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SPECS for Prometheus:

    The Prometheus-clas ship is, thus far, the most technologically advanced ship in the fleet. Among it's new techinical advances is regenerative sheilding, ablative armor, and the ability to reach a velocity of warp 9.9 (the fastest for a Fleet starship, yet). It is also equipped with holo-emitters throughout the ship allowing the ship's EMH free travel to wherever it is needed. The most unique advancement of this class shipis it's ability to employ a Multi Vector Assault Mode.

Techinical Specs

MISSION : deep space tactical assignment cruiser
Complement : 175
Officer Crew : 45
Enlisted Crew : 130
Civilian Crew : n/a

Physical Description Number of decks : 14
Height : 50 m
Width : 130 m
Length : 365 m
Mass : 850,000
Powerplant :Warp Engines : MARA
Impulse Engines : Standard
Computer System :/td> LCARS
No. Nacelles : 6
Warp Speeds : Cruise: Warp 8
Maximum Warp 9.9
Max Rated : Warp 9.99+ for 1 hour
Weaponry : 14 Type XII Phaser arrays, total output 170,000 TeraWatts.
3 x pulse fire quantum torpedo tubes + 288 torpedoes
Expected Duration : 48 years
Time b/w resupply : 1 year
Time b/w refits : 12 years

Deck # Location Description
1 Saucer Module Main bridge, observation / conference lounge, Captain's ready room, science labs, Environmental support, transporter room 5.
2 Saucer Module Saucer upper warp nacelles, life support, environmental controls, junior officer quarters, engineering support labs, cargo bays 1-4.
3 Saucer Module Saucer warp core jettison hatch, deuterium fuel pumps and fill ports, deuterium fuel storage, deuterium injector, EPS support, antimatter fuel pulms and fill ports, antimatter injector, antimatter storage pods, saucer engineering, maintenance, life support, waste management, upper gym.
3a upper engineering hull Antimatter storage pods, docking latches, forward torpedo launcher.
4 Saucer Module Junior officer quarters, upper computer core, Captain's Yacht, forward torpedo launcher.
4a upper engineering hull Stellar cartography, environmental support, life support, emergency batteries, waste management, phaser batteries, antimater injector / reactors.
5a Saucer Module Senior officer quarters, Holodeck 2, transporter rooms 1 & 2.
5b upper saucer Battle bridge, astrometrics lab, sencor control room, SIF generators (4), IDF generators (4), science labs, quantum magazine, weapons locker, docking latches.
5c upper engineering hull Maintenance, science labs, junior officer quarters, main engineering, power distribution, engineering support, engineering support labs.
6a Saucer Module Saucer lower warp nacelle, lower computer core.
6b upper saucer Impulse reactors, upper computer core.
6c upper engineering hull crew quarters, upper shuttle bay.
7a Saucer Module VIP quarters, medical labs, main sickbay, security offices, brig, gym, Holodeck 1, transporter rooms 3 & 4, Lounge, phaser maintenance, armory.
7b upper saucer Lower computer core, battle sickbay, phaser batteries, crew lounge, tranporter room 6, holodeck 3.
7c upper engineering hull Deuterium fuel pumps and fill ports, deuterium fuel storage, cargo bays 5-8, lower shuttle bay, shuttle bay support, crew quarters, deuterium injector reactors, aft torpedo launcher, warp core jettison hatch, warp core docking hatch.
8 lower saucer Auxiliary bridge, foward torpedo launcher, docking latches, crew lounge, transporter room 7, holodeck 4.
8a lower engineering hull crew quarters, life support, docking hatches, maintenance, environmental suport, deuterium fuel pumps and fill ports, deuterium fuel storage, deuterium injector reactors, warp core docking hatch.
9 lower saucer crew quarters.
9a lower engineering hull crew quarters.
10 lower engineering hull Auxiliary engineering, emercency batteries.
11 lower engineering hull Photon and quantum magazine, cargo bays 9-12, deflector control, deflector signal processing, navigational control, main deflector dish, main deflector field emitter, forward torpedo launcher.
12 lower engineering hull Antimatter storage pods, antimatter fuel pumps and fill ports, phaser batteries.
13 lower engineering hull Hover pods, auxiliary cargo bays (13 & 14), warp core jettison hatch, main tractor beam, antimatter injector.
14 lower engineering hull Assault shuttlebay, hover pods, auxiliary cargo bays (15 & 16), warp core jettison hatch, main tractor beam, antimatter injector.

Multi Vector Assault Mode

The ability for the ship to virtually split into three independent space crafts and lauch their own assaults.

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