Reginald Jeffers
Rank : Commodore
Position : Sector Chief
Race : Human
Complexion : White
Age : 63 Years
Height : 1.70 Meters
Weight : 63 Kilograms
Hair length : Medium, receeding
Hair-color : Grey
Eye color : Light Blue |
Personality: Calm, serene. A cautious man, Jeffers spends most of his time thinking over decisions
rather than making them. He is a loyal man, who tries to work in the best interests of the Federation.
Place of birth : Earth
Home planet : Earth
Major Area of Study : Command
Minor Area of Study : Diplomacy
Personal History: Jeffers' rise through the ranks has generally been a slow and uneventful one.
As a Commodore though he has been involved in some high profile decisions, most prominently, the
Demilitarised Zone between the Federation and the Cardassians.
Family :
Son; Horace Jeffers (30)
Daughter-in-law; Commander Erilli Jeffers (32)
Grandson; Arnham Jeffers (8)