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Atlantis NPC's

In each and every sim there will always be the neeed for extra characters, or NPCs. These characters are usually made up by one or more of the regular crew members to fill in jobs or duties where needed. Here is a list of the NPCs used on the station and who plays them.

Gottfried Hansgeorg, Governor of Aries IV, male, Terran
Played by Judy Kaha
Ada Baylie Odessa, Vice Governor, Female, Terran.
Played by Judy Kaha
Peeter Bertrand-Jourdain, Senator and Head of Extra Planetary Affairs, male, Terran
(Peeter is spelled with three 'e's, this is not a typo ::smiles::)
Played by Judy Kaha
Zeto Youssouf, Liaison to the Office of Extra Planetary Affairs (LEPA), male, Bolian.
Played by Judy Kaha
Filipe Darvini, Deputy Liaison to the Office of Extra Planetary Affairs (DLEPA), male, Terran.
Played by Li Po
Doerum, station spy, male, Zakdorn,/b>
played by Judy Kaha
Ensign Michaels, Main Ops officer, Male, Terran.
Played by Judy Kaha
Dr. Hiram "Hi" Colonic, M.D. (Lt. Commander)
Medical officer, Male, Terran.
Played by Dr. Andy(Anni Clan)
Ensign T'Resa, Main Ops officer, Female, Vulcan.
played by Judy Kaha
Ensign Mike Randal, Engineering officer, Male, Terran.
played by JD Aster
Dai'Mon Glak, Marauder Nemisis, male, Ferengi.
Played by Judy Kaha
Grub, Bar worker, male, Ferengi
played by Judy Kaha
Captain Jonas Grumby, Captain of the LaSalle, male, Terran.
played by Judy Kaha
Commander Willy, First officer of the LaSalle, male, Terran.
played by Judy Kaha
A Purple Alien, not one in particular, but since they will be around a while, I thought it would be nice to have a pic of them there. The race, we'll soon find out, is called the Wafierian's. The pic is of a male Wafierian
A Blue waferian, until their visit to Atlantis Station were subservian to the Purple Wafierians
Dr. Molly O'Leary, Intern, Terran, Female.
Played by Doc Andy
Merosa Mekar, Pharmacist, Risian, Female.
Played by Doc Andy
Quinnarus Lukins, Medical Assistant, Bolian, Female.
Played by Doc Andy
Darla Brent, Nurse, Terran, Female.
Played by Doc Andy
Keith Henderson, Orderly, Nurse in Training, Terran, Male.
Played by Doc Andy
Sonda Sondias, Orderly, Deltan, Female.
Played by Doc Andy
June Po, Li Po's Mother, Terran, Female.
Played by Li Po
Joanna Po, Li Po's Sister, Terran, Female.
Played by Li Po
Mai Po, Li Po's Youngest Sister, Terran, Female.
Played by Li Po
Benny Po, Li Po's Brother, Terran, Male.
Played by Li Po
Zhang Yi. Terran, Male.
Played by Li Po
Mui Bai. Terran, Male.
Played by Li Po
Jonny Cha. Terran Male.
Played by Li Po
Lao Her. Terran Male.
Played by Li Po
Flora. Assistant manager/bookeeper @ Tharg's Tavern, female

Played by Maude
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