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Starfleet Intelligence

Biographical File

Name:Moondance 'A' K'Sheyna K'Krell
Location: SFI Head Quarters<.td>
Race: Appears Human (Unknown),/td>
Age: Appears to be 35 (Actual Age: 250)
Hair: Gossamer Silver, ankle length, Dyes it Red
Eyes:Ice Blue
Height: 5'
Weight: 110lbs
Marital Status: Widow of Thought Adml. Qat'lh Sutai Krell.
Children:Admiral Krell has ten children by her late husband. Triplets, Sextuplets and a single.
Triplets: Windsong(Male), Kendric (Female) And Kathal (Female) Age: 8
Sextuplets: Brightblade(Male), Silvermoon (male), Songbird (female), Firesong (female), Takorg (Male), and Valasha (female). Age: 6 Note: Brightblade and Silvermoon are identical, almost clone like, and so are Songbird and Firesong.
Single: Sutai (Male) age: 4
General Information:
Moondance is mysterious. Nothing is known about her home world, though she will tell you that it is not of this dimension. She is a devoted mother to her offspring and at times one can see a deep sadness in her eyes. Moondance and Krell were life-bonded and at the death of her mate, Moon disappeared for almost a year. She is easygoing and calm. She is wise and will not flaunt her massive abilities, believing that one should not brag or waste their talents on trivial things. Moon likes to sing and has a beautiful soprano to tenor range. At times she will sing songs in a song-like language that appears to be her native tongue. She loves Klingon food and at one time had attempted to learn the language to please her mate, Krell. Moondance is the Matriarch of the House of Krell and has been recognized as such by the Klingon High Counsel. She is also a clan elder of her own people.

Special Abilities:
Moondance is what she will term as a Healer Adept. She is a powerful Telepath and Empath with other talents besides. She uses her gift of psionic healing to benefit anyone in need. Though Moon abhors killing and violence, she is not above using her abilities to kill in defense of herself or others. Moon is also a teacher. She is willing to train others to use any psionic gifts they have.

Service Record:
CMO USS Tritonbr> Surgeon General Starfleet Headquarters
Second-in-Command of SFI
SFI Ambassador
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Updated November 11, 2001 by Vice Admiral Dan Landers.