Title: "The Light Endures"
Author: Rebecca Bradstreet
Rated: PG
Archive: Sure.
Summary: Darius comes off of Holy Ground to face Grayson.
Warning: Death.
Disclaime/Notes: I don't own Grayson, Darius, or any of the other Highlander characters in this story.  I don't own the song lyrics jamwired sent me either which are listed after the story.  This story is set in the To Be/ Not To Be universe, and I hope to include it as part of a larger story later.  I wrote it for the Clan MacBeta's Lyric Wheel so no beta has been used.

"The Light Endures"
by Rebecca Bradstreet (c) 2000

Paris 1993,

Grayson sat at a little outdoor cafe.  Occasionally he glanced at his watch as he waited for it to tell him it was time to go and see the old monk Darius one last time.  He smiled as he looked at the paper in front of him.  It was a few days old but it still made him smile.  Splashed across its front page was the news, "Victor Paulus was killed today in a terrorist attack in Seacover.  Sources haven't identified the terrorists yet, but promise progress is being made."

They would never know who had really ordered Victor Paulus' death because they didn't know his motive.  Victor Paulus had been one of Darius' students.  Grayson's hatred of Darius was 1,500 years old.  He'd been killing students of Darius' since the older Immortal had laid down his weapons, and moved to Holy Ground, leaving Grayson, and betraying their cause.  They'd been at the gates of Paris, on their way to the sea, when Darius had changed.

Grayson had been hunting and killing students of Darius' since the older Immortal had turned, and Victor Paulus had been the last of Darius' students Grayson had had to kill.  Darius had called Grayson as soon as he'd heard the news.  Darius' voice on the phone had been so quiet Grayson had wondered if it was quiet with shock or anger, not that it mattered much.  What mattered was that Darius was ready to meet him off Holy Ground.  Today he would have his revenge on the older Immortal.

Grayson looked once more at his watch and realized it was time to go.  He paid the waiter, picked up his coat, and left the newspaper he'd been caring around these last few days on the table at the little cafe.  Now he needed no more reminders no more promises to himself he would get Darius.  Today he had him, and today he would be done with him.  He paid no attention to the mortal who sat down at the table behind him, and gasped as he noticed the headline on the paper Grayson had left behind.


Darius sat in the little park.  It was quiet and empty, waiting for Grayson just as Darius was.  He'd brought a sword not that he really planned to use it, but because Grayson would expect a sword, and a fight.  Grayson thought he'd killed all of Darius students, but he failed to count himself in their number when he thought of Darius' students.  Darius had lost all of his students but Grayson.  He had lost them all to Grayson; Grayson's anger, Grayson's feeling of betrayal, and today Darius would finally ease Grayson's anger.  Today he would show Grayson one last time that he was Grayson's friend, and teacher.

He felt Grayson's approach, and said a quick prayer for both their souls.  Then he stood and sliced the sword through the air once, twice, just to here it whistle, and feel it's weight in his hands.  He had laid down his sword 1,500 years ago, but the memories were still strong.  This sword was a fine weapon.  Not the one he'd used fighting beside Grayson, but one that would serve his plans today.  He apologized silently to the sword, "You won't get the work out you deserve today blade.  I didn't come here to use you like that.  I just brought you to say farewell to Grayson and the Game."

"Hello Grayson," Darius said softly to the student he had taught to fight, to the friend he had fought his way to Paris with, and the man he had abandoned at the gates of Paris.

"Hello Darius," Grayson smiled coldly at the older Immortal that had hidden away on Holy Ground for 1,500 years.

Darius took a deep breath there were so many things he wanted to say to Grayson in these last few moments.  He wished he knew what Grayson would remember and what Grayson would forget.  Grayson laid his coat on the park bench Darius had been sitting on.  He sliced his sword through the air hefting it and smiling at Darius.

"Any last words monk?"  Grayson asked Darius as he watched the older Immortal settle back into a fighting stance.

"Just...Grayson...we were friends once.  Never forget that," Darius said taking his first swing at Grayson.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, those are your choice of words Darius?  Some things are better left unsaid," Grayson said returning Darius attack.

"Grayson I know you want to forget it.  I know you think some things are better forgotten, but they're not," Darius said stepping into Grayson's attack.

Grayson didn't have time to wonder what Darius was doing, he didn't have time to think what Darius had done, as the Quickening crashed into him.  Darius' Quickening swirled around him, and in him, and he knew what Darius had meant.  He knew what Darius had done.  He knew why Darius had abandoned him 1,500 years ago.  It was a Light Quickening and he could remember every moment of Darius life like his own.  It wasn't a Quickening where he had to fight to hold onto his sense of self.  The Quickening didn't push him down and fill him with Darius.  It wrapped Darius around him, wrapped every Immortal that had held the Light Quickening around him.  He was Grayson, and so many, so much more.

He'd killed Darius.  He'd killed the Immortal who had taught him how to fight, who had attacked Paris with him, and who had passed to him the Light Quickening that filled him now.  He would remember his friend just as Darius had told him to, he wouldn't forget what Darius had told him, and he would remember the lesson they had both learned today.  Sometimes peace couldn't be made it could only be given.  Grayson picked up their swords and walked out of the park with a whole new view of the world.

      Ty Jonathan Down - by Videodrone

      Fifteen pure and clean, innocent
      Lost sheep secrets I keep under lock and key
      Someone help me

      So look at me you're like a superstar
      I can impress your mind I swallow
      Sorry sorry
      I'm so scared so I try
      I confide in nothing I just hide

      Lips meet sickness repeats all over again
      Upset forget we met want to wish it away
      Only if I could

      So look at me you're like a superstar
      I can impress your mind I swallow
      Sorry sorry
      I'm so scared so I try
      I confide in nothing I just hide

      Some things are better left unsaid
      Some things are better forgotten
      Some things are better left unsaid
      Some things are better forgotten

      No one will ever understand me
      No one to hold my hand

      I got you, I hold you
      I take you on one hell of a ride
      I'll break you, I'll make you
      In your head you can't hide

      Some things are better left unsaid
      Some things are better forgotten
      Some things are better left unsaid
      Some things are better forgotten
