A Quick Guide To Rebecca's ABVH Opinions

This is the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter version of my Opinion Quick Guides.  I will make lists of the characters and books I love and hate.  You will be able to quickly see if we have anything in common.  There will be some editorializing because I can't resist, but I hope this will spare us from uncomfortable, "I love that character!  Oh?  I could really do without him," discussions.

One Warning: These opinions are of course subject to change.

The Characters I Love
(And I really mean *love* so please don't abuse them around me.)
1. Jean-Claude (I loved him before he was Master of the City.)
2. Asher (Those scars don't scare me.)
3. Richard (I love the boyscout he was before LKH messed him up.)
4. Jason (I can understand staying with the vampires.)
5. Zerbrowski (I need his sense of humor more and more.)

The Characters I Hate
(Well, *hate* might be strong here but "The Characters That Can Annoy the Hell Out of Me" just doesn't have the same ring.)
1. Anita (Her own Servant, Arduer, Beast... *Rolls eyes.*)
2. Micah (Less wereleopards would have been good, not more.)
3. Raina ("The Wicked Bitch of the West," I quote Anita.)
4. Tammy (Larry what the Hell have you done?!)
5. The Vampire Council (Yes, the whole damn thing.)

The Books I Like Best
1. The Killing Dance (Jean-Claude gets Anita, and Raina gets dead.)
2. Burnt Offerings (The Council leaves town, but Asher stays.)
3. Guilty Pleasures (The first book has Jean-Claude, Zerbrowski and Edward.)
4. Bloody Bones (Jean-Claude and Jason get out of St Louis.)
5. Blue Moon (Downside less Jean-Claude. Upside Asher, Richard and Jamil.)

The Books I like Least
1. Incubus Dreams (*Shudders.* And I thought it couldn't get worse than NiC.)
2. Narcissus in Chains (We've cleared the shark!  As in jumped it. *Sighs.*)
3. Cerulean Sins (Apparently the Council wasn't irritating enough.)
4. Circus of the Damned (Jean-Claude was suppose to die here?)
5. Lunatic Cafe (Downside Raina. Upside Richard, Jason and Edward.)
