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Last Updated by Vice Admiral Daniel Landers.

Personnel bio:


(She has no last name, Klingon and Vulcan tradition)
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Rank of Commander. First Officer and Helm Operator aboard the USS Patriot
Species: 1/2 Betazoid, Part Vulcan, Small amount of Klingon.
Place of birth: Starship Verria
Age: 127
Homeworld: No affiliation with any planet. She has residence onboard space station Sigma.
Marital status: Single.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair color: Black (long and wavy, like the Klingons)
Eyes: Blue (dark, dark blue, almost black, like the Betazoids)
Distinguishing features: Pointed ears and eyebrows (Like the Vulcan's) Klingon type forehead ridges visible only when she is very angry.
Anni2 and her twin, Anni1, were born on a ship enroute to their parents science posting on Rigel 7.
Mother: Dr. T'Pris, A Vulcan with a Klingon grandfather.<.td>
Father: Stuttan Navoy, A full Betazoid. Deceased.
In order to keep confusion at bay, the unimaginative parents gave their twins the same name with a distinguishing number, namely Anni1 and Anni2.

They grew up on several planets, moons and stations as their parents moved from job to job. They have a younger set of siblings, Andy and Anna, also twins. 75 years younger. Half brother and sister from T'Pris and Darian Karis.

She has a telepathic rating of 4. Full telepathic/empathic. She is trained in Vulcan and Betazoid mind healing. When touching like the Vulcan's her telepathic rating increases. Because of her personal belief in privacy, she keeps up mental blocks unless working or asked to drop them to "feel" around her.

Anni1 and Anni2 have remarkably similar personalities, even for twins. They have a bond with each other stronger than usually seen between Vulcan parents and children. They however have no bonding with either parent. Anni2 is very well balanced, aside from a marked aversion to speak of either her parents or her upbringing. She drinks more than most people, and yet shows no signs of alcoholism. When tested, she showed a very high tolerance for the effects of alcohol. She and her twin attribute it to having been drinking hard for over 100 years, however the psych testers were not convinced that was the case. Aside from the alcohol deal and a slight leaning towards temper, they passed the psych testing within 1/2 a point of each other. It should be noted that each twin has between 10 and 25 weapons on their person at all times. Not to mention several low impact high noise and smoke bombs. When asked why, they reply that since they are not in security, they don't feel the need to be heavily armed.

Graduated from counselor training on Betazed and then an advanced course on Vulcan. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology. After attending Starfleet academy she was assigned to the Pasteur medical station where she was to attend the post of science officer and helm officer on the stations ship. Her duty to the station was very uneventful as the station never saw any action. She performed her duty with little note as their was rarely any captain on board. She transferred off the station to the USS Patriot where she served as counselor for some time. Then helm duties were given to her as well. Now serving as the XO she still maintains the helm position.

The twins own a bar and grill on Sigma Station called Anni's Space Place. This is also the station that houses their private residences. Early in their lives they perfected a revolutionary device for the clothing business, the patent for it brings them quite a bit of latinum. It is with this money that they were able to afford the space on the station. They rent nearly 1/3 of the entire station. They both own a pet tribble, named Fluffy1 and Fluffy2, not for lack of imagination, but as a private joke about their own names. They are rarely without the tribbles, many of the fights they get into are over their pets.

Appearance: Brown variegated
Personal Information: They have been specially trained to like Klingons due to their owners genetic makeup. They coo on a frequency designed not to irritate Klingons, or most other species. They love to coo to the tune of old songs, usually annoying songs or classical music from Terran and Klingon cultures.
"Qapla and long life "(a blending of greetings from two of her cultures) & "Leave my tribble alone or die where you stand!"
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