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Name: Maud- a nickname, the actual name is "24"
Current Assignment: Civilian, entrepreneur, run-away
Species: Ferengi
Place of Birth: Ferenginar
Date of Birth: July 15, 20 years before the current date
Homeworld: Ferenginar
Marital status: Single (officially married to Thom, but not in truth)
Physical Description:
Height: 5'
Weight: 150 lb
Hair Color: none
Eye Color: green-brown
Distinguishing features: an EXCELLENT set of lobes, usually ornate traditional headpieces which augment this, not the traditional slight build of a female ferengi.
Personal History:
Maud was brought up on Ferenginar, the 24th daughter of Dal, the rich entrepreneur. Dal believed that it was proper that females be called simply by their birth rank, unless their husbands desired differently. As one of 30 daughters (not all legitimate), Maud found it easy to escape the harem unnoticed. She would dress, (obviously as a boy) and study by listening in on her twin brother's lessons. He figured it out early, but a good bribe was enough to shut him up. In this way, she passed the first 19 years of her life uneventfully. When she was caught, early last year, her father was furious, her mother disgraced, and plans for her immediate marriage to Thom, a promising young trader from a successful family. After the ceremony of marriage, Maud took all of the latinum in her husband's house (not even a small percentage of his total worth, but as much as she could carry), his clothing, and ran away from Ferenginar before he came out of the bathroom. Since then, her goal has been to get as far away from Ferenginar as she could and then find a place to make her fortune in the world. She has recently arrived at Atlantis Station and hopes to purchase the local tavern and turn it into a profitable place for those who live here or are passing through to relax.
Psychological Profile: Telepathic rating: 1 (good lobes for profit)
StarFleet Psychological Profile: (if there is an official one, she would be suprized- StarFleet ignores Ferrengi females as much as Ferrengi males) Almost anything for money, but she can be persuaded to have loyalties if they prove themselves reliable. Kind of sneaky and sometimes the law is a "grey area" for her.

STARFLEET RECORD: if they have one, she doesn't know about it...same reason as above.(see above for personal record)

PERSONAL MOTTO: "there is a Rule of Acquisition to cover everything, that doesn't mean that one always has to be applied" Ferengi rules of acquisition