J'vobrakh Seth

Rank : Commander
Position : First Officer
Race : Angaran
Complexion : Green
Age : 31 (Human) Years
Height : 1.9 Metres
Weight : 80 Kilograms
Hair length : None
Hair-color : None
Eye color : Black
Personal characteristics : Angarans have a lizard-like skin, which is
covered in a slimy coating. For this reason, they must wear special
suits if they are travelling far from water, so that their slime doesn't
evaporate. Angarans have large hands and feet, having long fingers and
toes on each. Their heads are lizard-like; they have a snubbed-in nose,
large black eyes, and small frilled ears. They have no hair.
Personal traits: Dependable, loyal. As such with the Angaran race,
possesses an inner Vulcan-like calm. Very curious of humans and their
"excentric" behavior.
Family : Mother (name unknown), 5 brothers, 2 sisters. Father is
Place of birth : Angaria
Home planet : Angaria
Hobbies : Reading, academic pursuits
Major Area of Study : Science
Minor Area of Study : Command
Attended schools : Starfleet Acadamy. Graduated with honours.
Previous assignments :
USS Zusa - Junior Science Officer, Lieutenant J/G
USS Fearless - Operations Manager, Lieutenant
Seth was assigned to the USS Fearless in mid-2376 as Operations Manager.
Following the death of the Executive Officer, Seth was duly promoted and has
continued to excel in his new role when the crew transferred to the USS Liberty.