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At a Glance

Name: Trance Gemini
Age: Unknown, early 20's maybe?
Race: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Hair Colour: Blonde with pink and purple streaks
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown, presumedly single
Family: Unknown
Rank: Generally Medical, ES officer

Trance Gemini

In More Detail

We basically know nothing about Trance, every time anybody trys to ask her a question about who she is, where she comes from -she tactfully evades the question and/or changes the subject. What we do know however, is that she seems to be able to come back from the dead, seeing as she was shot dead. Then, later in the episode she somehow came back to life -not even Andromeda knew how she did it!

Another strange thing about Trance is that no-one has ever seen anything like her before, she's purple all over and has a tail so if all her kind are like her it would be hard to forget seeing one!

She and Harper are constantly flirting -whether they know it or not is another question. But, we don't know if she even knows what flirting is -she acts so damn innocent and cute all the time that it's hard to tell!

From what she has said and done in previous episodes (Forced Perspective comes to mind) she can also predict the future to a certain extent -is this a personel quality or a trait of her race? We'll never know unless the writers tell us (hint hint!)