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Age:27 standard years
Physical Characteristics:
5' 11" 145 lbs
-Dark Brown shoulder-length hair, ice blue eyes, very powerful looking in stature.
-Wears a black water-gel designed uniform, looks like a standard uniform, but is 3mm thicker (function of which will be explained later, when the time is right) -Sight and auditory senses are very acute, with special abilities (to be disclosed at a later time)
Personal Profile:
Mother : Chrysta Marista Orcan Bayou (Dauphina) Governor of Gretnoy Providence (Where the family resides)
Father: Jondial Aurick Bayou (Trill-unjoined) Master Chef
Brother : Mikel Joseph Bayou, age 24.
Married 6 months ago to Anisa Reogled (Dauphina) -Entire Family lives on Dauphina II, having been there for their entire lives.
Service record:
-Served 3 years aboard USS Nigthingale, medical transport ship, Ensign rank. Requested tranfer to USS LaSalle.
-Married age 24 to Patrick Neal Gavinson, aged 27 at marriage (human- Terran), on board USS LaSalle. Married by Captain Jonas Grumby Served 3 years in Medical department,USS LaSalle as nurse, earning promotion to Ltjg during that time.
-Widowed one month prior to her joining Atlantis Station, at age 27, when Lt Commander Gavinson died during an away mission to rescue the crew of a transport ship which was attacked by hostile forces. Lt Gavinson was the last member of the boarding party to be beamed back to the ship, when a plasma conduit near where he was standing blew up. He took the brunt of the force with his torso. He was beamed directly to SB, unconscious, where the CMO worked to save him, but due to the amount of internal injury and blood loss he suffered, he died in Amanda's arms. She was on duty in SB when he was brought in. Patrick Gavinson never regained consciousness prior to his death.
-Has one dachshund, female, 2 years old, named Dashes. Was given to her as a gift by Patrick when she earned her promotion to Lt jg.
-In addition to her nursing and biology studies, also studied languages and communication.
-Took several honors in swimming and water sports, as she is aquatically adept due to her species.
-Almost did not graduate as she hates to use violence. Refused to take basic phaser weaponry required of all graduates. Took the required class in senior year, and barely passed qualification. Much prefers to use staff or spear for protection, but will fire a phaser if no other choice.

Personal Preferences:
-Sleeps in a specially designed waterbed, that actually feels wet to the touch, because it does have a semi-permeable top layer to the mattress. This was designed so that her husband could sleep on the bed also, without fear of drowning. Although he did complain that he could not sleep with clothes on as they were soaked by the time he woke up in the AM.
-Wears her hair down to her shoulders, so as to cover her neck. This hides another feature she is reluctant to discuss with anyone that does not need to know, as it can be used as a weakness by an opponent against her (to be disclosed at a later time)
-Fiercely protective of her friends. Will do whatever is required to make sure they are safe, healthy, emotionally sound, and cared for.
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