Constanza Katheryn Q
Rank : Lieutenant.
Position : Chief Science Officer.
Race : Human.
Gender : Female.
Complexion : White.
Age : 2378. (appears to be 18. )
Height : 1.87 Meters.
Weight : 94 Kilograms.
Hair length : Long.
Hair color : Strawberry Blonde.
Eye color : Blue.
Personal traits : A playful individual, serious when called for.
Family :
Husband - LCDR Volan.
Father - No information on file.
Mother - No information on file.
Place of birth : Earth.
Home planet : Earth.
Hobbies : Exploration.
Major Area of Study : Science.
Minor Area of Study : Security.
Attended schools : To numerous to list.
Starfleet Academy.
Previous assignments : Starfleet Academy. USS Enterprise (NCC 1701), USS Starfire.
Personal notes:
Prefers to be reffered to as Connie.
Connie has strawberry blonde hair
that falls to below her knees when tied in a ponytail
and is unnaturally full. She also wears it with bangs.
Connie's eyes are sapphire blue and speak legions. She
is pretty and slender... Certainly a sight to look
at... She has a birthmark on her thigh that is shaped
like a Q, though most people never get to see it.
Personality: Connie is playful and cheerful on most
occasions but has often been found to have a serious
side to her. She is intelligent and loves to explore to
become more further involved with the world and all
around her. Connie also changes back and forth between
ages she acts. Often, she acts 18, but she also often
acts 89, all in the same minute. Connie is hard to
guage and hard to understand. Most people give up
trying to understand Connie after they realize it's
futile. She also seeks to be loved.
Past: Connie was born in 1 b.c.e. and was left by her
father in the year 8 c.e. She then raised herself and
performed many tasks. She is a jack-of-all-trades,
master of all scince her age has allowed it. She was
Joan of Arc and I think y'all know about her... She
also discovered the cure for AIDS in the early 21st
century and helped Zefram Chochrane build his warp
engine in the mid-21st century. When Starfleet first
came about she joined. She served on the original
Enterprise as the Chief Security Officer. After that,
she became AWOL for 100 years. When she returned from
her exploring with vital charts of unexplored space, she
signed up for Starfleet again, but this time as a
Science Officer. Her relations with her parents are
non-existent and they are thought to be dead.
Personal Note: Married to: Lieutenant Commander Volan, Operations Officer, USS Patriot (NCC 76513).