bury it.   "He seems to feel I cannot."
        "What about Da'an?  Zo'or knows my priorities," Liam stated.
        "Da'an is visiting that Mother Ship for a meeting with the Synod.  He is in no danger," Sandoval replied.
        "I still should be there in case he needs something," Liam stated.
        "I will put Captain Marquette at his disposal."
        "It is.." Liam started.
        "Don't you trust her to handle it, Major?"  Agent Sandoval snapped finally losing his patience.
        "Of course I trust her," Liam stated angrily.
        "Good, then there is no problem.   Contact Captain Marquette and inform her of whatever duties you feel she may need to perform.  After you are done,
meet me in my office.  We will discuss the situation then," Agent Sandoval turned and quickly walked down the hall.  He didn't want to risk angering the Major
any further.  After all, Major Kincaid was a talented pilot and would be an excellent addition to Project Meridian someday.
        Back up the hall, Major Kincaid watched Agent Sandoval disappear around the corner.  Once the man was out of sight, Liam pulled out his global and dialed
Lili's number.
When she answered, the tension in his face warned her of a problem even before he spoke.

        "He knows more then he's saying," Liam told Lili after his meeting with Sandoval.
Lili began to answer, but stopped as a Volunteer walked passed.  Liam directed her into an empty office and then she continued.
        "Why would Sandoval lie about something that could hurt the Taelons?  His MI wouldn't let him."
        "Only if it was operational.  I've had suspicions for the last few months." Liam replied in a hushed voice.
        "That would explain why he went to such lengths to get into his file," Lili said.
        "Huh?"  Liam asked.
        "I'll explain later.  He must have been looking to see how functional his CVI was," Lili answered.           "Great, now we have to worry about his agendas
Liam shook his head; "I'll keep an eye on him.  It's not like watching him is anything new."
Lili nodded in agreement as she and Liam entered back into the hallway.  Liam looked back at her to say something only to have someone run into him.  He
looked back around to see Agent Sandoval staring at him.
        "I suggest that in the future you watch where you are going," Agent Sandoval said in his usual abrasive manner.   "We seem to keep meeting like this and it's
not to my liking."
Liam nodded and then Agent Sandoval continued on his way.
Lili was about to speak, when Liam cut her off.
        "I'm going to follow him.  I'll call you if I find anything out."
        "Liam, do you really think you should go alone?  Maybe I should go with you." Lili stated.
        "No, he's FBI remember?  I'll have a hard enough time following him alone," Liam stated.  "Besides, you need to cover for me with Da'an."
Lili nodded uneasily.  She knew he was right, but she didn't like it.
        "Be careful, Liam."  She whispered.

        When Agent Sandoval realized that Major Kincaid was following him, he wasn't quite sure what to do.  He could easily have lost the Major, but part of him
felt that maybe he should let himself be followed.  Agent Sandoval planned to introduce him into Meridian, and this might be as good a time as any to do it.  The
Major obviously suspected him of something, and Ronald knew that Kincaid wouldn't give up until he found that something.
        That kind of stubbornness can be good or it could get a person killed, Sandoval thought as he parked his car.  Major Kincaid, you're lucky I happen to be a
person who sees the value of stubbornness.

        Liam frowned.  This seemed too easy.  He didn't think enough of himself to believe that he could have followed Sandoval and not have himself spotted at
least once.  Still, Sandoval had driven straight to his destination.  Could Sandoval have wanted him to follow?   No, Liam didn't think Sandoval was stupid enough
to do something to him.  Not while Da'an relied on him so heavily.
Oh well, I never learned anything just by sitting.  Here goes nothing, Liam thought and got out of the car.  He quickly crossed the street and then slowly entered
the warehouse Sandoval had entered seconds earlier.  He looked around him, but the building seemed empty.  Warnings went off in Liam's head, but the were a
second too late.
        "Tell me why I shouldn't blow your head off right now," Agent Sandoval asked angrily.
Liam didn't move because he could hear Sandoval's skrill hissing just behind his head.
        "A better question would be how can an agent with a fully operational CVI be threatening his fellow agent," Liam stated.
            "Said Agent could do whatever he wanted if he felt that the Taelons were being threatened.  Why were you following me Major?"  Sandoval replied.
Liam frowned.  How was he going to explain this?
        "I'm waiting Major," Sandoval said.
        "Well, you, uhm, have been acting kind of strange lately.  Da'an was worried," Liam lied.
        "Nice try Major, but I'm not stupid," Liam watched as Sandoval slowly circled around him until the attaché was standing right in front of him, skrill still
hissing angrily.
        "Let me take a stab at why you're following me and then you can tell me how close I am to the truth."  When Liam didn't reply, Sandoval continued," You
followed me because you thought that I was up to something.  I'd even go as far as to guess that the Resistance might have sent you.  After all, you did show up at
a rather convenient time with a rather convenient story.  Am I close Major?"
Liam didn't say a word.
        Sandoval had to fight to keep from smiling.   Kincaid was good.  The only clue he had given that Ronald was on to the truth was that his face had gotten a
little whiter.  Some people might not have even noticed.  Of course, a FBI agent wasn't just some person.
        "Should I take your silence as a yes?"  Agent Sandoval asked.
Damn, damn, what do I say to that?  Liam thought.
        "Major?  I'd like an answer.   Something I could tell Da'an when I explain why I had to kill you," Sandoval   continued.
        "Obviously whatever's going on, you don't want the Taelons to know about," Liam said taking a stab in the dark.  "I can keep a secret."
Sandoval smiled wickedly, "Of course, you can.  And you'll keep it even better dead."
Liam moved to go for his own weapon, but didn't even get it drawn before the skrill blast hit him.

        "How is he?"   Sandoval asked as Agent Long checked over Major Kincaid's unconscious form once he had been moved into Meridian Headquarters.
        "I think you got a little carried away," Agent Long stated.  "But I realize Raven doesn't always behave the way you want him to.  Kincaid will probably be
out for a few hours and then wake up with the king of all headaches."  Dani looked back over her shoulder at Agent Sandoval.
        "Sandy, you okay?"  She asked when she saw the look on his face.
Ronald shook his head, "You know, I've seen betrayal in the eyes of enough people that you'd think I'd be used to it.  I can't get the look on his face, when he
realized I was actually going to kill him, out of my head."
Dani lightly probed Sandoval's mind with her psi abilities, "You're exhausted.   Get some rest before Zo'or needs you to cater for him again.  I'll let you know if I
find anything out from the Major."
Ronald nodded and then left the room.  Dani settled down on the edge of Liam's bed and gently reached into his mind.  For a minute, everything was quite and the
she gasped.
        "Oh, my God!"

        It seemed to Ronald that he'd just drifted off when he felt a light probe at the back of his mind and the soft, but urgent message that it carried.
[Ronald, please come back to the Major's room.  I have some...surprising news for you.]
Ronald got up off the bed and asked, as he put back on his tie and jacket, [What did you find, Dani?]
[This is something one tells to another's face, not in their mind.  Please come here.   You should hear this before Kincaid wakes and that should be in within the
hour.]   Dani shut down the psi-link.
Agent Sandoval shook his head at the sudden emptiness caused by the absence of the link and then quickly made his way to where he'd left Agent Long only
about an hour and a half earlier.
        "Is there something wrong?"  He asked as he entered the room.
Dani stood up and moved across the room to him, "That really depends on how you take this.  Please sit down.  I don't want you collapsing on me."
        "What is this about Dani?"  He asked as he sat down.
Dani sat in a chair next to him.  "You were right about you're suspicions that he was a part of the Resistance.  Actually, he's more then just a member, he's the
Sandoval raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything because he could see that she wasn't finished.
        "Liam's mind is very interesting place," Dani stated.  "It's not like most humans minds at all."
        "What do you mean?"  He asked.
        "Liam Kincaid, and that's not even his real name, isn't a psi if that's what you are thinking."  Dani shook her head.    "When I entered his mind to check
and see if he had a concussion, it pulled me in further.  I never intended to go that deep, but I had no choice.   Ronald, Liam's not completely human."
        "From what I can tell he's about a third Kimeran.  You know what that means," Dani stated.
Sandoval nodded his head.  Of course he did.  "Ha'gel."
Dani nodded, "Major Kincaid has Kimeran memories.  He also has the memories of two other people, his human mother and father."
        "Continue," Sandoval stated when she paused.
        "According to his memories he was conceived and born in nine hours.  He aged rapidly to adulthood after that in the care of the Resistance.  After a few
days, he took on the identity of Major Liam Kincaid and the rest you know.  His real first name is Liam, though."
        "What about his last name?"   Sandoval asked.
Dani paused not sure how to tell him.  Finally she just spit it out.   "Since his human parents never married, it would have to be Beckett."
        Sandoval's eyes widened with shock, but it passed quickly.  That would explain her disappearance, lost memory, and why Kincaid and she had seemed so
close even though they really didn't know each other.
        "What about his human father?"   Ronald asked.
        "Sandy," Dani's voice was low, "you're his father."
        "What?"  Sandoval couldn't believe it.
        "Remember your dreams about the church?   The joining must have taken place there.  Ha'gel used your form to get Beckett to trust him.  Somehow your
CVI must have recorded part of it even though you were unconscious at the time," Dani stated.
Sandoval shook his head.  It all made sense.  Hell, it sure explains a lot, he thought.  But it's so hard to believe.
        "It wasn't easy for me to accept either," a groggy voice said from across the room.  "Is there a specific reason I'm not dead?"
        "Probably because it was never my intent to do more then stun you," Ronald stated as he and Dani crossed the room.
        Liam shut his eyes for a moment to think.   Now what was he going to do?  How had they found out?
[I'm a psychic, Major.  Ronald hit you a little harder then he intended, and I was checking to see if you had a concussion when I was pulled deeply into your
mind.  I had no intention of trespassing.] Dani thought.
Liam's eyes widened as Agent Long spoke directly to his mind.
        "I'm sorry for the intrusion," Dani spoke aloud this time to avoid startling Liam more. "Had I found out anything else it would never had gotten any
further.  In this case, though, I felt Agent Sandoval deserved to know.  I felt it may influence his decision…"
        "What decision?"  Liam asked warily.
        "Can you walk Major?"  Sandoval asked.
        "Yes," Liam replied.
        "Then follow me and I will show you."
        "This is Project Meridian," Sandoval motioned toward the ever busy main room.  "You were correct in you assumption that my CVI wasn't completely
functional.  It hasn't been so for almost a year now.   It began deteriorating rapidly shortly after William Boone's death.  Then, after the MI was completely
dysfunctional, it stopped deteriorating.  It has been stable for about 8 months now.  How or why it happened, I don't know.  I have always felt that Boone knew
or that the Resistance itself was responsible, but I have no proof of that."
        "Sounds like something Doors would do.   Even though he couldn't guarantee that you would help the Resistance, you would at least be able to think for
yourself and that might have stopped you from doing Zo'or's every bidding," Liam stated.
        "That was the same conclusion that I came to," Sandoval stated.  "After being forced to watch Boone's murder, I realized that someone had to stop Zo'or
before he destroyed both the Human and Taelon races."
        "Why didn't you just go to the Resistance?" Liam asked.
        "You know as well as I that the Resistance wants to completely rid the human race of the Taelons.  My old CVI held all of the information about how the
Taelons came to be and such.  When it was replaced, I lost access to most of that information, but I still know that if Humanity completely spurns the Taelons,
both races will be lost," Liam began to speak, but Sandoval cut him off.   "Don't ask me for specifics.  I can't give them to you."
Liam nodded, "I understand."
        "I called in some favors with the Bureau and what you see is the result.  They were all too happy to find out that one of their best agents was back on their
side.  Meridian's goal is to get Zo'or out of power and place Da'an back where he belongs so that he can guide relations between Humanity and the Taelons again.
There must be honest cooperation between Human and Taelon kinds or both races will be lost.  That's where you come in," Sandoval explained.
        "How?"  Liam asked.
        "As I said before, I have suspected your involvement with the Resistance for a while, if only because your actions in a way mirrored mine in how I had to
act to hid my connection to Meridian.  I need you to approach the Resistance and ask their cooperation with Meridian.  I would also like to ask you to act as a
go between, " Ronald answered.
        "We need a go between because we doubt many in the Resistance would believe the Agent Sandoval has mended his 'wicked' ways," Agent Long stuck in.
Liam nodded, "You're probably right.  I'll see what I can do."
        Agent Sandoval gave Liam a look of genuine gratitude that surprised the Major, "Thank you.  Now I have another matter I'd like to discuss with you.  It
seems that one of our operatives has made a slip-up.   Zo'or believes this is proof that there is a traitor on the Mother Ship who is leaking information to the
terrorist group that has been attacking Taelon research facilities recently.  The matter could be cleared up if we could find someone who could hack into the
ship's computer and do a little rearranging.  Does the Resistance have anyone who could help?"
A smile crossed Liam's face, "I know the perfect person."
        "As you can see, Zo'or, the discrepancy was actually a computer glitch," Agent Sandoval paused a moment to gage the Taelon's mood and decided to
continue.  Zo'or's mood couldn't get any worse no matter what he said.  Ronald just hoped that Da'an would be able to curb some of his fellow Taelon's anger.
        "I had Captain Marquette run a full diagnostic check and that was when the glitch was found," Agent Sandoval concluded.
        "Why was this not found when the first check was run, Agent Sandoval?" Zo'or asked accusingly.
        "The first check was run by a new Volunteer who mistakenly did not run it deep enough," Agent Sandoval answered and waited tensely for Zo'or to explode.
When the explosion came, even Da'an's compassionate looks didn't help.
        "Incompetence!  I assume that you had enough brain to deal with the Volunteer," Zo'or yelled.
Agent Sandoval dropped his eyes to the floor," Yes, Zo'or.  I dealt with him personally."
        "At least you did one thing right.  I have a meeting in Washington today, but I have decided that I do not require your assistance.  Captain Marquette will do
nicely," Zo'or stated.
        "But what about security, Sir?" Sandoval asked as he thought, Like I really care...
        "I will be in the embassy, and I think Captain Marquette will be able to handle it herself," Zo'or replied.
        "But...," Ronald started.
        "You are dismissed Agent Sandoval.  I do not wish to see you the rest of the day," Zo'or ordered.
"Yes, Sir," Sandoval said, sounding as if Zo'or's orders had hurt him.   Actually in a way they had, but not in the way Zo'or had intended.  He wasn't embarrassed,
but insulted.  He'll pay for it all eventually, Sandoval smiled slightly at the very un-implant like thought and returned to his office.
As he left the room, he caught Da'an's eye.  The Taelon looked as if he had just made some important decision, but the potential meaning of the look was lost
on Ronald, though, as his thoughts focused on the angry ache in his heart.

        Two hours later, Agent Sandoval was startled out of his thoughts by a knock on his office door.  When he identified the visitor as Major Kincaid, he ordered
the door to open.
        "Wow, you look like you just lived through hell," Liam stated.  "I heard how things went, but what I heard must have been an understatement."
        Sandoval nodded as he debated whether or not pouring a drink was really worth the effort.  Since the alcohol wouldn't actually do anything to numb the ache
caused by Zo'or's insult because of his CVI, he decided against it.
        "Zo'or wasn't happy about the explanation, but there were no holes in the evidence, so he had to accept it.  Tell your hacker thank you.  He did an
excellent job," Sandoval said.
Liam laughed, "I would but his head is big enough already."
        Sandoval nodded wearily, "How did Captain Marquette react to her reassignment?"
Liam shook his head; "She couldn't believe it, though she almost expected it after she heard about this morning."
        "Send her my apologies for ruining her day off," Sandoval stated and stood. "I hate to cut this short, but Da'an has requested an audience with me in five
        "That's funny.  He also requested an audience with me," Liam stated.
        "What's unusual about that, Major?   You are his protector," Sandoval stated.
Liam shrugged, "Calling an audience wasn't.  It was what he talked about."
        "Care to enlighten me?"  Ronald asked.
        "After your audience.  I have a feeling that he will ask you to meet with me and talk, but I want your opinion of things without any of my ideas influencing
you," Liam answered.
        "Tonight then?"  Sandoval said.
Liam nodded, and they went there separate ways understanding without saying that they would meet at Meridian Headquarters later. As Sandoval walked to
Da'an's office, his mind went over the last few days and how his relationship with Major Kincaid-no, Liam, had changed.  At work, they both had seemed to have
come to a truce.  In private…I still can't believe he's my son.  It's still a little uneasy, but it's getting better.  We are actually starting to act like friends, if not
Agent Sandoval gently knocked on Da'an's office door and then entered when the Taelon opened the door.
        "Agent Sandoval, thank you for coming.   Please have a seat," Da'an motioned toward a chair and Ronald sat down in it even though the act was a highly
unusual request.
This is going to be a very interesting meeting; I can feel it already.  Ronald thought.
        "I realize it is part of your job, Agent Sandoval, but I feel I must apologize for Zo'or's behavior this morning, " Da'an started.  "He seems to feel that
everyone must be perfect."
The apology caught Sandoval by surprise, but he recovered quickly.  "It was nothing, Da'an.  It will pass as it always does."
Da'an nodded.  "The apology wasn't the real reason I asked you here, Agent Sandoval.  I know you no longer work for me, but I need to ask a favor of you."
        "Of course, Da'an.  I will do whatever I can," Ronald replied.
        "I thought you would agree," Da'an stated.  "My request is complicated, Agent, and will put you at some risk, but I believe that you will be able to
accomplish your part in it.  It involves your fallen comrade William Boone....."
