Title: "A Golden Lesson"
Author: Rebecca Bradstreet
Rated: NC-17
Archive: Sure.
Summary: Methos learns about more than fencing in the Dragon Courts.
Warning: Growling, fighting, sex.
Disclaimer/Notes:  I don't on Methos he belongs to Panzer/Davis.  Rebecca Arwen Drake, the Dragon Goddess, belongs to me, or I belong to her.  That's an old argument we won't trouble you with any further.  I am using  // as thoughts, and ** as emphasis.  It's not beta'd so all mistakes are my own.  ;)

"A Golden Lesson"
Rebecca Bradstreet (c) 2000

After a Fencing Lesson

"Touch me again and I'll break every bone in your body," the dragon growl rolling out of Rebecca's human form told him just how close he was to having his bones broken.  Methos let go of her arm and stepped away from her.

"You're supposed to be my Shield Bearer, my guardian, my *companion*.  I never see you outside of Old Griffin's training sessions," he complained to the dragon that the Dragon Council had partnered him with.

"You haven't been released by Old Griffin from his tutoring yet.  I'm not going to rush your training."  She shook her head the light brown hair of her human form swung back and forth in its braid.

"I'm supposed to get tutored in things besides fencing."  He hadn't gotten any tutoring besides the fencing yet.

"You're supposed to get tutored in strategy, in combat, and in survival eventually.  You can't win one match against me before Old Griffin.  No one will teach you more until you can master that simple skill."  Rebecca was walking away from him again, and he wasn't about to try grabbing her arm a second time.

"I can't win because I don't want to win."  Methos startled himself by admitting it.  He'd been losing -- taking lump after lump because it was the *only* time he got to *see* her.

"Don't want to win?"  Rebecca came back towards him her grey eyes suddenly curious and concerned.

"I *never* see you anywhere besides the training sessions.  I try…I try to make them last as long as I can,"  He wanted to reach out and touch her cheek, but he didn't dare.

"Oh?  Now that might be of interest to Old Griffin."  She looked thoughtful.

"You're not listening to me.  I don't care about the fencing -- about the tutoring.  I want you."  Methos' temper was growing to match Rebecca's and his grey eyes now glinted like steel.

"I think…I think you may have me *when* you beat me before Old Griffin."  Rebecca nodded once, and left him to finish cleaning up from their day's session.

The Last Fencing Lesson

They stood facing each other on the training ground.  Old Griffin watched.  His great dragon form curled around the grounds.  One of his huge faceted blue eyes focused on the combatants.  Methos made a few cuts in the air with his sword acting as if he was still warming up.  Rebecca stood perfectly still in a ready and waiting position.  He wasn't sure beating her today would make her his, but he was going to try and win this time.

"Ready?"  He called to her across the ground.

"Ready."  She nodded in return.

Then they closed on each other.  They moved swiftly strike counter strike -- cut parry.  It ended more quickly than any of their previous matches.  Rebecca lay on her rump in the sand staring up at Methos and his sword.

"Do you yield?"  Methos asked her.  He offered her no hand up.  He held his sword over her waiting to here the word.

"I yield."  Rebecca said it softly, and though he might have imagined it, he thought she spoke of more than their match on the sands.

"Hahaha!  Well!!  Well done at last Little Immortal.  You've finally bested the lady at this game.  I shall tell the Council all about it.  I'm sure you two must want to get cleaned up, and discuss this match in more detail."  Old Griffin's tone rumbled with amusement and a knowledge that made Methos' and Rebecca's skin prickle.  Before either could ask the old dragon what he meant when he spoke of their discussing the match in more detail, he launched himself into the air and flew off leaving Methos and Rebecca in a cloud of dust.

"Wonderful!  As if we didn't already have enough sand to clean off."  Rebecca grumbled climbing up off the ground without any help from Methos.

"You've more sand to clean off than I do."  Methos' tone was gloating.  He wasn't sure what he was tempting her to, but he'd finally run out of patience with her.

"Do I now?"  She slipped in side his guard and dumped him to the ground.

"Now we're even.  Are you coming to get clean, or are you just going to lie out there in the sand?"  Rebecca said over her shoulder to him as she went into the locker room.

"Oh, I'm coming."  Methos said his voice low and determined.

A Golden Lesson

Rebecca put her sword in her locker.  She stripped off all the padding she wore for the training sessions, and grabbed a towel to take into the shower.  Methos came in, put his sword in his locker, and began stripping off his padding.  He listened as she began her shower.  He listened to the water hit her skin; listened to it drip from her arms and her hair to run down the drain.  He wanted to see every inch of the form that stood under the shower head.

"The water is warm.  When do think you might come in?"  Rebecca asked from the doorway to the shower.  She wasn't wrapped in her towel.  She wasn't dry.  She stood naked and dripping wet in the doorway to the shower.

"I might come in?"  Methos asked not letting his eyes wander down her form.  He met her grey eyes with his own.

"Well, we can discuss your victory through the shower wall, but there are some parts of the discussion you will prefer face to face."  Rebecca told him, walking towards him and leaving wet foot prints in her wake.

"Face to face?"  Methos repeated in a distracted tone.  His eyes were wandering over her flesh now.  Though he knew she was a dragon with a huge golden form what he saw before him now was entirely soft and pink and human.

Yes, face to face."  Rebecca leaned in close to him.  She took off the rest of the pads he hadn't gotten to.

"You say the water is warm in the shower?"  Methos asked, pulling his shirt off over his head, and letting it land on top of his shed pads.

"Warm, and relaxing."  Rebecca murmured softly as she undid his pants and pulled them down his legs.

"Relaxing?"  He could feel abused muscles tightening as she slipped his pants off of him.

"Soothing.  Come and feel it."  Rebecca took his hand and led him into the shower.  The steam hit Methos as a warm wet wall, and for a moment he lost Rebecca.  He could feel her hand in his, but he couldn't see her in the mist.

"Rebecca…I…"  Methos wanted to apologize for defeating her, but he *wanted* her even more.

"Shhs.  Let the water wash over you.  Let the steam sink into you."  Rebecca said applying soap to his skin.  She moved her hands with the water.  She worked with the water to massage him.  The tight muscles that had ached at her touch didn't loosen, yet somehow the aches soaked out of them.

"Rebecca," Methos said low and hungry as he turned to face her.

"Yes Methos?"  She asked there was a raw look in her grey eyes he couldn't define.

He wanted to make the raw look go away.  Methos grabbed her, kissing her hard, pressing his lips to hers, and parting her lips with his tongue.  Rebecca wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself to him, and meeting his tongue with her own.  They held the kiss for a very long time.  Finally, they let go of the kiss but not each other.

"You beat me.  Now there will be lots of tutors -- lots of lessons."  Rebecca said softly -- nervously.  She seemed so very small and vulnerable in his arms.

"I told you I don't care about the tutoring what I care about is you."  Methos kissed her forehead her nose her eyelids.

"Take me."  Rebecca told him huskily her hands drifting down his back to his buttocks.

"All right."  Methos said gently sliding his manhood between her legs.  Rebecca sighed.  She clung to him wrapping her legs around him.  They rocked together in the shower the water steadily pounding against their skin.  Their rhythm picked up slowly.  It reached its pitch not in a fevered moment but in a crystal clear one.  They pressed their lips together once more and moaned into each others mouths as that crystal moment filled with their passion.  The moment filled with their passion, and then it passed.  Methos slipped out of her.  Rebecca put her feet on the ground.

"I love you," Rebecca whispered to him.

"I love you too," Methos whispered back.

They turned the shower off, stepped out of it, and wrapped themselves in their towels.  Someone knocked at the locker room door.

"Who could that be?"  Methos asked Rebecca quietly.

"What?"  Rebecca called to the person knocking on the door.

"The Council sent me.  I'm supposed to guide you to your new room."  Little Owen called back through the closed door.

"Whose new room?"  Rebecca asked opening the door and glaring down at Little Owen.

"Yours and Methos.  The Council said, 'The first test has been passed now the Companions must be one.'  I'm just here at their orders."  Little Owen cringed under Rebecca's continuing glare.

"We get to finish getting dressed don't we?"  Methos asked as he wrapped his arms around Rebecca from behind.

"Of course, of course Little Immortal," Little Owen said bowing to Methos and backing away from the door.  Little Owen was wise for Rebecca slammed the door closed before she turned in Methos arms and glared at him.

"What?"  Methos asked suddenly remembering her past threat to break every bone in his body.

"I said I love you.  I never said you own me."  Rebecca shoved Methos away from her and opened her locker pulling her clothes from it.

"I didn't…"  Methos stopped before he let the whole denial slip from his lips.  He had told her more than once she was supposed to be his -- his Shield Bearer, his guardian, his Companion.  Little Owen had told them the council said, "The Companions must be one," and he had wrapped his arms around her showing Little Owen he'd already staked his claim.

"You didn't what?  Didn't tell me I was supposed to be yours at the end of every fencing session?  Didn't rush to claim me once you knew the council would approve?  And they will.  Little Owen can go back and tell them how the Little Immortal has Rebecca well in hand."  Rebecca's words were angry, but they verged on the edge of something else...hurt?

"Rebecca…you're the only one in the Dragon Courts who's called me Methos.  Don't…don't call me the Little Immortal," he wanted to make her feel better, but her anger beat at him and hurt him in ways their fencing lessons never had.

"Why not?  That's who you are to the council; The Little Immortal, Ananta's Chosen.  I'm not Lady Rebecca anymore just the Shield Bearer for the Chosen.  I wouldn't want to disrespect you."  She finished dressing and she moved to the door.  Methos could picture Little Owen trying not to listen to anything being said in the locker room, and knowing what he heard he had to report to the council.

"Lady Rebecca…I'm sorry.  I didn't come here expecting to become the Chosen.  I don't want to be The Little Immortal, Ananta's Chosen One.  I want to be Methos it's who I am.  And I want you to be who you are – not mine, and not Ananta's."  He was half afraid the power behind the shield would strike out at him for denying it.  He dressed without looking at Rebecca or letting that thought linger.

"Methos," Rebecca said it softly, testing it on her tongue as if she was only saying it for the first time.  She walked up to him, and laid her hand on his shoulder.  He turned to meet her grey eyes once more.  They stood looking at each other in silence.  They knew so little about each other, yet they were stuck with each other.  Stuck for who knew how long.

"Call me Becca," Rebecca told him before she kissed him.

"Okay, Becca," Methos said when she'd finished kissing him.

They opened the door to the locker room, and told Owen he could show them to their room.
