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Federation Bureau of Investigations

Official Criminal Dossier

Subject:           Jesin, Kyhl
Status:            Active
Aliases:           Rand Al’Thor, Kyv Sehlfin, Kai Mizuhara, Griffin
Species:          Bajoran
Homeworld:    Bajor
Birth Planet:   Bajor
Age:                41
Height:            5’9”
Eye Color:      Grey
Sex:                 Male
Hair Color:     Black with gray strands
Relations:       Not applicable
Date of Birth:             196103.01
Marital Status:           Single, not attached
Mental Status:           Stable  
Telepathic Rating:     1
Current Whereabouts:           Believed to be Deep Space 13: Atlantis Station
Current Activities:                 Believed to be Restaurateur

Warnings:       Approach with caution, extremely skilled in short-range combat

Personal History
            Jesin Kyhl was born on the planet of Bajor to Jesin Kaska and Jesin Rand on Stardate 196103.01 almost seventeen years into the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. His childhood was unremarkable, at least for a Bajoran living under the Occupation.  After his fourteenth birthday Jesin joined with the Bajoran resistance and became a freedom fighter.  It is remarkable in and of itself that he survived the entire duration of the Occupation as a freedom fighter, especially joining at such a young age.  Due to the nature of the resistance and the difficulty in acquiring energy weapons during the Occupation, at least within his cell of the militia, Jesin became very proficient in other forms of combat, specifically with a bladed weapon.  Part of Jesin’s combat experience and expertise stems from the militia while the other comes from his time spent with the mercenary group known as The Band of the Hawk.

            After the Occupation, Jesin saw himself as adrift with nothing to contribute to the burgeoning Bajoran society.  The war against the Cardassians had been won and all that he had ever known his entire life had changed.  The life of a civilian on Bajor after the resizing of the militia did not sit well with him and he soon left his home planet in search of something else.  What he found was war again, but this time it was for profit.  Life as a soldier was the only thing that he knew and had ever known, hence Jesin found himself becoming part of a mercenary group known as The Band of the Hawk. 

            The group participated in a variety of paralegal and outright illegal activities but was for the most part successful in any “assignment” they accepted for clients.  Jesin remained an active member for the better part of fifteen years, growing from basic soldier to administration and positions of leadership.  During his time with the mercenary group he perfected his armed combat skills, becoming an expert in the use of bladed weapons of several different cultures including Klingon, Bajoran, and Terran.  In fact, as his reputation spread throughout the mercenary world and the fringe of Federation society as a whole, a major recognition factor was that he always had a blade visible, customarily a weapon known as a katana dating back into ancient Earth history.  Due to the nature of his positions and life with the mercenary group Jesin has a wide knowledge of the fringe of the Federation and of black markets throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrant. 

            Currently Jesin has begun a new operation, submitting to what some call a retirement of sorts.  He has either opened or is in the process of opening a restaurant on Deep Space 13, otherwise known as Atlantis Station.  There is speculation that the restaurant is just a front so that illegal activities can still be conducted, albeit more clandestine.  Still, it is possible that it is legitimate and that Jesin Kyhl has given up his life on the outside of society.  His fame is not as widespread as most high profile criminals; Jesin himself is not considered a high profile vigilante, however most familiar to the underworld have a cursory knowledge of who he is and who The Band of the Hawk are. 

Criminal History
Arrested by Cardassian Authorities 197702.15 for Criminal and Subversive Behavior

         Sentenced to a Cardassian prison camp for three years at age 16 during the Cardassian Occupation, escaped and avoided recapture

Arrested by Klingon Authorities 198805.24 for Treason Against the Empire

         Sentenced to a Klingon Penal Colony for ten years, escaped and avoided recapture

Wanted by Ferengi Authorities for: 8 Counts Pirating, 1 Count Contract Breach 

Warrant Expired

Wanted by Chalnan Authorities for: Being in the Employ of Mercenaries

Warrant Expired

Wanted by Cardassian Authorities for: 17 Counts War Crimes

Warrant Withdrawn

Wanted by F.B.I. for: Investigation into Chalna VI Massacre

Investigation Suspended

Wanted by F.B.I. for: Investigation into Rigel Bombing

Investigation Active – Warrant Pending

Wanted by F.B.I for: Investigation into Illegal Mercenary Activity

Investigation Active – Warrant Processing

Wanted by F.B.I. for: Investigation into Aiding and Abetting Dominion Powers

Investigation Active – Warrant Pending


Characteristics:          Ridged nose characteristic of Bajorans

                                    Scar across left cheek from ear to just above the chin

                                    Various faint scars on back

Favored Weapon:      Bladed weapons, Katana of Earth origin

Dangerous Skills:      Piloting (shuttle, limited large vessel)

                                    Short-Range Combat (bladed weapons, various styles)

                                    Hand-to-Hand Combat (various styles)