Uziel Morningstar
Rank : Commander
Position : Intelligence Officer
Race : Human (Genetically Altered)
Complexion : White
Physical Age : 30 Years
Chronological Age: 5 years
Height : 1.90 Meters
Weight : 99 Kilograms
Hair length : Medium
Hair-color : Black
Eye color : Black |
Personal traits : Extremely intelligent. Increased strength and agility.
Mild telepathy. Acts a little coldly sometimes, often with no regard
for other people. This is more to do with his upbringing than his genes.
Family : Classified.
Place of birth : Herakles Colony, Scientific Research Base.
Home planet : Earth.
Hobbies : Anything that allows him to exercise his talents.
Major Area of Study : All.
Attended schools : Starfleet Academy, where he graduated in six months.
He underwent additional tutoring on Starbase 27 to ascertain whether
or not he was fit for normal service.
Previous assignments : USS Luxor, as Strategic Operations Officer. He
requested a transfer believing he had learned all that was to be learned on
that particular assignment. He is currently stationed at Starbase Trinity Core.