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Cara Diane Parnist

Personal Characteristics:

Age: 47 standard years, born on Jupiter Station
Parents: Debra Christine D'Alt Parnist (Human) Exo-Historian/ Archaeologist PhD prepared
Jarren Michal Parnist (Betazoid) Language specialist/ Translator
Siblings: Angela Marina Logan (married Patrick Logan; children:
Braiden Shane and Maura Daila Logan) Philip Tomas Parnist (married Kirsta Morney; children: Jaren Phillip, Jake Matthew, Shanara Emily, Kristopher Neil, and Hope April Parnist )
Marital status: Married at age 27 to Jacob C. Ek'co. Widowed 3 years later.
Remarried age 47, to Trevor Styles in a private ceremony
Child: Andrew Jacob Ek'co (mother's age at birth, 28); attending Vulcan Science Academy
Interests: Science, languages, and agriculture. Extensive collection of rare old-style coins, circa old calendar early 1900s . Designs agricultural models for primitive cultures. Karate, horseback riding, and mountain climbing. Being a mother to Andrew., even though he is grown. Owns a Laborador Retriever..3 y/o named Comet Summer house on Mars, Northern Continent....Berzi River, house staff of 3

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Description: Shoulder-length dark brown hair, blue eyes, 1/2 inch scar above right eye Missing 2nd and 3rd toes on left foot
Special abi;ities: Highly rated empathic/telepathic skills
Exceptional hearing and sight


Advanced Scientific degrees; also holds MD/PhD in xenophysiology/ xenobiology
Writes/speaks 12 languages, including Betazoid, Vulcan, Romulan, Tellarite, Trill, Klingon, New Caledonian, and New Esperanto
Speaks/understands 5 additional languages
Level 2 black belt in Karate
Expert with bola and ancient crossbow

Fleet History:

     Graduated from academy at 22, and posted to USS Columbus. Served as Ensign and Lt jg in the science/language department.
     Transferred to USS Lewis & Clark at age 24. Lt. served as Assistant Science Officer
     Transferred to USS Lincoln at age 26. Lt Commander and Chief of Science. Extensive study of the Houstler Quasar Transferred to USS Liberty, age 27. Lt Commander/ Commander Chief of Science/ First Officer. Led scientific expedition into disappearance of 8 ships in System X-15J. Discovered previously uncharted Black Hole in System X-15J. Met and married Jacob Ek'co.
     Upon death of Husband (age 32....death in shuttlecraft accident), transferred to Hawking Station, age 30. Headed study of agricultural viruses from various worlds.
     Transferred to USS Armstrong as Captain age 33. While still onboard, promoted to Fleet Captain age 36 for negotiating Peace Treaty between warring planets in Quadrant 24 Beta.
     Promoted to Commodore, transferred to Starbase 167. Setup and hosted series of Agricultural Symposiums of allied rim planets in Quarters System.
     Age 42, promoted to Fleet Commodore. Management of scientific expeditions within fleet.
     Age 46, promoted to Rear Admiral. Aide to Fleet Admiral Styles and Admiral Moondance.
     Age 47, promoted to Vice Admiral...Aide to Fleet Admral Styles and Admiral Moondance Krell....Third in Command of SFI. Met and married Trevor Styles in a small private ceremony.