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Personnel bio:

Dr. Andy

Qapla and long life (a blending of greetings from two of his cultures)
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT:Medical doctor on the Atlantis Station
Place of birth: Otar II
Age: 52
Home world: No affiliation with any planet. Currently living with sisters on Station Sigma
Marital status: single.
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair color: Brown (long and wavy, like the Klingons)
Eyes: Blue (dark, dark blue, almost black, like the Betazoids)
Distinguishing features: Pointed ears and eyebrows (Like the Vulcan's) Klingon type forehead ridges visible only when he is very angry.
Born on planet Otar II while his parents were there studying the local flora.
Mother: Dr. T'Pris, A Vulcan with a Klingon grandfather.
Father: Darian Karis, A full Betazoid. Deceased.
Siblings: Anna, his twin sister. Anni1 and Anni2, older sisters, also twins. He grew up on several planets, moons and stations as his parents moved from job to job. He and Anna discovered the existence of their older siblings by accident some 6 years ago and only within the last year met them for the first time. Andy and his siblings are very close now and are linked with a Vulcan family bond (telepathic bond).
He has a telepathic rating of 3 ½. Full telepathic/empathic. Trained in and Betazoid mind healing. When touching like the Vulcan's his telepathic rating increases.
Well balanced, methodical and nearly Vulcan in his thought process. Andy tends to have a calm demeanor yet is rather intense about his work. Under the surface there is a fierce protectivness towards his sisters and anyone he considers a friend.
It should be noted that he tends to carry between 4 and 10 weapons on his person at all times.
Andy studied at the Vulcan Science Academy (where he studied intar and extra-species biology,) and the Terran based Federation Medical School. When he was three credits away from his masters in Multi-species medicine he accepted a post on a Vulcan research ship, the Searcher. The Searcher was on a long term mission to study life forms in the Beta quadrant. He served there for 15 years before resigning and heading back to the Alpha quadrant. From there Andy returned to the Federation Medical School and finished his masters before entering Starfleet's medical program. The Atlantis Station is to be his first post with Starfleet.