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Biographical File

Number 245678F2
Name: Miss Cleo (Aster)
Year born: 2375
Race: Feline (Terran)
Birthplace: British Columbias, Canada, Earth, United Federation of Planets
Parents: Uncertain. Was abandoned near the Aster ship building yards
Height: 8 inches
Weight: 15 lbs (Pounds)
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: Majestic Grey with white highlights
Distinguishing Characteristics: Napkin like white fur coloring from her neck down
Interests: Eating, sleeping, eating some more, getting attention from my human
2375 : Learned it all myself

 :    Born on Earth, in Brisitsh Columbia, Canada, Cleo was seperated from her mother at a very young age. She and her four other siblings were abandoned near a large ship-building plant. The confused and hungry kittens were found by a human male and brought into the plant. Cleo decided she would keep this human and informed her siblings to "BACK OFF." The others were easily adopted out.

Cleo now resides with the human, and allows him to feed and pay her himage. She has him trained fairly well, though sometimes he seems to forget and stays away too long. She will occasionally punishhim by ignoring him, but will eventually ease up on him and allow him to feed her again and just plain enjoy her being with him. He deserves it.

Since their trek to this new home (DS-13) Cleo has had to adapt to their new quarters. It was a bit smelly at first, but Cleo has rubed up agains the furniture and made it smell more like home. There is a ((Shudders)) DOG across the way, and the Amanda creature often visits and smells much of the foul creature. She is nice enough though and definitely deserves Cleo's attentions as well.
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