History of the Smashing 100

The Smashing man o'Doom was the original person who started the S100 . He was a Billionare who owned the o'Doom corp which consisted of such companys as th ODWF (o'doom wresteling federation) , Pablo Sanchez Dojo o'Doom and the world famous Labs o'Doom. The Smashing Man o'Doom was a kind man and used his money to create a battle suit for himself in order to fight the incresing crime wave in the city of Plymothville. The Smashing Man was a hero but couldn't keep up on this own so he decided to recrute some more heros to help him. Through keeping a close eye on all the things that went on in his companys, the Smashing Man found 100 people with smashing powers , and thus the Smashing 100 were born.

Unfortunately, The Smashing Man O' Doom, had not counted on a stupid bastard named Cup o Soup man, one of the S100, who seemed to enjoy sneeking packets of his special cup o' soup into everything people ate. With fatal consequences. This wouldn't have been so bad, if he remembered to open the packets but unfortunately, the dumb ass sneaked a packet into the Smashing Man O' Doom's herring sandwich causing him to choke to death instantly. Normally this would not go unpunished, but seeing as the leader was dead, no one could be bothered to tell him off because it wasn't their job.

Eventually, the members of the S100 needed to elect a new leader, so a Battle Royal was held at the ODWF arena to decide the new leader, between the remaining members of the club that Cup O' Soup man hadn't killed. Shortly before the event, someone realised that they were one man short of a full 100, so the quick thinking team recruted Jeff, the man from next door who had popped in to borrow a cup o' sugar.

The winner of the Battle Royal was the chair who won after he was thrown at Cueball by Hardkore Harrisson which eliminated Cuball. Hardkore Harisson then fell over the rope after slipping on a banana skin. ( yes it really happens ). To read the full Battle royal click Here.

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