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Biographical File

Number 245892K9.

Name: Dashes (Gavinson)
Formally known as Dashes of Spiced Gumdrops Licorice Strips
Species: Dachshund
Age: 2 standard years (14 dog years)
Height: 7 inches at the shoulder, 11 to top of head
Length: 23 1/4 inches, not including 7 inch tail
Weight: 9 pounds 3 ounces
Humanoid- Amanda Gavinson and Patrick Gavinson (deceased)
Canine: Lady Felicity Sweet Honeybee of Pollenburg and Sire Maxmillian FireHearth Strong of Bricksdany
Personal History: Dashes was born on Saturn, to Champion pedigree parents. Her time with her parents was very nice. She had 3 brothers and sisters to play with, and she enjoyed romping in the grass.

When she was almost 10 weeks old, she was adopted by Patrick Gavinson. He picked her up and held her close as she said good-bye to the only family she knew, and left with this stranger. He tucked her into his field jacket, and carried her a loooong way off to this strange ship, with funny smells, and metal and carpeted rooms, instead of all the grass she knew. She was very scared, especially when Patrick put a HUGE pink ribbon around her neck and tied it into a bow. She kept tripping on the strings, as she still had not grown into her big paws.

A long time later, a strange woman came into the room, and sat down, not even noticing Dashes on the floor. Patrick picked her up and carried her over to this strange lady. Dashes noticed her eyes were closed, but opened immediately and sparkled as Patrick handed her over. This strange lady that Patrick kept calling Manda, smelled of oatmeal cookies, and hugged her lovingly.

Dashes settled into this loving home rather easily. She did have a few scary days at first, as she had no brothers and sisters to play with. Amanda and Patrick played with her whenever she wanted them to, and they gave her lots of toys to play with. She slept on the floor, next to the bed, right next to Amanda. She loves to play in the gardens with Mom and Dad (Manda and Pat), and take long walks.

One day, Dad went to work, and didn't come home. Mom was sad lots after that. Dashes could always make her feel a little better though, with a kiss, and a tail wag. Dashes misses Dad.

Not so long ago, Mom said they were going to a new home. She put everything into boxes, even all Dashes toys, and they walked from the carpets and metal ship to a new place. This one smelled even more funny. It smelled dirty in places, and there were all sorts of places that looked scary. Mom carried her around this place called a Station, and then they got to their new home. There weren't many places to hide, and her toys were no where to be found. She was very scared, but Mom was there too. Now, they live on a Station, and Mom says that she is going to have a baby. Dashes doesn't know what a baby is, but she hopes it is something fun to play with, like their new friend. Mom calls him JD, and he is fun to play with. He feeds her lots of yummy cookies. The only thing that Dashes doesn't like about JD is that he smells a CAT! Dashes remembers that one time, on the metal and carpet ship, a cat bit her ear and scratched her nose. She didn't like that, even though Mom made her feel all better. When they walk past JD's house, there is that smell again. Dashes hopes JD doesn't have a mean cat...Dashes would not be happy, if Mom were to be hurt by that cat. Mom has to be protected, and that is Dashes duty