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Personnel File

File Number:
Alisha Lynn Connors
(Ally, Al)

Service Data
Current Rank:Ensign
Current assignment:Helmsman, Atlantis Station - DS 13
Personal Data:
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Family: Mother:
  • Jennifer Lynn Connors.
  • Age: 44.
  • Occupation: Nurse
  • Thomas Allen Connors Sr.
  • Age: 45.
  • Occupation: Commercial Pilot.
  • Thomas Allen Connors Jr.
  • Age: 17. Sister:
    • Sarah Michelle Connors.
    • Age: 15.
  • History:
         Alisha grew up in San Fransisco. Alisha was her mother's flower girl in her parents wedding when she was 5 years old. Alisha grew up in a rather privelleged life. Her mother came from rich parents who died in a shuttle explosion when Jennifer was 17. She had already met and fallen in love with Thomas. Alisha was much of a surprise to the young couple, both of whom where in school.
         Alisha made average grades throughout her early education. It wasn't until High School that she really started to apply herself, and graduating with a 4.0. After High School she took two years off to travel around. It was during this period that she started to take a keen interested in flying.
         After returning from her travels, Alisha decided to enter Starfleet. Unfortunately she didn't take to the Academy like she did in high school. Her first two and a half years Alisha had a 4.0 average. But during the second semester of her Junior year she met Tron. After meeting him she ended up neglecting her studies. After he dumped her in her Senior year she had to work really hard to graduate. Apon graduation she was assigned to the Atlantis Station. She was just thankful to graduate and promised herself never again to let a guy take up that much of her life to where she neglected everyone.
    Starfleet Record:
    Medical Profile:
    • Graduation Physical:
      Alisha is in the top 10% for physical fitness for her age and gender. Her medical record is clean, and is a very healthy young adult. She is fit for duty. --Dr. Crontii, Starfleet Medical.

    • Psych Profile:
      Graduation Psych Exam:
           Cadet Connors is a normally adjusted young adult. She does tend to get a little over obsessive about things to the point where other things in her life start to slip a little. Even so, she has the phsycological makings to becoming a fine officer.
      --Lt. Commander Torrence Makevil, Counselor Starfleet Academy.
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