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The Vulcan System: Its capture and retake

The Valkurak's invasion of a key system

Mid-2376 marked a dramatic change in tack in the strategy of the Valkurak Alliance. Having met serious resistance at Cleponji a month previously, their level of attacks appeared to drop off. However, this was merely a prelude to a major assault, giving themselves time to regroup. It is possible that they had always envisioned to attack in this way, though their failure to "succeed" at Cleponji no doubt had some influence on their decision making.

Their plan was two-fold: an attack on the outerlying colony of Jahl'Tek, and another on the Federation system of Vulcan. Starfleet discovered this plan and sent support to both systems in an effort to cover both bases. Jahl'Tek was important as its people were on the verge of being accepted into the Federation, plus, as a border world, it would offer a prime location for an colony or starbase installation. The reasons for protecting Vulcan should not have to be explained.

Both Valkurak fleets attacked simultaneously and were met by Starfleet's taskforces. A notable difference between the forces at Vulcan and those at Jahl'Tek could be observed, a divide of 60/30 between the two attacking forces. The inclusion of Denubian ships in the attack on Vulcan also swayed the course of battle there. With Starfleet losing heavily and, threatened with further loss of life, the leading body on Vulcan decided a surrender would, at least in the short term, be more "logical". Of the Starfleet taskforce, only two ships had been destroyed, but those who were allowed to leave has incurred heavy casualties and in need of serious repair. Had the battle continued it is likely that a substantial amount of those ships would not have escaped intact.

For six months, the Valkurak Alliance occupied Vulcan, landing troops and ships, with an Orbital Platform from which to co-ordinate their efforts. From here they were able to strike out at the Federation, though, thankfully during this time there was also a marked decrease in the actual number of attacks. It remained this way until Starfleet Intelligence discovered a window of opportunity, a thirty percent drop in the ships blockading the Vulcan System. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts to conceal their plan, the Valkurak found out and made a pre-emptive strike on the Starfleet Taskforce in hiding. Several ships were lost or suffered severe damage. Some crewmembers were captured and taken to cells on Vulcan. Fleet Admiral Drake, who was to lead the retake was seriously injured and his ship badly damaged. It was left to Fleet Captain Novaq to take over, when he arrived later on the, then newly commissioned, USS Liberty.

It is questionable whether the following assault should have taken place. The Valkurak were aware of the taskforce, a fleet now in a weakened state. Yet, it was the exact improbability of an attack, which made it possible to take them by surprise. The order was even given to send the most heavily damaged ships back to spacedock, making the likelyhood of an attack far reduced. Novaq, who formerly lectured on Advanced Tactics at the Academy, then utilised a variation of the "Blitzkrieg Manoeuvre" to punch through the outer defences of the Valkurak blockade allowing them to attack from within and giving them direct access to Vulcan itself. Planetary Defence systems were dispatched by a small covert team who were secretly dropped off on the surface. Finally, the Orbital Platform was disabled by a second team who managed to board using a captured enemy scout as cover. In fact, the battle would have been far more sucessful were it not for the surprise intervention of a Denubian Warcruiser.

This type of ship had previously only been seen closer to the beginning of the conflict and, until this moment, Starfleet believed the Denubians "did not possess cloaking technology". This theory was proved dramatically wrong when the Warcruiser decloaked in the middle of the battle, taking out several Starfleet vessels in succession. Even with the arrival of the Federation's Seventh Fleet, the Warcruiser was inflicting enough damage to hamper even their efforts. However, by now the Starfleet Taskforce had done enough damage and, with the planet recaptured, there seemed little point in continuing the fight and the Warcruiser recloaked, signalling the retreat of the Valkurak fleet. Admiral Rocastle, commanding the USS Iwo Jima of the Seventh Fleet took over at this point to secure the system and clean up. A victory, but a costly one.

It was later discovered that one of the commanding officers in the original taskforce, Captain K'Tal, a Vulcan, of the USS Melville, had in fact, betrayed the Federation and informed the Valkurak of the imminent attack. It is believed the original capture and extended occupation had caused a breakdown, which led to his decision.