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Biographical File

Number 23489284.

Name: Nahimana Namid
Current Assignment: Commanding Officer,USS Athena
Current Rank: Captain
Species: Human, American Indian
Place of Birth: Earth
Date of Birth: 44208.10
Homeworld: Earth
Marital status: Single
Physical Description:
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 105
Hair Color: thick long jet black hair that falls to her waist
Eye Color: Brown almost Black
Distinguishing features:a tatoo on her right palm in the shape of her spirit animal the dolphin
Personal History:
Nahimana was raised by the tribe as her parents are unknown. She apppeared on the tribal councils steps with a note pleading the tribe take care of her. It soon became apparent that she was special. One day the little girl was sitting in a chair and the next she was gone and a great white owl sat in her place. She was then placed in the care of the tribes shaman and taught the mystic ancient ways. Has she was always telling the other children stories of the dances of the stars she was given her name which means mystic stardancer.
Psychological Profile:
Telepathic rating: 3 She is empathic as she can sense emotions around her. This has enabled her to become a good diplomat.
StarFleet Psychological Profile:Nahimana has good instincts and is quick on her feet. She is very intuitive. She does have a deep sense of justice.
The tribe sponsored her in the Academy where she graduated with honors. She then was served on Starbase 3. She was then transferred to the USS Sutherland, security officer. She transferred to the USS Sitak as Chief of Security. She was injured when it was destroyed during the battle to retake DS9 during the Dominion War. She was the only one that survived. She has no love for the Jem Hadar. She then worked for Starfleet Intellegence until the end of the war. She was then transferred back to the Sutherland as Chief of Security under the command of Captain Shelby.