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Biographical File

Number 24390cvP.

Name: Shane O'Donnavan

Gender:  Male

Age: 32

Place of Birth / Home world: Earth / Ireland

Race: Human

Height: 20 inches** (See Personal Information)

Weight: 7 pounds** (See Personal Information)

Hair: Red

Body: Caucasian

Eyes: Hazel Green

Personality: Can be calm, gentle, caring, warm, affectionate, honest, trustworthy and loyal to those
he chooses or to the point of being devious, dishonest and cold hearted. Is both a fellow pirate and cutthroat as well as a honest merchant and trader. Loyal and honest most often to Kasha.
    Is known to have an attitude, and sometimes, a bad one. He also carries some well hidden
knifes, and can be wickedly fast with them.
    A well known stubborn and tenacious will.

Training:  Has immense talent and skill in engineering, mechanics and sciences.

Lock pick, thief, magician / slight of hand. Can easily misdirect and deceive. Will use
these abilities to advantage himself or Kasha, and fool someone else. He and Kasha have
often worked their 'magic' as a team.

Special Abilities:  Strong telepathy, and empath. Not often used with others, except
Kasha and Tuk.

Hobbies / Talents: ( See Training ) Magic / slight of hand. Plays flute, and dulcimer. **

Personal Information: Pronounced Irish brogue.

  **  Has been permanently 'cursed' (in a sense) by the same evil, malicious, 
mischievous and insidious Q as Kasha. One that's by far more sinister
than "Q of Enterprise fame". Their curses are the same. He has 'cursed' him
with the eternal life span of a Q. He's is unable to die. He's is also unable to
carry any type or form of disease, and injuries heal with in minutes.
     The Q has also reduced him greatly and permanently in size to twenty inches
in height, and seven pounds in weight.

** Main Entry: dulúciúmer
Pronunciation: 'd&l-s&-m&r
Function: noun
Date: 15th century

1 : a stringed instrument of trapezoidal shape played with light hammers held in the hands.

2 : or /-"mOr, -"mor/ : an American folk instrument with three or four strings
stretched over an elongate fretted sound box that is held on the lap and played by
plucking or strumming
BEST O'Donnavan Picture. 1 B. Orange Frame. Waist up.JPG (17KB)