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Cassandra T. Armstrong

Rank: Rear Admiral,/td>
Current Assignment: Judge Advocate General (JAG) for SFI

Physical Description:

Species: Terran
Place of Birth: Earth
Homeworld: Earth
Marital status: Single
Age:>/td> 37
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair Color:/td> Blonde
Eye Color:/td> Green
Distinguishing features:/td> none

Personal History:      Cassandra was born in Owensboro Wisconsin. As the only child of a prosperous Dairy Farming family, she was given many advantages. Good schools and a private library were just a few of them. Starting at an early age, detective novels and court room drama were her favorite books.      :By the age of 10 she was reading transcripts of real trials. It was obvious that she had an affinity for law. Starfleet drew her interest in that its trial system was fair and unbiased.

Psychological Profile:
Telepathic rating: 1 (or zero depending on your scale) hough she has rather good intuition.
StarFleet Psychological Profile: Stable minded, Analytical, rational, logical, and bullheaded are some of the words found on Cassandra Armstrong's counselor/advisor records. She earned the nickname "Strong Arm Armstrong" during her law school days.

STARFLEET RECORD:       Cassandra applied to Starfleet Academy at 17 and narrowly lost the spot to a Vulcan. While awaiting another entrance exam, she applied to and was accepted into the University of California as a prelaw student. Electing not to take the next entrance exam to Starfleet Academy, she pursued a law degree. However, at the age of 19 she realized that if she wanted to work in Starfleet law, she'd be better served to go through the academy. So, she took a hiatus from prelaw, retook the entrance exam and was accepted.

     Focusing on Starfleet law, she graduated in the top 20% of her class. She continued on toward her masters degree while working in the JAG offices at Starfleet Command. She had a short assignment in deep space on board the U.S.S. Sutherland before returning planetside. Several years and promotions later, she was given the rank of Rear Admiral and the posting of Judge Advocate General for SFI.

PERSONAL MOTTO: Watch out for Arnie, he has a temper.(Note: Arnie is the name of her gavel. Formally known as "Arnie, Gavel of Death" Pictured below)

Below is a picture of Cassie with her first gavel: