A Quick Guide To Rebecca's Profiler Opinions

This is the Profiler version of my Opinion Quick Guides.  I'll cover how I rank the seasons, the episodes I love and hate, and the characters I love and hate.  You'll be able to quickly see if we have anything in common.  There will be some editorializing because I can't resist, but I hope this will spare us from uncomfortable, "I love that character!  Oh?  I could really do without him," discussions.

One Warning: These opinions are of course subject to change.

The Seasons
1. First Season
(Plenty of John, and Nate was a good partner for him.)
2. Second Season
(Plenty of John, and Marcus was fun.  Jill wasn't fun.)
3. Fourth Season
(John loved Kate, and lost her.  Jack was dead, but...)
4. Third Season
(Not enough John, and *everything* was badly done.)

The Episodes I Love
1. "Random Act" (Thank God for Bailey!)
2. "The House That Jack Built" (Thank God for radio crystals!)
3. "Night Dreams" (Thank God for modern medicine!)
4. "Bloodlust" (Thank God for George!)
5. "FTX: Field Training Exercise" (His_name_is_Grant *not* O'Doyle.)

The Episodes I Hate
1. "Home For the Homicide" (Three words...who_wrote_this?)
2. "On Your Marks" (That's it?!)
3. "Into The Abyss" (Comeback John!!)
4. "Venom Pt 1" (Replace John with Coop?!)
5. "Shadow of Angels" (I knew catching Jack was to much to hope for but...)

The Characters I Love
(And I really mean *love* so please don't abuse them around me.)
1. John (Whether he's catching bad guys or crying.)
2. Bailey (Whether he's flirting with dangerous women or just danger.)
3. Sam (Inspite of Jack, Angel, Chloe, and did I mention Jack?)
4. Grace (Inspite of her poodles.)
5. George (Two words "computer whiz.")

The Characters I Hate
(Well, hate maybe a bit strong here but "The Characters That Can Annoy the Hell Out of Me" just doesn't have the same ring.)
1. Jack (Yeah, lets spend two minutes watching him lick envelopes that's entertaining.  ;P)
2. Angel (She should've taken the job in Charolette, or better yet stayed on the farm.)
3. Chloe (Didn't anybody tell these people never work with kids or dogs?)
4. Marks (And suddenly Jack's tongue seems sooo much more interesting.)
5. Janet (You divorced Bailey, try to remember that.)
